Abortion Law in Texas

You suggest a hypocrisy where there is none. I will explain this to you, Dildo, because I do not think you are a total lost cause. Nobody who listens to AC/DC is a total lost cause, though I guess you could prove me wrong. I am also curious if you really are some dude in California or whether you are a dark, swarthy motherfucker sitting in a mud hut in some shithole country in some other part of the world.

Conservatives want little government interference in our personal lives. This concept applies most importantly to the federal government, as this was the level under most consideration when it came to the Framers' intention to limit government so that power does not accumulate/concentrate. The power of the state government was not really addressed at the time. Later, the same protections against too-powerful federal government was applied by federal jurisprudence to the states via the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Obviously, we do not want state government getting too into our individual shizall either, because that is just not cool. However, there are some things we want state government to do, like provide police protection and keep human feces from piling up on the sidewalks.

Here is the crux of the matter, so fucking pay attention. Pro-life conservatives view abortion as murder, the same as if you walk up to some dude on the street, put a gun to his head, then splatter his brains all over the fucking place. You may, or may not, agree with this point of view. But that is beside the point. It is only if you do not view abortion as murder that you would look at abortion regulation as a government intrusion. On a side note, it is interesting that you, a flaming leftist, would attack on this ground since your ilk are usually all for growing the federal government to do all sort of crazy shit it was not created to do and which are constitutionally ultra vires (which means outside the scope of the powers created and assigned in the founding charter). But whatever.

Thus, your suggestion of hypocrisy is contingent on how one views baby killing - as murder or just removing a growth on the uterus. Both sides have sincere feelings on this. Personally, I have never been too hung up on abortion, especially not when the life of the mother or baby is at stake. The fact is, that $280.00 (old price schedule) was not much to pay in order to get some skeevy skank out of your life before becoming tied to her for an 18-to-life sentence. Of course, as I have grown older, I am a little more sensitive now to the issue. One cannot refute simple, uncontroverted facts: Upon conception there is a living organism in the chick that, if not fucked with, will eventually be born as a human baby. Abortion is the act of killing said living organism prior to its birth. Clearly, these facts are beyond dispute.
The facts are simple, you have no right telling others how to live their lives. Something that cannot survive outside the womb, is not a life. Other than that, I could care less about abortion.
Yet it worked really well and was in line with the average American's view.

it never got rid of the underlying conflict, just let it fester for decades.

That many people were still pushing for abortion restrictions proves that.
If that were truly the case and a unique human life, separate from the mother that rightwingers believe is actually true, then why oh why is it okay in all of these new laws the right wing put in place,

to kill this separate human that allegedly needs protection by the right wing,

Up to 6 weeks or 10 weeks or 15 weeks? (okay to kill this individual?)

Because maybe some of us can compromise unlike most pro abortion zealots and a few pro life zealots?

It's called dealing with reality, and balancing the moral questions between preserving life, and preserving liberties.
No that’s how forcing your Will onto others works. My way everyone is free to choose for themselves what they want to do. You don’t agree with abortion, fine don’t get one problem solved. Your way if you want an abortion you’re unable to get one because that choice and freedom has been taken from you. They are not the same

Any form of law or government is forcing will onto others, especially bad people. It's where the line is drawn.

I draw the line for birth control abortion at 10-15 weeks.
The facts are simple, you have no right telling others how to live their lives. Something that cannot survive outside the womb, is not a life. Other than that, I could care less about abortion.
As a general proposition, I agree with that. However, people are told what to do all the times, like not to murder, not to pull your dick out in public, not to rape, etc...
Good then you should not have on after that time and allow others to make the choice for themselves. Problem solved and everyone is happy

Still ignoring the right of people in a republic to vote on laws that make others do things they don't want to do.

From not murdering others, to not stealing from others, to not driving on the wrong side of the road, to not having an abortion for birth control.
As a general proposition, I agree with that. However, people are told what to do all the times, like not to murder, not to pull your dick out in public, not to rape, etc...
I'm not a woman. I don't have babies. It's not my dance. Abortion is not a reality in my daily life.
Still ignoring the right of people in a republic to vote on laws that make others do things they don't want to do.

From not murdering others, to not stealing from others, to not driving on the wrong side of the road, to not having an abortion for birth control.
Three of those are about public safety one of those is about you forcing your will onto other instead of minding your own business, some thing you desperately need to learn to do.
I need more people being born in 1st world situations, which currently is not happening.

We aren't "destroying the planet". What a load of hubris. At worst all we are doing is making living on it slightly more difficult.
Denial is not a solution.

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