Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death

Education should not come from parents, who are ill equipped to deal with such matters...........

Sorry, I had to cut you off right there. That is an outrageous thing to say. Parents are the ONLY ones to teach their kids values. They sure won't get values from schools or from the streets.

Adios. Have a nice day.
Education should not come from parents, who are ill equipped to deal with such matters...........

Sorry, I had to cut you off right there. That is an outrageous thing to say. Parents are the ONLY ones to teach their kids values. They sure won't get values from schools or from the streets.Values

Adios. Have a nice day.
I wasn't talking about "values." I was talking about factual information that the kids can rely on when they make their decisions. What you say are "values" are different than knowing how everything works. Trump ended up knowing how everything works, factually speaking, but he ended up being a whore. Daddy and Mommy trump didn't teach him any "values," now did they
Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death: reports
Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death: reports

The remains of more than 2,200 unborn children have been found at the Illinois home of a former Indiana abortion doctor who died earlier this month, according to reports.
The discovery was made by members of the family of Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, who died Sept. 3. The family members had been searching through Klopfer’s belongings after he died, FOX 59 of Indianapolis reported.

ME: Well, you have to be an evil demon to be an abortionist in the first place, so as sick and disgusting as this story is it really is not surprising. It is yet another example of the sheer demonic evil of Liberals and Leftists.
Illinois or Indiana....which is it?
Education should not come from parents, who are ill equipped to deal with such matters...........

Sorry, I had to cut you off right there. That is an outrageous thing to say. Parents are the ONLY ones to teach their kids values. They sure won't get values from schools or from the streets.Values

Adios. Have a nice day.
I wasn't talking about "values." I was talking about factual information that the kids can rely on when they make their decisions. What you say are "values" are different than knowing how everything works. Trump ended up knowing how everything works, factually speaking, but he ended up being a whore. Daddy and Mommy trump didn't teach him any "values," now did they

Riiiiight we should rely on stuck up stupid shit liberals who think they know everything. :icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes:
This twisted serial killer kept the bodies of his victims in his home till his death. We now have a new confirmed reigning champion for “America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer”.

Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death: reports

2,200 dead and it wasn't an AR-15 it was a surgical procedure called abortion. We should outlaw this. Right?
While it would of course stand to reason that these murders should be outlawed; now that the serial killer is dead.... There is little recourse for the victims.
Education should not come from parents, who are ill equipped to deal with such matters...........

Sorry, I had to cut you off right there. That is an outrageous thing to say. Parents are the ONLY ones to teach their kids values. They sure won't get values from schools or from the streets.Values

Adios. Have a nice day.
I wasn't talking about "values." I was talking about factual information that the kids can rely on when they make their decisions. What you say are "values" are different than knowing how everything works. Trump ended up knowing how everything works, factually speaking, but he ended up being a whore. Daddy and Mommy trump didn't teach him any "values," now did they

Riiiiight we should rely on stuck up stupid shit liberals who think they know everything. :icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes:

What is wrong with society supplying the factual information, and the parents taking over with the "values" thing? An Amish kid can be told about cars and internal combustion engines. Then his dad and mom will tell him that they are Amish and he is forbidden by the family's religion to drive a car. I'm sure that generations of Jewish and Muslim kids knew what a ham sandwich was, but their parents told them that they were forbidden by their respective religions to eat one. Schools are for facts. Family is to provide values to kids about how to manage these facts in their personal lives. If your religion requires people to refrain from sex until marriage, teach them that.

Judging from what I've seen of sex, I don't think that there are too many people who follow the rule of refraining from sexual activity until their wedding night. Why don't you take a poll? From what I can tell, virgin men are supposed to be marrying with virgin women. Where are these holy men? These holy women?
Education should not come from parents, who are ill equipped to deal with such matters...........

Sorry, I had to cut you off right there. That is an outrageous thing to say. Parents are the ONLY ones to teach their kids values. They sure won't get values from schools or from the streets.Values

Adios. Have a nice day.
I wasn't talking about "values." I was talking about factual information that the kids can rely on when they make their decisions. What you say are "values" are different than knowing how everything works. Trump ended up knowing how everything works, factually speaking, but he ended up being a whore. Daddy and Mommy trump didn't teach him any "values," now did they

Riiiiight we should rely on stuck up stupid shit liberals who think they know everything. :icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes:

What is wrong with society supplying the factual information, and the parents taking over with the "values" thing? An Amish kid can be told about cars and internal combustion engines. Then his dad and mom will tell him that they are Amish and he is forbidden by the family's religion to drive a car. I'm sure that generations of Jewish and Muslim kids knew what a ham sandwich was, but their parents told them that they were forbidden by their respective religions to eat one. Schools are for facts. Family is to provide values to kids about how to manage these facts in their personal lives. If your religion requires people to refrain from sex until marriage, teach them that.

Judging from what I've seen of sex, I don't think that there are too many people who follow the rule of refraining from sexual activity until their wedding night. Why don't you take a poll? From what I can tell, virgin men are supposed to be marrying with virgin women. Where are these holy men? These holy women?

