Abortion should be banned in the United States

Your psychopathic delusions don’t mean that you don’t deserve a prompt execution if your claim is true.

If you in fact killed another innocent human being in cold blood, as you claim, then you are a rabid animal who should be put down so you don’t hurt anyone else.

This is the most important part

A study of maternal fetal medicine (MFM) doctors—specialists who manage pregnancies with fetal anomalies— found most agreed that termination of pregnancy due to a lethal fetal anomaly should be allowed in all circumstances (76%).

This means that most doctors agree that if you are about to give birth to a severe retard, late term abortion is the best option.
Really, where do we see that? Heck, I don't like Mormons, but I don't deny that they are human. I mean, really, really dumb humans, but humans nonetheless.

Fetuses aren't people because they aren't viable outside the womb. Ultimately, it's up to the owner of that womb to decide. Not you. Not me, for that matter.

No, dripping poop, what makes them slaves is you are compelling them to have babies they don't want, with all the resultant health issues that go along with it.

Pregnancy has to be voluntary.

So how about the slavery that the poor idiot in post #699 was trapped into?

Because leftist vermin are the hugest sluts in creation if there's a benefit in fucking, like trapping a rich man into 18 years of child support.

Wait. Let me amend that. Leftist vermin are the hugest sluts, period.

Thanks for your thought provoking post. :laughing0301:

Um, okay... here's what else you could do.
you could - Put me on ignore.
Not read or respond to my posts.
Not jump into threads where you see I am active.
Or even do something like "Respond to my posts with something resembling substance". Which would no doubt shock me.
But no one is compelling you to read my posts or respond to me. Nor is it actually costing you anything in terms of financial setbacks or health effects to read my posts.
Thanks for the non-sequitur garbage, scumbag.

I’m still not a slave because it’s tragically illegal for someone to clean your filthy clock unless you attack someone else (which pretty much seems like a foregone conclusion anyway given what you’ve already posted confirms you’re a violent, hateful little thug).
You calling all these women murderers?
Yes. Murderer filth. I am.

Nearly one in four women in the United States (23.7%) will have an abortion by age
Retarded lie, but I guess we shouldn’t expect honesty or mathematical skill from scum like you.

There are probably murderers in your own family and you don't even know it. Nor should you. It's nunya bizness.
It is very much my business - scum like you need to die behind bars before you can kill anyone else.
Abortion is medical care. No it should not be banned.

ACOG disagrees with you. I trust the ACOG, not you.

Access to the full spectrum of medical care, including abortion, is essential for people's health, safety, and well-being. Physicians must be able to provide medical care to people without outside interference. Below are resources for obstetrician–gynecologists and partners to protect unimpeded access to the full spectrum of medical care, including abortion.

It’s good that you put a correction line through every stupid nonsense thing you just typed.

Though next time just delete your own words or don’t bother posting, they’re all stupid lies anyway.

No, liar.

Sexual responsibility is medical care.

For those who are too stupid to realize this or to learn how to use contraception, too fucking bad.

It's not hard. I knew how to use it when I was 16 years old.

Ask a leftist who is pregnant with a WANTED child if that's "nothing more than tissue". This is the concept none of you losers will address.

You'll get a hypcritical answer to that question every time. I had a leftist acquaintance who got pregnant on purpose to trap her well-off boyfriend into marrying her. To her, that "nothing more than tissue" was her meal ticket for life. After she had two wanted children with the poor sap, she became as pro-abortion as anyone, the pig.

It’s good that you put a correction line through every stupid nonsense thing you just typed.

Though next time just delete your own words or don’t bother posting, they’re all stupid lies anyway.
what are you babbling about?

Abortion is medical care. No it should not be banned.

ACOG disagrees with you. I trust the ACOG, not you.

Abortion Is Essential Health Care

Resources for obstetrician–gynecologists and partners to connect, engage, and advocate to defend and expand access to abortion at all levels—in their practices, their communities, and their government.

Access to the full spectrum of medical care, including abortion, is essential for people's health, safety, and well-being. Physicians must be able to provide medical care to people without outside interference. Below are resources for obstetrician–gynecologists and partners to protect unimpeded access to the full spectrum of medical care, including abortion.
what are you babbling about?

Abortion is medical care. No it should not be banned.

ACOG disagrees with you. I trust the ACOG, not you.

Abortion Is Essential Health Care

Resources for obstetrician–gynecologists and partners to connect, engage, and advocate to defend and expand access to abortion at all levels—in their practices, their communities, and their government.

Access to the full spectrum of medical care, including abortion, is essential for people's health, safety, and well-being. Physicians must be able to provide medical care to people without outside interference. Below are resources for obstetrician–gynecologists and partners to protect unimpeded access to the full spectrum of medical care, including abortion.
Abortionists should be arrested, convicted and then hung by the neck until dead right outside the courthouse, same day.

