Abortion as Murder.

If God knows us, before we are formed in the womb like He tells Jeremiah, does this mean that if we were never born and aborted, He would not know us anymore....? We would just disappear from God's presence?

My beliefs tell me that if that is the case, and he knows us before we are born....BTW, I do believe life begins at conception, then those aborted babies are at Gods side in Heaven. Never having been born, but still loved by God.

Abortion is a national tragedy.
I am pro-life from conception till natural death. LOL!!! You guys would not know what to do if you were unable to to kill the vulnerable and "unworthy", huh. Same song different year, most of my uncles family did not make it out of Poland they died in the camps, by people who did not think they were humans either, so regardless of what name you throw at me or insult you toss my way I will not relent nor back down 50 million so far since 73, Hitler would be jealous, you will not recognize until someone makes you their "choice". Sadly, when people take this road to dehumanization that is where we end up.

Don't you dare compare ALL victims of WWII with abortion. Don't even belong in the same paragraph. Unless you're a religous zealot..


...that's right...

you are....

oh my----faux outrage. :lol:
I am pro-life from conception till natural death. LOL!!! You guys would not know what to do if you were unable to to kill the vulnerable and "unworthy", huh. Same song different year, most of my uncles family did not make it out of Poland they died in the camps, by people who did not think they were humans either, so regardless of what name you throw at me or insult you toss my way I will not relent nor back down 50 million so far since 73, Hitler would be jealous, you will not recognize until someone makes you their "choice". Sadly, when people take this road to dehumanization that is where we end up.

Don't you dare compare ALL victims of WWII with abortion. Don't even belong in the same paragraph. Unless you're a religous zealot..


...that's right...

you are....
My uncles family on both sides were exterminated like pieces of trash, declared less than HUMAN!!! The same thing!!!!:eusa_hand:
to quote someone famous:

''let he/(she) who is without sin, cast the first stone''

I am pro life, but those sanctimonious on here who claim they are as well, while salivating by calling women who have had or have abortions murderers are doing Christianity an injustice....and certainly NOT helping the cause of reducing as many abortions as possible....nor are they helping their fellow Christian female who is having or has had an abortion, who has fallen short of the Glory of God, by this kind of talk.

I don't believe one female has ever been convicted of MURDER in the USA for having an abortion in this country, EVEN prior to roe v wade. The girls/women were given compassion, because of the stress they were under for their unwanted pregnancy...because of the new hormones flying along with that stress that can make some not think straight as well....

Only the doctors/people who performed the abortion could be or were prosecuted, but not the mother who had the abortion.

btw...I wonder why Adam was NOT considered alive when he was being "formed" by God? this has been perplexing for me....
Adam did not have LIFE when he was being formed by God, he had life when he took his first breath...God breathed life in to him. And it was good.
Absolutely not, Truth never does Christianity an injustice, as sinners we are supposed to repent and go and "sin no more". If you call evil good and good evil then in effect you have called truth a lie. We also have something called Rachels vineyard, these are women who have murdered their children by abortion, and they talk about that freely, you see they are able to heal when they face reality.:eusa_shhh:In the Bible it said God knew you before you were in your mothers womb, and it also says he knitted you in your mothers womb. God is the God of life and the devil is a murderer from the very beginning, nothing has changed.

The adulteress, who according to the Law...was suppose to be killed for her sins, was FORGIVEN by Christ, before she was told to repent and sin no more....I repeat...she was forgiven BEFORE she was asked to repent....had you ever noticed that when reading this passage? Gosh, I love Christ! If all of us could only be more Christ like....:(

no one is calling evil good, at least not me, if that is what you are implying?

God formed Adam as well....but the Bible still says Adam did not have LIFE, until a breath was taken.

there is no arguing that a human's life begins at conception or pregnancy... according to all science...there is no question that this is a new baby to be, being formed, in its mother's womb imho...they just do not legally achieve person hood, with rights, until they are born according to our laws.

Truth is truth, yes it is....and what these women have done, is killed their unborn child....not murder....but carry on and say or act the way you do or want to....

I spoke out to you, as you say you are speaking out to those women who are aborting by calling them murderers and giving them no compassion....

btw what is the difference between you and those people who were getting ready to cast the first stone....? Are you sinless?

I sure am glad you are not God or Christ!

Now let me go count my blessings and give thanks to the Lord on that!
If God knows us, before we are formed in the womb like He tells Jeremiah, does this mean that if we were never born and aborted, He would not know us anymore....? We would just disappear from God's presence?

My beliefs tell me that if that is the case, and he knows us before we are born....BTW, I do believe life begins at conception, then those aborted babies are at Gods side in Heaven. Never having been born, but still loved by God.