You libnazi's will be destroyed and erased from history.
Education should not come from parents, who are ill equipped to deal with such matters...........

Sorry, I had to cut you off right there. That is an outrageous thing to say. Parents are the ONLY ones to teach their kids values. They sure won't get values from schools or from the streets.Values

Adios. Have a nice day.
I wasn't talking about "values." I was talking about factual information that the kids can rely on when they make their decisions. What you say are "values" are different than knowing how everything works. Trump ended up knowing how everything works, factually speaking, but he ended up being a whore. Daddy and Mommy trump didn't teach him any "values," now did they

Riiiiight we should rely on stuck up stupid shit liberals who think they know everything. :icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes:

What is wrong with society supplying the factual information, and the parents taking over with the "values" thing? An Amish kid can be told about cars and internal combustion engines. Then his dad and mom will tell him that they are Amish and he is forbidden by the family's religion to drive a car. I'm sure that generations of Jewish and Muslim kids knew what a ham sandwich was, but their parents told them that they were forbidden by their respective religions to eat one. Schools are for facts. Family is to provide values to kids about how to manage these facts in their personal lives. If your religion requires people to refrain from sex until marriage, teach them that.

Judging from what I've seen of sex, I don't think that there are too many people who follow the rule of refraining from sexual activity until their wedding night. Why don't you take a poll? From what I can tell, virgin men are supposed to be marrying with virgin women. Where are these holy men? These holy women?

You libnazi's will be destroyed and erased from history.

You people cannot walk your own path? The path that you set out for the rest of us? And all you can do is call me names? When I say virgin men marry virgin women, this is what you want, isn't it? Where exactly do you stand?
What I want to know is how liberals stomach this kind of story and keep on plugging away at the pro-choice agenda.

Isn't there anything that would move these people from their wickedness?

The Bible is full of stories about how the Hebrews repeatedly turned away from God and became wicked in their hearts, and God grew angry and punished them with some horrible natural disaster or invasion from an enemy country.

It seemed harsh when I read it, but now I get it.

My only wonderment is that God has endured this abortion thing so long without getting angry and destroying our nation.

I can stomach it because this guy was clearly a sick fucker and it has nothing to do with the issue of abortion and reproductive rights. It is ridiculous and dishonest to claim that it does.
Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death: reports
Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death: reports

The remains of more than 2,200 unborn children have been found at the Illinois home of a former Indiana abortion doctor who died earlier this month, according to reports.
The discovery was made by members of the family of Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, who died Sept. 3. The family members had been searching through Klopfer’s belongings after he died, FOX 59 of Indianapolis reported.

ME: Well, you have to be an evil demon to be an abortionist in the first place, so as sick and disgusting as this story is it really is not surprising. It is yet another example of the sheer demonic evil of Liberals and Leftists.

The time has come for commonsense Abortion regulations.

This is what the people have been trying to do in Texas, Mississippi and other centrist states.

Not outlaw abortion, but just make sure that those involved in the atrocity are fully licensed, fully inspected and pay the fees needed to meet the requirements.

A few years ago Gosnell's House of Horrors Abortuary in West Philadelphia happened, but America really did nothing as a nation to prevent it from happening again.

In Texas, libs complained that abortion mills should not have admitting privileges when things go wrong. Libs felt, the women should just die quickly. I disagree
What I want to know is how liberals stomach this kind of story and keep on plugging away at the pro-choice agenda.

Isn't there anything that would move these people from their wickedness?

The Bible is full of stories about how the Hebrews repeatedly turned away from God and became wicked in their hearts, and God grew angry and punished them with some horrible natural disaster or invasion from an enemy country.

It seemed harsh when I read it, but now I get it.

My only wonderment is that God has endured this abortion thing so long without getting angry and destroying our nation.

I can stomach it because this guy was clearly a sick fucker and it has nothing to do with the issue of abortion and reproductive rights. It is ridiculous and dishonest to claim that it does.

The hell it doesn't. The story shows the need for Common Sense Abortion regulations and licensing requirements.

Libs have been fighting common sense for years.
Education should not come from parents, who are ill equipped to deal with such matters...........

Sorry, I had to cut you off right there. That is an outrageous thing to say. Parents are the ONLY ones to teach their kids values. They sure won't get values from schools or from the streets.Values

Adios. Have a nice day.
I wasn't talking about "values." I was talking about factual information that the kids can rely on when they make their decisions. What you say are "values" are different than knowing how everything works. Trump ended up knowing how everything works, factually speaking, but he ended up being a whore. Daddy and Mommy trump didn't teach him any "values," now did they

Parents don't teach factual information? That has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever read. And you actually typed that and believe it? Then deflect to Trump. Well if you picked up all your knowledge on the streets that explains a few things about you......
Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death: reports
Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death: reports

The remains of more than 2,200 unborn children have been found at the Illinois home of a former Indiana abortion doctor who died earlier this month, according to reports.
The discovery was made by members of the family of Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, who died Sept. 3. The family members had been searching through Klopfer’s belongings after he died, FOX 59 of Indianapolis reported.

