Abortion should be banned in the United States

It is what it is. Similarly situated persons cannot be denied the same rights as all others.

See, this whole "similarly situated" nonsense is what unravels your argument.

You shouldn't compare a five month fetus not with an 8-month old in the womb or a newborn. Compare it to a four year old. Compare it to a 60 year old man. Your desire to dig further down the rabbit hole is going to make you look really silly...
See, this whole "similarly situated" nonsense is what unravels your argument.

You shouldn't compare a five month fetus not with an 8-month old in the womb or a newborn. Compare it to a four year old. Compare it to a 60 year old man. Your desire to dig further down the rabbit hole is going to make you look really silly...

You have no idea of the legal argument “similarly situated”.

If an 8 month gestated fetus is to be granted a right, then YOU must prove that a 7.5 month gestated fetus is not similarly situated to it.

If you can’t, the 7.5 month fetus must be granted the same right.

Study up dude. First try the legal arguments with Windsor and Obergfell.
Except the liberty of the most innocent. Why? Because they can’t fight back?

I do not pretend that microscopic, mindless amalgams of cells are persons.

If and when viability and sentience develops, they are then deserving of society's protection. Until that stage is reached, a woman's right to control her body in consultation with trusted medical and spiritual advisers and loved one is far superior to the dictates of impersonal politicians and bureaucrats.

Would you have the United States and other advanced, democratic nations follow the lead of El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Iran where authoritarian regimes abrogate reproductive freedom?
I do not pretend that microscopic, mindless amalgams of cells are persons.

If and when viability and sentience develops, they are then deserving of society's protection. Until that stage is reached, a woman's right to control her body in consultation with trusted medical and spiritual advisers and loved one is far superior to the dictates of impersonal politicians and bureaucrats.

Would you have the United States and other advanced, democratic nations follow the lead of El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Iran where authoritarian regimes abrogate reproductive freedom?

So, I will ask again, when is this moment achieved? And how would you know this achievement occurred without killing (possibly one that achieved that magical moment) and performing a forensic analysis?

And, what is the reason a fetus, one week earlier than that moment is not considered similarly situated?
Seriously we need to ban abortion.

Not from a moralistic point of view but from a practical perspective.

Covid-19 is an endocrine system virus and fertility rates of those once infected are going to be low. So low that even birth control might need to be banned as well.

Just saying...
See, this whole "similarly situated" nonsense is what unravels your argument.

You shouldn't compare a five month fetus not with an 8-month old in the womb or a newborn. Compare it to a four year old. Compare it to a 60 year old man. Your desire to dig further down the rabbit hole is going to make you look really silly...

Try it, make me look silly if you think you can. But tread lightly, this is what gave blacks the right to marry interracially, and same sex couples the same right.
So, I will ask again, when is this moment achieved? And how would you know this achievement occurred without killing (possibly one that achieved that magical moment) and performing a forensic analysis?

And, what is the reason a fetus, one week earlier than that moment is not considered similarly situated?
Roe v Wade was a compromise that recognized the precise moment viability and sentience is achieved is indeterminable. An informed judgment based upon the best medical science is the best we can hope for.

Do you regard that determinative stage as being reached by a microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells?

Such extremism is unacceptable, as is the opposite view that it does not occur until birth.

Being reasonable is necessary.

I'll ask again: Would you have the United States and other advanced, democratic nations follow the lead of El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Iraq where authoritarian regimes abrogate reproductive freedom?
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Could you answer the question, it was simple enough.
I recognize that authoritarian regimes have no right to seize one's personal freedom either before or after impregnation occurs, not before a viable, sentient person has developed.

Would you rather have the U.S. and other advanced democracies emulate El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Iraq?
You have bestowed civil rights at five months, so why is a 4 month and 3 weeks not similarly situated to a 5 month fetus?

It’s the argument that a white man is worth all civil rights, but a black man gets to live, but that’s all the rights he gets.
No…it isn’t. At viability a fetus can assume some rights. Prior, any rights come at the expense of another’s.
Roe v Wade was a compromise that recognized the precise moment viability and sentience is achieved is indeterminable. An informed judgment based upon the best medical science is the best we can hope for.

Do you regard that determinative stage as being reached by a microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells?

Such extremism is as unacceptable as the opposite view that it does not occur until birth.

Being reasonable is necessary.

I'll ask again: Would you have the United States and other advanced, democratic nations follow the lead of El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Iran where authoritarian regimes abrogate reproductive freedom?

It is an extreme view to protect the life of a fellow citizen? You realize that by saying you cannot destroy the fetus at some point before birth, you have granted it human rights.

So, tell me, we have laws regarding property, and we have laws regarding humans. Where do you put the fetus?
No…it isn’t. At viability a fetus can assume some rights. Prior, any rights come at the expense of another’s.
Oh, I see, what rights do we take from gays?, blacks? They don’t need full rights after all even though the are similarly situated.
It is an extreme view to protect the life of a fellow citizen?
It is an extreme view to pretend that a microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells is a fellow citizen.

It is not.

Do you prefer the authoritarianism of an El Salvador, a Nicaragua, or an Iraq to the freeedom of advanced, democratic nations?

I do not.
Oh, I see, what rights do we take from gays?, blacks? They don’t need full rights after all even though the are similarly situated.
How are they similarly situated?
It is an extreme view to pretend that a microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells is a fellow citizen.

It is not.

Do you prefer the authoritarianism of an El Salvador, a Nicaragua, or an Iraq to the freeedom of advanced, democratic nations?

I do not.

That grows to a protected status pre birth. A fellow citizen.

You can continue to dehumanize all you want. It’s not attractive
That grows to a protected status pre birth. A fellow citizen.
You are factually incorrect.

Citizenship is not extended to microscopic, mindless entities.

Americans will not endure your desire to adopt the extremist authoritarianism of El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Iraq.

According to Gallup's May 2022 update on Americans' abortion views, 35% of U.S. adults believe abortion should be legal "under any circumstances," 50% say it should be legal "only under certain circumstances" and 13% say it should be illegal in all circumstances...
Gallup's 2022 abortion update found that the public now leans more "pro-choice" (55%) than "pro-life" (39%) when asked which term they identify with. The breakdown of how different subgroups of Americans answer this question is available on Gallup's 'Pro-Choice' or 'Pro-Life' Demographic Table page.
No…it isn’t. At viability a fetus can assume some rights. Prior, any rights come at the expense of another’s.
Objectively false lunacy.

There is no conflict of rights between mother and son / daughter just because the mother is not allowed to lash out in needless violence.

No more so than how any two random human strangers are not in conflict just because one murdering the other is currently illegal.

Your claim is absurd and stupid, just on its face. It buggers all belief that anyone would say something so obviously wrong.
You are factually incorrect.

Citizenship is not extended to microscopic, mindless entities.

Americans will not endure your desire to adopt the extremist authoritarianism of El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Iraq.

According to Gallup's May 2022 update on Americans' abortion views, 35% of U.S. adults believe abortion should be legal "under any circumstances," 50% say it should be legal "only under certain circumstances" and 13% say it should be illegal in all circumstances...
Gallup's 2022 abortion update found that the public now leans more "pro-choice" (55%) than "pro-life" (39%) when asked which term they identify with. The breakdown of how different subgroups of Americans answer this question is available on Gallup's 'Pro-Choice' or 'Pro-Life' Demographic Table page.

More Nazi, slave owner, living in the Pat crap. Why am I not surprised.

You know at one time, blacks were property and Jews were subhuman as well.

We’ve, well some of us, moved past that.

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