Abortion Doctor GUILTY.. Death penalty looms

Well context and nuance arent your forte

Pro life is understood to mean "innocent" life, like babies and unborn children.

Murderers and rapists lose their humanity when they commit those crimes, therefore, kill them, they're worthless and should not be allowed to live

Right, so the whole "only God should judge" thing only works as long as it doesn't work against you.

Who the fuck are you to say if someone has lost their humanity.

Do they lose their humanity when they agree to abortion? Do they lose their humanity when they miscarry? This doctor is a statistical outlier in a very very large group of people. Would you be the first to condemn them all by association? Disgusting.

Fuck you, if you want to support murderers go ahead...and do it you pussy.

First of all you apparently dont know anything about God or christianity. God judges whether people are able to get into heaven, not people's action on Earth. He lets us do that.

It's called free will and we will be judged by the same criteria, and since I've never murdered or raped someone, I'm ok with that.

So quit being a liberal douche and making erroneous arguments about things you dont know about.

And again you DONT think murderers lost their humanity? Wow you are tool

Nice cover. Pretend to be angry so you don't have to answer for your sins.
Right, so the whole "only God should judge" thing only works as long as it doesn't work against you.

Who the fuck are you to say if someone has lost their humanity.

Do they lose their humanity when they agree to abortion? Do they lose their humanity when they miscarry? This doctor is a statistical outlier in a very very large group of people. Would you be the first to condemn them all by association? Disgusting.

Fuck you, if you want to support murderers go ahead...and do it you pussy.

First of all you apparently dont know anything about God or christianity. God judges whether people are able to get into heaven, not people's action on Earth. He lets us do that.

It's called free will and we will be judged by the same criteria, and since I've never murdered or raped someone, I'm ok with that.

So quit being a liberal douche and making erroneous arguments about things you dont know about.

And again you DONT think murderers lost their humanity? Wow you are tool

Nice cover. Pretend to be angry so you don't have to answer for your sins.

PRETEND to be angry???

Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


That doesnt piss you off? You're not human man.

You defend this kinds of guys. WOW
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In spite of the Lame Street Media's efforts, this is NOT a Pro-Life or Woman's Choice issue!

It's a matter of judging and punishing an individual and his associates who willfully murdered live human beings and caused terrible pain and suffering upon the living. Nobody's saying anything about the mothers who had to see their babies murdered or tossed in the toilet. What is that going to do to them in the future?

Murdering this scumbag won't solve the problem but it might cause others doing similar things to think twice before doing so.

I know you want to spin this as a means of damage control, but the fact is that this is a look inside the abortion industrial complex.

Gosnell is not unique, and I'm betting not even unusual. Hopefully this will create scrutiny and abortion mills will be audited. I mean, I realize that's the LAST thing you want - but....
Except they were there for abortions. They didn't ask anyone to be murdered.

That's the thing. They are conceivably murderers if they wanted to deliver and then kill babies...but if they thought that what they were doing was not murder, was not killing a person, and wasn't supposed to take place AFTER birth, then they are victims.

I don't believe that most women who get abortions at that state in their pregnancy would EVER do it unless they were coerced. Of course that can't be proven, because the abortion industry LIES and HIDES information about the abortion industry...and the press, the medical community and the schools are all supportive of this. Coercion is NEVER addressed except by right to lifers, and by the reasoning of progressives, is therefore a non-issue. Just as the disgusting nature of the abortion industry is never addressed...or human trafficking...or the foul history of our current model of sexual health and public education. Our press is a corrupt killing machine, the mouth piece of progressivism, and that is why we are where we are today.

Hopefully, we are swinging the tide back to decency, and honor, and caring compassion, and a dedication to high ideals and concepts...but I fear we are only in our death throes. I think those days are gone.
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Me. That's the way these abortion scumbots try to intimidate me. They try to insert personal info about me into the discussions. I've had them threaten to call my boss to report my views on abortion; I've had them threaten to have child welfare remove my children based on my views. Del used to (and still does, when opportunity knocks) make nasty references to my children, their dad, their Indian blood.

I used to be Allie, then because of these pukes, I was able to change my handle on here at one point, to let things calm down. So when they found out it was a big deal and a lot of time was spent trying to make me appear like a sock (I had admin permission to change my name) or a liar, or a hysteric. So they call me allie when they want to discredit me. Or they just remember me as Allie.

It's no biggie.
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Did you see this scumbag?

He is not a doctor, filthy operating conditions, no scruples? Dead mothers

This is the face of abortion in America if Republicans manage to ban it
yeah I did, and he's a sicko just like you. It's legal yet these exist..hmmmmmmm
Why wasnt his clinic checked in decades? Where was OSHA?
Why do abortion clinics have virtually no regulations?

