Abortion should be banned in the United States

She has another option than abortion, dear JoeB131. She could have the baby with the understanding the baby would be given to a childless couple. That way, she's done a service and turned something bad into something good. Regards, beautress

Two problems with that argument.

First, even making her go through the pregnancy after she was raped would be traumatic.
Secondly, why would you want to fob someone else's bad genetics off on an unsuspecting family? "Gee, why is little Timmy a Sociopath?"

It used to be a parent's obligation to protect their daughters until they got married. Instead, people have forsaken their churches that taught American values. Sometimes a shotgun wedding did more good than harm.
If you wouldn't marry a guy without a pregnancy, why would you marry a guy with one?

The problem with your idealized world is that it never happened.
People got illegal abortions before Roe v. Wade. The laws were on the books, but they were only enforced when the practitioner mutilated a woman through incompetence.
Girls who got knocked up were sent to some remote location to have the baby, and you had stuff that happened like "Oh, Mom just had another baby at 45! No, really." This actually happened to Jack Nicholson, who found out his "sister" was actually his mother.


And look how well he turned out.
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.
Do you have a uterus?
" Sanctimonious Damned Dirty Ape Looking For Anything To Validate Themselves And Vent Their Vitriol "

* Mentally Retarded Ignores The Nature Of What Gawd Said *

Abortionists should be arrested, convicted and then hung by the neck until dead right outside the courthouse, same day.
It's typically committed by males that take over a pride or pack and kill whatever babies are present to make room for the ones they plan to father.
When there were at least three assisting males in the troop, the researchers found, the survival rate for infants was an impressive 75%; when there were two or fewer males, the number fell to 42%. When a mother-to-be was the only gestating female in a group, the baby she gave birth to had an 80% chance of surviving at least three months. When there were two or more pregnancies, that forecast plunged to just 20%.
But excusing something is not the same as explaining it. We may be the highest of the primates, but we remain members of that sometimes brutish club, and our lower cousins still do have plenty to teach us.

* As If Posers *
Suffice to say I do not trust an organization of contract killers who all deserve to die, like you do. If I were an OB/GYN I would not want to sully my name and my profession by association with the scum in ACOG.
About 3% of all conceptions are associated with major congenital malformations, many of them are lethal developmental defect and genetic in origin or teratogenic (adverse effects of the envi- ronment during gametogenesis or early embryogenesis).
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" Headlong Into Gluttony Beyond Carrying Capacity "

* Sponsored As If By Nuns *

Why aren't people wearing condoms but they demand the wearing of masks?
Why are my taxes going to abstinence only programs as foreign or domestic policy ?

If my taxes have to fund the whims of morons , how about distributing condoms to the third world with public service notices like " Stop breeding yourself into poverty and starvation . " ?
" Misconstrues An Altruism With The Requirements "

* Self Consumed With Control Over Others *

"She either aborts it or she lives with a daily reminder of what was done to her."​
She has another option than abortion, dear JoeB131. She could have the baby with the understanding the baby would be given to a childless couple. That way, she's done a service and turned something bad into something good. Regards, beautress
The meaning of an after life is literally to pass on ones genetic identity through ones offspring , and survival is the success criteria of nature and the metaphorical will of GOD , and you can forget about the rest of the metaphorical bull shit about waking up from a dirt nap .

And fuck you and every other dumb fuck anthropocentric damned dirty ape thinking it is appropriate to give a rapist a chance at a afterlife , to force anyone - especially the woman - to mull over that shit for the rest of their lives .

My support for capital punishment stems from knowing that the dumb fucks are no longer able to experience life , so that the extended victims can at least to some extent forget their loss and suffering .
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Two problems with that argument.

First, even making her go through the pregnancy after she was raped would be traumatic.
Secondly, why would you want to fob someone else's bad genetics off on an unsuspecting family? "Gee, why is little Timmy a Sociopath?"

