Abortion doctor's family finds remains of more than 2,200 fetuses at his home after his death

Leftists are the real science deniers

Do you want to explain that stupid shit?

Sure, stupid asshole. It is a scientific fact that the babe in the womb is a human being: Not a dog or a cat or a bird, but a human. So when that babe is aborted, you have just killed an innocent human being. Thats FACT, not opinion.

A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. An old wrinkly 100 year old person is just as much a human being as a tiny 8 pound baby in a crib. They both look like completely different things yet they are both 100% human beings, and so is a zygote and so is an embryo. Those are just labels that indicate stage of development. In no way do they detract from their humanity.

How about DNA you half-witted imbecile! DNA proves that the babe in the womb is a unique person and NOT a "part" of the woman's body. So ignorant slogans like My Body My Choice are a denial of science.

Now, do you have any more snotty bitchass questions?

[hat's a pretty unhinged attack rant sweetheart.

I am not your sweetheart you faggot ass pervert. Everything I said is 100% correct. Sorry if you are too stupid to understand it
Were the abortions legal?

This was legal according to German Law. Does that make it okay?
Democrats are no better than Nazis. Just substitute babies for these Jews.



From democracy to dictatorship.

Law, Justice, and the Holocaust
...says the person who believes it's okay to kill inconvenient human beings.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

Nobody thinks zygotes are human beings. You're lying when you claim you do. Yes, it's that obvious. Specks aren't people. My cat has a brain the size of a walnut, and she knows that specks aren't people. Your brain is presumably larger, so you know it as well. You just choose to lie about it. Why? It gives you an excuse to hate, and you get off on hating.

Hate is intoxicating. It's the drug of choice of jihadists, Nazis, conservatives, and authoritarian types in general. It's telling, how all of those anti-liberty authoritarian groups have similar abortion policies.
"Nobody thinks zygotes are human beings."

Oh, look, yet another leftist denying science to justify the killing of human beings. Leftists sure do like to kill people.
Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

You're a liar. You should stop talking now. You fucked up, and you can't blame it on anyone but yourself.

But then, you never take responsibility for your lies.
There is life and there is human life. Consider what makes us human. The issue is human life. By your logic, killing an amoeboid would be murder also.
Ummmm....perhaps you shouldn't be throwing the word "logic" around, because you obviously have no idea what it is.

Do human eggs and sperm combine to product amoebae? Do they produce lizards? Do they produce koalas?

Hint: No. Human eggs and sperm combine to produce human beings. Without doubt. Beyond question. This IS settled science.

THIS is what we mean when we say liberals are science deniers.
As I said to Terry 4 T-Rump YOU don't get to decide when a clump of cells becomes a human being
Were the abortions legal?

This was legal according to German Law. Does that make it okay?
Democrats are no better than Nazis. Just substitute babies for these Jews.


As a person of Jewish heritage, I am disgusted and offended by your reference to, and equating abortion to the holocaust, You make me sick. YOU are sick!
Leftists are the real science deniers
Do you want to explain that stupid shit?

Sure, stupid asshole. It is a scientific fact that the babe in the womb is a human being: Not a dog or a cat or a bird, but a human. So when that babe is aborted, you have just killed an innocent human being. Thats FACT, not opinion.

A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. An old wrinkly 100 year old person is just as much a human being as a tiny 8 pound baby in a crib. They both look like completely different things yet they are both 100% human beings, and so is a zygote and so is an embryo. Those are just labels that indicate stage of development. In no way do they detract from their humanity.

How about DNA you half-witted imbecile! DNA proves that the babe in the womb is a unique person and NOT a "part" of the woman's body. So ignorant slogans like My Body My Choice are a denial of science.

Now, do you have any more snotty bitchass questions?
That's a pretty unhinged attack rant sweetheart. The problem is that you alone don't get to decide when a clump of cells becomes a human being. You might want to wipe the spit off of your chin and try a less angry manner of getting your point across. But then again you are a boot licking Trumpski

Ad hominem (Latin for "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of ... Mar 31 2019
Ad hominem - Wikipedia
See? Denying science. The "clump of cells" argument is old and busted.

Just go ahead and admit you're okay with inconvenient people being killed. I mean, you've already said it without saying it.

So you might as well come right out with it. Try a little honesty. You're not going to get any rational people to agree with you.

OK I get it .You're opposed to abortion. You know what? I'm not a big fan of it either. But I understand that sometimes it is appropriate . I'm willing to bet that I am more pro life than you are. I'm willing to bet that you are merely pro fetus. Let me ask you. Do you support universal health care.? Do you support food assistance? Do you support housing assistance. ? Or do you, like most conservative "pro life " people advocate abandoning the child at birth to the cruel free market forces?
Leftists are the real science deniers

Do you want to explain that stupid shit?

