Abortion Doctor GUILTY.. Death penalty looms

No, she'd just be dead in a different clinic.

This is the way abortion clinics operate. If there was a drug raid on any of them, the FBI would find a horror show. They just stumbled into THIS one.

Which was completely endorsed by all the *legal* clinics in the area, as well as the medical community and the DHS which kept tossing the complaints they received about it.

They all knew. They're okay with it. Because, as Gosnell's own attorney said, it's a dirty business.
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Gee, Joe, you make it sound like a man just convicted of murder is innocent and religious people made someone get herself in trouble because they made a protest.

But in your little groupthink world, free speech is a bitch; mommies who have their own killed and murder can be 'splained away, can it? :cuckoo:

They aren't "mommies" they had no intention of being "mommies", that's the point.

Never heard a woman who had an abortion refer to it as a baby. They refer to it as "that problem i need to take care of.'

Never heard a woman who wanted a baby refer to it as anything but a baby.

It is, at the end of the day - the woman's choice.

If you don't like abortion, don't have one.

Incidently, he was convicted of negligent manslaughter in the case of the only real person. I guess they did convict him of murdering medical waste. Then they had to get him to promise that he wouldn't appeal it to anyone who knows how to read a law book.
No, she'd just be dead in a different clinic.

This is the way abortion clinics operate. If there was a drug raid on any of them, the FBI would find a horror show. They just stumbled into THIS one.

Which was completely endorsed by all the *legal* clinics in the area, as well as the medical community and the DHS which kept tossing the complaints they received about it.

They all knew. They're okay with it. Because, as Gosnell's own attorney said, it's a dirty business.

Deaths of actual people in abortion clinics are rare. Sorry, abortion is safer than childbirth. It's safer than gun ownership.
Sorry, that isn't the way it works, and will never be.

People will always stand up for the women and children that are victimized and killed by the abortion industry and men like joe.

Always. It's never going to change.
No, she'd just be dead in a different clinic.

This is the way abortion clinics operate. If there was a drug raid on any of them, the FBI would find a horror show. They just stumbled into THIS one.

Which was completely endorsed by all the *legal* clinics in the area, as well as the medical community and the DHS which kept tossing the complaints they received about it.

They all knew. They're okay with it. Because, as Gosnell's own attorney said, it's a dirty business.

Deaths of actual people in abortion clinics are rare. Sorry, abortion is safer than childbirth. It's safer than gun ownership.

Sorry, that isn't the way it works, and will never be.

People will always stand up for the women and children that are victimized and killed by the abortion industry and men like joe.

Always. It's never going to change.

NOpe, you'll keep letting the plutocrats barter away the middle class and then wonder why your neighbors are terminating pregnancies they can't afford.

Because you apparently think women are just helpless things who can't make up their own minds...

And in your case, that's probably true. Did a guy talk you into something you regret 20 years later? Because, honestly, that's the whole vibe I get from you.
Ew, don't direct your weirdo vibes at me, weirdo.

I get a vibe that you're a criminal, who has committed violent crimes against women. And my vibes are pretty good.

Shall we continue?
Ew, don't direct your weirdo vibes at me, weirdo.

I get a vibe that you're a criminal, who has committed violent crimes against women. And my vibes are pretty good.

Shall we continue?

Why, that'd be retarded.

For the record, the most serious problem I've ever had with the law is a traffic ticket.

But frankly, the way you talk about how men MAKE women have abortions, I think I've got you pegged.

You seem to want to put the blame for abortions on everyone BUT the women who have them. The doctors, boyfriends, parents, etc.

I just have to wonder why you never hold women accountable for abortions...
And you hate women. So not only do you want to kill their babies, and them, but you want to make it clear that they deserve it.

Got it. You're no different than every other abusive piece of shit the world has spawned.
And you hate women. So not only do you want to kill their babies, and them, but you want to make it clear that they deserve it.

Got it. You're no different than every other abusive piece of shit the world has spawned.

Yawn, guy, so letting women make their own decisions is "abusive". Got it.

