Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death

Was the doctor a democrat? Most men of his stature and money vote Republican.

First of all, abortionists are not doctors, they are murderers. Thats why there are so few of them because real doctors want nothing to do with it. Its a specialty.

Second, your stereotype about who is rich is pure ignorance and bullshit. Most huge rich people are liberals like Bill Gates.

Third, who gives a fuck. He was a demon straight from hell just like all abortionists are

Please provide "credible" proof that taxpayer funds are used for legal abortions.

Oh my God, wake the fuck up. What is wrong with you.
Is it any wonder that the systematic organized media sanctioned government funded killing attracts perverts? What we are seeing in this small example of an abortion doctor collecting trophies is probably the tip of the iceberg
Please provide "credible" proof that taxpayer funds are used for legal abortions.

HIPPA regulations prohibit that being done without your written consent to publish your records.

187-What does the HIPAA Privacy Rule do
It's like saying the Holocaust operated without consent of the Nazis. The Planned Parenthood (eugenic society) is the business end of the abortion industry and amazingly PP is funded by taxpayers who would be shocked at what goes on in the abortion industry. The perverts are running the asylum.
Please provide "credible" proof that taxpayer funds are used for legal abortions.

HIPPA regulations prohibit that being done without your written consent to publish your records.

187-What does the HIPAA Privacy Rule do

Complete and utter horseshit . HIPPA protests the privacy of patients, not funding sources

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The one thing upon which we can rely:

Liberal reading comprehension failure.

Please re-read and consider the proof that would appear in one person's medical records.


Ask an adult to sound out the words as written, perhaps applying emphasis to help you grasp.
Why does it come as a surprise that unrestricted wholesale killing of a defenseless segment of society beeds insanity and perversion even among MD's? Dr. Gosnell operated what is deemed as a house of horrors cutting up full term babies when they slipped out of the womb and ended up on the table. The democrat governor of Va. who is also an MD was so intent in supporting a democrat sponsored abortion bill that he forgot that the killing of a baby outside the womb is murder. Democrats (and the media) gave him a pass when he went into a rambling account of keeping a baby comfortable while the parents and the doctor decide, depending on eugenic standards, if they will drown it like a freaking puppy. Money and killing made Gosnell insane and political power and killing impacted the Va. Gov's sense of justice.
Please provide "credible" proof that taxpayer funds are used for legal abortions.

HIPPA regulations prohibit that being done without your written consent to publish your records.

187-What does the HIPAA Privacy Rule do

Complete and utter horseshit . HIPPA protests the privacy of patients, not funding sources

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The one thing upon which we can rely:

Liberal reading comprehension failure.

Please re-read and consider the proof that would appear in one person's medical records.


Ask an adult to sound out the words as written, perhaps applying emphasis to help you grasp.
What the fuck are you talking about? HIPPA does t do deal with funding sources .Plain and simple. Are you trying to gaslight me? Not working
What does improper disposal of medical waste have to do with the ethics of abortion?

Even for pro-lifers, this is a retarded thread, and that's saying something. Pro-lifers are so fixated on finding reasons to hate, they've abandoned even the pretense of possessing common sense. They want to hate, they get off on hating, so nothing will stop them from hating. Just look at this thread. I hope none of them stroke out from the hate.

Should we pity the pro-lifers? Yes? Living a joyless bitter hate-filled life isn't what I'd wish on anyone. However, that doesn't mean we'll let down our guard. You can feel pity for junky, but you still have to watch your back when around the junky, and pro-lifers are hate-junkies.
...says the person who believes it's okay to kill inconvenient human beings.

You believe you hold the moral high ground. In reality, you're standing on the bodies of 60 million human beings killed since 1973.
The hell it doesn't. The story shows the need for Common Sense Abortion regulations and licensing requirements.

