Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

There is no such thing as "unborn". Just as there is no such thing as "undead".

Why, if that isn't the most obnoxious thing I've heard in a while. Of course there is no "undead." There will always be unborn. Any ultrasound of a 15-week fetus will tell you that.

We all know what that will be if the pregnancy goes on successfully. A human being
We all know what it would have been if it miscarries or dies because of a deformity. A human being.

Only people like you feel it necessary to strip something of its humanity for strictly political purposes. So sickening. So mind-numbingly coldhearted.

There are obvious means of birth control, but you insist on choosing the most barbaric and inhuman of them all.
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Do you call acorns ungrown trees?

You don't know much about science do ya?

The person you're replying to opposes the right of innocent human beings to life.

You have to remember that this is a person who refuses to use a mask, refuses to vaccinate. Supports the bans on mask and vaccination mandates.

Even in the schools.

Children are dying. The person you replied to and those like that person have absolutely no problem with opposing their right to life. They are just innocent children but they happen to be alive and walking around on the planet just like all living human beings.

Anyone who doesn't support mask mandates, especially in schools, and refuses to get vaccinated, is pro death NOT pro life and certainly opposes the right of innocent human beings to life.

They have absolutely no problem with over 600 thousand Americans dead and are very happy to add to it. In fact, they are proud to add to it.

You idiot, a school age child has a much greater chance of dying at the hands of their parents than from Covid. In fact they have a greater chance of being hit by lightning than dying from Covid. So take your drama queen BS and shove it.

What risks does the father take? Child birth and pregnancy has a higher risk of complications and mortality than abortion. The costs are much higher both for prenatal care,child birth, post natal care and loss of job (since you guys don’t believe in paid maternity leave) or having to drop out of school to care for a baby. It isn’t the fathers body involved, he has no rights over her body.
That child is also HIS idiot. Typical leftist. You’ll whine about the father not being there, then turn around and deny him any say in whether HIS child lives or dies. News flash. YOU have no right cutting the father out of ANY decisions you peon. Loss of job? Nice lie there. Again, there are adoption agencies available. Next line of crap......

Prior to birth, an embryo/fetus possesses no ‘rights’; the protected liberties of the woman are paramount:

‘… an abortion is not "the termination of life entitled to Fourteenth Amendment protection." Id., at 159. From this holding, there was no dissent, see id., at 173; indeed, no member of the Court has ever questioned this fundamental proposition. Thus, as a matter of federal constitutional law, a developing organism that is not yet a "person" does not have what is sometimes described as a "right to life." [n.2] This has been and, by the Court's holding today, remains a fundamental premise of our constitutional law governing reproductive autonomy.’

Your joy at seeing unborn children murdered is disturbing.
This law is so comprehensively reprehensible that if someone wished to provide assistance to a low-income woman to go to a free state to exercise her right to privacy, the person providing assistance could be subject to a meritless lawsuit.

Again, conservatives truly are scumbags, there’s no other way to state it.
This from a piece of work who celebrates unborn children being murdered. Seems you’re the scum here.
Are you still trying to convince us you aren’t racist? Where is your concern for black babies once they are are born. Oh wait…that’s when you start calling them thugs and animals.
The typical leftist move when they’re losing the argument badly. Play the race card and scream “WACIST!”.

Look how angry the leftnuts get when someone tells them they can't murder their children for convenience. :oops:

The left is TRULY a death cult.
Right, when republican's side girlfriend gets pregnant or their daughter gets knocked up, by a black or Mexican, the first thing they will do is get an abortion.

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