Abortion Doctor GUILTY.. Death penalty looms

I accept he killed Ms. Mongar... Although the jury knocked that down from 3rd Degree murder to involuntary manslaughter.

I don't accept fetuses were people.

The fact that they didn't charge the mothers of those four fetuses and gave a pass to the people who actually killed them tells me this was more political than anything else.

Guilty 3 counts of 1st degree murder for those babies deal with it idiot.

Until an appeal court throws them out, yeah....

More predictions Joey? in this case you 0 for 1 deal with it

Human Embryologists seem to think fetuses are people, why not you? Is that what your leaders in the Democratic Party demagogued you into thinking? You can't argue science with politics.

This was nothing political. Gosnell was a profiteer. He performed thousands of abortions in his 30+ years in running that abortion mill. What's to say he didn't commit more of these murders? These women weren't charged because they were taken advantage of by this demon.

I will insist from here on that you stop defending this man.

Guy, I was a right wing republican until six years ago, when my Romney loving boss fired me because I required medical treatment.

That's when I realized ALL the cultural conservative issues were BULLSHIT.

If this was so fucking important to the GOP, why is abortion still legal after 40 years?

Because they know two things.

1) As long as it's legal, brain dead religous retards like you will keep voting Republican.

2) If it ever became ILLEGAL, women would rise up and wash the GOP from the political fabric like a bad stain.

So what they do is keep you upset about it, and do nothing about it.

Meanwhile, they pass laws like "right to work" and "at will employment" that make it easier for assholes like my ex-boss to do what he did. They pass free trade treaties to make it easier to move your job to a shithole like China where they MAKE women have abortions if they can't pay a bribe.

And guys like you go "Doy.... okay. They be right with Jesus".

I haven't defended Gosnell once.

I point out, he's the end result of you religious retards trying to impose your superstitions on the rest of us.
Guilty 3 counts of 1st degree murder for those babies deal with it idiot.

Until an appeal court throws them out, yeah....

More predictions Joey? in this case you 0 for 1 deal with it

Actually, I'm really not.

SO far, 4 out of 7 fetal murder charges have been tossed out, and even the severity of the charge related to Ms. Mongar was downgraded to manslaughter.

This is the incredible shrinking outrage.
The woman who died died as a result of repeated injections of drugs that were administered by one of Gosnell's workers; not by him and not even at his direct order, as he wasn't there. So it's no surprise that the charge came to manslaughter.

Human Embryologists seem to think fetuses are people, why not you? Is that what your leaders in the Democratic Party demagogued you into thinking? You can't argue science with politics.

This was nothing political. Gosnell was a profiteer. He performed thousands of abortions in his 30+ years in running that abortion mill. What's to say he didn't commit more of these murders? These women weren't charged because they were taken advantage of by this demon.

I will insist from here on that you stop defending this man.

Guy, I was a right wing republican until six years ago, when my Romney loving boss fired me because I required medical treatment.

That's when I realized ALL the cultural conservative issues were BULLSHIT.

If this was so fucking important to the GOP, why is abortion still legal after 40 years?

Because they know two things.

1) As long as it's legal, brain dead religous retards like you will keep voting Republican.

2) If it ever became ILLEGAL, women would rise up and wash the GOP from the political fabric like a bad stain.

So what they do is keep you upset about it, and do nothing about it.

Meanwhile, they pass laws like "right to work" and "at will employment" that make it easier for assholes like my ex-boss to do what he did. They pass free trade treaties to make it easier to move your job to a shithole like China where they MAKE women have abortions if they can't pay a bribe.

And guys like you go "Doy.... okay. They be right with Jesus".

I haven't defended Gosnell once.

I point out, he's the end result of you religious retards trying to impose your superstitions on the rest of us.

You have. By wanting those murder charges dropped, you are essentially defending him. And I don't give a damn if you were a Republican, Joe. And this has zero to do with religion. It has more to do with JUSTICE than anything else.

I TL;DR'd the rest of your rant, since it is wholly irrelevant to this topic of discussion whatsoever. Nobody cares to hear your rationale for how you defected from the Republican Party.

Stop defending him, Joe.
Until an appeal court throws them out, yeah....

His attorney isn't appealing. He acknowledged that the Jury "came there to do their jobs."

So that is highly unlikely.

Actually, his attorney is saying nice things until the penalty phase is over.

Then the appeals start.

Trust me, this ain't over.

Yeah, it's way over. He has no corroborating evidence to overturn those charges. None. He has 258 drug charges pending. He is a dead duck, Joe.

