Abortion Doctor GUILTY.. Death penalty looms

They need to put the fucking monster in a filthy cell by himself, with a toilet that doesn't flush, and a 24 hour loop being played of babies crying and given a rusty razor to cut his wrists when he reaches the point of insanity.

Because lowering yourself to his level is the perfect revenge, right?:cuckoo:
he is what it was like when abortions were illegal.

he acted illegally and has been convicted.

This is what the right wants to go back to
Time to now go after the three mothers, and charge those scumbags with accessory to murder.

No way should they be allowed to walk away free and clear....They're garbage, like Gosnell, nothing more.[/

No, talk to your girlfriend Ally/Kosher.... those women were totally victims of evil men who made them have abortions.

The reality is, they didn't charge the women because they'd have tarred and feathered the prosecutors had they tried it.

Even when abortion was illegal, they never charged women for having them. They only charged abortionists when they fucked up like Gosnell did.

But thanks for pointing out the misogyny that is behind the anti-Choice movement.
[]Face it, Gosnell's conviction is cutting deep inside everyone of these pro-abortion ghouls.

And anyone of them who tries to say they were not on his side, or that they despise what he did, are lying through their fucking teeth....As are the goofballs who try and say that the liberal media was not avoiding this story like the plague, for no other reason than, it clearly shows that Roe V. Wade opened the door to the wholesale slaughter of innocent human life on a massive scale, a cottage industry if you will, and that there are damn sure many more Gosnell's out there, doing the exact same things he has.

And just as absurd as the aforementioned ghouls, are the ones who laughingly try to say, "well, I don't agree with abortion, but I believe in a woman's right to choose"....What a bunch of hypocritical fuckin' hogwash.....What they are, is pro-abortion, and they should stop with the bullshit and just admit it, 'cause they damn sure are not fooling anybody....It is what it is.

It's not a matter of being on Gosnell's side. It's about convicting him of what he actually did.

Killed his patient. Obviously. Guilty.

Dealt drugs? Guilty.

Killed babies? No evidence these babies were breathing, testimony from people who did the actual abortions and were under threat of prosecution themselves.

The reality of abortion is that it's always going to happen, and keeping it legal and above board reduces the abuses. This was the same lesson we learned from prohibition.

My concern is that the Plutocrats get dumb rubes like you to vote away the middle class because some day, they might let you impose your superstitions on the rest of us.

You've obviously never heard Republican leaders express their disdain for you religious nutters when you aren't around. I have.
the right wants to go right back to this as the reality.

Poor people using crazy evil men and rich girls taking a european vaction to get a safe one
Wheres the abortion lovers in this thread? Bodey & Ravi where are you?

joe is busy doing damage control...he maintains the deaths occur because we don't have enough late term abortion clinics.

Oh, and that abortion is good for women.

Oh, and that if women are coerced so what, the man has a say, too....


Wow, did you want to actually posts links to where I say ANY of that? Or are you just making shit up again because you are delusional.
[]Face it, Gosnell's conviction is cutting deep inside everyone of these pro-abortion ghouls.

And anyone of them who tries to say they were not on his side, or that they despise what he did, are lying through their fucking teeth....As are the goofballs who try and say that the liberal media was not avoiding this story like the plague, for no other reason than, it clearly shows that Roe V. Wade opened the door to the wholesale slaughter of innocent human life on a massive scale, a cottage industry if you will, and that there are damn sure many more Gosnell's out there, doing the exact same things he has.

And just as absurd as the aforementioned ghouls, are the ones who laughingly try to say, "well, I don't agree with abortion, but I believe in a woman's right to choose"....What a bunch of hypocritical fuckin' hogwash.....What they are, is pro-abortion, and they should stop with the bullshit and just admit it, 'cause they damn sure are not fooling anybody....It is what it is.

It's not a matter of being on Gosnell's side. It's about convicting him of what he actually did.

Killed his patient. Obviously. Guilty.

Dealt drugs? Guilty.

Killed babies? No evidence these babies were breathing, testimony from people who did the actual abortions and were under threat of prosecution themselves.

The reality of abortion is that it's always going to happen, and keeping it legal and above board reduces the abuses. This was the same lesson we learned from prohibition.

