Abortion Doctor GUILTY.. Death penalty looms

As are the goofballs who try and say that the liberal media was not avoiding this story like the plague,

You're either lying or misinformed. Back on this planet, the liberal media -- as opposed to our national conservative media -- was on it from day one. Your precious conservative media, wouldn't touch it in any form until the trial started. That included FOX News and every Republican in Congress. Are they all part of the magical liberal media conspiracy too?

Jester, you should be taking responsibility for the results of the policies you push. Dr. Gosnell was that result, exactly as the liberals predicted. If you're that ashamed of the results of your policies, you probably shouldn't be pushing those policies.
Au contraire. Gosnell's clinic if it was cleaned up a tad and was more sterile would be Planned Parenthoods dream come true.

May I remind you of this presentation?

Snip, snip might not be a preferred method of infantacide by PP but I'm sure they already have some ideas up there sleeves on how this after birth termination could be achieved.

'It is just really hard for me to even ask you this question,' Republican State Rep. Jim Boyd said during the hearing, 'because I’m almost in disbelief:

If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that's struggling for life?'

Snow replied, 'We believe that, you know, any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician.'

She restated the same answer in response to a question from State Rep. Jose Oliva, another Republican. 'That decision should be between the patient and the health care provider,' she insisted.

'I think that at that point,' Oliva countered, 'the patient would be the child struggling on a table. Wouldn't you agree?'

Snow seemed to concede the point. 'That's a very good question,' she said. 'I really don't know how to answer that.'

In Florida Legislature, Planned Parenthood lobbyist defends doctor-assisted infanticide when babies are born alive after botched abortions | Mail Online

Gosnell is the model of the abortion industrial complex.
Did you see this scumbag?

He is not a doctor, filthy operating conditions, no scruples? Dead mothers

This is the face of abortion in America if Republicans manage to ban it

The doctor is not a doctor? Wrong. "Doctor" Gosnell WAS a doctor and is soon to lose his license as a result of the criminal conviction.

And yes, HIS fucking office was disgustingly filthy. And yes, his "practice" killed more than just the preborn babies and a few who WERE born, he also managed to cause the death of at least one of the mothers.

And no, this is not the face of abortion in America if it ceases to be a pseudo medical procedure available on demand for mere convenience, you hack.

Gosnell is the face of legal abortion in America. He operated for years legally. This is legal abortion. This is what it looks like and why there is an Infant's born alive protection act.

Gosnell is going to prison for the remainder of his life. He is not the face of legal abortion, otherwise he would not be going to prison

The treatment Gosnell provided is what women could expect if abortion were made illegal
Au contraire. Gosnell's clinic if it was cleaned up a tad and was more sterile would be Planned Parenthoods dream come true.

May I remind you of this presentation?

Snip, snip might not be a preferred method of infantacide by PP but I'm sure they already have some ideas up there sleeves on how this after birth termination could be achieved.

'It is just really hard for me to even ask you this question,' Republican State Rep. Jim Boyd said during the hearing, 'because I’m almost in disbelief:

If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that's struggling for life?'

Snow replied, 'We believe that, you know, any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician.'

She restated the same answer in response to a question from State Rep. Jose Oliva, another Republican. 'That decision should be between the patient and the health care provider,' she insisted.

'I think that at that point,' Oliva countered, 'the patient would be the child struggling on a table. Wouldn't you agree?'

Snow seemed to concede the point. 'That's a very good question,' she said. 'I really don't know how to answer that.'

In Florida Legislature, Planned Parenthood lobbyist defends doctor-assisted infanticide when babies are born alive after botched abortions | Mail Online

Gosnell is the model of the abortion industrial complex.

Scott Roeder is the model for the anti-abortion movement.
Gosnell is going to prison for the remainder of his life. He is not the face of legal abortion, otherwise he would not be going to prison

The treatment Gosnell provided is what women could expect if abortion were made illegal

If a jury were privy to what goes on in other abortion factories, nearly every abortionist would go to prison for life.

And your stupid mantra, which each of you drones are repeating, is really fucking stupid.
Even if he got the death penalty he would be dead of natural causes long before he was executed.

There is an automatic appeal. His attorney never put on a defense so there are more than adequate grounds.

It does not work that way, they chose not to put on a defense because they thought they won.
Don't cry, uncensored. You'll create more Dr. Gosnells soon, and all will be right with pro-lifers again. After all, with pro-lifers, it's mainly about punishing the sluts who dared have sex, and sending them to the Gosnells what pro-lifers consider a fitting punishment. They're okay with abortion, as long as it's dangerous and humiliating. Hence why they ignored Gosnell for so long.
Don't cry, uncensored. You'll create more Dr. Gosnells soon, and all will be right with pro-lifers again. After all, with pro-lifers, it's mainly about punishing the sluts who dared have sex, and sending them to the Gosnells what pro-lifers consider a fitting punishment. They're okay with abortion, as long as it's dangerous and humiliating. Hence why they ignored Gosnell for so long.