Abortion is a national tragedy.
Yes they are in Heaven.
I am pro-life from conception till natural death. LOL!!! You guys would not know what to do if you were unable to to kill the vulnerable and "unworthy", huh. Same song different year, most of my uncles family did not make it out of Poland they died in the camps, by people who did not think they were humans either, so regardless of what name you throw at me or insult you toss my way I will not relent nor back down 50 million so far since 73, Hitler would be jealous, you will not recognize until someone makes you their "choice". Sadly, when people take this road to dehumanization that is where we end up.

Don't you dare compare ALL victims of WWII with abortion. Don't even belong in the same paragraph. Unless you're a religous zealot..


...that's right...

you are....

oh my----faux outrage. :lol:

No, just find it irritating that a religious zealot takes a cheap shot to make a 'point'....

Something like a third of the world's population lives in abject poverty, and she's talking like the world needs more people. How about we get the current population up to a decent level of living first before we worry about 'people' that never existed in the first place.

How about ALL religions etc make a pact and tell people, that "Hey, condoms are good. Abstainance doesn't work. Sex can be fun if treateed with respect. You don't have to have sex JUST for procreation, but be careful when you become active.' Instead of this moral claptrap.

Where's Shoggie when you need him....
If God knows us, before we are formed in the womb like He tells Jeremiah, does this mean that if we were never born and aborted, He would not know us anymore....? We would just disappear from God's presence?

My beliefs tell me that if that is the case, and he knows us before we are born....BTW, I do believe life begins at conception, then those aborted babies are at Gods side in Heaven. Never having been born, but still loved by God.

Abortion is a national tragedy.

do you understand that other religions don't believe that and by trying to legislate it you're trying to legislate your religious beliefs?

no problem with your belief... as long as you don't impose it on others.
Don't you dare compare ALL victims of WWII with abortion. Don't even belong in the same paragraph. Unless you're a religous zealot..


...that's right...

you are....

oh my----faux outrage. :lol:

No, just find it irritating that a religious zealot takes a cheap shot to make a 'point'....

Something like a third of the world's population lives in abject poverty, and she's talking like the world needs more people. How about we get the current population up to a decent level of living first before we worry about 'people' that never existed in the first place.

How about ALL religions etc make a pact and tell people, that "Hey, condoms are good. Abstainance doesn't work. Sex can be fun if treateed with respect. You don't have to have sex JUST for procreation, but be careful when you become active.' Instead of this moral claptrap.

Where's Shoggie when you need him....

You have managed to create secular claptrap by responding with intentionally ignorant responses. Equally nauseating.
to quote someone famous:

''let he/(she) who is without sin, cast the first stone''

I am pro life, but those sanctimonious on here who claim they are as well, while salivating by calling women who have had or have abortions murderers are doing Christianity an injustice....and certainly NOT helping the cause of reducing as many abortions as possible....nor are they helping their fellow Christian female who is having or has had an abortion, who has fallen short of the Glory of God, by this kind of talk.

I don't believe one female has ever been convicted of MURDER in the USA for having an abortion in this country, EVEN prior to roe v wade. The girls/women were given compassion, because of the stress they were under for their unwanted pregnancy...because of the new hormones flying along with that stress that can make some not think straight as well....

Only the doctors/people who performed the abortion could be or were prosecuted, but not the mother who had the abortion.

btw...I wonder why Adam was NOT considered alive when he was being "formed" by God? this has been perplexing for me....
Adam did not have LIFE when he was being formed by God, he had life when he took his first breath...God breathed life in to him. And it was good.
Absolutely not, Truth never does Christianity an injustice, as sinners we are supposed to repent and go and "sin no more". If you call evil good and good evil then in effect you have called truth a lie. We also have something called Rachels vineyard, these are women who have murdered their children by abortion, and they talk about that freely, you see they are able to heal when they face reality.:eusa_shhh:In the Bible it said God knew you before you were in your mothers womb, and it also says he knitted you in your mothers womb. God is the God of life and the devil is a murderer from the very beginning, nothing has changed.

The adulteress, who according to the Law...was suppose to be killed for her sins, was FORGIVEN by Christ, before she was told to repent and sin no more....I repeat...she was forgiven BEFORE she was asked to repent....had you ever noticed that when reading this passage? Gosh, I love Christ! If all of us could only be more Christ like....:(

no one is calling evil good, at least not me, if that is what you are implying?

God formed Adam as well....but the Bible still says Adam did not have LIFE, until a breath was taken.

there is no arguing that a human's life begins at conception or pregnancy... according to all science...there is no question that this is a new baby to be, being formed, in its mother's womb imho...they just do not legally achieve person hood, with rights, until they are born according to our laws.