Libs have been fighting common sense for years.
Yes, Yes, I read your screed on abortion regulations. We already have sufficient regulations. Additional regulations that Republican's want are for the sole purpose of restricting access to abortion-like requiring clinics to have admitting rights- and I think that you might actually be smart enough to know it. No amount of regulations are going to stop a Gosnell or this guy who collected fetuses . Bank robbery is illegal but it still happens. Once again, the more you restrict abortion, the more you will put women at risk AND see abortions of viable fetuses because it will all be forced underground.

No we don't have sufficient regulations on abortion.

If we did, we wouldn't have situations like this.

Could a proper regulatory environment prevented Gosnell?

Of course.

If massive taxation and regulation had been placed for Gosnell, he would have given up his abortion trade many years ago.
Complete and utter horseshit which is exactly what I have come to expect of you. Gosnell was a crazy person who hade no regard for the law and operated under the radar. What you propose would only penalize legitimate provider, not to mention women and still not prevent this sort of atrocity. If you claim that it would, you're even more of an idiot that I thought. Or just a liar.


Kermit Barron Gosnell (born February 9, 1941) is an American physician and former abortion provider who was convicted of murdering three infants who were born alive during attempted abortion procedures; he was also convicted of involuntary manslaughter of one woman during an abortion procedure.
Gosnell owned and operated the Women's Medical Society clinic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and he was a prolific prescriber of OxyContin. In 2011, Gosnell and various co-defendant employees were charged with eight counts of murder, 24 felony counts of performing illegal abortions beyond the state o…
Do you really not see the parallel to the calls for gun control here, and how your arguments against one are identical to the arguments against the other?
Of course I see the parallel! IN both cases, regulation will not stop what is happening, The difference is that in the case of abortion, regulation will cost lives. It will not stop people from getting abortions and will surely result in the deaths of women who go the back ally rout. In the case of guns, regulations are likely to save at least some lives by reducing the number of the most deadly weapons on the street, and reducing the number of all guns that wind up in the hands of those who should not have them
So, in one case, people will ignore the law and seek that which is heavily regulated -- but in the other case, people will obey the law and not seek that which is heavily regulated.

You were so close to having a breakthrough, too. Good thing I wasn't holding my breath.
But were the abortions legal? What he did with the remains is a different story.

This was legal according to German Law. Does that make it okay?
Democrats are no better than Nazis. Just substitute babies for these Jews.


Lakhota rated this post as "funny".

He's a sick, twisted bastard.
Abortionists get a thrill from killing humans in the womb. Those tiny remains are the trophies of a serial killer.
Yes, Yes, I read your screed on abortion regulations. We already have sufficient regulations. Additional regulations that Republican's want are for the sole purpose of restricting access to abortion-like requiring clinics to have admitting rights- and I think that you might actually be smart enough to know it. No amount of regulations are going to stop a Gosnell or this guy who collected fetuses . Bank robbery is illegal but it still happens. Once again, the more you restrict abortion, the more you will put women at risk AND see abortions of viable fetuses because it will all be forced underground.

No we don't have sufficient regulations on abortion.

If we did, we wouldn't have situations like this.

Could a proper regulatory environment prevented Gosnell?

Of course.

If massive taxation and regulation had been placed for Gosnell, he would have given up his abortion trade many years ago.
Complete and utter horseshit which is exactly what I have come to expect of you. Gosnell was a crazy person who hade no regard for the law and operated under the radar. What you propose would only penalize legitimate provider, not to mention women and still not prevent this sort of atrocity. If you claim that it would, you're even more of an idiot that I thought. Or just a liar.