It was checked in the sense that officials were advised of the conditions, some actually saw them for themselves, and the medical community was well aware of the situation.

All of them, being good baby killers, opted to say and do absolutely nothing about it.
Reminds me of the cover up and/or scandal at Penn State doesn't it you ? Who else is involved, and like you say lets get them as well..
Me. That's the way these abortion scumbots try to intimidate me. They try to insert personal info about me into the discussions. I've had them threaten to call my boss to report my views on abortion; I've had them threaten to have child welfare remove my children based on my views. Del used to (and still does, when opportunity knocks) make nasty references to my children, their dad, their Indian blood.

I used to be Allie, then because of these pukes, I was able to change my handle on here at one point, to let things calm down. So when they found out it was a big deal and a lot of time was spent trying to make me appear like a sock (I had admin permission to change my name) or a liar, or a hysteric. So they call me allie when they want to discredit me. Or they just remember me as Allie.

It's no biggie.
wow, that really sucks. it sucks when people try to take board life into personal life. i have no respect for anyone who tries to do that. IMO that takes a real piece of shit mentality
Me. That's the way these abortion scumbots try to intimidate me. They try to insert personal info about me into the discussions. I've had them threaten to call my boss to report my views on abortion; I've had them threaten to have child welfare remove my children based on my views.

I used to be Allie, then because of these pukes, I was able to change my handle on here at one point, to let things calm down. So when they found out it was a big deal and a lot of time was spent trying to make me appear like a sock (I had admin permission to change my name) or a liar, or a hysteric. So they call me allie when they want to discredit me. Or they just remember me as Allie.

It's no biggie.

Once upon a time, there was a message board called "Argue With Everyone." Among the denizens was a dull witted lefty who went by "ObamAmerican." But it turned out that he had cribbed his name from an another poster - HERE. The real ObamAmerican complained, so he changed his name to "Dot Com."

Now he liked to use an Avi of Itchy, the mouse from the Simpsons.


So I took to calling him "Scheiß Mause," which means "shit mouse." After AWE imploded, we both ended up here, but Dot Com will always be Scheiß Mause to me.
Except they were there for abortions. They didn't ask anyone to be murdered.

That's the thing. They are conceivably murderers if they wanted to deliver and then kill babies...but if they thought that what they were doing was not murder, was not killing a person, and wasn't supposed to take place AFTER birth, then they are victims.

I don't believe that most women who get abortions at that state in their pregnancy would EVER do it unless they were coerced. Of course that can't be proven, because the abortion industry LIES and HIDES information about the abortion industry...and the press, the medical community and the schools are all supportive of this. Coercion is NEVER addressed except by right to lifers, and by the reasoning of progressives, is therefore a non-issue. Just as the disgusting nature of the abortion industry is never addressed...or human trafficking...or the foul history of our current model of sexual health and public education. Our press is a corrupt killing machine, the mouth piece of progressivism, and that is why we are where we are today.

Hopefully, we are swinging the tide back to decency, and honor, and caring compassion, and a dedication to high ideals and concepts...but I fear we are only in our death throes. I think those days are gone.
Here is an example of the problem we all face today in America, and so lets just say that one has a Maserati (a high dollar sport car), and this car represents a well defined quality engineered product, so lets say that the car also would represent a person in the same sense who owns the car and has earned it honestly, ok then we have an old Jalopy in which represents also another person as it's driver in that sense as well. Now the two cars get in a wreck at different time periods or rather these two people & cars crash in the same way , and so next the people come out to see what has happened when they hear the crash of the Maserati and it's driver, and they see the Maserati in shambles and in pieces along with its highly respected driver whom can't believe that another vehicle has caused this catastrophe, so they say wow look at that shameful waste of a fine vehicle and the person who was driving that fine vehicle, and they morn it's loss of quality engineering and stature along with it's driver the same, even though the driver is A-OK. Then we have the jalopy get into a wreck as well, along with it's government made dependent, or uneducated and poor driver by his own choices made in life, along with the government and corporations exploiting the situation he is in or they have put him in, and so the people come out to see what has happened again once they heard the comotion outside, and they see the jalopy all torn into pieces along with it's driver for whom wasn't hurt but his clothes were shredded, and they begin to laugh as the car is no more once they see that the person driving it is A-Okay, even though he has no jalopy or clothes on his back anymore, they couldn't help but laugh at it all sadly enough.