If you wouldn't marry a guy without a pregnancy, why would you marry a guy with one?

The problem with your idealized world is that it never happened.
People got illegal abortions before Roe v. Wade. The laws were on the books, but they were only enforced when the practitioner mutilated a woman through incompetence.
Girls who got knocked up were sent to some remote location to have the baby, and you had stuff that happened like "Oh, Mom just had another baby at 45! No, really." This actually happened to Jack Nicholson, who found out his "sister" was actually his mother.

And look how well he turned out.
I'm not ashamed of having ideals, and what I said intended no judgment except a good one for the recollection of a French woman to endure her pregnancy in 1765 to make the surprised world a better place for a nation on the other side of the world many years after his life and death.

Here's that little brush-up for your edification, with no harshness at all intended. It's the story of a child who was "illegitimate" because he was born out of wedlock, but his life blessed our nation, although he wasn't born here. His story is here: James Smithson: Founder of the Smithsonian Institution

And here is his picture:

Along with some of the collections that resulted from his amazing gift to the United States of America:

I had the great privilege of seeing several of the Smithsonian exhibits and buildings in America;'s bicentennial year, 1976,
and there aren't enough blessings to give the mother who gave him life, even though it may have been inconvenient for her.
And I bless France the country in which he was born.

I'm not ashamed of having ideals, and what I said intended no judgment except a good one for the recollection of a French woman to endure her pregnancy in 1765 to make the surprised world a better place for a nation on the other side of the world many years after his life and death.

There's nothing wrong with having ideals.

There's everything wrong with trying to impose them on everyone else.

Demanding a rape victim carry her child to term only to hand it off to another family who might not know the genetic time-bomb they've just been handed, just doesn't seem like a good deal for anyone involved, including the person that fetus might turn into.
There's nothing wrong with having ideals.

There's everything wrong with trying to impose them on everyone else.

Demanding a rape victim carry her child to term only to hand it off to another family who might not know the genetic time-bomb they've just been handed, just doesn't seem like a good deal for anyone involved, including the person that fetus might turn into.
Human behaviors are not the same as they were in America's greatest years. Our great grandparents took care of their own daughters until they got them married off to some one who would love and respect them for a lifetime. Grandmothers and Aunts frequently chaparoned their children and grandchildren and did not hesitate to tell the family and their daughter what they thought about their date. That saved families a lot of grief. Then TV came along and dropped bombs all over traditions that worked well for generations.

The tv stations' entrepreneurs didn't mind imposing narratives about chapparones as being dictatorial hatemongers who ruined THEIR OWN love 'em and leave 'em crimes of the heart. Satan wears different clothes when it is media using its broad brush. And they preferred itsy bitsy teeney weenie yellow polkadot bekinis over long, romantic floorlength ballroom gowns that caring chaparones preferred for their family's girl children. Ignoring the obvious is not always the best rule of thumb, imho.

Exposing female body parts that were once considered indecent did little more than increase the divorce and family splitups from the resulting relationships. Men who came home from the world wars brought with them popularity of songs like "How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm, after they've seen Pareee-eee." And TV and radio kicked chaparones portrayed as hipocrites, with multiple bad traits that made nobody in the narrative appreciate their services. The greatest generation had its ups and its downs because media pedagogues were quite effective in changing attitudes in town and country, shotgun weddings or no shotgun weddings.
Human behaviors are not the same as they were in America's greatest years. Our great grandparents took care of their own daughters until they got them married off to some one who would love and respect them for a lifetime. Grandmothers and Aunts frequently chaparoned their children and grandchildren and did not hesitate to tell the family and their daughter what they thought about their date. That saved families a lot of grief. Then TV came along and dropped bombs all over traditions that worked well for generations.

Um, here's the thing... you wouldn't have wanted to be a woman in the "Greatest Years". In the greatest years, a husband could beat his wife with no legal consequences, she had no rights to property, men routinely cheated on them. there's a reason WHY there was a women's liberation movement.

