Abortion as Murder.

Is there a legal definition of a foetus? If it says it is human, then you may be right.

That aside, I do not like abortion. I would advise anybody who wants to have one, not to. That aside, if they make that decision it is their choice, and I would not punish them for such a choice. It is none of my business. This planet has too many people on it any way.

It doesn't help when you have nutters from the Catholic Church who are against condoms, or teaching responsible sex. That just adds to the problem. If you look at the Philippines or Brazil or Mexico, you get a good idea what happens when the church dictates sexual behaviour. Abject poverty...but long as the church gets its tithe, everything is hunky dory...
Poverty is not from the Church look to the government for that one, it will soon be like that here. Responsible sex or do you mean self-control? Or does self-control exist in liberal realms?

No, I mean responsible sex. Humans like sex and not just to create offspring. It's fun and a enjoyable. Why shouldn't you have sex for fun and condone condoms or the pill to avoid pregnancy if you don't want children? The Catholic church is run by men (some who prey on young children). Whoever decided way back when that priests should not marry should be shot IMO...

Poverty is not from the church? Really. I well remember a doco about 15 years ago (with 60 minutes or 20/20). It was about poverty in the Philippines. This woman lived in a shanty town. She had just had her seventh child at the age of 26. Asked if she would have more or take birth control she answered "No, my god does not allow birth control and every child is a gift from god". Is that responsible for you? Remember we are talking uneducated people who look for guidence from god's representatives.
I was raised protestant and some of the protestants do it too, seems to be a flaw in some humans the need to use people sexually, sadly some do it to children, even more sad most molesters are married and are not clergy members at all. Yes I agree with her Children are gifts from God. We have natural family planning and that can be taught, and is taught, it is just as effective as the pill, without the side effects. As horrible as you tried to describe her poverty, we are a nation that kills it own children, in her poverty she is rich.
in her poverty she is rich.

It's that kind of sanctimonious, arrogant, ignorant pap why I am an athiest. Do you think she thanks you for your words as she tries to feed her children? Works 18 hours a day just to feed them? Has open sewage running down her street?

You don't have a clue, do you? And you're supposed to be the enlightened one here?
to quote someone famous:

''let he/(she) who is without sin, cast the first stone''

I am pro life, but those sanctimonious on here who claim they are as well, while salivating by calling women who have had or have abortions murderers are doing Christianity an injustice....and certainly NOT helping the cause of reducing as many abortions as possible....nor are they helping their fellow Christian female who is having or has had an abortion, who has fallen short of the Glory of God, by this kind of talk.

I don't believe one female has ever been convicted of MURDER in the USA for having an abortion in this country, EVEN prior to roe v wade. The girls/women were given compassion, because of the stress they were under for their unwanted pregnancy...because of the new hormones flying along with that stress that can make some not think straight as well....

Only the doctors/people who performed the abortion could be or were prosecuted, but not the mother who had the abortion.

btw...I wonder why Adam was NOT considered alive when he was being "formed" by God? this has been perplexing for me....
Adam did not have LIFE when he was being formed by God, he had life when he took his first breath...God breathed life in to him. And it was good.
Absolutely not, Truth never does Christianity an injustice, as sinners we are supposed to repent and go and "sin no more". If you call evil good and good evil then in effect you have called truth a lie. We also have something called Rachels vineyard, these are women who have murdered their children by abortion, and they talk about that freely, you see they are able to heal when they face reality.:eusa_shhh:In the Bible it said God knew you before you were in your mothers womb, and it also says he knitted you in your mothers womb. God is the God of life and the devil is a murderer from the very beginning, nothing has changed.
in her poverty she is rich.

It's that kind of sanctimonious, arrogant, ignorant pap why I am an athiest. Do you think she thanks you for your words as she tries to feed her children? Works 18 hours a day just to feed them? Has open sewage running down her street?

You don't have a clue, do you? And you're supposed to be the enlightened one here?

she's a moralistic twit.
If God knows us, before we are formed in the womb like He tells Jeremiah, does this mean that if we were never born and aborted, He would not know us anymore....? We would just disappear from God's presence?
Absolutely not, Truth never does Christianity an injustice, as sinners we are supposed to repent and go and "sin no more". If you call evil good and good evil then in effect you have called truth a lie. We also have something called Rachels vineyard, these are women who have murdered their children by abortion, and they talk about that freely, you see they are able to heal when they face reality.:eusa_shhh:In the Bible it said God knew you before you were in your mothers womb, and it also says he knitted you in your mothers womb. God is the God of life and the devil is a murderer from the very beginning, nothing has changed.

Oh brother, do we have a Holy Roller here. Over and out...

Lisa - God is a myth invented by man...you believe in something that doesn't exist. If you want to live your life that way, then have at it - but please, leave the rest of us alone...I won't try and write post after post explaining in simple, easy to under stand, factual terms why there is no god. You can do me the same courtesy....
in her poverty she is rich.

It's that kind of sanctimonious, arrogant, ignorant pap why I am an athiest. Do you think she thanks you for your words as she tries to feed her children? Works 18 hours a day just to feed them? Has open sewage running down her street?

You don't have a clue, do you? And you're supposed to be the enlightened one here?

she's a moralistic twit.

I was giving her the benefit of the doubt - until her last post...

Funny thing is, she sounds more like a pentecostal baptist than a Catholic
in her poverty she is rich.

