Abortion Law in Texas

Biology requires it to keep the species extant.
The human race is threatening itself and all other life on this planet with extinction. When the Christian God said go forth and multiple and spread throughout the world . The last habitable lands were reached over 1,000 years ago. The world population was about 400 million at that time. Too bad we didn't quit while we were ahead.
Lord Long Rod in #1 said: MSN “So this white chick, who is already a mother, gets knocked up“ • ¥ • llr!.23.12.11 #1

NotfooledbyW in #45 asked: “Did you knock her up Saint Lordlongrod? nf.23.12.12 #45 to llr!.23.12.11 #1

The “white chick” has a name. Her name is Kate Cox. She appears to be a law abiding US citizen. I asked Saint Lordlongrod that question because I want to know why he has an interest in restricting a law abiding citizen’s freedom.

Kate Cox could not deal with her medical issue in the state where she lives because she lives in a state were the Republican Attorney General has control over her body. She does not have control over her body in Texas.

Kate Cox had to travel to another state to get the abortion her doctors told her she needed. It’s done. Her fetus is dead.

So what Saint Lordlongrod is that dead fetus to you, has it affected your life liberty or pursuit of happiness in any fucking way?

I have no idea why you are in favor of depriving Kate Cox of her liberty to pursue her happiness in the same way that you get to pursue yours on a matter involving hers or your body.

nf.23.12.12 #82 / follow up to nf.23.12.12 #45 / to llr!.23.12.11 #1
Nope! I think it's an awful law the way written.... one of the worst abortion laws in all the states....
The whole reason Roe vs Wade went into effect in the first place was because the states were passing egregious abortion laws. Texas was the worst of them all and their new abortion law is worst than the one that enacted the decision long ago. The problem has gotten worse , the only solution is to do away with all abortion laws. They have no place in society , never did.

So this white chick, who is already a mother, gets knocked up again. But this time the baby is sick. The baby probably will not survive to term (or so goes the narrative) and it is putting the health/life of the mother at risk (or so we are told.

I am not buying this bullshit. Even if everything is 100% true, this is clearly a test case for pro-abortion groups. Hell, she is receiving legal representation from such a group. They sued for an “emergency abortion”. At first, it was granted. But now the Texas Supreme Court has stayed the lower court’s ruling. Moreover, it all may now be moot as I have heard a report that this woman left Texas tonight to get her “emergency abortion” in another state.

I can hear the headlines now: “Pregnant Woman Flees Tyrannical Texas For Her Life!!” I note that this is a hand picked litigant. She is white and fairly attractive. She is not the typical baby killer named LaQuanDaSheeWanda Muhammad Jones. Nope, she is white and appears just like us other white bread mofos.

Here is what happened. A pro-kill abortion group put out the feelers to Ob-GYNs to be on the lookout for a pregnant woman who wants to abort for medical reasons. The idea is to get the perfect party for a test case. They probably made it clear that they wanted a pretty white woman. Obviously, the white pregnant woman will also need to be down with cause. I would not be at all surprised to learn she has some leftist activism in her background.

So the narrative gets to be that this poor pregnant woman was forced to leave Texas in order to save her life. In reality, most people in her alleged circumstances would have just gone to another state for an abortion in the first place, instead of risking her life delaying the procedure to litigate the issue in court. DeRp!! Plus, if you look at this woman it appears that she and her hubby most likely can afford to drive to another state to have this 20 minute procedure.

This case is pure fabrication for the purpose of ginning up another leftist narrative for the media to hype about abortion and the evil white men who want to force women to become breeders. DeRp!!
You’re completely off your rocker
perfectly reasonable view.

Lord Long Rod in #1 said: “I am an atheist (and a conservative). llr!.23.01.31 #1

In reference to USMB Atheist Saint Lordlongrod’s POST llr!.23.01.31 #1 I ask on what authority do you request the State of Texas to deprive Kate Cox of her individual liberty, her right to privacy and her right to due process because she became pregnant?

And why do you have an interest in her case specifically whereas she became pregnant with a defective fetus capable of living only in utero while being a part of Kate Cox’s only body, soul and consciousness that she will ever have?

nf.23.12.13 #89
to llr!.23.01.31 #1 & llr!.23.07.21 #17
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And absolutely no harm came to you Saint Martybegan when Kate Cox left her home state of Fascist-Christian Texas to have her doctor put “her” fetus to death? IS THAT CORRECT?

Or do you need Greg Abbott the Governor of Fascist-Christian Texas to arrest, indict, try and convict and punish Kate Cox because what she did to Baby Fetus Cox harms you and society in some way?
Nor does it revolve around you. The best option is for you to just mind your own damn business and allow others to take care of their own business

Not a requirement in a Constitutional Republic such as ours.

And Dems will never mind their own business on a myriad of more pointless restrictions on my life.

No Gas Stoves, No air conditioning, No ICE vehicles, no disposable plastic bags, bake that cake, peasant.

I can go on.
At 8 billion , this world doesn't need any more humans in it , procreation is the problem. It must be curbed, we're destroying the planet.

I need more people being born in 1st world situations, which currently is not happening.

We aren't "destroying the planet". What a load of hubris. At worst all we are doing is making living on it slightly more difficult.
No , extremists overturned it. It was legal until they said it wasn't based on the minority opinion of Scalia and Thomas. They alone created that belief and the Conservatives jumped in on it to push their extremist agenda.

Roe was crap law from the start, like Plessey and Chevron. Next to get overturned is Chevron.
The human race is threatening itself and all other life on this planet with extinction. When the Christian God said go forth and multiple and spread throughout the world . The last habitable lands were reached over 1,000 years ago. The world population was about 400 million at that time. Too bad we didn't quit while we were ahead.

Nope, just maybe making our lives a bit more difficult.
And absolutely no harm came to you Saint Martybegan when Kate Cox left her home state of Fascist-Christian Texas to have her doctor put “her” fetus to death? IS THAT CORRECT?

Or do you need Greg Abbott the Governor of Fascist-Christian Texas to arrest, indict, try and convict and punish Kate Cox because what she did to Baby Fetus Cox harms you and society in some way?

No harm comes to anyone who wants an abortion who lives in a State that protects abortion rights in general, is that correct dipshit?

The law doesn't allow for that, it goes after the doctors, and since those are in another State, they are safe.
I need more people being born in 1st world situations, which currently is not happening.

We aren't "destroying the planet". What a load of hubris. At worst all we are doing is making living on it slightly more difficult.
Why do YOU need more people being born? Our economy has an excess labor force as it is right now.

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