Exposing female body parts that were once considered indecent did little more than increase the divorce and family splitups from the resulting relationships. Men who came home from the world wars brought with them popularity of songs like "How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm, after they've seen Pareee-eee." And TV and radio kicked chaparones portrayed as hipocrites, with multiple bad traits that made nobody in the narrative appreciate their services. The greatest generation had its ups and its downs because media pedagogues were quite effective in changing attitudes in town and country, shotgun weddings or no shotgun weddings.

Actually, what increased the divorce rate was women could ACTUALLY LEAVE BAD MARRIAGES. This is a GOOD THING. Just like it's a good thing women can end unwanted pregnancies if they aren't ready for parenthood.
Um, here's the thing... you wouldn't have wanted to be a woman in the "Greatest Years". In the greatest years, a husband could beat his wife with no legal consequences, she had no rights to property, men routinely cheated on them. there's a reason WHY there was a women's liberation movement.

Actually, what increased the divorce rate was women could ACTUALLY LEAVE BAD MARRIAGES. This is a GOOD THING. Just like it's a good thing women can end unwanted pregnancies if they aren't ready for parenthood.
The greatest generation dealt with the war from December 7, 1941, with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor near Honolulu that shocked us to watching over Allied territories and Countries in the Pacific (Hawaii, then a territory,) and our friends in Australia who was associated with Great Britain as a lot of British began settling there in 1788. My Uncle met his future wife in Sydney as a frequent visitor on a Navy ship during the war years, which I know they became great friends of America following the war when the Western world was upside down in bombing the heck out of each other in Europe and islands in the Pacific that took it on the chin.
Um, here's the thing... you wouldn't have wanted to be a woman in the "Greatest Years". In the greatest years, a husband could beat his wife with no legal consequences, she had no rights to property, men routinely cheated on them. there's a reason WHY there was a women's liberation movement.

Actually, what increased the divorce rate was women could ACTUALLY LEAVE BAD MARRIAGES. This is a GOOD THING. Just like it's a good thing women can end unwanted pregnancies if they aren't ready for parenthood.
Some women divorce to protect the children from a drunk crazy man with a history of destroying the landlord's rental by shooting wildly through the house to impress the lady of the house with his authoritarian demands. Wild gun shooting in the home where small children are is creepy. Then she may just give up on males who drink for the lies it tells a sick mind that he can inflict scare tactics on the responsible person who never saw a drunk in her life before him. And if she doesn't kick him out, she's just as guilty as he is when he kills a kid after his regular binge after hours. And she may think all men drink and vomit on their spouse at night, shoot right next to a child's ear, etc. Just sayin'.
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.
I don’t agree.it should be discouraged, but sometimes abortion is the least bad option available to a girl or woman.
The greatest generation dealt with the war from December 7, 1941, with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor near Honolulu that shocked us to watching over Allied territories and Countries in the Pacific (Hawaii, then a territory,) and our friends in Australia who was associated with Great Britain as a lot of British began settling there in 1788. My Uncle met his future wife in Sydney as a frequent visitor on a Navy ship during the war years, which I know they became great friends of America following the war when the Western world was upside down in bombing the heck out of each other in Europe and islands in the Pacific that took it on the chin.

If we were truly great, we wouldn't have waited until Pearl Harbor to stand up against what the Axis had been doing for years.

The Greatest Generation also had to be dragged kicking and screaming to acknowledge racial and gender rights we take for granted today.

Some women divorce to protect the children from a drunk crazy man with a history of destroying the landlord's rental by shooting wildly through the house to impress the lady of the house with his authoritarian demands. Wild gun shooting in the home where small children are is creepy. Then she may just give up on males who drink for the lies it tells a sick mind that he can inflict scare tactics on the responsible person who never saw a drunk in her life before him. And if she doesn't kick him out, she's just as guilty as he is when he kills a kid after his regular binge after hours. And she may think all men drink and vomit on their spouse at night, shoot right next to a child's ear, etc. Just sayin'

Um, what does this have to do with abortion again?
If we were truly great, we wouldn't have waited until Pearl Harbor to stand up against what the Axis had been doing for years.

