Abortion Rights Rescued...By Roberts


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
For now.

And guess who voted against abortion rights?

The Kav of course...in a ruling that even ROBERTS thought was procedurally wrong

The Supreme Court just placed Roe v. Wade on life support

By right wingers SWORE that we should believe Kavanaugh when he said he supported Roe as settled law.

We believe right wingers WHY???

This again points out the importance of electing Democratic Party Senators...THEY are who determines who sits on the Courts...all of them
He's doing what "the left" always knew he would do...despite the lies told by people like you
For now.

And guess who voted against abortion rights?

The Kav of course...in a ruling that even ROBERTS thought was procedurally wrong

The Supreme Court just placed Roe v. Wade on life support

By right wingers SWORE that we should believe Kavanaugh when he said he supported Roe as settled law.

We believe right wingers WHY???

This again points out the importance of electing Democratic Party Senators...THEY are who determines who sits on the Courts...all of them
Oops. Susan Collins has egg on her face now.
Wow, the left are so retarded, they are shocked that people have their own opinions...….lefties are so braindead
Roberts flails around like a fish out of water.......like Rs. He dissented on the texas case and then votes majority on la case.
For now.

And guess who voted against abortion rights?

The Kav of course...in a ruling that even ROBERTS thought was procedurally wrong

The Supreme Court just placed Roe v. Wade on life support

By right wingers SWORE that we should believe Kavanaugh when he said he supported Roe as settled law.

We believe right wingers WHY???

This again points out the importance of electing Democratic Party Senators...THEY are who determines who sits on the Courts...all of them
/----/ You need to read past the headlines, Sparky.
The stay will last only until the court has an opportunity to consider a request to give the case a full hearing — a request it will most likely grant. That means that the Supreme Court could overrule or drastically undercut the right to an abortion as soon as 2020.
Roberts has finally succumbed to the liberal disease that infected the courts and this country long ago....
All the threads about abortion currently on the board and nothing from the anti-abortion zealots here?
The Supremes did not strike down the Louisiana law. They merely struck down a lower court's striking of the law. They will decide for themselves at a later date whether to uphold the LA law.

In 2016, the Supremes cut down a similar law in Texas. They voted 5-4.

While Roberts joined the majority yesterday, he joined the minority which supported the Texas law in 2016. So he may very well support the Louisiana law when the time comes.

In 2016; Kennedy, Breyer, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan struck down the Texas law. Thomas, Alito, Roberts dissented.

There were only eight members on the court at the time because of Republican bullshit. Scalia's seat was still vacant.

Kennedy has since retired and was replaced by Kavanaugh. Scalia's seat was filled by Gorsuch.

Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Thomas, and Alito all supported the lower court's ruling about the Louisiana law. When the law comes up for review, Roberts will probably join them. And that will make five.
All the threads about abortion currently on the board and nothing from the anti-abortion zealots here?

I am as zealous as anyone when it comes to fighting abortion. What is it that you expected for us to say?

Do you seriously think that our efforts are affected much by a simple delay?

It's not even a setback.
All the threads about abortion currently on the board and nothing from the anti-abortion zealots here?

I am as zealous as anyone when it comes to fighting abortion. What is it that you expected for us to say?

Do you seriously think that our efforts are affected much by a simple delay?

It's not even a setback.
Just so people understand the effect of their vote. By electing Republican Senators...you allowed this to happen.

Please do not do that again
I haven't seen any other threads about this, so I'm posting it here.

WASHINGTON—A divided Supreme Court stopped Louisiana from enforcing new regulations on abortion clinics in a test of the conservative court’s views on abortion rights.

The justices said by a 5-4 vote late Thursday that they will not allow the state to put into effect a law that requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s four liberals in putting a hold on the law, pending a full review of the case.

Supreme Court Blocks Louisiana Abortion Clinic Law
I haven't seen any other threads about this, so I'm posting it here.

WASHINGTON—A divided Supreme Court stopped Louisiana from enforcing new regulations on abortion clinics in a test of the conservative court’s views on abortion rights.

The justices said by a 5-4 vote late Thursday that they will not allow the state to put into effect a law that requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s four liberals in putting a hold on the law, pending a full review of the case.

Supreme Court Blocks Louisiana Abortion Clinic Law
All they've done, though, is not allow the law to take affect until they've had a full hearing. That's not exactly deciding against.
All the threads about abortion currently on the board and nothing from the anti-abortion zealots here?

I am as zealous as anyone when it comes to fighting abortion. What is it that you expected for us to say?

Do you seriously think that our efforts are affected much by a simple delay?

It's not even a setback.
Just so people understand the effect of their vote. By electing Republican Senators...you allowed this to happen.

Please do not do that again



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