Abortion and those who protect the LIES that it rests upon.


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
Try this...

Go to any message board on the web... maybe this one, if you're lazy, and look for discussions of abortion which have been locked.

You're going to find that within a few posts of that thread being locked is a photograph of an aborted baby.

THAT is the LIAR (The Proponent of a "RIGHT" to murder the pre-born baby) who has some limited access to power running to DEFEND THE LIE!

Go ahead try it... you'll see that it's true.

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Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.
Normally one is to put a warning that graphic pictures are being posted..If you think you need shock value, you are wasting your time...
Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.

That's because they're all the same... which is to say that ALL ABORTIONS STRIP A HUMAN OF ITS LIFE.

When you show grotesque pictures of third trimester abortions in an attempt to argue that all abortions should be illegal, you are guilty of dishonesty in your position.

Third trimester abortions should be illegal except to save the life of the mother. I think that is a debate thar could be settled quickly of we were honest about it.
When you show grotesque pictures of third trimester abortions in an attempt to argue that all abortions should be illegal, you are guilty of dishonesty in your position.

Third trimester abortions should be illegal except to save the life of the mother. I think that is a debate thar could be settled quickly of we were honest about it.
pete and keys are not in complete control of their faculties. America overwhelmingly does not want third tri-mester abortions. There is no OP here worth debating.
Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.


The prochoice (pro-infanticide) position is about infanticide until the baby leaves the hospital. Otherwise the pro-infanticide crowd wouldn't have raised all hell over state laws outlawing abortion after 20 weeks.

Secondly this is a 10 week old embryo.


I'm pretty sure that's a baby.

Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.


The prochoice (pro-infanticide) position is about infanticide until the baby leaves the hospital. Otherwise the pro-infanticide crowd wouldn't have raised all hell over state laws outlawing abortion after 20 weeks.

Secondly this is a 10 week old embryo.


I'm pretty sure that's a baby.

As a parent of three children and a grand parent of four, with one presently developing pre-natal... for a total of FIVE GRAND CHILDREN... thus as an expert in the matter, I can confirm, THAT IS THE LIKENESS OF A BABY.
As a parent of three children and a grand parent of four, with one presently developing pre-natal... for a total of FIVE GRAND CHILDREN... thus as an expert in the matter, I can confirm, THAT IS THE LIKENESS OF A BABY.

It looks like a baby to me, but who are you going to believe? A bed wetting liberal or your lying eyes?

Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.


The prochoice (pro-infanticide) position is about infanticide until the baby leaves the hospital. Otherwise the pro-infanticide crowd wouldn't have raised all hell over state laws outlawing abortion after 20 weeks.

Secondly this is a 10 week old embryo.


I'm pretty sure that's a baby.

The brain is not developed into a human brain. There is no consciousness. There is no voluntary motion. The exterior features have a human appearance, but what is inside has no feelings, no thoughts. It is not a person.
As a parent of three children and a grand parent of four, with one presently developing pre-natal... for a total of FIVE GRAND CHILDREN... thus as an expert in the matter, I can confirm, THAT IS THE LIKENESS OF A BABY.

It looks like a baby to me, but who are you going to believe? A bed wetting liberal or your lying eyes?

Science says the nervous system is not functional at that stage. I believe science above what your eyes see. Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.
Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.

Have you noticed that you rarely see pictures of women that are in favor of abortion?

That's because they're too ugly to fuck in the first place
If abortion foes took life seriously for all then one could take them serious but no they simply post and protest another person's decision while they use moralistic judging and no concrete actions. How about the living breathing conscious child who dies every few seconds in the world. Or how about education and contraceptive help through schools and planned parenthood. The moralist is quiet about the real world.


Report From Washington - January 20 2012 - The Gingrich Disaster

CDZ - From Pro-Choice to Pro-Life what changed my mind US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

'We Do Abortions Here' < powerful piece

Sallie Tisdale | Harper's | 7th August 2015 "Excerpt from a longer article behind Harper's paywall; but so powerful is the writing and the subject that an excerpt may suffice. "In abortion the absolute must always be tempered by the contextual, because both are real, both valid; both hard. How can we do this? How can we refuse? Each abortion is a measure of our failure to protect, to nourish our own. Each basin I empty is a promise — but a promise broken a long time ago.""

