Abortion should be banned in the United States

So if the female has an implant, the couple is using contraceptive gels and a condom, can you post to the humans out here, what's the odds of getting pregnant?

(I think the forum idiot has appeared that has their fingers crossed on ONE contraceptive)

No one does all that here in the real world.

But of course you wouldn't know that
No one does all that here in the real world.

But of course you wouldn't know that
The ex wife was on an implant, so it was the pill implanted in the upper arm. We used condoms as well. When we wanted children, we didn't use condoms and she had the implant removed.

Idiots like you, how does your retarded life pan out? Abortions?
And yet you're here every fucking day. Your anger seems to be fueled by jealousy to me

so go kiss your king's pampered arse if you are so proud of your little overcrowded island.
It's bakes like you that drags the human race down to the gutter. Thick as fucking fuck.
The ex wife was on an implant, so it was the pill implanted in the upper arm. We used condoms as well. When we wanted children, we didn't use condoms and she had the implant removed.

Idiots like you, how does your retarded life pan out? Abortions?

I chose not to have kids so I don't have any. Too bad yours will be as stupid as you though. You should pay reparations to society now.

I chose not to have kids so I don't have any. Too bad yours will be as stupid as you though. You should pay reparations to society now.
Idiots like you need to understand that to not have a pregnancy, you keep the sperm from the egg. So either use 2, 3, or 4 contraceptives simultaneously, 69 one another, of go up the arse.

But don't be a pratt like you.
Idiots like you need to understand that to not have a pregnancy, you keep the sperm from the egg. So either use 2, 3, or 4 contraceptives simultaneously, 69 one another, of go up the arse.

But don't be a pratt like you.
73% of Brits think abortion should be legal

seems to me you should be working to change that instead of whining about abortion in other countries,
The idiots pushing abortion need to keep their legs shut, or jump off a cliff. The dumbest of robots (my fridge) is more intelligent than those wanting an abortion.
The dumbest people do the most fucking dude. Poor people have no reason to not have another kid. They're already poor. Middle class people don't want to fall into poverty so we have to keep it wrapped up but not poor people.

And Walmart and McD love it. Companies like that need people who are willing to work for $10 hr. How dumb do you have to be if that's the best you can do? And you want them to follow through with the pregnancy? No you don't.
So you just proved my point

and big fucking deal I don't really care how many people there are on this rock because only a few matter to me.
"We are a plague on the Earth," Attenborough told the Radio Times, as reported by the Telegraph. "It's coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so."

Attenborough went on to say that both climate change and "sheer space" were looming problems for humanity.

"Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now," he said.

Attenborough is not the only naturalist who has warned of population growth outstripping resources. Paul Ehrlich, the president of the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford University and author of "The Population Bomb" (Sierra Club-Ballantine, 1968) has long used language similar to Attenborough's. And in 2011, an analysis of species loss suggested that humans are beginning to cause a mass extinction on the order of the one that killed the dinosaurs.

When asked about Attenborough's comments on humanity as its own scourge, Ehrlich told LiveScience he "completely agree(d), as does every other scientist who understands the situation." [ Top 10 Ways to Destroy Earth ]

Even so, that doesn't mean forceful measures must be taken. "Government propaganda, taxes, giving every sexually active human being access to modern contraception and backup abortion, and, especially, giving women absolutely equal rights and opportunities with men might very well get the global population shrinkage required if a collapse is to be avoided," Ehrlich said.

In fact, providing free, reliable birth control to women could prevent between 41 percent and 71 percent of abortions in the United States, according to a study detailed in the Oct. 4, 2012, issue of the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Other scientists also agreed to some extent with the heart of Attenborough's message.

Just over 8 billion, good grief.

Fucking figures
giving every sexually active human being access to modern contraception and backup abortion, very well get the global population shrinkage required if a collapse is to be avoided," Ehrlich said.

In fact, providing free, reliable birth control to women could prevent between 41 percent and 71 percent of abortions in the United States, according to a study detailed in the Oct. 4, 2012, issue of the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Carsomy you aren't going to win here until you advocate for young woman chosing not to have kids. Why don't you do that?
giving every sexually active human being access to modern contraception and backup abortion, very well get the global population shrinkage required if a collapse is to be avoided," Ehrlich said.

In fact, providing free, reliable birth control to women could prevent between 41 percent and 71 percent of abortions in the United States, according to a study detailed in the Oct. 4, 2012, issue of the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Theyll never do that because it's the duty of young child bearing age women to have kids. Dumb.
Your psychopathic delusions don’t mean that you don’t deserve a prompt execution if your claim is true.

If you in fact killed another innocent human being in cold blood, as you claim, then you are a rabid animal who should be put down so you don’t hurt anyone else.
I encourage that parasite to dispose of any further cancerous growth that develops in it's uterus rather than pollute the gene pool. It's womb is a vessel of biological waste.
Um, okay... here's what else you could do.

you could - Put me on ignore.
Not read or respond to my posts.
Not jump into threads where you see I am active.
Or even do something like "Respond to my posts with something resembling substance". Which would no doubt shock me.

But no one is compelling you to read my posts or respond to me. Nor is it actually costing you anything in terms of financial setbacks or health effects to read my posts.

Now, a pregnant woman who has decided that she doesn't want to have her rapist's baby doesn't have that option. She either aborts it or she lives with a daily reminder of what was done to her.

Now, I'm honest enough to admit that most unwanted pregnancies didn't start with a rape. But if you allow the rape victim to get an abortion, then you have to allow the one night stand woman to get an abortion, too.
"She either aborts it or she lives with a daily reminder of what was done to her."​
She has another option than abortion, dear JoeB131. She could have the baby with the understanding the baby would be given to a childless couple. That way, she's done a service and turned something bad into something good. Regards, beautress
Um, actually, I say this kind of stuff IRL. Most of the people who know me just kind of roll their eyes.

But this is off topic, isn't it.

How is compelling a woman to have her rapist's baby not slavery?
It used to be a parent's obligation to protect their daughters until they got married. Instead, people have forsaken their churches that taught American values. Sometimes a shotgun wedding did more good than harm. :muahaha:

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