Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death

You anti-choice nuts have a fetus fetish - but tough shit if you're already born. And you have no concern for the mental/physical/financial welfare of pregnant women seeking abortion.

So, an abortionist collects the corpses of the unborn he killed...but PRO-LIFE people are REALLY gross!!

You should not have posted in this thread.

Why are you anti-abortion nuts blaming his behavior on liberals?
I'm not. Why are you blaming pro-lifers?

Did you bother to read the OP?
News flash: I didn't write the OP.

Why do you think people objecting to heinous behavior which the doctor performed is funny?
What does improper disposal of medical waste have to do with the ethics of abortion?

Even for pro-lifers, this is a retarded thread, and that's saying something. Pro-lifers are so fixated on finding reasons to hate, they've abandoned even the pretense of possessing common sense. They want to hate, they get off on hating, so nothing will stop them from hating. Just look at this thread. I hope none of them stroke out from the hate.

Should we pity the pro-lifers? Yes? Living a joyless bitter hate-filled life isn't what I'd wish on anyone. However, that doesn't mean we'll let down our guard. You can feel pity for junky, but you still have to watch your back when around the junky, and pro-lifers are hate-junkies.
The movie "Silence/Lambs" and maybe a half a dozen other "B" horror movies like Texas Chainsaw etc were based on notorious serial killer Ed Gein. When he was finally arrested, Gein's house was filled with human remains like skulls turned into dishes. How is that much different from a serial abortionist keeping 2000 souvenirs of his life's passion which was killing babies? It kind of gives an insight into the strange world of MD's who take the Hyppocratic oath to preserve life but prefer to take it.
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(Fox News) – The remains of more than 2,200 unborn children have been found at the Illinois home of a former Indiana abortion doctor who died earlier this month, according to reports. The discovery was made by members of the family of Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, who died Sept. 3. The family members had been searching through Klopfer’s belongings after he died, FOX 59 of Indianapolis reported. There is no evidence that
Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death

The satanic cult could care less how babies are killed thoggh they just want that cock and the chance to spit that thing out like used up candy wrapper .

The Dr's who do this are clipped to begin with. Their mental mentality is that of " i need gov to tell me how ot function" ........ even when u think that's not what's happening when you do this. LMFAO if you only knew why you were " REALLY" doing this.
Makes you wonder why don't these abortion cults give other options for young women like how many know you can be paid a few hundred thousand dollars if you put it up for adoption!!

All in al it teaches today dick seekers and cooch seekers to not have ANY RESPONSIBILITY about how they spread their legs too.......... If you knew you would get knocked up and abortion was a garbage can away why some might actually save their virginity for the guy who really wants you for marriage and not what's between your legs.

Abortions are legal and while there might be some sort of regulation against taking a human fetus home for personal enjoyment, it doesn't rise to the level of a criminal investigation. It does, however, open the door to scrutiny of the pathology of medical personnel who prefer to kill the unborn rather than saving lives. Dr. Gosnell may have done it for money but no doubt there are other strange characters in the medical profession who prefer to sit in their creepy basements while they gaze at creatures in bottles who could have become functioning members of the human race.
2,200 dead and it wasn't an AR-15 it was a surgical procedure called abortion. We should outlaw this. Right?

Excellent! That got a Winner badge.

You libnazi's will be destroyed and erased from history.

Sadly, evil is never destroyed. It always waits to take another form with each generation. We must always be vigilant.

What does improper disposal of medical waste have to do with the ethics of abortion?

Ladies and gentleman, an example of pure evil: The bodies of murdered children are :"medical waste" to this filthy degenerate. There is your Face of Evil
What I want to know is how liberals stomach this kind of story and keep on plugging away at the pro-choice agenda........

I said it before, they are demonic.

I am no Bible-thumper, but anyone who is Christian must believe that there is also a Satan and demons, and that some people give themselves over to them. Its poo-poo'd in the 21st century, but Satan never decided to go away. What else can explain some of the irrational mind-numbing hatred they have.

Evil resides in all humans IMO. The why of it may be due to Satan, demons or even simple biology or the way our brains work. I really don't know but, to me, the important issue is the definition of evil. Leftists have been constantly re-defining 'evil' to include law abiding citizens and inanimate objects such as guns and actually EXclude law breakers. This dilutes our traditional morals and values as well as dilutes the definition of 'evil.'
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I can stomach it because this guy was clearly a sick fucker and it has nothing to do with the issue of abortion and reproductive rights. It is ridiculous and dishonest to claim that it does.

