Abortion Doctor GUILTY.. Death penalty looms

Because lowering yourself to his level is the perfect revenge, right?:cuckoo:

You claimed that you're a Muzzie Beast. But Islam is STAUNCHLY opposed to abortion.

You know what I think Noomi, I think you're just pretending to be a Muslim because they have terrorism and you think that's really cool. I don't think you're a Muslim at all, you're just another pile of shit Communist. Boring and common.

Human Embryologists seem to think fetuses are people, why not you? Is that what your leaders in the Democratic Party demagogued you into thinking? You can't argue science with politics.

This was nothing political. Gosnell was a profiteer. He performed thousands of abortions in his 30+ years in running that abortion mill. What's to say he didn't commit more of these murders? These women weren't charged because they were taken advantage of by this demon.

I will insist from here on that you stop defending this man.

Guy, I was a right wing republican until six years ago, when my Romney loving boss fired me because I required medical treatment.

That's when I realized ALL the cultural conservative issues were BULLSHIT.

If this was so fucking important to the GOP, why is abortion still legal after 40 years?

Because they know two things.

1) As long as it's legal, brain dead religous retards like you will keep voting Republican.

2) If it ever became ILLEGAL, women would rise up and wash the GOP from the political fabric like a bad stain.

So what they do is keep you upset about it, and do nothing about it.

Meanwhile, they pass laws like "right to work" and "at will employment" that make it easier for assholes like my ex-boss to do what he did. They pass free trade treaties to make it easier to move your job to a shithole like China where they MAKE women have abortions if they can't pay a bribe.

And guys like you go "Doy.... okay. They be right with Jesus".

I haven't defended Gosnell once.

I point out, he's the end result of you religious retards trying to impose your superstitions on the rest of us.

Awwwww poor Joe......I thought you were an Eisenhower Republican? How does getting fired from a job cause that turnaround. I've been fired before, and I didnt say....is my boss a democrat or a republican....who does this?

The reason they havent overturned it, is because the Supreme Court ruled on it, it's not a law they can overwrite. We need to get more conservative justices on the court.
Ahh, the media's fault ....again.

I'll be glad when the far right gets as tired of this meme as everyone else already is.

I'm glad the guy is going to be held accountable. I oppose abortion.
But my opposition to abortion puts me in the minority NOT because of the media, but because those whose share my views have done such a poor job of winning people to our side.

Sure it does.

Human Embryologists seem to think fetuses are people, why not you? Is that what your leaders in the Democratic Party demagogued you into thinking? You can't argue science with politics.

This was nothing political. Gosnell was a profiteer. He performed thousands of abortions in his 30+ years in running that abortion mill. What's to say he didn't commit more of these murders? These women weren't charged because they were taken advantage of by this demon.

I will insist from here on that you stop defending this man.

Guy, I was a right wing republican until six years ago, when my Romney loving boss fired me because I required medical treatment.

That's when I realized ALL the cultural conservative issues were BULLSHIT.

If this was so fucking important to the GOP, why is abortion still legal after 40 years?

Because they know two things.

1) As long as it's legal, brain dead religous retards like you will keep voting Republican.

2) If it ever became ILLEGAL, women would rise up and wash the GOP from the political fabric like a bad stain.

So what they do is keep you upset about it, and do nothing about it.

Meanwhile, they pass laws like "right to work" and "at will employment" that make it easier for assholes like my ex-boss to do what he did. They pass free trade treaties to make it easier to move your job to a shithole like China where they MAKE women have abortions if they can't pay a bribe.

And guys like you go "Doy.... okay. They be right with Jesus".

I haven't defended Gosnell once.

I point out, he's the end result of you religious retards trying to impose your superstitions on the rest of us.

Awwwww poor Joe......I thought you were an Eisenhower Republican? How does getting fired from a job cause that turnaround. I've been fired before, and I didnt say....is my boss a democrat or a republican....who does this?

The reason they havent overturned it, is because the Supreme Court ruled on it, it's not a law they can overwrite. We need to get more conservative justices on the court.

I imagine his boss fired him because he was an insufferable, lying, piece of shit. Bosses don't like liars, joe.

And he was defending Gosnell right up to the verdict. He said he didn't believe the women who testified against him, and that the conviction would be overturned on appeal.
so, i guess now that the fat lady has sung, the bottom line is it was murder. and all those of you who argued it wasn't, well you were wrong. hate to say we told you so, but we told you so
And the freak that kept those women for 10 years is going to be tried and convicted of murder as well.

Abortion as "medicine" and "women's reproductive health" is going away, finally. When it does we can start to dig out of the hole progressives dug for us with the advent of Kinsey's sham studies and the revamping of the judicial and education systems based on that crap.
Guilty on almost all counts.

