Abortion Is Finally Illegal -- And I Can't Wait To Sue

We DO want only reasonable gun control but YOU just admitted that Republicans have been lying about this all along

Republicans are never to be trusted
Anybody that would trust a fucking lying Libtard to be reasonable is a fool.

They tell you that they want abortion because of rapes, medical reasons and incest but in reality that is only about 4% of abortion in the US. The 96% is fucking murdering a child for the sake of convenience and that is absolutely despicable.

Of course it gets rid of hundreds of thousands of potential Democrat voting Negroes each year so that is a good thing, huh?

I wonder why you filthy ass Liberals kill the Negro children with abortion but then import Illegals? Why not let the Negroes live and forget about the illegals? You still get your Democrat voting scum. You are convoluted aren't you?
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The conservatives on the Supreme Court just ended Roe v. Wade without lifting a finger. Literally. They refused to act to block a new law in Texas from going into effect, the most restrictive abortion ban in the nation. The Court needed to act by midnight and did not, so this morning millions of Texans woke up in a state in which it’s virtually impossible to legally access an abortion.
Texas got around the Supremes by making law enforceable by private citizens instead of the government.
Indeed, murder of unborn children is evil.

Not all Liberal women, but perhaps a third are literally murderesses.
Irony that you hate America,yeah we all know that,that’s no secret.

I'm going to say something here, and I'm going to say it as sincerely and as respectfully as I possiby can, because it's something I often wonder whenever I read some of the outlandish things I read on here.

The complete lack of understanding of what 'big government' actually means in relation to our Republican form of government makes me wonder if we're always debating actual Americans in many cases. Or maybe very new Americans who've no fundamental understanding of the root principles involved with our Republican form of government.

I'm still dumbfounded that I was provided a dictionary definition earlier. Just unbelievable...
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Since it takes four weeks for a woman to realize she hasn't had her period, this is, in effect, a 2 week ban on abortion.
You think there are undead walking around?

Well, you believe Trump is a successful businessman, so anything is possible with you.
"control your body better" and you wouldn't be in a situation to have to decide between life and death. Contraceptives have been around for a long time. Who are the largest demographic groups receiving abortions. Anyone on the left care to answer and explain why?
They do not keep stats on political affiliation of people getting abortions.
Since it takes four weeks for a woman to realize she hasn't had her period, this is, in effect, a 2 week ban on abortion.
It's a complete ban, for all practical purposes. Women in Texas have to travel to one of only 4 clinics in the State and then have to schedule two ultrasounds. If any chest movement whatsoever is seen: no abortion.

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