The Greatest Generation also had to be dragged kicking and screaming to acknowledge racial and gender rights we take for granted today.

Um, what does this have to do with abortion again?
Existing children of the failed alliance get screwed and take it out on the vagina person who gave them birth. Ya big goofy. :rolleyes-41:
If we were truly great, we wouldn't have waited until Pearl Harbor to stand up against what the Axis had been doing for years.

The Greatest Generation also had to be dragged kicking and screaming to acknowledge racial and gender rights we take for granted today.

Um, what does this have to do with abortion again?
Why should the USA have gotten involved to solve a European problem? We were already trying to deal with Japanese aggression in China. The USA spent blood and treasure solving Europe's problem in 1918 and twenty years later it was back. Americans had no desire to repeat a mistake. The British, French, Poles and other nations were too cheap to spend money on defense in the twenties and thirties AND allowed Germany to renege on its responsibilities and limitations from the Treaty of Versailles. Why was it our problem to bail them out? We spent far more than any other country to defeat the Axis and didn't even get any gratitude from our allies with the exception of Australia.
Why should the USA have gotten involved to solve a European problem? We were already trying to deal with Japanese aggression in China. The USA spent blood and treasure solving Europe's problem in 1918 and twenty years later it was back.

Oh, bullshit. We got involved in Europe in 1918 because we let the Allies by a bunch of weapons on credit and we absolutely crapped ourselves when it looked like the Germans might win and force a default on those loans. (Which is exactly what the USSR did when they got rid of the Tsar.)

We weren't being alturistic.

The British, French, Poles and other nations were too cheap to spend money on defense in the twenties and thirties AND allowed Germany to renege on its responsibilities and limitations from the Treaty of Versailles. Why was it our problem to bail them out? We spent far more than any other country to defeat the Axis and didn't even get any gratitude from our allies with the exception of Australia.

As much as it pains me to say this as a son of a WWII veteran, our contributions to WWII weren't really all that great. Most of the real fighting was done by the Russians and the British (which is to say, Indians who fought the war for them when they ran out of men on the promise they'd get out of their country when the war ended.) and to a lesser degree, the Chinese who were engaging the bulk of Japan's forces.

The war happened because the US reneged on its commitment to maintaining a post-war order.

As far as the allies not spending enough, it was the US that encouraged a lot of the goofier disarmament efforts after the war, like the Washington Naval Treaty that limited how many warships each side could build. (The Japanese and Italians abandoned it in 1936) or the Kellogg-Briand Pact.
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.
At least you're being honest.

The same groups that helped put Trump in office in 2016 are now keeping him at arm’s length, illustrating how the Supreme Court’s June ruling erasing federal abortion rights has created a new litmus test in Republican presidential politics. No longer is it sufficient for a candidate to identify as “pro-life,” promise to defund Planned Parenthood or even to provide — as Trump did — a list of potential Supreme Court nominees who would vote to curtail abortion rights.

Anti-abortion advocates are insisting on more in a post-Roe era — namely, a hard commitment to back a federal abortion ban — and they’re holding out until they get it.

So all the Republicans here who said the recent Supreme Court decision was just about states rights, they lied.

I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.
Eliminate men who rape their daughters
then we'll talk.
Coyote when pro abortionists claim rape and incest abortions support abortions, why are they trying to say bad conceived fetuses warrants the killing of the good fetuses? Why are they classifying fetuses between good and bad, or are they all bad?
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.
If you`re pro-life you`re in favor of banning guns too. There`s no way that you can`t be. Terminating an embryo isn`t quite the same as gunning down a classroom full of 4th graders.

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