The hell it doesn't. The story shows the need for Common Sense Abortion regulations and licensing requirements.

Libs have been fighting common sense for years.
Yes, Yes, I read your screed on abortion regulations. We already have sufficient regulations. Additional regulations that Republican's want are for the sole purpose of restricting access to abortion-like requiring clinics to have admitting rights- and I think that you might actually be smart enough to know it. No amount of regulations are going to stop a Gosnell or this guy who collected fetuses . Bank robbery is illegal but it still happens. Once again, the more you restrict abortion, the more you will put women at risk AND see abortions of viable fetuses because it will all be forced underground.

No we don't have sufficient regulations on abortion.

If we did, we wouldn't have situations like this.

Could a proper regulatory environment prevented Gosnell?

Of course.

If massive taxation and regulation had been placed for Gosnell, he would have given up his abortion trade many years ago.
Complete and utter horseshit which is exactly what I have come to expect of you. Gosnell was a crazy person who hade no regard for the law and operated under the radar. What you propose would only penalize legitimate provider, not to mention women and still not prevent this sort of atrocity. If you claim that it would, you're even more of an idiot that I thought. Or just a liar.


Kermit Barron Gosnell (born February 9, 1941) is an American physician and former abortion provider who was convicted of murdering three infants who were born alive during attempted abortion procedures; he was also convicted of involuntary manslaughter of one woman during an abortion procedure.
Gosnell owned and operated the Women's Medical Society clinic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and he was a prolific prescriber of OxyContin. In 2011, Gosnell and various co-defendant employees were charged with eight counts of murder, 24 felony counts of performing illegal abortions beyond the state o…
Do you really not see the parallel to the calls for gun control here, and how your arguments against one are identical to the arguments against the other?
Of course I see the parallel! IN both cases, regulation will not stop what is happening, The difference is that in the case of abortion, regulation will cost lives. It will not stop people from getting abortions and will surely result in the deaths of women who go the back ally rout. In the case of guns, regulations are likely to save at least some lives by reducing the number of the most deadly weapons on the street, and reducing the number of all guns that wind up in the hands of those who should not have them
Here we have a "typical?" abortionist who obviously liked his job so much that he (illegally) brought home trophies of his work to enjoy at his leisure but the left's lame argument is that abortions really save lives. Say what?
Ladies and gentleman, an example of pure evil: The bodies of murdered children are :"medical waste" to this filthy degenerate. There is your Face of Evil

Don't stroke out there, hate-junky. I know that your deranged hatred gives you a tingle up the leg, which is primarily why you hate so much, but it can have consequences beyond that, so try to reign it in.

So, pro-life hate-cultists, has nobody broken it to you that you're just screaming nonsense like hysterical lunatics?

Or have they avoided that by avoiding you? Hint: It's your bitter and spiteful demeanor. Nobody wants to be around that.

Remember, nobody thinks abortion is murder, and everyone knows that. Only liars and lunatics say they think abortion is murder. The only question is which category you're part of. Pro-lifers are really only interesting as studies in aberrant psychology.
Here we have a "typical?" abortionist who obviously liked his job so much that he (illegally) brought home trophies of his work to enjoy at his leisure

Not all pro-lifers are disgusting perverts, but this one clearly is. What kind of deviant mind does it take to dream that kind of stuff up? You know he was typing one-handed when he wrote that.
The hell it doesn't. The story shows the need for Common Sense Abortion regulations and licensing requirements.

Libs have been fighting common sense for years.
Yes, Yes, I read your screed on abortion regulations. We already have sufficient regulations. Additional regulations that Republican's want are for the sole purpose of restricting access to abortion-like requiring clinics to have admitting rights- and I think that you might actually be smart enough to know it. No amount of regulations are going to stop a Gosnell or this guy who collected fetuses . Bank robbery is illegal but it still happens. Once again, the more you restrict abortion, the more you will put women at risk AND see abortions of viable fetuses because it will all be forced underground.

No we don't have sufficient regulations on abortion.

If we did, we wouldn't have situations like this.

Could a proper regulatory environment prevented Gosnell?

Of course.

