Abortion Doctor GUILTY.. Death penalty looms

The main stream media doesn't want to cover it, because they cannot let abortion look bad.

Abortions never look good, idiot. But that does not mean you get to decide what a woman does with her body.

The media is covering this case. And it makes this doctor look very bad. The coverage isn't sensational enough for you. Too bad.

Idiot huh? Well personally i think they should televise an abortion nightly, just to show idiots like yourself the reality of them in real life, and also to prove to people that an abortion isn't a form of birth control.
What about the "technicians" who helped him kill the babies? Do they get to say they were "just following orders"? How about firing every one of the government workers who were supposed to inspect the horror house?
The main stream media doesn't want to cover it, because they cannot let abortion look bad.

It was obscene the way the media censored this story.

Thank goodness for Kirsten Powers and a couple of others who flushed them out and forced them to make mention of it.

Great column that she wrote.

Kirsten Powers 8:49 p.m. EDT April 11, 2013
We've forgotten what belongs on Page One.

Infant beheadings. Severed baby feet in jars. A child screaming after it was delivered alive during an abortion procedure. Haven't heard about these sickening accusations?

It's not your fault. Since the murder trial of Pennsylvania abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell began March 18, there has been precious little coverage of the case that should be on every news show and front page.

The revolting revelations of Gosnell's former staff, who have been testifying to what they witnessed and did during late-term abortions, should shock anyone with a heart.

Philadelphia abortion clinic horror: Column
The main stream media doesn't want to cover it, because they cannot let abortion look bad.

This is what ALL abortions will be like if Republicans get their way

Abortion is legal now and yet that fucking shitbag did it THIS way, anyway -- to living babies, born alive. THAT, leftwhiner, isn't abortion. It's murder.

I am not a major fan of the death penalty. But if he were to get it, I certainly wouldn't lose sleep over it.

Did you see this scumbag?

He is not a doctor, filthy operating conditions, no scruples? Dead mothers

This is the face of abortion in America if Republicans manage to ban it
What about the "technicians" who helped him kill the babies? Do they get to say they were "just following orders"? How about firing every one of the government workers who were supposed to inspect the horror house?

Some plead guilty as far as I know and are already doing time. Pretty sure on that.
This is what ALL abortions will be like if Republicans get their way

Abortion is legal now and yet that fucking shitbag did it THIS way, anyway -- to living babies, born alive. THAT, leftwhiner, isn't abortion. It's murder.

I am not a major fan of the death penalty. But if he were to get it, I certainly wouldn't lose sleep over it.

Did you see this scumbag?

He is not a doctor, filthy operating conditions, no scruples? Dead mothers

This is the face of abortion in America if Republicans manage to ban it

The doctor is not a doctor? Wrong. "Doctor" Gosnell WAS a doctor and is soon to lose his license as a result of the criminal conviction.

And yes, HIS fucking office was disgustingly filthy. And yes, his "practice" killed more than just the preborn babies and a few who WERE born, he also managed to cause the death of at least one of the mothers.

And no, this is not the face of abortion in America if it ceases to be a pseudo medical procedure available on demand for mere convenience, you hack.
This is what ALL abortions will be like if Republicans get their way

Abortion is legal now and yet that fucking shitbag did it THIS way, anyway -- to living babies, born alive. THAT, leftwhiner, isn't abortion. It's murder.

I am not a major fan of the death penalty. But if he were to get it, I certainly wouldn't lose sleep over it.

Did you see this scumbag?

He is not a doctor, filthy operating conditions, no scruples? Dead mothers

This is the face of abortion in America if Republicans manage to ban it

Shut up you idiot..This is abortion as it exist today
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyBvzKjje-g]Planned Parenthood Lobbies For Post Birth Abortion Rights - YouTube[/ame]
Uncensored, jroc, be proud and take credit for Dr. Gosnell. After all, you created him. That goes for all you righties. After all, if it was up to you, there would be Dr. Gosnells in every city. Keep working at it, and maybe you can make your dream come true.

