Abortion Doctor GUILTY.. Death penalty looms

Only because they don't like the competition. Those MFer's lied to me at every oppurunity. IN fact, I was PROMISED by the Regional Manager that if I stayed on an extra three months to oversee a transition that would eliminate my current position, they would reassign me. The guy didn't have the guts to look me in the eye.

Well, so did the prosecutors, since they took the Death Penalty off the table in exchange for a promise NOT to appeal.

So the co-conspirators got sweetheart deals, Gosnell got nothing worse than what he would have gotten if he had just been charged with killing Mrs. Mongar (the ONLY REAL victim in this case.)

Not according to the jury, to the grand jury, to his victims, to the people who saw the bodies, or to his harem.

They all maintain he killed babies, and I believe them. You, on the other hand, are a documented liar and misogynist, who for reasons of his own gets off on the thought of dead babies, and women being forced to abort.

What I get off on is watching religous fuckheads not getting their way on shit.

Watching you all get soooooo angry that you've expended all this energy, and at the end of the day, the guy's going to end up living comfortably in a retirement prison...


You the only one who mad Joe.


The women end up dead.

Carry on, weirdo.

Yes, they do.

Because you guys drive the good doctors out of business or occassionally murder them.

One woman said that the reason she went to Gosnell was because Operation Rescue assholes were always in front of the Planned Parenthood clinic.

Yes, the same woman you called a liar when she reported that she was strapped down, drugged and forced to have an abortion after she she changed her mind. Sorry, Joe... you can't have it both ways. :eusa_whistle:

Was it the same woman? Because, honestly, other than your crazy anti-Choice websites, never read that.

And i don't read crazy anti-choice websites. I got enough of that bullshit in Catholic School, so I tune it out.
Not according to the jury, to the grand jury, to his victims, to the people who saw the bodies, or to his harem.

They all maintain he killed babies, and I believe them. You, on the other hand, are a documented liar and misogynist, who for reasons of his own gets off on the thought of dead babies, and women being forced to abort.

What I get off on is watching religous fuckheads not getting their way on shit.

Watching you all get soooooo angry that you've expended all this energy, and at the end of the day, the guy's going to end up living comfortably in a retirement prison...


You the only one who mad Joe.


Nope... I never said the guy shouldn't go to jail.

I just think it's kind of absurd to charge him with capital crimes, and then cut a plea deal at the last minute so he doesn't appeal them.

"Ooooh, please don't knock down my convoluted conviction by actually applying the law to it. I'll send you to a nice old people's prison instead!"

It seems to me that they cut sweetheart deals for all the minions to get someone to say that they murdered fetuses, and then cut him a deal to pretend he didn't have appealable rights.

So much for "Fiscal Responsibility". They could have pled him out two years ago.
He doesn't think that's a crime, either.

He has a problem with the truth, all he does is spin.


Notice how he didn't like that article...denied reading it...and now cherry picks quotes from it. LOL

No, I found that information on otehr articles... if it's the same woman, which I sort of doubt.

Point was, this woman went to Gosnell's because the Operation Rescue Nutters chased her away from Planned Parenthood. Good job, everyone.
Listen at you talking about the technicalities and/or the system, and then defending the monster with your interpretation of law and how it should be administered according to you, meanwhile atrocities have been committed in which has no bearing on your conscious what so ever ? Get help is all I can say, because you are what's wrong with this nation partly, and you work for the devil himself whether or not you know this, and if everyone else here hasn't convinced you of this yet, then I don't know what to say about a person like you other than you work for the devil.

When you talk about the Devil like that's a real thing, it's very hard to take you seriously.

Let's get away from the fucking fairy stories (where God kills a lot more people than Satan does, anyway, so which one was evil again?) and talk about practicalities.

Attrocities were committed because religous whacks did just about everything they could to keep women from getting safe abortions at reputable clinics.