Truth is truth, yes it is....and what these women have done, is killed their unborn child....not murder....but carry on and say or act the way you do or want to....

I spoke out to you, as you say you are speaking out to those women who are aborting by calling them murderers and giving them no compassion....

btw what is the difference between you and those people who were getting ready to cast the first stone....? Are you sinless?

I sure am glad you are not God or Christ!

Now let me go count my blessings and give thanks to the Lord on that!
No I am not sinless, I call a spade a spade I do not white wash anything, Jeffery Dalmer dismembered human beings, he murdered them. The abortion doctor is paid by the mother to do the same thing. I am not PC, I wonder do you think there is any such thing as sin sin you do not have to say a sin is a sin or call it by another name?She was already sorry for her sins, Jesus did not say she did not have any sins. Which is what you seem to be doing, at a babies expense and womens expense.
If God knows us, before we are formed in the womb like He tells Jeremiah, does this mean that if we were never born and aborted, He would not know us anymore....? We would just disappear from God's presence?

My beliefs tell me that if that is the case, and he knows us before we are born....BTW, I do believe life begins at conception, then those aborted babies are at Gods side in Heaven. Never having been born, but still loved by God.

Abortion is a national tragedy.

do you understand that other religions don't believe that and by trying to legislate it you're trying to legislate your religious beliefs?

no problem with your belief... as long as you don't impose it on others.

Try again---laws are created out of belief sytems all the time. And those laws are imposed on everyone.
oh my----faux outrage. :lol:

No, just find it irritating that a religious zealot takes a cheap shot to make a 'point'....

Something like a third of the world's population lives in abject poverty, and she's talking like the world needs more people. How about we get the current population up to a decent level of living first before we worry about 'people' that never existed in the first place.

How about ALL religions etc make a pact and tell people, that "Hey, condoms are good. Abstainance doesn't work. Sex can be fun if treateed with respect. You don't have to have sex JUST for procreation, but be careful when you become active.' Instead of this moral claptrap.

Where's Shoggie when you need him....

You have managed to create secular claptrap by responding with intentionally ignorant responses. Equally nauseating.

Oh, please, please, please. Point out the ignorance in my posts...take your time....
No, just find it irritating that a religious zealot takes a cheap shot to make a 'point'....

Something like a third of the world's population lives in abject poverty, and she's talking like the world needs more people. How about we get the current population up to a decent level of living first before we worry about 'people' that never existed in the first place.

How about ALL religions etc make a pact and tell people, that "Hey, condoms are good. Abstainance doesn't work. Sex can be fun if treateed with respect. You don't have to have sex JUST for procreation, but be careful when you become active.' Instead of this moral claptrap.

Where's Shoggie when you need him....

You have managed to create secular claptrap by responding with intentionally ignorant responses. Equally nauseating.

Oh, please, please, please. Point out the ignorance in my posts...take your time....

already did----take any living being out of it's environment and it will die. Using that as some kind of "proof" for abortion is absurd.
If God knows us, before we are formed in the womb like He tells Jeremiah, does this mean that if we were never born and aborted, He would not know us anymore....? We would just disappear from God's presence?

My beliefs tell me that if that is the case, and he knows us before we are born....BTW, I do believe life begins at conception, then those aborted babies are at Gods side in Heaven. Never having been born, but still loved by God.

Abortion is a national tragedy.

do you understand that other religions don't believe that and by trying to legislate it you're trying to legislate your religious beliefs?

no problem with your belief... as long as you don't impose it on others.

You know.... now your just being silly.

I am not imposing crap on you or anyone else!

Give me a freeking break.... Hell, you cant even spell the word G-d :cuckoo:

Its OVERLY sensitive pussies that are so worried that someone may mention GOD.... holy shit.... is your skin burning or something?

I believe those little angels are in heaven at the side of God, Allah, or whatever else anyone may believe.

Oh, and you do realize in your acting as if I shouldnt mention my beliefs, you are in a way shoving yours on me as well... :eek: ---- my skin is burning!!!!

Come on Jill, your better than that :eusa_eh:
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Prove it.

And if so, which heaven? Christian? Jewish? Muslim?
One Heaven, God chooses who goes and division is the devils realm not Gods. He chooses who goes and who does not.

i'm so glad my religion doesn't believe in hell...

i bet you think you're going to heaven though.

you forget that whole judge not thing, eh?
I leave who is in heaven or hell up to God. I call an evil act an evil act, I never said the woman or anyone else is going to hell or is in hell.

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