Kermit Barron Gosnell (born February 9, 1941) is an American physician and former abortion provider who was convicted of murdering three infants who were born alive during attempted abortion procedures; he was also convicted of involuntary manslaughter of one woman during an abortion procedure.
Gosnell owned and operated the Women's Medical Society clinic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and he was a prolific prescriber of OxyContin. In 2011, Gosnell and various co-defendant employees were charged with eight counts of murder, 24 felony counts of performing illegal abortions beyond the state o…
Do you really not see the parallel to the calls for gun control here, and how your arguments against one are identical to the arguments against the other?
Of course I see the parallel! IN both cases, regulation will not stop what is happening, The difference is that in the case of abortion, regulation will cost lives. It will not stop people from getting abortions and will surely result in the deaths of women who go the back ally rout. In the case of guns, regulations are likely to save at least some lives by reducing the number of the most deadly weapons on the street, and reducing the number of all guns that wind up in the hands of those who should not have them
So, in one case, people will ignore the law and seek that which is heavily regulated -- but in the other case, people will obey the law and not seek that which is heavily regulated.

You were so close to having a breakthrough, too. Good thing I wasn't holding my breath.
No! That is not what I'm saying. And, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt by also saying that I think that you are smart enough to know that . In both cases, there will be those who obey the law and those who do not. What I am saying is the, for the reason that I've stated, the outcomes in terms of lives lost will be different in each case.
No we don't have sufficient regulations on abortion.

If we did, we wouldn't have situations like this.

Could a proper regulatory environment prevented Gosnell?

Of course.

If massive taxation and regulation had been placed for Gosnell, he would have given up his abortion trade many years ago.
Complete and utter horseshit which is exactly what I have come to expect of you. Gosnell was a crazy person who hade no regard for the law and operated under the radar. What you propose would only penalize legitimate provider, not to mention women and still not prevent this sort of atrocity. If you claim that it would, you're even more of an idiot that I thought. Or just a liar.


Kermit Barron Gosnell (born February 9, 1941) is an American physician and former abortion provider who was convicted of murdering three infants who were born alive during attempted abortion procedures; he was also convicted of involuntary manslaughter of one woman during an abortion procedure.
Gosnell owned and operated the Women's Medical Society clinic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and he was a prolific prescriber of OxyContin. In 2011, Gosnell and various co-defendant employees were charged with eight counts of murder, 24 felony counts of performing illegal abortions beyond the state o…
Do you really not see the parallel to the calls for gun control here, and how your arguments against one are identical to the arguments against the other?
Of course I see the parallel! IN both cases, regulation will not stop what is happening, The difference is that in the case of abortion, regulation will cost lives. It will not stop people from getting abortions and will surely result in the deaths of women who go the back ally rout. In the case of guns, regulations are likely to save at least some lives by reducing the number of the most deadly weapons on the street, and reducing the number of all guns that wind up in the hands of those who should not have them
So, in one case, people will ignore the law and seek that which is heavily regulated -- but in the other case, people will obey the law and not seek that which is heavily regulated.

You were so close to having a breakthrough, too. Good thing I wasn't holding my breath.
No! That is not what I'm saying. And, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt by also saying that I think that you are smart enough to know that . In both cases, there will be those who obey the law and those who do not. What I am saying is the, for the reason that I've stated, the outcomes in terms of lives lost will be different in each case.

People will still carry guns, regardless of whether they are legal or not.

The need for self defense is the same.
No we don't have sufficient regulations on abortion.

If we did, we wouldn't have situations like this.

Could a proper regulatory environment prevented Gosnell?

Of course.

If massive taxation and regulation had been placed for Gosnell, he would have given up his abortion trade many years ago.
Complete and utter horseshit which is exactly what I have come to expect of you. Gosnell was a crazy person who hade no regard for the law and operated under the radar. What you propose would only penalize legitimate provider, not to mention women and still not prevent this sort of atrocity. If you claim that it would, you're even more of an idiot that I thought. Or just a liar.