For instance, Mrs. Mongar - the ONLY REAL VICTIM HERE - went to three clinics that refused to treat her before she crossed the state line and went to Gosnell's clinic.

Now if you guys were really serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd be for universal health care, you'd be for mandetory paid medical and family leave, you'd be for comprehensive sex education that DOESN'T include sending Bristol Palin out to talk about abstinence.
What I like is when someone like you begins losing it, and you begin writing trash like this because you are losing it (the argument that is), and who knows what else you might be losing as your words tell the story well in this post.

Guy, the whole trial is a farce if you spend two years trying to get a jury to convict a guy of a capital crime, and then plead him out to a lesser sentence to keep him from appealing it.

Frankly, it was the "Tinkerbell" defense. "I do beleive abortion is murder... I do beleive abortion is murder".
He doesn't think that's a crime, either.

He has a problem with the truth, all he does is spin.


Notice how he didn't like that article...denied reading it...and now cherry picks quotes from it. LOL

No, I found that information on otehr articles... if it's the same woman, which I sort of doubt.

Point was, this woman went to Gosnell's because the Operation Rescue Nutters chased her away from Planned Parenthood. Good job, everyone.

You mean pro-lifers didn't protest in front of Gosnell's clinic? Is that what you're saying?

If so, then you're more dishonest than I thought.

Notice how he didn't like that article...denied reading it...and now cherry picks quotes from it. LOL

No, I found that information on otehr articles... if it's the same woman, which I sort of doubt.

Point was, this woman went to Gosnell's because the Operation Rescue Nutters chased her away from Planned Parenthood. Good job, everyone.

You mean pro-lifers didn't protest in front of Gosnell's clinic? Is that what you're saying?

If so, then you're more dishonest than I thought.

The pro-life groups themselves have admitted that before his arrest, Gosnell wasn't very high on their radar...

They were going after the bigger, legit clinics.
Yes, they do.

Because you guys drive the good doctors out of business or occassionally murder them.

One woman said that the reason she went to Gosnell was because Operation Rescue assholes were always in front of the Planned Parenthood clinic.

Yes, the same woman you called a liar when she reported that she was strapped down, drugged and forced to have an abortion after she she changed her mind. Sorry, Joe... you can't have it both ways. :eusa_whistle:

Was it the same woman? Because, honestly, other than your crazy anti-Choice websites, never read that.

And i don't read crazy anti-choice websites. I got enough of that bullshit in Catholic School, so I tune it out.

Yeah sure. Save it wacko. You are such a fraud. :eusa_liar:
JoeBitch kind of assured us that this case was not about "murder."

And here we are with the jury verdict that Gosnell committed the murder of THREE babies.

So much for JoeBitch's longed-for credibility.
No, I found that information on otehr articles... if it's the same woman, which I sort of doubt.

Point was, this woman went to Gosnell's because the Operation Rescue Nutters chased her away from Planned Parenthood. Good job, everyone.

You mean pro-lifers didn't protest in front of Gosnell's clinic? Is that what you're saying?

If so, then you're more dishonest than I thought.

The pro-life groups themselves have admitted that before his arrest, Gosnell wasn't very high on their radar...

They were going after the bigger, legit clinics.

You're twisting words. Operation Rescue keeps a list of every abortion clinic in the country. They never got around to inspecting his clinic, but they sure as hell protested it.

Kermit Gosnell and the Anti-Abortion Movement's Intelligence Failure - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

Even in that story, where they try to blame Gosnell on pro-lifers, they note that at least one pro-life group had been praying outside of his clinic for 20 years.
JoeBitch kind of assured us that this case was not about "murder."

And here we are with the jury verdict that Gosnell committed the murder of THREE babies.

So much for JoeBitch's longed-for credibility.

The prosecutors immediately pled away those convictions for a promise NOT to appeal.

This case was about making faustian bargains to score political points against legal abortion.