Sure, stupid asshole. It is a scientific fact that the babe in the womb is a human being: Not a dog or a cat or a bird, but a human. So when that babe is aborted, you have just killed an innocent human being. Thats FACT, not opinion.

A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. An old wrinkly 100 year old person is just as much a human being as a tiny 8 pound baby in a crib. They both look like completely different things yet they are both 100% human beings, and so is a zygote and so is an embryo. Those are just labels that indicate stage of development. In no way do they detract from their humanity.

How about DNA you half-witted imbecile! DNA proves that the babe in the womb is a unique person and NOT a "part" of the woman's body. So ignorant slogans like My Body My Choice are a denial of science.

Now, do you have any more snotty bitchass questions?

[hat's a pretty unhinged attack rant sweetheart.

I am not your sweetheart you faggot ass pervert. Everything I said is 100% correct. Sorry if you are too stupid to understand it
I will go with the Supreme Court thanks.
I KNOW they are human beings!!

Yes, you have the certainty of a cultist. That falls in the crazy category.

A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development.

So sperm and eggs are human beings? Interesting. Or are you a disgusting bigot, an evil hater of the most helpless haploid humans?

This is where you sputter some nonsense and fail hard at biology, without realizing you're failing hard, because you have so little knowledge of the topic. Science, ethics and common sense are very unkind to the pro-life position.

Those are just labels that indicate stage of development. In no way do they detract from their humanity.

That kind of pro-life propaganda is, historically, very recent lexical revisionism."Person" and "human being" have been defined for many centuries, long before pro-life propaganda came on the scene. The fact that you have to mangle common English to support your bizarre claims confirms how you're just making it all up, for your own convenience.
Hint: No. Human eggs and sperm combine to produce human beings. Without doubt. Beyond question. This IS settled science.

All of humanity over all of human history says otherwise, as it defined human beings as being born. You're pushing some idiot crap that your cult made up. But then, it's not like you can do anything else. Cultists aren't capable of anything beyond "BECAUSE I SAY SO!".

Why such frothing big-eyed hate from the pro-life cultists towards the defenders of liberty? We stand in the way of their authoritarian utopia. They will never forgive us for that. They get off on their sick pervo control freak agenda, and we're preventing their ... satisfaction.
...says the person who believes it's okay to kill inconvenient human beings.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

Nobody thinks zygotes are human beings. You're lying when you claim you do. Yes, it's that obvious. Specks aren't people. My cat has a brain the size of a walnut, and she knows that specks aren't people. Your brain is presumably larger, so you know it as well. You just choose to lie about it. Why? It gives you an excuse to hate, and you get off on hating.

Hate is intoxicating. It's the drug of choice of jihadists, Nazis, conservatives, and authoritarian types in general. It's telling, how all of those anti-liberty authoritarian groups have similar abortion policies.
"Nobody thinks zygotes are human beings."

Oh, look, yet another leftist denying science to justify the killing of human beings. Leftists sure do like to kill people.
Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

You're a liar. You should stop talking now. You fucked up, and you can't blame it on anyone but yourself.

But then, you never take responsibility for your lies.
There is life and there is human life. Consider what makes us human. The issue is human life. By your logic, killing an amoeboid would be murder also.
Ummmm....perhaps you shouldn't be throwing the word "logic" around, because you obviously have no idea what it is.

Do human eggs and sperm combine to product amoebae? Do they produce lizards? Do they produce koalas?

Hint: No. Human eggs and sperm combine to produce human beings. Without doubt. Beyond question. This IS settled science.

THIS is what we mean when we say liberals are science deniers.
As I said to Terry 4 T-Rump YOU don't get to decide when a clump of cells becomes a human being
No, I don't. You're right. I don't get to decide.

But science does.

But I'm sure it's just coincidence that a "clump of cells" becomes a human the very second the pregnant woman wants the baby.

Meanwhile, perhaps you can explain why Planned Parenthood sells aborted fetus parts for human medical research.

But you probably can't.
Leftists are the real science deniers
Do you want to explain that stupid shit?

Sure, stupid asshole. It is a scientific fact that the babe in the womb is a human being: Not a dog or a cat or a bird, but a human. So when that babe is aborted, you have just killed an innocent human being. Thats FACT, not opinion.

A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development. An old wrinkly 100 year old person is just as much a human being as a tiny 8 pound baby in a crib. They both look like completely different things yet they are both 100% human beings, and so is a zygote and so is an embryo. Those are just labels that indicate stage of development. In no way do they detract from their humanity.