And good of our crazy conservative media to finally notice the story after two years. The liberals were on it from day one, trying to show just what the predictable results of pro-life policies were, but our crazy conservative mainstream media didn't want to touch that story.
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This is what ALL abortions will be like if Republicans get their way

Abortion is legal now and yet that fucking shitbag did it THIS way, anyway -- to living babies, born alive. THAT, leftwhiner, isn't abortion. It's murder.

I am not a major fan of the death penalty. But if he were to get it, I certainly wouldn't lose sleep over it.

Did you see this scumbag?

He is not a doctor, filthy operating conditions, no scruples? Dead mothers

This is the face of abortion in America if Republicans manage to ban it

Au contraire. Gosnell's clinic if it was cleaned up a tad and was more sterile would be Planned Parenthoods dream come true.

May I remind you of this presentation?

Snip, snip might not be a preferred method of infantacide by PP but I'm sure they already have some ideas up there sleeves on how this after birth termination could be achieved.

'It is just really hard for me to even ask you this question,' Republican State Rep. Jim Boyd said during the hearing, 'because I’m almost in disbelief:

If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that's struggling for life?'

Snow replied, 'We believe that, you know, any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician.'

She restated the same answer in response to a question from State Rep. Jose Oliva, another Republican. 'That decision should be between the patient and the health care provider,' she insisted.

'I think that at that point,' Oliva countered, 'the patient would be the child struggling on a table. Wouldn't you agree?'

Snow seemed to concede the point. 'That's a very good question,' she said. 'I really don't know how to answer that.'

In Florida Legislature, Planned Parenthood lobbyist defends doctor-assisted infanticide when babies are born alive after botched abortions | Mail Online
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Uncensored, jroc, be proud and take credit for Dr. Gosnell. After all, you created him. That goes for all you righties. After all, if it was up to you, there would be Dr. Gosnells in every city. Keep working at it, and maybe you can make your dream come true.

And good of our crazy conservative media to finally notice the story after two years. The liberals were on it from day one, trying to show just what the predictable results of pro-life policies were, but our crazy conservative mainstream media didn't want to touch that story.

Sorry we didn't create you liberal nutjobs who push for unlimited abortion that's you sickos:cuckoo:
Abortion is legal now and yet that fucking shitbag did it THIS way, anyway -- to living babies, born alive. THAT, leftwhiner, isn't abortion. It's murder.

I am not a major fan of the death penalty. But if he were to get it, I certainly wouldn't lose sleep over it.

Did you see this scumbag?

He is not a doctor, filthy operating conditions, no scruples? Dead mothers

This is the face of abortion in America if Republicans manage to ban it

The doctor is not a doctor? Wrong. "Doctor" Gosnell WAS a doctor and is soon to lose his license as a result of the criminal conviction.

And yes, HIS fucking office was disgustingly filthy. And yes, his "practice" killed more than just the preborn babies and a few who WERE born, he also managed to cause the death of at least one of the mothers.

And no, this is not the face of abortion in America if it ceases to be a pseudo medical procedure available on demand for mere convenience, you hack.
Face it, Gosnell's conviction is cutting deep inside everyone of these pro-abortion ghouls.

And anyone of them who tries to say they were not on his side, or that they despise what he did, are lying through their fucking teeth....As are the goofballs who try and say that the liberal media was not avoiding this story like the plague, for no other reason than, it clearly shows that Roe V. Wade opened the door to the wholesale slaughter of innocent human life on a massive scale, a cottage industry if you will, and that there are damn sure many more Gosnell's out there, doing the exact same things he has.

And just as absurd as the aforementioned ghouls, are the ones who laughingly try to say, "well, I don't agree with abortion, but I believe in a woman's right to choose"....What a bunch of hypocritical fuckin' hogwash.....What they are, is pro-abortion, and they should stop with the bullshit and just admit it, 'cause they damn sure are not fooling anybody....It is what it is.
Uncensored, jroc, be proud and take credit for Dr. Gosnell. After all, you created him. That goes for all you righties. After all, if it was up to you, there would be Dr. Gosnells in every city. Keep working at it, and maybe you can make your dream come true.