Sending a 72 year old man to prison when the crimes he really committed (drug dealing, killing a patient) were sufficient to get the same result makes a mockery of justice, especially when a dozen co-conspirators were given lesser sentences for their testimony.

Again, it was like giving Sammy the Bull 17 free murders because they wanted to get John Gotti so bad.
You mean pro-lifers didn't protest in front of Gosnell's clinic? Is that what you're saying?

If so, then you're more dishonest than I thought.

The pro-life groups themselves have admitted that before his arrest, Gosnell wasn't very high on their radar...

They were going after the bigger, legit clinics.

You're twisting words. Operation Rescue keeps a list of every abortion clinic in the country. They never got around to inspecting his clinic, but they sure as hell protested it.

Kermit Gosnell and the Anti-Abortion Movement's Intelligence Failure - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

Even in that story, where they try to blame Gosnell on pro-lifers, they note that at least one pro-life group had been praying outside of his clinic for 20 years.

But that's the point, isn't it?

The pro-life groups are against ANYONE performing abortions, not just the bad actors who do it badly and are a danger to their patients.

So they spend all the time protesting a good clinic that takes good care of their patients and follows all the protocols, and ignore someone like Gosnell because, shit, he's in the Ghetto, we don't want to take our lily white asses down there.

Yeah sure. Save it wacko. You are such a fraud. :eusa_liar:

Sorry, don't read crazy Religous Sites... Life's too fucking short to give them the bandwith.

Point was, a woman claimed that she went to Gosnell's because the anti-Choice nutters chased her away from a legit clinic.

Mission accomplished, eh?

Yes, crazy religious sites such as Huffington Post...of which you did read or you would not be quoting it. Stop lying. It's not becoming.

Point was...she changed her mind...then was forced to have an abortion, is now sterile due to his hacking of her womb ( mission accomplished indeed...right Joe). And was upset to learn that Gosnell may have butchered her baby like the others he murdered. Sorry, Joe, it was her story ( not yours) you don't get to dictate what her "point" was.

Yeah sure. Save it wacko. You are such a fraud. :eusa_liar:

Sorry, don't read crazy Religous Sites... Life's too fucking short to give them the bandwith.

Point was, a woman claimed that she went to Gosnell's because the anti-Choice nutters chased her away from a legit clinic.

Mission accomplished, eh?

Yes, crazy religious sites such as Huffington Post...of which you did read or you would not be quoting it. Stop lying. It's not becoming.

Point was...she changed her mind...then was forced to have an abortion, is now sterile due to his hacking of her womb ( mission accomplished indeed...right Joe). And was upset to learn that Gosnell may have butchered her baby like the others he murdered. Sorry, Joe, it was her story ( not yours) you don't get to dictate what her "point" was.

it was her story, but I only pay attention to the RELEVENT parts.

The fact that Gosnell was incompetent wasn't the story here. He was, obviously, but 96,000 Americans are killed by their doctors every year, and millions are maimed by them. And the right wing thinks the biggest problem in medicine is that some of them sue after being maimed.

The relevent part was that she could have gone to a competent doctor, but religious zealots scared her off.
He doesn't think that's a crime, either.

He has a problem with the truth, all he does is spin.

I have a problem with religous whacks trying to impose their superstitions on the rest of us, and destroying the middle class in the process.

^ Joes admission he has nothing more to say. Kosher got your goat.


You mean she gets my blood pressure up by being ass-poundingly stupid like most reliigious whacks.

The real problem isn't that you guys are actually ever going to get to impose your backwards, bronze age superstitions on the rest of us.

It's that you end up destroying the middle class lifestyle our grandparents fought very hard for in the hope that you might.

And here's the thing. Gosnell existed because poor women couldn't afford to get birth control, have the babies or even get an early abortion at a legit clinic.

In short, he exists because you guys have done this to us as a society.

It's kind of like scattering garbage all over your living room, and complaining about the cockroaches.

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