ME: Well, you have to be an evil demon to be an abortionist in the first place, so as sick and disgusting as this story is it really is not surprising. It is yet another example of the sheer demonic evil of Liberals and Leftists.
You have to cut him some slack, he was lonely and needed someone to talk to that understood him. Poor guy.
This is why we need absolutely complete sex education at all levels, universal access to birth-control methods, very early solutions for those whose birth-control methods fail.

What we need is to teach people the value of LIfe.
  • Education should come from parents.
  • Birth Control is a bullshit excuse: Guys have been buying rubbers at the liquor store for decades, so don't pull that crap excuse.
If birth control fails then you live with the consequences of your choice to have sex and have the child. You do not murder a baby just because you decided you wanted to fuck one night and the rubber leaked.
It’s all part of the femenism movement. They sell it as “freedom of choice”; but what they actually demand ((and society is currently giving them) is freedom from consequence. If they want to kill their child; they can. If they want to keep the child without the hassle of a husband, or financial burden of being a single mother; they can. They just extort the sperm donor. They’ll tell you his freedom of choice ended once the deed was over. But for her; the freedom from consequence never ends. The only one that ends up paying for her “choice” is the baby she kills; or the man she extorts for 20 years. Such depraved debauchery is the only possible outcome of having no consequences for ones behavior.
Last edited:
Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death: reports
Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death: reports

The remains of more than 2,200 unborn children have been found at the Illinois home of a former Indiana abortion doctor who died earlier this month, according to reports.
The discovery was made by members of the family of Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, who died Sept. 3. The family members had been searching through Klopfer’s belongings after he died, FOX 59 of Indianapolis reported.

ME: Well, you have to be an evil demon to be an abortionist in the first place, so as sick and disgusting as this story is it really is not surprising. It is yet another example of the sheer demonic evil of Liberals and Leftists.

The time has come for commonsense Abortion regulations.

This is what the people have been trying to do in Texas, Mississippi and other centrist states.

Not outlaw abortion, but just make sure that those involved in the atrocity are fully licensed, fully inspected and pay the fees needed to meet the requirements.

A few years ago Gosnell's House of Horrors Abortuary in West Philadelphia happened, but America really did nothing as a nation to prevent it from happening again.

In Texas, libs complained that abortion mills should not have admitting privileges when things go wrong. Libs felt, the women should just die quickly. I disagree
I could be they want to finish the job to cover up the "Hack" job they do.
What I want to know is how liberals stomach this kind of story and keep on plugging away at the pro-choice agenda.

Isn't there anything that would move these people from their wickedness?

The Bible is full of stories about how the Hebrews repeatedly turned away from God and became wicked in their hearts, and God grew angry and punished them with some horrible natural disaster or invasion from an enemy country.

It seemed harsh when I read it, but now I get it.

My only wonderment is that God has endured this abortion thing so long without getting angry and destroying our nation.

I can stomach it because this guy was clearly a sick fucker and it has nothing to do with the issue of abortion and reproductive rights. It is ridiculous and dishonest to claim that it does.

The hell it doesn't. The story shows the need for Common Sense Abortion regulations and licensing requirements.

Libs have been fighting common sense for years.
Yes, Yes, I read your screed on abortion regulations. We already have sufficient regulations. Additional regulations that Republican's want are for the sole purpose of restricting access to abortion-like requiring clinics to have admitting rights- and I think that you might actually be smart enough to know it. No amount of regulations are going to stop a Gosnell or this guy who collected fetuses . Bank robbery is illegal but it still happens. Once again, the more you restrict abortion, the more you will put women at risk AND see abortions of viable fetuses because it will all be forced underground.
What I want to know is how liberals stomach this kind of story and keep on plugging away at the pro-choice agenda.

Isn't there anything that would move these people from their wickedness?

The Bible is full of stories about how the Hebrews repeatedly turned away from God and became wicked in their hearts, and God grew angry and punished them with some horrible natural disaster or invasion from an enemy country.

It seemed harsh when I read it, but now I get it.

My only wonderment is that God has endured this abortion thing so long without getting angry and destroying our nation.

I can stomach it because this guy was clearly a sick fucker and it has nothing to do with the issue of abortion and reproductive rights. It is ridiculous and dishonest to claim that it does.

The hell it doesn't. The story shows the need for Common Sense Abortion regulations and licensing requirements.

Libs have been fighting common sense for years.
Yes, Yes, I read your screed on abortion regulations. We already have sufficient regulations. Additional regulations that Republican's want are for the sole purpose of restricting access to abortion-like requiring clinics to have admitting rights- and I think that you might actually be smart enough to know it. No amount of regulations are going to stop a Gosnell or this guy who collected fetuses . Bank robbery is illegal but it still happens. Once again, the more you restrict abortion, the more you will put women at risk AND see abortions of viable fetuses because it will all be forced underground.

No we don't have sufficient regulations on abortion.

If we did, we wouldn't have situations like this.

Could a proper regulatory environment prevented Gosnell?

Of course.

If massive taxation and regulation had been placed for Gosnell, he would have given up his abortion trade many years ago.

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