Should he get the death penalty?

I say YES.

For people who are "pro-life" you sure are thirsty for the blood of anyone who disagrees with you.


Well context and nuance arent your forte

Pro life is understood to mean "innocent" life, like babies and unborn children.

Murderers and rapists lose their humanity when they commit those crimes, therefore, kill them, they're worthless and should not be allowed to live
Guilty on almost all counts.

Should he get the death penalty?

I say YES.

For people who are "pro-life" you sure are thirsty for the blood of anyone who disagrees with you.


Well context and nuance arent your forte

Pro life is understood to mean "innocent" life, like babies and unborn children.

Murderers and rapists lose their humanity when they commit those crimes, therefore, kill them, they're worthless and should not be allowed to live

Right, so the whole "only God should judge" thing only works as long as it doesn't work against you.

Who the fuck are you to say if someone has lost their humanity.

Do they lose their humanity when they agree to abortion? Do they lose their humanity when they miscarry? This doctor is a statistical outlier in a very very large group of people. Would you be the first to condemn them all by association? Disgusting.
Well perhaps they don't lose their humanity..but they lose their right to freedom.

The spark of life is divine in us...that is what is at stake here. As a Christian, I don't feel comfortable with demanding the death of anyone, not because I think they shouldn't be punished in accordance with the law, but because as long as there's life there's the chance of salvation.
For people who are "pro-life" you sure are thirsty for the blood of anyone who disagrees with you.


Well context and nuance arent your forte

Pro life is understood to mean "innocent" life, like babies and unborn children.

Murderers and rapists lose their humanity when they commit those crimes, therefore, kill them, they're worthless and should not be allowed to live

Right, so the whole "only God should judge" thing only works as long as it doesn't work against you.

Who the fuck are you to say if someone has lost their humanity.

Do they lose their humanity when they agree to abortion? Do they lose their humanity when they miscarry? This doctor is a statistical outlier in a very very large group of people. Would you be the first to condemn them all by association? Disgusting.


So...what about the humanity of the babies and women he killed? And the humanity of the young girls he groomed to dope and kill?

And just to clarify..the term "Pro-Life" has a very specific meaning, and it is "anti-abortion".

It doesn't mean buddhist, or anything else. The definition of the term is specific to the abortion debate.

So kindly let's not now decide it means something else. You people are so annoying when you do that.
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For people who are "pro-life" you sure are thirsty for the blood of anyone who disagrees with you.


Well context and nuance arent your forte

Pro life is understood to mean "innocent" life, like babies and unborn children.

Murderers and rapists lose their humanity when they commit those crimes, therefore, kill them, they're worthless and should not be allowed to live

Right, so the whole "only God should judge" thing only works as long as it doesn't work against you.

Who the fuck are you to say if someone has lost their humanity.

Do they lose their humanity when they agree to abortion? Do they lose their humanity when they miscarry? This doctor is a statistical outlier in a very very large group of people. Would you be the first to condemn them all by association? Disgusting.

Fuck you, if you want to support murderers go ahead...and do it you pussy.

First of all you apparently dont know anything about God or christianity. God judges whether people are able to get into heaven, not people's action on Earth. He lets us do that.

It's called free will and we will be judged by the same criteria, and since I've never murdered or raped someone, I'm ok with that.

So quit being a liberal douche and making erroneous arguments about things you dont know about.

And again you DONT think murderers lost their humanity? Wow you are tool
In spite of the Lame Street Media's efforts, this is NOT a Pro-Life or Woman's Choice issue!

It's a matter of judging and punishing an individual and his associates who willfully murdered live human beings and caused terrible pain and suffering upon the living. Nobody's saying anything about the mothers who had to see their babies murdered or tossed in the toilet. What is that going to do to them in the future?

Murdering this scumbag won't solve the problem but it might cause others doing similar things to think twice before doing so.
Nobody's saying anything about the mothers who had to see their babies murdered or tossed in the toilet.

Isn't that what they asked him to do?
Or did he kidnap them and perform these acts without their consent?
In spite of the Lame Street Media's efforts, this is NOT a Pro-Life or Woman's Choice issue!

It's a matter of judging and punishing an individual and his associates who willfully murdered live human beings and caused terrible pain and suffering upon the living. Nobody's saying anything about the mothers who had to see their babies murdered or tossed in the toilet. What is that going to do to them in the future?

Murdering this scumbag won't solve the problem but it might cause others doing similar things to think twice before doing so.

What about those who believe a child 30 seconds from being born isn't a human being at all? OR, even, like obama, a child born and wholly outside the mother's womb isn't a human being either

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