My concern is that the Plutocrats get dumb rubes like you to vote away the middle class because some day, they might let you impose your superstitions on the rest of us.

You've obviously never heard Republican leaders express their disdain for you religious nutters when you aren't around. I have.
Were you at the trial? Didn't think so. So you don't really know what the fuck you're talking about, do you? The jury must have been convinced there was enough evidence to warrant a guilty verdict for 3 counts of murder of the babies.
[]Face it, Gosnell's conviction is cutting deep inside everyone of these pro-abortion ghouls.

And anyone of them who tries to say they were not on his side, or that they despise what he did, are lying through their fucking teeth....As are the goofballs who try and say that the liberal media was not avoiding this story like the plague, for no other reason than, it clearly shows that Roe V. Wade opened the door to the wholesale slaughter of innocent human life on a massive scale, a cottage industry if you will, and that there are damn sure many more Gosnell's out there, doing the exact same things he has.

And just as absurd as the aforementioned ghouls, are the ones who laughingly try to say, "well, I don't agree with abortion, but I believe in a woman's right to choose"....What a bunch of hypocritical fuckin' hogwash.....What they are, is pro-abortion, and they should stop with the bullshit and just admit it, 'cause they damn sure are not fooling anybody....It is what it is.

It's not a matter of being on Gosnell's side. It's about convicting him of what he actually did.

Killed his patient. Obviously. Guilty.

Dealt drugs? Guilty.

Killed babies? No evidence these babies were breathing, testimony from people who did the actual abortions and were under threat of prosecution themselves.

The reality of abortion is that it's always going to happen, and keeping it legal and above board reduces the abuses. This was the same lesson we learned from prohibition.

My concern is that the Plutocrats get dumb rubes like you to vote away the middle class because some day, they might let you impose your superstitions on the rest of us.

You've obviously never heard Republican leaders express their disdain for you religious nutters when you aren't around. I have.
Were you at the trial? Didn't think so. So you don't really know what the fuck you're talking about, do you? The jury must have been convinced there was enough evidence to warrant a guilty verdict for 3 counts of murder of the babies.

And because many jury members were pro choice, it makes me wonder how they reached that decision - remember that it did take a long time for them to reach a verdict, so there was obviously something they didn't agree on, and I would imagine that it was the question as to whether these babies were actually alive.
He also maintains that the convictions will be overthrown in appeal.

But then he also maintained that there would be no conviction.

It's a sad day for him and Obama.

Actually, I always thought they were going to convict him for the death of Mrs. Mongar (the only real crime here.)

And they did throw out on of the four remaining fetal deaths.

So now you have three convictions based on only the word of co-conspirators and a lot of inflamatory evidence with no scientific basis....

More likely, though, the prosecutors are going to cut a deal- death penatly off the table and incarceration at a elderly folks prison in exchange for not appealling his sentence.
[]Face it, Gosnell's conviction is cutting deep inside everyone of these pro-abortion ghouls.

And anyone of them who tries to say they were not on his side, or that they despise what he did, are lying through their fucking teeth....As are the goofballs who try and say that the liberal media was not avoiding this story like the plague, for no other reason than, it clearly shows that Roe V. Wade opened the door to the wholesale slaughter of innocent human life on a massive scale, a cottage industry if you will, and that there are damn sure many more Gosnell's out there, doing the exact same things he has.

And just as absurd as the aforementioned ghouls, are the ones who laughingly try to say, "well, I don't agree with abortion, but I believe in a woman's right to choose"....What a bunch of hypocritical fuckin' hogwash.....What they are, is pro-abortion, and they should stop with the bullshit and just admit it, 'cause they damn sure are not fooling anybody....It is what it is.

It's not a matter of being on Gosnell's side. It's about convicting him of what he actually did.

Killed his patient. Obviously. Guilty.

Dealt drugs? Guilty.

Killed babies? No evidence these babies were breathing, testimony from people who did the actual abortions and were under threat of prosecution themselves.

The reality of abortion is that it's always going to happen, and keeping it legal and above board reduces the abuses. This was the same lesson we learned from prohibition.

My concern is that the Plutocrats get dumb rubes like you to vote away the middle class because some day, they might let you impose your superstitions on the rest of us.

You've obviously never heard Republican leaders express their disdain for you religious nutters when you aren't around. I have.