OK here is what happens in many peoples minds, where as we are falling faster and faster from a Maserati stature in America, and we are becoming more and more dependent and poor or uneducated while driving jalopies in America, and so it is very easy to understand the attitudes and disrespect that is found so prevalent upon American society these days, especially concerning what people think anymore of a babies life just as well (it all ties together), because we have all been reduced to driving jalopies the most of us with jalopy stature, and in this we are being disrespected badly by the whole world and disrespecting of each other as well, because we should along with the world who knew us, and expects better than this from within America, so what has happened ? Who or what has reduced us to what we have become ? Who is wanting us to drive jalopies the rest of our days? Who is breeding all these attitudes and the disrespect that goes along with them, and how did we begin to think that people are no more valuable than an old broken down jalopy in life? Who has dumbed us down like this ? Who has made us turn a blind eye to such destructive practices and evil in this nation ? What is a man that gains the whole world, yet loses his own soul ? What will a man give in exchange for his soul ?
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It's a nice dance, we gotta a nice dance goin' here
Now what you gotta do, I'll tell you what you gotta do
You got to pretend your face is a Maserati
It's a Maserati It's a Maserati
It's a gettin' hotty It's a Maserati, Maserati, Maserati
It's a fast one too man, that thing's turbocharged
You feel like a little fuel injection honey?
I'll tell ya about it, I'll tell you about it
I gotta get that hood scoop off, shine and shine and buff
I'll check out the hood scoop
I gotta buff it up, buff it up, buff it up, buff it up, buff it up,
Yeah, shiny now baby, heh heh heh
You've been drivin' all night long
It's time to put the old Maserati away
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You have. By wanting those murder charges dropped, you are essentially defending him.

No, I think those charges should have been dropped because there was no legal basis for them. These women went in to get pregnancies terminated, he terminated pregnancies.

Oh, and apparently, the prosecutors just exchanged two life sentences for a promise to not appeal. So they were perfectly willing to drop the charges as well, as long as they didn't have to say they did.

And I don't give a damn if you were a Republican, Joe. And this has zero to do with religion. It has more to do with JUSTICE than anything else.

Justice would have been putting him and his minions on trial for killing Mrs. Mognar, mauling other patients, and dealing drugs. They could have done that two years ago.

Instead they gave his minions lesser sentences, cut a deal with him to not appeal their dubious verdict, all so they could get a court to say these were murders. Well, some of them, anyway.

I TL;DR'd the rest of your rant, since it is wholly irrelevant to this topic of discussion whatsoever. Nobody cares to hear your rationale for how you defected from the Republican Party.

Stop defending him, Joe.

I didn't. But obviously, you can't see the difference between following the law and not letting your whacky religious agenda make policy.

You obviously haven't interacted with joe much. He cares exactly two shits about women and children. They're chattel to him.

The lib media is spinning gosnell as a philanthropist who has helped his community for 40 years. They're completely whitewashing his participating in the "ball of razors" debacle (in fact, ignoring it completely). They don't think this is a case of murder, it's just business as usual for those scum.

Why are you spinning these fantasies about what people are saying when they are saying nothing of the sort...

I do care about women and children. Conservatives don't unless they are rich, white women and children. Who will always be able to get their nice legal abortions.

Human Embryologists seem to think fetuses are people, why not you? Is that what your leaders in the Democratic Party demagogued you into thinking? You can't argue science with politics.

This was nothing political. Gosnell was a profiteer. He performed thousands of abortions in his 30+ years in running that abortion mill. What's to say he didn't commit more of these murders? These women weren't charged because they were taken advantage of by this demon.

I will insist from here on that you stop defending this man.

Guy, I was a right wing republican until six years ago, when my Romney loving boss fired me because I required medical treatment.

That's when I realized ALL the cultural conservative issues were BULLSHIT.


And now you are a nanny state loving, union thug loving, I am entitled to free shit cry baby.


NO, now I'm some who realizes that if you let the greed of others run your society, you always get bad results.

In a sensible, sane world, we'd have had single payer health care, and there wouldn't have been an issue. Instead we have employers able to hold your family hostage, and then when you or your loved ones need treatment, ha, ha, fuck you.

Why in the world would I go along with that?

Oh, right. Because abortion is bad and fetuses are the same as babies...

Been hearing that song for 40 years... abortion is still legal.

Yeah, it's way over. He has no corroborating evidence to overturn those charges. None. He has 258 drug charges pending. He is a dead duck, Joe.

Stop defending him, you sound just like his attorney.

You mean his attorney who got him off the hook on those death penalty charges?

So now he's going to live out his life in a minimum security prison for elderly convicts... Oh, the pain, oh the agony.

You guys are such rubes...

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