Suffice to say I do not trust an organization of contract killers who all deserve to die, like you do. If I were an OB/GYN I would not want to sully my name and my profession by association with the scum in ACOG.

I have restored the strikethrough text, it was appropriate.
Last edited:

So how about the slavery that the poor idiot in post #699 was trapped into?

Because leftist vermin are the hugest sluts in creation if there's a benefit in fucking, like trapping a rich man into 18 years of child support.

Wait. Let me amend that. Leftist vermin are the hugest sluts, period.

Thanks for your thought provoking post. :laughing0301:

And you want them to have and raise children? Liar.
I know you speak from experience, so please practice what you preach and end your own life as soon as possible, severe retard.
Actually, that's another thing you right wingers won't allow. Doctor assisted suicide. You guys talk about freedom but we aren't free in this country. Can't even dress in drag in Tennessee. It's illegal.

Yes I know you like these draconian laws but what happens when you don't like the law passed because it bans something you do? Then you'll cry.

I think men showing their nipples is obscene. It should be outlawed.

You let your kids own guns at 2 years old but don't want them to see a tranny? We have a gun problem in this country not a tranny problem.

Actually, that's another thing you right wingers won't allow. Doctor assisted suicide. You guys talk about freedom but we aren't free in this country. Can't even dress in drag in Tennessee. It's illegal.

Yes I know you like these draconian laws but what happens when you don't like the law passed because it bans something you do? Then you'll cry.

I think men showing their nipples is obscene. It should be outlawed.

You let your kids own guns at 2 years old but don't want them to see a tranny? We have a gun problem in this country not a tranny problem.


You get funnier by the second.

Keep it up.

Thanks for your thought provoking post.






I'm not disagreeing with what you said about American women. I'm simply commenting on what you said. Asking you a question. Do you want these sluts having and raising kids? Do you think they'll do a good job?

Why don't we have a draft? Because the military is better when everyone in the military wants to be in the military. They signed up for it. I'm all for women who want to have kids having them.

Except for poor women who are going to need welfare, foodstamps and Obamacare. I'd prefer they get abortions. But they don't have the money for an abortion. By the time they raise the money, you say they can't have one anymore.

Abortion clinics need to set women up on payment plans if they can't afford it. Speed up the line. There is a line now because all the sluts in your state come to MI to get abortions. The ones who can afford it. That's why abortion laws never hurt people with money. People with money will continue to have choice. Poor people won't. You must want them to have kids to grow up to work in your business'

And before you say I'm making this up check this out

Two 10-year-olds are among 300 children who worked at McDonald’s restaurants illegally, a Labor Department investigation of franchisees in Kentucky found.

Red states

Illegal Employers in red states are why illegals keep coming to this country. Don't build a wall. Don't play wack a mole with illegal immigrants. Go after illegal employers. But you won't. You'll defend them, every time.

So how about the slavery that the poor idiot in post #699 was trapped into?
Since I don't have her side of the story, I can't make a comment.

Because leftist vermin are the hugest sluts in creation if there's a benefit in fucking, like trapping a rich man into 18 years of child support.

Um, was he tied to a bed and made to have sex, or did he have sex voluntarily?

The reality is millions of men walk away from their obligations to pay child support, and the law doesn't do a lot about it.

Wait. Let me amend that. Leftist vermin are the hugest sluts, period.

Thanks for your thought provoking post.

Actually, the one experience I have with someone seeking an abortion was a young woman who was from a very conservative, Catholic, Asian-American household.

Her boyfriend made a promise to marry her, and then started backing out of it. During the course of this, she stopped using birth control. Maybe she was trying to force the issue with a pregnancy. Maybe she was just tired of pumping her body with artificial hormones. In any case, she got pregnant, and then had an abortion because she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 21.

People make bad decisions. Birth control fails. And giving a fetus the same rights and protections as an actual human being is not only impractical, but wrong.
Actually, that's another thing you right wingers won't allow. Doctor assisted suicide.
Yeah, we don’t need to allow murderer doctors to practice in order for you to fuck off this mortal coil, retard.

Yes I know you like these draconian laws
You don’t know anything about Draco of Athens but even executing murderers, like you, wouldn’t be draconian at all.
Abortionists should be arrested, convicted and then hung by the neck until dead right outside the courthouse, same day.

Suffice to say I do not trust an organization of contract killers who all deserve to die, like you do. If I were an OB/GYN I would not want to sully my name and my profession by association with the scum in ACOG.

I have restored the strikethrough text, it was appropriate.
Are you sure you know what you are babbling about?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is the premier professional membership organization for obstetrician–gynecologists.
Yeah, we don’t need to allow murderer doctors to practice in order for you to fuck off this mortal coil, retard.

You don’t know anything about Draco of Athens but even executing murderers, like you, wouldn’t be draconian at all.
I am Greek. Dad's side is from Sparta. We threw retarded babies in the pit of death.

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