LOL Joe, just because you have experience, doesn't mean that your interpretations of those experiences are flawless. You obviously took the side of Gosnell, when and I quote you said "If women had been able to get affordable abortive care, people like Gosnell would have never happened."

You have an obvious disdain for new human life, and are merely concerned for the rights of those already born. You completely ignored a cornucopia of evidence issued by the Grand Jury and other related authorities. I mean, the proof should lie in the fact of how he ran that place, shoved dead babies in trash cans, in the plumbing, and in toilets, or whatever containers he could find.

There were witnesses there under oath, and under penalty of perjury. If they were to have been found lying to the court, they would have been punished on the spot. So answer me this, how could they lie about something like this? They couldn't. You can't lie about something so heinous; so utterly revolting... That kind of stuff will scar a person's mind. If you lie about something such as that, then you may as well be even worse than Gosnell himself.

There's all the proof you need.
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He's gone forever either way. Good riddance

yeah, so?

Someone else has probably already picked up his slack in aborting fetuses...
Translated: There are plenty of other monsters who will continue the butchering of babies.

As long as there is a demand, there is a supply.

The problem with you Christian anti-choice nutters is you think you can eliminate the supply.

Never do you think that, hey, maybe we can reduce the demand.

So I look at two countries that took opposite approaches to this problem. The Philippines and France.

The Philippines, which used to be a US Colony, is a very Catholic country where they listen to the Church, and abortion is illegal in all circumstances EXCEPT the life of the mother. So how did that work out?

The Incidence of Induced Abortion in the Philippines: Current Level and Recent Trends

In countries like the Philippines, where induced abortion is against the law,3* many women nevertheless seek an abortion—despite conditions that may put their health at risk—rather than give birth to children they cannot care for or do not want. A study using an indirect methodology estimated that in 1994, there were 400,000 induced abortions in the country and 80,000 women hospitalized for complications of induced abortion.4 The Department of Health of the Philippines reported that 12% of all maternal deaths in 1994 were the result of illegal abortion.5

Studies from the 1970s onward have shown that despite the law's severity, abortion appears to be widely practiced.6 Evidence from the mid-1990s indicates that Filipino women of all social classes and backgrounds are having induced abortions.7 They do so under varying circumstances, ranging from safe medical procedures performed for better-off women by trained personnel to procedures in extremely unsafe conditions for poor women who cannot afford to pay for a surgical abortion. The evidence of a survey of health professionals in the mid-1990s suggests that about one-third of women seeking an abortion obtain it from a doctor or nurse, but a high proportion of women

Well, shit, that didn't work. Let's not do that. Let's see how France handles it.

Abortion in France is about health, not politics

How about that. Abortions are paid for by the government. And they have LESS of them than we do!

Because they pay for the health care, they have government paid for daycare, they have mandetory paid family leave, they have extensive birth control and sex education.

In short, all the handwringing that we do about "nanny states" and "Socialism", they've had the discussion and are done with it.
Let's face it. The testimony was damning.

WARNING: This summary is graphic, press the back button on your browser if you do not wish to read.

Baby Boy A was the biggest baby that Kareema Cross had ever seen delivered at Gosnell’s abortion “House of Horrors” clinic in the four years she worked there. He was delivered to 17-year old Shaquana Abrams at 29.4 weeks gestation, according to an ultrasound record. Baby Boy A was so large, he did not fit into the plastic shoe box that Gosnell tossed him in. Cross said she saw the baby pull in his arms and legs while Gosnell explained the movements as “reflexes” telling her the baby really didn’t move prior to cutting the baby’s neck. Baby Boy A was so large, Gosnell joked that “this baby is big enough to walk around with me or walk me to the bus stop.” Cross and fellow employees Adrienne Moton and 15-year old Ashley Baldwin were all so “startled” by the size of the baby that they all took photos of the baby with their cell phones.

Baby C was an intact baby of over 25-weeks gestation. Kareema Cross testified that she saw Baby C breathing and described the up and down chest movements she observed for 20 minutes. She told the court she saw Lynda Williams lift the baby’s arm and watched as the newborn drew it back on its own power. Afterwards, Williams inserted surgical scissors into the baby’s neck and “snipped” the spinal cord. Gosnell was said to be in the room at the time. This baby’s murder charges were unintentionally dismissed in the place of Baby F, but were reinstated after Judge Minehart discovered his error.