Kermit Barron Gosnell (born February 9, 1941) is an American physician and former abortion provider who was convicted of murdering three infants who were born alive during attempted abortion procedures; he was also convicted of involuntary manslaughter of one woman during an abortion procedure.
Gosnell owned and operated the Women's Medical Society clinic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and he was a prolific prescriber of OxyContin. In 2011, Gosnell and various co-defendant employees were charged with eight counts of murder, 24 felony counts of performing illegal abortions beyond the state o…
Do you really not see the parallel to the calls for gun control here, and how your arguments against one are identical to the arguments against the other?
Of course I see the parallel! IN both cases, regulation will not stop what is happening, The difference is that in the case of abortion, regulation will cost lives. It will not stop people from getting abortions and will surely result in the deaths of women who go the back ally rout. In the case of guns, regulations are likely to save at least some lives by reducing the number of the most deadly weapons on the street, and reducing the number of all guns that wind up in the hands of those who should not have them
So, in one case, people will ignore the law and seek that which is heavily regulated -- but in the other case, people will obey the law and not seek that which is heavily regulated.

You were so close to having a breakthrough, too. Good thing I wasn't holding my breath.
No! That is not what I'm saying. And, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt by also saying that I think that you are smart enough to know that . In both cases, there will be those who obey the law and those who do not. What I am saying is the, for the reason that I've stated, the outcomes in terms of lives lost will be different in each case.
I wouldn't be too sure. People have been killed because they were legally prevented from defending themselves. If you make firearms harder to get legally, even more people will die.

Meanwhile, the myth of "the back alley abortion" is just that...a myth, a fabrication. And after abortion was outlawed in Chile in 1989:

First, from a public health view, restrictive laws are hypothesized to cause a dissuasive effect on the population, similar to restrictions on tobacco or alcohol consumption. We observed that reduction of maternal mortality in Chile was paralleled by the number of hospitalizations attributable to complications of clandestine abortions. While over 50% of all abortion-related hospitalizations were attributable to complications of clandestine abortions during the 1960s, this proportion decreased rapidly in the following decades.

Indeed, only 12-19% of all hospitalization from abortion can be attributable to clandestine abortions between 2001 and 2008. These data suggest that over time, restrictive laws may have a restraining effect on the practice of abortion and promote its decrease. In fact, Chile exhibits today one of the lowest abortion-related maternal deaths in the world, with a 92.3% decrease since 1989 and a 99.1% accumulated decrease over 50 years.​
Complete and utter horseshit . HIPPA protests the privacy of patients, not funding sources

Lets use common sense then. The government funds Planned Parenthood and PP provides abortions. Hellooooo

The ridiculous sop that there are two divisions in PP and the abortion section does not use government funds is something that only a complete idiot would buy into. Funds that benefit one side benefit the other, from marketing & ads to new buildings to hiring personnel to whatever.
Complete and utter horseshit . HIPPA protests the privacy of patients, not funding sources

Lets use common sense then. The government funds Planned Parenthood and PP provides abortions. Hellooooo

The ridiculous sop that there are two divisions in PP and the abortion section does not use government funds is something that only a complete idiot would buy into. Funds that benefit one side benefit the other, from marketing & ads to new buildings to hiring personnel to whatever.
1. I am suspecting that there is something seriously wrong with the way you process information if you think that your post is an appropriate response to what I said.
2. I don't give a flying fuck if government funds cover abortion. I hope that they do
Bottom line, people wonder why an M.D. would keep trophies of his own little part in mass murder conspiracy lasting decades. Why does it seem so strange? Sanctioned mass murder has always attracted perverts.
...says the person who believes it's okay to kill inconvenient human beings.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

Nobody thinks zygotes are human beings. You're lying when you claim you do. Yes, it's that obvious. Specks aren't people. My cat has a brain the size of a walnut, and she knows that specks aren't people. Your brain is presumably larger, so you know it as well. You just choose to lie about it. Why? It gives you an excuse to hate, and you get off on hating.

Hate is intoxicating. It's the drug of choice of jihadists, Nazis, conservatives, and authoritarian types in general. It's telling, how all of those anti-liberty authoritarian groups have similar abortion policies.

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