Stop defending him, you sound just like his attorney.
Until an appeal court throws them out, yeah....

More predictions Joey? in this case you 0 for 1 deal with it

Actually, I'm really not.

SO far, 4 out of 7 fetal murder charges have been tossed out, and even the severity of the charge related to Ms. Mongar was downgraded to manslaughter.

This is the incredible shrinking outrage.

You are insanely ignorant Joe. What do you think this is? A conspiracy? A witch hunt? I bet if you were in that clinic the day they performed that raid, you wouldn't be defending this wanton slaughter.
Do liberals really think that an appellate judge is going to overturn this case on the grounds that the jury erroneously concluded that the babies were human beings?

Is that the liberal case?
More predictions Joey? in this case you 0 for 1 deal with it

Actually, I'm really not.

SO far, 4 out of 7 fetal murder charges have been tossed out, and even the severity of the charge related to Ms. Mongar was downgraded to manslaughter.

This is the incredible shrinking outrage.

You are insanely ignorant Joe. What do you think this is? A conspiracy? A witch hunt? I bet if you were in that clinic the day they performed that raid, you wouldn't be defending this wanton slaughter.

You obviously haven't interacted with joe much. He cares exactly two shits about women and children. They're chattel to him.

The lib media is spinning gosnell as a philanthropist who has helped his community for 40 years. They're completely whitewashing his participating in the "ball of razors" debacle (in fact, ignoring it completely). They don't think this is a case of murder, it's just business as usual for those scum.
Guilty... well waddya know... the folks in Philly actually decided to nail the little bastard... gotcha! :clap2: I'm not squeemish about Capital Punishment but I say let this (now, formerly) well-to-do bottom-feeder rot in jail for life with no hope of parole and confiscate whatever may be possible of his wealth so that he leaves this world a pauper and a failure as a provider for those (if any) who counted on the revenue from his despicable practices in order to maintain a higher standard of living. Now that's appropriate justice and revenge for those innocents who were murdered after birth.
He needs to be hung in the old time fashion of that term, where as he would be taken up to the top of the gallows that would be erected, and hung in front of the people for all to see.. This is justice, but the minions would object to this practice, because they work for the evil one themselves, and wish that it all goes away quietly now. How will this nation break the chains that has bound us all in these things now, where as we have went the way of destruction in life and not that of prosperity, peace and harmony as it should be. Abortion made easy is the biggest mistake this nation has ever made, and it became to easy therefore desensitizing us to the murdering of the unborn, but who has accepted these practices among us most of all, and did they cause the rest of us to fail/falter in our daily lives, where we had also excepted such as these things because of them ? So it is that we had all excepted sadly such things as found within the most of us, for we did nothing to stop such atrocities when knew about them. I never excepted the unfettered practice of abortion, because I knew it would get out of hand, and it did get out of hand just as I knew that it would. We have been dumbed down, and it was all because of who and what sort of cultural ideologies of the who (?), that which they did hold along with the loss of having any morals and values present in these ideologies or cultures, in order to allow such a thing to get so far out of hand as it clearly did, and so how did we just follow along like we have ?

Did the government influence us to follow these things and/or these trends that had become so prevalent in our daily lives, in which somehow we felt them to be OK after a certain amount of time passed by ? Should the government begin to rethink it's involvement in such atrocities that get started by it's allowing of, and who is the government of this nation anymore anyway, and who does it represent mostly these days ?
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It's not a matter of being on Gosnell's side. It's about convicting him of what he actually did.

Killed his patient. Obviously. Guilty.

Dealt drugs? Guilty.

Killed babies? No evidence these babies were breathing, testimony from people who did the actual abortions and were under threat of prosecution themselves.

The reality of abortion is that it's always going to happen, and keeping it legal and above board reduces the abuses. This was the same lesson we learned from prohibition.

My concern is that the Plutocrats get dumb rubes like you to vote away the middle class because some day, they might let you impose your superstitions on the rest of us.

You've obviously never heard Republican leaders express their disdain for you religious nutters when you aren't around. I have.
Were you at the trial? Didn't think so. So you don't really know what the fuck you're talking about, do you? The jury must have been convinced there was enough evidence to warrant a guilty verdict for 3 counts of murder of the babies.

And because many jury members were pro choice, it makes me wonder how they reached that decision - remember that it did take a long time for them to reach a verdict, so there was obviously something they didn't agree on, and I would imagine that it was the question as to whether these babies were actually alive.