And good of our crazy conservative media to finally notice the story after two years. The liberals were on it from day one, trying to show just what the predictable results of pro-life policies were, but our crazy conservative mainstream media didn't want to touch that story.

Liberals and Planned Parenthood want the right to kill a living breathing baby.

You are some sick sons of bitches.
The main stream media doesn't want to cover it, because they cannot let abortion look bad.

Abortion is legal now and yet that fucking shitbag did it THIS way, anyway -- to living babies, born alive. THAT, leftwhiner, isn't abortion. It's murder.

I am not a major fan of the death penalty. But if he were to get it, I certainly wouldn't lose sleep over it.

Did you see this scumbag?

He is not a doctor, filthy operating conditions, no scruples? Dead mothers

This is the face of abortion in America if Republicans manage to ban it

Au contraire. Gosnell's clinic if it was cleaned up a tad and was more sterile would be Planned Parenthoods dream come true.

May I remind you of this presentation?

Snip, snip might not be a preferred method of infantacide by PP but I'm sure they already have some ideas up there sleeves on how this after birth termination could be achieved.

'It is just really hard for me to even ask you this question,' Republican State Rep. Jim Boyd said during the hearing, 'because I’m almost in disbelief:

If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that's struggling for life?'

Snow replied, 'We believe that, you know, any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician.'

She restated the same answer in response to a question from State Rep. Jose Oliva, another Republican. 'That decision should be between the patient and the health care provider,' she insisted.

'I think that at that point,' Oliva countered, 'the patient would be the child struggling on a table. Wouldn't you agree?'

Snow seemed to concede the point. 'That's a very good question,' she said. 'I really don't know how to answer that.'

In Florida Legislature, Planned Parenthood lobbyist defends doctor-assisted infanticide when babies are born alive after botched abortions | Mail Online
Disgusting,....and that is just one of the many reasons why PP should be defunded.

And, anybody who thinks that taxpayer dollars are not going towards abortions provided by PP, is an ignorant moron.
Abortion is legal now and yet that fucking shitbag did it THIS way, anyway -- to living babies, born alive. THAT, leftwhiner, isn't abortion. It's murder.

I am not a major fan of the death penalty. But if he were to get it, I certainly wouldn't lose sleep over it.

Did you see this scumbag?

He is not a doctor, filthy operating conditions, no scruples? Dead mothers

This is the face of abortion in America if Republicans manage to ban it

The doctor is not a doctor? Wrong. "Doctor" Gosnell WAS a doctor and is soon to lose his license as a result of the criminal conviction.

And yes, HIS fucking office was disgustingly filthy. And yes, his "practice" killed more than just the preborn babies and a few who WERE born, he also managed to cause the death of at least one of the mothers.

And no, this is not the face of abortion in America if it ceases to be a pseudo medical procedure available on demand for mere convenience, you hack.

Gosnell is the face of legal abortion in America. He operated for years legally. This is legal abortion. This is what it looks like and why there is an Infant's born alive protection act.
Liberals and Planned Parenthood want the right to kill a living breathing baby.

You seem to get some kind of thrill from saying such crazy things, along with most of the righties on this thread.

You are some sick sons of bitches.

Yet I'm not the one breathlessly repeating the stories over and over, eh? It's quite clear who the sick ones here are.

Anyways, sorry that your boy Dr. Gosnell went down. But like I said, I'm sure you'll be creating many more like him, so you'll soon have a new source for your thrills.
The media stayed away because it involved abortions?

It appears that is the case.

Glenn Becks presents a video showing where a reporter for the Huffington posts admits those on the left have refused to cover the story because it might impact negatively upon the issue of abortion. Here's the link:

HuffPost Live Host Admits: ?I Do Think That Those of Us on the Left Have Made a Decision Not to Cover? Gosnell Trial | Video | TheBlaze.com

Here is a longer portion of the video direct from Huffington Post:

HuffPost Live

Frankly, I can't think of any other reason for the media silence regarding Gosnell's trial.

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