Context I We Do Abortions Here by Sallie Tisdale Harper s Magazine
We do abortions here. A nurse s story Harper s Magazine

"For me, the limit is allowing my clients to carry their own burden, shoulder the responsibility themselves. I shoulder the burden of trying not to judge them."

"In a literal sense, abortion exists because we are able to ask such questions, able to assign a value to the fetus which can shift with changing circumstances. If the human bond to a child were as primitive and unflinchingly narrow as that of other animals, there would be no abortion. There would be no abortion because there would be nothing more important than caring for the young and perpetuating the species, no reason for sex but to make babies. I sense this sometimes, this wordless organic duty, when I do ultrasounds."

"Spontaneous abortion, which is the loss of a pregnancy without outside intervention before 20 weeks’ gestation, affects up to 20 percent of recognized pregnancies. Spontaneous abortion can be subdivided into threatened abortion, inevitable abortion, incomplete abortion, missed abortion, septic abortion, complete abortion, and recurrent spontaneous abortion." Request Rejected
As a parent of three children and a grand parent of four, with one presently developing pre-natal... for a total of FIVE GRAND CHILDREN... thus as an expert in the matter, I can confirm, THAT IS THE LIKENESS OF A BABY.

It looks like a baby to me, but who are you going to believe? A bed wetting liberal or your lying eyes?

Science says the nervous system is not functional at that stage. I believe science above what your eyes see. Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.

Science says that 100% of human embryos are human life. Soundly reasoned Morality says that the taking of human life absent a soundly reasoned moral justification is murder; which is to say that such is WHOLLY UNACCEPTABLE!
The brain is not developed into a human brain. There is no consciousness. There is no voluntary motion. The exterior features have a human appearance, but what is inside has no feelings, no thoughts. It is not a person.

Huh? "no voluntary motion"? ever felt a woman's stomach when a baby is kicking? How do you know the child has no feelings? It has a spinal cord so it feels pain...especially when it's skull is crushed and brains vacuumed out. What is a "person" if it has no beginning?
If abortion foes took life seriously for all then one could take them serious but no they simply post and protest another person's decision while they use moralistic judging and no concrete actions. How about the living breathing conscious child who dies every few seconds in the world. Or how about education and contraceptive help through schools and planned parenthood. The moralist is quiet about the real world.

[image] http://www.religiousfreedomcoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/starving-children.jpg[/image]
Report From Washington - January 20 2012 - The Gingrich Disaster

CDZ - From Pro-Choice to Pro-Life what changed my mind US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

'We Do Abortions Here' < powerful piece

Sallie Tisdale | Harper's | 7th August 2015 "Excerpt from a longer article behind Harper's paywall; but so powerful is the writing and the subject that an excerpt may suffice. "In abortion the absolute must always be tempered by the contextual, because both are real, both valid; both hard. How can we do this? How can we refuse? Each abortion is a measure of our failure to protect, to nourish our own. Each basin I empty is a promise — but a promise broken a long time ago.""

Context I We Do Abortions Here by Sallie Tisdale Harper s Magazine
We do abortions here. A nurse s story Harper s Magazine

"For me, the limit is allowing my clients to carry their own burden, shoulder the responsibility themselves. I shoulder the burden of trying not to judge them."

"In a literal sense, abortion exists because we are able to ask such questions, able to assign a value to the fetus which can shift with changing circumstances. If the human bond to a child were as primitive and unflinchingly narrow as that of other animals, there would be no abortion. There would be no abortion because there would be nothing more important than caring for the young and perpetuating the species, no reason for sex but to make babies. I sense this sometimes, this wordless organic duty, when I do ultrasounds."

"Spontaneous abortion, which is the loss of a pregnancy without outside intervention before 20 weeks’ gestation, affects up to 20 percent of recognized pregnancies. Spontaneous abortion can be subdivided into threatened abortion, inevitable abortion, incomplete abortion, missed abortion, septic abortion, complete abortion, and recurrent spontaneous abortion." Request Rejected



Dying of natural causes, is NOT the intentional stripping of an innocent of human life.



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