Baby D was described by witnesses as 12-15 inches long with the head the size of a “big pancake” when he was delivered into a toilet. Kareema Cross testified that she saw the baby struggling, using swimming motions in an attempt to get out of the toilet bowl. Adrienne Moton pulled the baby out and “snipped” the neck, as Gosnell had taught her to do, while the mother watched. Gosnell has also been charged with Criminal Solicitation of Moton to commit murder of Baby D.

Baby E was estimated to be at least 23 weeks gestation and maybe more. After Baby E was delivered, teen Ashley Baldwin heard the baby cry and called Kareema Cross for help. Cross described the baby’s cry as a “whine.” Baldwin said that Gosnell went into the room then came out with the baby — which now had an incision in its neck — and tossed it into the waste bin.

Kermit Gosnell Found Guilty on Three First-Degree Murder Charges | LifeNews.com
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and he is what the old abortions providers wehre like before it was legal.

why go back to that?

LOL Joe, just because you have experience, doesn't mean that your interpretations of those experiences are flawless. You obviously took the side of Gosnell, when and I quote you said "If women had been able to get affordable abortive care, people like Gosnell would have never happened."

Guy, pointing out Gosnell is the result of restrictive abortion laws and lack of access is not "taking his side". It's pointing out the obvious. It would be like if I said that having rent a cops making minimum wage guarding the airports made them unsafe, you'd accuse me of taking Bin Laden's side. It's a logical fallacy.

Here's the thing, I've known a LOT of women who've had abortions. Not a one of them would have been deterred by any law you'd pass.

You have an obvious disdain for new human life, and are merely concerned for the rights of those already born. You completely ignored a cornucopia of evidence issued by the Grand Jury and other related authorities. I mean, the proof should lie in the fact of how he ran that place, shoved dead babies in trash cans, in the plumbing, and in toilets, or whatever containers he could find.

That's proof that he was not legally disposing of medical waste properly. And that he was guilty of breaking hygeine laws. I'm still waiting for the proof that these fetuses were alive at the time of birth. Other than the word of people who were co-conspirators in the other crimes, you kind of don't have anything proving that.

Again, this is what happens when anti-choice assholes drive good practioners out of the business through restrictive laws and threats of violence. You get the soulless asshole like Gosnell. What you don't get are less abortions.

There were witnesses there under oath, and under penalty of perjury. If they were to have been found lying to the court, they would have been punished on the spot. So answer me this, how could they lie about something like this? They couldn't. You can't lie about something so heinous; so utterly revolting... That kind of stuff will scar a person's mind. If you lie about something such as that, then you may as well be even worse than Gosnell himself.

There's all the proof you need.

Guy, people lie under oath all the time. They even have a name for it. "Testi-lying".

These people were given a choice. Say what we tell you to say, or we send you to jail for the same thing we are sending THIS guy to jail for.

Testimony by an accomplice who got a sweetheart deal from prosecutors should be ignored unless backed up by scientific evidence... and in this case, the ME stated he could not tell if these fetuses were stillborn or not.
You don't understand how supply and demand works.

Aaaand... I'd say I'm shocked to find Joe here defending Gosnell to the bitter end, but I'm really not. Yesterday must have been a sad day for you, eh Joe?
Let's face it. The testimony was damning.

WARNING: This summary is graphic, press the back button on your browser if you do not wish to read.

Baby C ...Afterwards, Williams inserted surgical scissors into the baby’s neck and “snipped” the spinal cord.

Baby D ... Adrienne Moton pulled the baby out and “snipped” the neck,

So if other people killed these two fetuses, why was Gosnell convicted of murdering them?

This is kind of like convicting Gotti for murders Sammy the Bull committed, on the word of Sammy the Bull.

Baby E was estimated to be at least 23 weeks gestation and maybe more. After Baby E was delivered, teen Ashley Baldwin heard the baby cry and called Kareema Cross for help. Cross described the baby’s cry as a “whine.” Baldwin said that Gosnell went into the room then came out with the baby — which now had an incision in its neck — and tossed it into the waste bin.


Again, Baby E was the one they couldn't find a concensus on...

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