They were deadlocked on two of the charges. You need to read more. There was plenty of evidence for the rest.
Guilty 3 counts of 1st degree murder for those babies deal with it idiot.

Until an appeal court throws them out, yeah....

His attorney isn't appealing. He acknowledged that the Jury "came there to do their jobs."

So that is highly unlikely.

If Gosnell gets the death penalty there is an automatic appeal. That is why Gosnell is trying to bargain away the death penalty for life in prison now. There is no automatic appeal from a life sentence the way there is for a death sentence.

Realistically the sentence is nothing more than life in prison. He's 72 years old, it is highly unlikely that he would outlive the appellate process if he decided to use that to run out his clock.

Liberals might think that an appellate court would overturn the murder convictions on the grounds that the babies weren't human beings when he killed them. Sorry, but the finding that these were human babies isn't subject to being overturned. It wasn't a ruling by the judge, but a finding by the trier of fact.
Were you at the trial? Didn't think so. So you don't really know what the fuck you're talking about, do you? The jury must have been convinced there was enough evidence to warrant a guilty verdict for 3 counts of murder of the babies.

And because many jury members were pro choice, it makes me wonder how they reached that decision - remember that it did take a long time for them to reach a verdict, so there was obviously something they didn't agree on, and I would imagine that it was the question as to whether these babies were actually alive.

They were deadlocked on two of the charges. You need to read more. There was plenty of evidence for the rest.

There were 260 charges against him and his co-defendants. We have no idea what the two deadlocked charges were or who they were against.
Were you at the trial? Didn't think so. So you don't really know what the fuck you're talking about, do you? The jury must have been convinced there was enough evidence to warrant a guilty verdict for 3 counts of murder of the babies.

And because many jury members were pro choice, it makes me wonder how they reached that decision - remember that it did take a long time for them to reach a verdict, so there was obviously something they didn't agree on, and I would imagine that it was the question as to whether these babies were actually alive.

They were deadlocked on two of the charges. You need to read more. There was plenty of evidence for the rest.
So Noomi is taking the monster side in him telling the nurse or what ever the assistant would be called, that it was just reflexes instead of the baby being alive, so snip it ? WOW!!!
He could still have 20 years left.

If the jury didn't recommend the death penalty, I honestly doubt he's going to get it. But he will get life.

Plus he has the drug conviction looming, which should tack on a LOT more years.

I'm good with it. He's out of the mix, he's not going to kill anymore women or children, and he's not going to deal any more drugs. He won't be grooming any more young women to be dope fiends and murderers. It's a good day for life.

Now we need to get the rest and lock them up as well.
And because many jury members were pro choice, it makes me wonder how they reached that decision - remember that it did take a long time for them to reach a verdict, so there was obviously something they didn't agree on, and I would imagine that it was the question as to whether these babies were actually alive.

They were deadlocked on two of the charges. You need to read more. There was plenty of evidence for the rest.

There were 260 charges against him and his co-defendants. We have no idea what the two deadlocked charges were or who they were against.

Yes, that's my point. There were a lot of charges, they deadlocked on a couple, we don't know if they were of those that the opted to convict on or just one of the rest. Means nothing to the conviction that he walked away with.

Human Embryologists seem to think fetuses are people, why not you? Is that what your leaders in the Democratic Party demagogued you into thinking? You can't argue science with politics.

This was nothing political. Gosnell was a profiteer. He performed thousands of abortions in his 30+ years in running that abortion mill. What's to say he didn't commit more of these murders? These women weren't charged because they were taken advantage of by this demon.

I will insist from here on that you stop defending this man.

Guy, I was a right wing republican until six years ago, when my Romney loving boss fired me because I required medical treatment.

That's when I realized ALL the cultural conservative issues were BULLSHIT.



And now you are a nanny state loving, union thug loving, I am entitled to free shit cry baby.

He could still have 20 years left.

If the jury didn't recommend the death penalty, I honestly doubt he's going to get it. But he will get life.

Plus he has the drug conviction looming, which should tack on a LOT more years.

I'm good with it. He's out of the mix, he's not going to kill anymore women or children, and he's not going to deal any more drugs. He won't be grooming any more young women to be dope fiends and murderers. It's a good day for life.

Now we need to get the rest and lock them up as well.

The real danger in a drug conviction isn't time. It's that the government is entitled to treble damages. His books would be audited back to the day he opened his doors. Whatever money he made would be tripled and that's his fine. He made on an average of 1.5 million a year off his killing machine. The damages would bankrupt him and he still wouldn't be able to pay it.

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