Frankly, it's a wonder you wander around on your own, not letting a man make your decisions for you, since you seem to think your own gender is incapable.

Me... I trust women to do what is best for themselves... not what a Church thinks is best for them.
And you hate women. So not only do you want to kill their babies, and them, but you want to make it clear that they deserve it.

Got it. You're no different than every other abusive piece of shit the world has spawned.

Yawn, guy, so letting women make their own decisions is "abusive". Got it.

Frankly, it's a wonder you wander around on your own, not letting a man make your decisions for you, since you seem to think your own gender is incapable.

Me... I trust women to do what is best for themselves... not what a Church thinks is best for them.

it's not about Church or religion you bigot it's about nutjobs like you pushing the unlimited killing of babies up until birth...Get it straight:cuckoo:

it's not about Church or religion you bigot it's about nutjobs like you pushing the unlimited killing of babies up until birth...Get it straight:cuckoo:

If that's woman's decision, it's her decision.

Fetuses aren't babies.

Wrong if you decide to killed another person you'll be prosecuted just like Gosnell was there is no right to take another persons life.
Listen at you talking about the technicalities and/or the system, and then defending the monster with your interpretation of law and how it should be administered according to you, meanwhile atrocities have been committed in which has no bearing on your conscious what so ever ? Get help is all I can say, because you are what's wrong with this nation partly, and you work for the devil himself whether or not you know this, and if everyone else here hasn't convinced you of this yet, then I don't know what to say about a person like you other than you work for the devil.

When you talk about the Devil like that's a real thing, it's very hard to take you seriously.

Let's get away from the fucking fairy stories (where God kills a lot more people than Satan does, anyway, so which one was evil again?) and talk about practicalities.

Attrocities were committed because religous whacks did just about everything they could to keep women from getting safe abortions at reputable clinics.

For instance, Mrs. Mongar - the ONLY REAL VICTIM HERE - went to three clinics that refused to treat her before she crossed the state line and went to Gosnell's clinic.

Now if you guys were really serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd be for universal health care, you'd be for mandetory paid medical and family leave, you'd be for comprehensive sex education that DOESN'T include sending Bristol Palin out to talk about abstinence.
Yep it is clear you work for the devil himself, so carry on but know that everyone knows who you are working for in character of, and this no matter how much you try and deny it or cast it as some sort of fairy tale and/or what not.

Ok lets say that there is the devil in which is to be a part of your world in which you deny him in, but yet you operate exactly as he would expect you to, so whether he exist or not, you still operate as he would want you to, and that is bad. So where do you draw your character from anyway, and why does it act in concert with the devil just as he is written about in the Bible ?
He's just your everyday abusive pervert, who sees abortion as necessary to protect the sex industry.

it's not about Church or religion you bigot it's about nutjobs like you pushing the unlimited killing of babies up until birth...Get it straight:cuckoo:

If that's woman's decision, it's her decision.

Fetuses aren't babies.

Wrong if you decide to killed another person you'll be prosecuted just like Gosnell was there is no right to take another persons life.

Gosnell only went to jail because he killed an adult woman...

The Medical Waste just got bootstrapped onto that.
Yep it is clear you work for the devil himself, so carry on but know that everyone knows who you are working for in character of, and this no matter how much you try and deny it or cast it as some sort of fairy tale and/or what not.

Ok lets say that there is the devil in which is to be a part of your world in which you deny him in, but yet you operate exactly as he would expect you to, so whether he exist or not, you still operate as he would want you to, and that is bad. So where do you draw your character from anyway, and why does it act in concert with the devil just as he is written about in the Bible ?

Now, funny thing, that.

The bible doesn't really talk about Satan all that much, really. In the Book of Job, he's a guy who acts on God's authority, and comes and goes in Heaven as he pleases..

In fact, very little of what you Christians think of "the Devil" actually comes from scripture. Most of it comes from either Milton or Dante.

Now, If I were going to sign on to made up cosmic baddies, I'd totally be on Team C'Thulhu..


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