Abortion = Social JUSTICE?

Today's lesson: what responses to expect

First, the numbskull will evade the question and refuse to address your points:

No time left to address all the silly remarks and false statements you continue to make.

Then, thinking itself important, the numbskull will seek to irritate you:
I gotta run out now and mail that check to Planned Parenthood I made out last night.

Finally, the numbskull will lie outright in order to raise a red herring and distract from the fact that it cannot answer your post in an intelligent manner:

J Beukema would rather see a rape victim die from complications due to pregnancy than let her have an abortion.
J Beukema would rather see a rape victim die from complications due to pregnancy than let her have an abortion.

Nobody has ever advocated that women with medical reasons be forced to carry a child. Another pro-baby death myth.
Today's lesson: what responses to expect

First, the numbskull will evade the question and refuse to address your points:

No time left to address all the silly remarks and false statements you continue to make.

Then, thinking itself important, the numbskull will seek to irritate you:
I gotta run out now and mail that check to Planned Parenthood I made out last night.

Finally, the numbskull will lie outright in order to raise a red herring and distract from the fact that it cannot answer your post in an intelligent manner:

J Beukema would rather see a rape victim die from complications due to pregnancy than let her have an abortion.

Well what do you expect when your response was nothing more than 'deal with it' and unsupported blather.
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All you are is cells and you've yet to convince me that you can think or are self-aware

of course, noone's 'suffering';; but the anti=lifers never did value honesty or care about real victims
of course, noone's 'suffering';;
fuckin' ****

That's okay though, because we snuck a clause in there before you signed it that says you have to carry the kids for nine months and a week- take that, bitch ;)

make up your mind. :lol:
All you are is cells and you've yet to convince me that you can think or are self-aware

of course, noone's 'suffering';; but the anti=lifers never did value honesty or care about real victims

This coming from the side that pretends a fetus at any stage of development = baby.

But oh yes we must please think of the fetuses those insignificant little things that can't feel pain and have no consciousness. They're the real victims. Oh no I think I see my neighbor trimming hedges, I must tell him of the poor victim he's hacking away at.
It's not a strawman, genius. If you're not smart enough to use the term correctly, don't use it at all.

Main Entry:
negative eugenics
noun plural but usually singular in construction

: improvement of the genetic makeup of a population by preventing the reproduction of the obviously unfit

Now tell me where I advocated that.
The most fundamental premise of negative eugenics is that you can decide what lives should and should not be allowed to continue for the 'greater good'; (esp. that of the collective). In supporting the ending of human life for personal convenience and a 'social good', you are resting upon the exact same foundation.
The most fundamental premise of negative eugenics is that you can decide what lives should and should not be allowed to continue for the 'greater good'; (esp. that of the collective). In supporting the ending of human life for personal convenience and a 'social good', you are resting upon the exact same foundation.

I'm not sure whether to support it, I just have serious doubts that a fetus is worthy of any rights.
The most fundamental premise of negative eugenics is that you can decide what lives should and should not be allowed to continue for the 'greater good'; (esp. that of the collective). In supporting the ending of human life for personal convenience and a 'social good', you are resting upon the exact same foundation.
The greater good (esp. that of the collective) is almost never the reason someone has an abortion, I'll bet.

Therefore you've proven my point about Allie being an eugenics supporter...to fit her moral ideal of the greater good she wishes to decide for some other person if they reproduce or not. Ditto with you. You're much worse than Allie though because you actually advocate population control to weed out your definition of undesirable traits.
The most fundamental premise of negative eugenics is that you can decide what lives should and should not be allowed to continue for the 'greater good'; (esp. that of the collective). In supporting the ending of human life for personal convenience and a 'social good', you are resting upon the exact same foundation.
Why do you presume that everyone choosing to abort thinks a fetus is human life?

You can cry "WHHHHAAH EUGENICS" all you want, it's just a way to avoid the issue.

I can use your own twisted logic to claim fetuses (or their self appointed custodians) are practicing eugenics on women when they force a woman to carry a child to term when it's a threat to her health.
The most fundamental premise of negative eugenics is that you can decide what lives should and should not be allowed to continue for the 'greater good'; (esp. that of the collective). In supporting the ending of human life for personal convenience and a 'social good', you are resting upon the exact same foundation.
The greater good (esp. that of the collective) is almost never the reason someone has an abortion, I'll bet.

Wrong. Your arguments are always that it is somehow better to abort in order to serve a greater good.
Therefore you've proven my point about Allie being an eugenics supporter...to fit her moral ideal of the greater good she wishes to decide for some other person if they reproduce or not.

Incorrect, she has not done anything to control whether someone should reproducel she opposes homicide

Also, you cannot show anywhere that I have advocated 'population control'; you on the other hand support homicide to control the population and prevent undesirable pregnancies and unwanted persons from existing and continuing to live.

If you take you seriously, you are the only one.
The most fundamental premise of negative eugenics is that you can decide what lives should and should not be allowed to continue for the 'greater good'; (esp. that of the collective). In supporting the ending of human life for personal convenience and a 'social good', you are resting upon the exact same foundation.
Why do you presume that everyone choosing to abort thinks a fetus is human life?

There is no room for opinion; it is a human life by definition. To say otherwise is simply to lie.

Your pathetic red herrings about a woman's life will not fly here, so you can cease with those lies.
The most fundamental premise of negative eugenics is that you can decide what lives should and should not be allowed to continue for the 'greater good'; (esp. that of the collective). In supporting the ending of human life for personal convenience and a 'social good', you are resting upon the exact same foundation.
Why do you presume that everyone choosing to abort thinks a fetus is human life?
Those in the business of killing often dehumanize their victims. It lessens the psychological impact of the act. This is why pro-choice advocates will never admit that fetuses are human...it is core to their psychological defense mechanisms.

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Where are the flyers you promised?
As I stated, I do not have access to a scanner. Regardless, the data on the fliers are simple reproductions of the information online that I cited earlier, and I am far too lazy to cycle over to the public library to satisfy the curiosity of an anonymous poster on this forum.

Particularly the warning against crisis pregnancy centers grabbed my attention on the flier.
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There is no room for anyone else's opinion; it is a human life by my definition. To not parrot me word for word is simply to lie.
You left out some text. I restored it for you.
Your pathetic red herrings about a woman's life will not fly here, so you can cease with those lies.

We all know women have no right to life in your book.

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