It's that kind of sanctimonious, arrogant, ignorant pap why I am an athiest. Do you think she thanks you for your words as she tries to feed her children? Works 18 hours a day just to feed them? Has open sewage running down her street?

You don't have a clue, do you? And you're supposed to be the enlightened one here?
And you are stuck in materialistic elitists superiority and believe nobody can be happy unless they meet your standard, and you do not know what love is.
a flaw to "use people sexually"?

really? if G-d didn't want people to have sex, he wouldn't have made it feel good.

or do you not have sex unless it's to get pregnant?

Jesus Christ, Jillian ! You know full well what she meant by "use people sexually". It's this kind of intentional ignorance that runs rampant in the liberal tent. Get real. You're not that stupid.
It's that kind of sanctimonious, arrogant, ignorant pap why I am an athiest. Do you think she thanks you for your words as she tries to feed her children? Works 18 hours a day just to feed them? Has open sewage running down her street?

You don't have a clue, do you? And you're supposed to be the enlightened one here?

she's a moralistic twit.

I was giving her the benefit of the doubt - until her last post...

Funny thing is, she sounds more like a pentecostal baptist than a Catholic

whatever she is, she's pro birth and not pro life...

and is the reason the rabid religious right should be kept as far from the halls of power as humanly possible.

thank G-d for the separation of church and state.
in her poverty she is rich.

It's that kind of sanctimonious, arrogant, ignorant pap why I am an athiest. Do you think she thanks you for your words as she tries to feed her children? Works 18 hours a day just to feed them? Has open sewage running down her street?

You don't have a clue, do you? And you're supposed to be the enlightened one here?

she's a moralistic twit.

Not all religions worship money, Jillian.
she's a moralistic twit.

I was giving her the benefit of the doubt - until her last post...

Funny thing is, she sounds more like a pentecostal baptist than a Catholic

whatever she is, she's pro birth and not pro life...

and is the reason the rabid religious right should be kept as far from the halls of power as humanly possible.

thank G-d for the separation of church and state.
I am pro-life from conception till natural death. LOL!!! You guys would not know what to do if you were unable to to kill the vulnerable and "unworthy", huh. Same song different year, most of my uncles family did not make it out of Poland they died in the camps, by people who did not think they were humans either, so regardless of what name you throw at me or insult you toss my way I will not relent nor back down 50 million so far since 73, Hitler would be jealous, you will not recognize until someone makes you their "choice". Sadly, when people take this road to dehumanization that is where we end up.
It's that kind of sanctimonious, arrogant, ignorant pap why I am an athiest. Do you think she thanks you for your words as she tries to feed her children? Works 18 hours a day just to feed them? Has open sewage running down her street?

You don't have a clue, do you? And you're supposed to be the enlightened one here?

she's a moralistic twit.

Not all religions worship money, Jillian.
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It's that kind of sanctimonious, arrogant, ignorant pap why I am an athiest. Do you think she thanks you for your words as she tries to feed her children? Works 18 hours a day just to feed them? Has open sewage running down her street?

You don't have a clue, do you? And you're supposed to be the enlightened one here?

she's a moralistic twit.

Not all religions worship money, Jillian.

wow...finally coming out of the closet, eh? :thup:
in her poverty she is rich.

It's that kind of sanctimonious, arrogant, ignorant pap why I am an athiest. Do you think she thanks you for your words as she tries to feed her children? Works 18 hours a day just to feed them? Has open sewage running down her street?

You don't have a clue, do you? And you're supposed to be the enlightened one here?
And you are stuck in materialistic elitists superiority and believe nobody can be happy unless they meet your standard, and you do not know what love is.

1) I am anything but materialistic, trust me on that.
2) And yet your prothelysing isn't 'elitist superiority'?:lol::lol::lol:
3) I have two wonderful sons. Please, do not tell me I don't know what love is you arrogant twat...
4) I know enough about Christianity, that you fit that unflattering description of being anything but, going by your posts...
I am pro-life from conception till natural death. LOL!!! You guys would not know what to do if you were unable to to kill the vulnerable and "unworthy", huh. Same song different year, most of my uncles family did not make it out of Poland they died in the camps, by people who did not think they were humans either, so regardless of what name you throw at me or insult you toss my way I will not relent nor back down 50 million so far since 73, Hitler would be jealous, you will not recognize until someone makes you their "choice". Sadly, when people take this road to dehumanization that is where we end up.

Don't you dare compare ALL victims of WWII with abortion. Don't even belong in the same paragraph. Unless you're a religous zealot..


...that's right...

you are....
It's that kind of sanctimonious, arrogant, ignorant pap why I am an athiest. Do you think she thanks you for your words as she tries to feed her children? Works 18 hours a day just to feed them? Has open sewage running down her street?

You don't have a clue, do you? And you're supposed to be the enlightened one here?
And you are stuck in materialistic elitists superiority and believe nobody can be happy unless they meet your standard, and you do not know what love is.

1) I am anything but materialistic, trust me on that.
2) And yet your prothelysing isn't 'elitist superiority'?:lol::lol::lol:
3) I have two wonderful sons. Please, do not tell me I don't know what love is you arrogant twat...
4) I know enough about Christianity, that you fit that unflattering description of being anything but, going by your posts...
I am standing up for those who can't. I have not tried to convert anyone to Catholicism. Good for you, your sons made it into the world too many do not. I am not shy one bit about decrying the slaughter of those who can not defend themselves and make no apologies, you are here to argue some have been forever silenced.:eusa_hand:

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