If massive taxation and regulation had been placed for Gosnell, he would have given up his abortion trade many years ago.
Complete and utter horseshit which is exactly what I have come to expect of you. Gosnell was a crazy person who hade no regard for the law and operated under the radar. What you propose would only penalize legitimate provider, not to mention women and still not prevent this sort of atrocity. If you claim that it would, you're even more of an idiot that I thought. Or just a liar.


Kermit Barron Gosnell (born February 9, 1941) is an American physician and former abortion provider who was convicted of murdering three infants who were born alive during attempted abortion procedures; he was also convicted of involuntary manslaughter of one woman during an abortion procedure.
Gosnell owned and operated the Women's Medical Society clinic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and he was a prolific prescriber of OxyContin. In 2011, Gosnell and various co-defendant employees were charged with eight counts of murder, 24 felony counts of performing illegal abortions beyond the state o…
Do you really not see the parallel to the calls for gun control here, and how your arguments against one are identical to the arguments against the other?
Of course I see the parallel! IN both cases, regulation will not stop what is happening, The difference is that in the case of abortion, regulation will cost lives. It will not stop people from getting abortions and will surely result in the deaths of women who go the back ally rout. In the case of guns, regulations are likely to save at least some lives by reducing the number of the most deadly weapons on the street, and reducing the number of all guns that wind up in the hands of those who should not have them

Gun control will not reduce the number of guns on the street at all. People will just buy them from independent, untaxed guys who operate out of the trunks of their cars or the backrooms of cocktail lounges.

It will undoubtably increase the number of unresolved shootings. If guns were illegal and someone came up to me and threatened to shoot me, and I plugged him in self defense, I would have to walk away.
This is why we need absolutely complete sex education at all levels, universal access to birth-control methods, very early solutions for those whose birth-control methods fail.

What we need is to teach people the value of LIfe.
  • Education should come from parents.
  • Birth Control is a bullshit excuse: Guys have been buying rubber at the liquor store since the 70's, so don't pull that crap excuse.
If birth control fails then you live with the consequences of your choice to have sex and have the child. You do not murder a baby just because you decided you wanted to fuck one night and the rubber leaked.

Education should not come from parents, who are ill equipped to deal with such matters. My own mother began her sex lecture to me with a reference to the Virgin Mary, one of the few women who became famous in history by not doing "it." No help at all. I even had to go with her to the Vatican when she did her thing. I eventually laughed in her face about it. Fortunately I had an aunt who was career medical personnel in the U.S. military, who sat me down and told me the whole, real story. Thank God that there was a sane person in the family.

Uh, kids know about sex if they are typical, normal heterosexuals. Seems to me your mom was trying to teach you virtue to go along with that knowledge. You laughed in her face...nice.

Rubbers break, dingbat. Birth control methods for women operate internally and must be overseen by the medical community, as if you didn't know.

Condoms do fail, that is a fair point. Birth control drugs also do not always work. Seems to me the best course of action is to either avoid penis/vagina penetration or not do it at all. The third, and most unpopular action, would be to actually take responsibility for raising the human the heterosexual couple created. The worst option, IMO, is killing the developing human being.

People like you seem to have a problem in general with the idea that heterosexuals actually have sex. We do. Wives and husbands. Girlfriends and boyfriends. Your fantasy that the only sex going on between heterosexual men and women happens between drunks at closing time is just sick. You certainly do not have any perception of how human emotion happens generally. Most heterosexual men and heterosexual women are not sluts, as you would make all of us heterosexuals out to be.

I have a problem with heterosexuals that, for fleeting sexual joy, feel they have to kill a developing human being.
Were the abortions legal? If so - what's the problem?

Abuse of a corpse is a real problem. Whether this is against the criminal code or not, it is still extremely offensive to the concept of the dignity of human life. Its like making lampshades out of human skin. Even if the Germans were doing it with people who died naturally, it would still be offensive. Of course, it ramps it up on the evil scale because it was people the Germans were murdering.
Republican women too afraid to go to a clinic.
Pure idiocy.

I am a Republican woman and a military vet and I'm not afraid of anything. What I am is a woman who knows the value of LIFE and would never murder her own child. I would rather die then kill my own child, my own flesh and blood.

Any woman who murders her child is lower than the dirt.
Were the abortions legal? If so - what's the problem?
On a purely basic level the remains of aborted children are not the property of this maniac monster.
He has about as much business taking home these remains as an ER doctor has collecting the corpses of people who died in his care in his back yard.

What the hell is wrong with you?

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