How about DNA you half-witted imbecile! DNA proves that the babe in the womb is a unique person and NOT a "part" of the woman's body. So ignorant slogans like My Body My Choice are a denial of science.

Now, do you have any more snotty bitchass questions?
That's a pretty unhinged attack rant sweetheart. The problem is that you alone don't get to decide when a clump of cells becomes a human being. You might want to wipe the spit off of your chin and try a less angry manner of getting your point across. But then again you are a boot licking Trumpski

Ad hominem (Latin for "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of ... Mar 31 2019
Ad hominem - Wikipedia
See? Denying science. The "clump of cells" argument is old and busted.

Just go ahead and admit you're okay with inconvenient people being killed. I mean, you've already said it without saying it.

So you might as well come right out with it. Try a little honesty. You're not going to get any rational people to agree with you.

OK I get it .You're opposed to abortion. You know what? I'm not a big fan of it either. But I understand that sometimes it is appropriate . I'm willing to bet that I am more pro life than you are. I'm willing to bet that you are merely pro fetus. Let me ask you. Do you support universal health care.? Do you support food assistance? Do you support housing assistance. ? Or do you, like most conservative "pro life " people advocate abandoning the child at birth to the cruel free market forces?
And you have the nerve to object to comparing abortion to the Holocaust?

Hint: No. Human eggs and sperm combine to produce human beings. Without doubt. Beyond question. This IS settled science.

All of humanity over all of human history says otherwise, as it defined human beings as being born. You're pushing some idiot crap that your cult made up. But then, it's not like you can do anything else. Cultists aren't capable of anything beyond "BECAUSE I SAY SO!".

Why such frothing big-eyed hate from the pro-life cultists towards the defenders of liberty? We stand in the way of their authoritarian utopia. They will never forgive us for that. They get off on their sick pervo control freak agenda, and we're preventing their ... satisfaction.
"If we're not free to kill innocent people, is any of us truly free?"

Don't project your hatred of humanity on others.
Meanwhile, perhaps you can explain why Planned Parenthood sells aborted fetus parts for human medical research.

Is there even one cult lie that you won't gleefully peddle?

Apparently not.

Remember, God would never tell you to lie for Him. The voice that you're obeying belongs to the other guy.
"If we're not free to kill innocent people, is any of us truly free?"

Needless to say, moral people don't agree with your sick Stalinist philosophy there.

PETA screams bug-eyed hatred at me too. I ignore them for the same reasons I ignore pro-life cultists. Both groups just make stupid shit up so they have reasons to hate.

Given how their beliefs are nearly identical, it's very difficult to distinguish PETA from pro-life. I have to resort to the sniff test, as PETA members tend to have better hygiene.
Meanwhile, perhaps you can explain why Planned Parenthood sells aborted fetus parts for human medical research.

Is there even one cult lie that you won't gleefully peddle?

Apparently not.

Remember, God would never tell you to lie for Him. The voice that you're obeying belongs to the other guy.
Right, I forgot -- you death cultists think God supports abortion.

What's the kill radius for lightning? I want to make sure to stay at least that far away from you.
"If we're not free to kill innocent people, is any of us truly free?"

Needless to say, moral people don't agree with your sick Stalinist philosophy there.

PETA screams bug-eyed hatred at me too. I ignore them for the same reasons I ignore pro-life cultists. Both groups just make stupid shit up so they have reasons to hate.

Given how their beliefs are nearly identical, it's very difficult to distinguish PETA from pro-life. I have to resort to the sniff test, as PETA members tend to have better hygiene.
That's nice. Go play, troll.
If these 2,200 dead babies had died while their mothers were trying to sneak across the southern border, then liberals would care about them. Otherwise, they couldn't care less. Anyone who supports legalized elective abortion is worse than the people who defended slavery.
If these 2,200 dead babies had died while their mothers were trying to sneak across the southern border, then liberals would care about them. Otherwise, they couldn't care less. Anyone who supports legalized elective abortion is worse than the people who defended slavery.

THAT post is a winner! Thank you.
Right, I forgot -- you death cultists think God supports abortion.

The Christian god obviously supports abortion. I mean, there's not a single anti-abortion passage in the Bible, but there's the part in Numbers where abortion is commanded for an unfaithful wife. And there are several passages where the god commands the mass killing of children.

Strange though, that you refer to Christianity as a death cult. But then ...

What's the kill radius for lightning? I want to make sure to stay at least that far away from you.

You're evading the question. You lied about PP selling fetus parts.

Oh, that's it. Satan is the Lord of Lies, and you're his willing servant, like most pro-lifers. No wonder you hate Christianity.

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