The mantra you drones are spewing is incredibly stupid - even for the fucknut left.

But by all means, run with it....
Gosnell is going to prison for the remainder of his life. He is not the face of legal abortion, otherwise he would not be going to prison

The treatment Gosnell provided is what women could expect if abortion were made illegal

Really?... So the Fact that it's Legal and that he could Operate a Mill Legally played no Part in his Murders?...

He would have just been Murdering Babies either way if Abortion was Illegal?

And why do you Assume that he's the only "Dr." who has done this in the Mills across the Nation?...


Liberals and Planned Parenthood want the right to kill a living breathing baby.

You seem to get some kind of thrill from saying such crazy things, along with most of the righties on this thread.

You are some sick sons of bitches.

Yet I'm not the one breathlessly repeating the stories over and over, eh? It's quite clear who the sick ones here are.

Anyways, sorry that your boy Dr. Gosnell went down. But like I said, I'm sure you'll be creating many more like him, so you'll soon have a new source for your thrills.

Saying what crazy thing?

That Planned Parenthood believes that a living breathing baby's fate after a botched abortion is strictly between the mother and the doctor?

This is based on truth and I put up the article and the link. The presentation by the PP representative was in front of the Florida Senate.

And never would or could Dr. Gosnell be mine. Liberals created the environment he could thrive in and become wealthy.

Mr. Snip Snip is a perfect example of the left wing consistently reveling in the culture of death.
Wheres the abortion lovers in this thread? Bodey & Ravi where are you?

joe is busy doing damage control...he maintains the deaths occur because we don't have enough late term abortion clinics.

Oh, and that abortion is good for women.

Oh, and that if women are coerced so what, the man has a say, too....

He also maintains that the convictions will be overthrown in appeal.

But then he also maintained that there would be no conviction.

It's a sad day for him and Obama.
Liberals and Planned Parenthood want the right to kill a living breathing baby.

You seem to get some kind of thrill from saying such crazy things, along with most of the righties on this thread.

You are some sick sons of bitches.

Yet I'm not the one breathlessly repeating the stories over and over, eh? It's quite clear who the sick ones here are.

Anyways, sorry that your boy Dr. Gosnell went down. But like I said, I'm sure you'll be creating many more like him, so you'll soon have a new source for your thrills.

You are a stupid sick bitch, here in south carolina after gosnell. The legislaters here tried to put regulations on clinics. Like you need to have access to a hospital for the mother. Well that got voted down. So you sick bastards want unregulated baby killing clinics to progress your agenda. Your responsible for gosnell's house of horrors.
ABC went 56 days without even mentioning the trial in Philly...

Finally: 56 Days Later, ABC Ends Blackout and Covers Gosnell 'House of Horrors' | NewsBusters

Fifty six days after the grisly trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell began, ABC broke its self-imposed blackout and finally offered coverage. World News anchor Diane Sawyer belatedly told viewers that Gosnell was convicted on three counts of first degree murder against newborn babies, as well as on a slew of other charges. Terry Moran explained, "For two months, jurors heard often shocking, grisly testimony." He described the details as a "house of horrors." A house of horrors that ABC took 56 days to notice.

As the Media Research Center has aggressively documented, ABC went from March 18, 2013 (the trial's start) through Monday afternoon with no coverage. Yet during the same time, the network devoted a staggering 187 minutes (or 70 segments) to other shocking criminal cases, such as Jodi Arias and Amanda Knox.

Moran noted that "Opponents of legalized abortion seized on this case." The journalist quoted Jeanneane Maxon, the vice president of Americans United for Life. She asserted, "Well, Gosnell's not an aberration. Abortion clinics are unregulated and every year we see the deaths of women inside these clinics."
A guilty verdict is the main issue. Don't get your shorts in a bunch over whether the 70 year old will be executed.
And I think they are the ones I heard on the radio, saying he was accused of performing late term abortions...instead of murder.

They're still spinning to soft shoe the baby killing part of this disgusting showcase of progressive depravity . Because they think it needs to be done.
Guilty on almost all counts.

Should he get the death penalty?

I say YES.

Pennsylvania hasn't executed anyone in 14 years... and the three people it did execute had all waived their appeals.

More likely. The prosecutors will take the DP off the table in exchange for Gosnell promising not to appeal his sentences. Then they'll send him to an old person's prison.

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