Abortion = Social JUSTICE?

Where are the flyers you promised?
As I stated, I do not have access to a scanner. Regardless, the data on the fliers are simple reproductions of the information online that I cited earlier, and I am far too lazy to cycle over to the public library to satisfy the curiosity of an anonymous poster on this forum.

Particularly the warning against crisis pregnancy centers grabbed my attention on the flier.
Unless you can provide proof, your claims are meaningless. We've already seen you try to sneak stuff past people.
There is no room for anyone else's opinion; it is a human life by my definition. To not parrot me word for word is simply to lie.
You left out some text. I restored it for you.

Just how dishonest do you plan to get? it's not my opinion, it's a scientifically verified fact. Feel free to look it up- not that your kind ever cared about facts.

Your pathetic red herrings about a woman's life will not fly here, so you can cease with those lies.

We all know women have no right to life in your book.[/quote]


All you have is lies and more red herrings; you stand as representative of your kind
Where are the flyers you promised?
As I stated, I do not have access to a scanner. Regardless, the data on the fliers are simple reproductions of the information online that I cited earlier, and I am far too lazy to cycle over to the public library to satisfy the curiosity of an anonymous poster on this forum.

Particularly the warning against crisis pregnancy centers grabbed my attention on the flier.
Unless you can provide proof, your claims are meaningless. We've already seen you try to sneak stuff past people.
Can't you fucking click a link and read a website? It's all there. Stop being an purposefully obtuse bitch and open your goddamned eyes.

I have no patience for your games.
As I stated, I do not have access to a scanner. Regardless, the data on the fliers are simple reproductions of the information online that I cited earlier, and I am far too lazy to cycle over to the public library to satisfy the curiosity of an anonymous poster on this forum.

Particularly the warning against crisis pregnancy centers grabbed my attention on the flier.
Unless you can provide proof, your claims are meaningless. We've already seen you try to sneak stuff past people.
Can't you fucking click a link and read a website? It's all there. Stop being an purposefully obtuse bitch and open your goddamned eyes.

I have no patience for your games.
What are you all cranky about now? Did I mention something you are particularly sensitive about? The lies you told last night, maybe?
Unless you can provide proof, your claims are meaningless. We've already seen you try to sneak stuff past people.
Can't you fucking click a link and read a website? It's all there. Stop being an purposefully obtuse bitch and open your goddamned eyes.

I have no patience for your games.
What are you all cranky about now? Did I mention something you are particularly sensitive about? The lies you told last night, maybe?
My "claims" are completely supported by the Planned Parenthood website, and I have supplied all the necessary links.

You ignore these links, playing the fool. Or, at least I assumed you were acting stupid to annoy me.

But, maybe you are just a natural fool. Somehow, you think the information on the Planned Parenthood website would not be on their fliers?
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Everything Anguille has posted in this thread has been shown to be lies and red herrings.
She chooses to attack my sources (the Planned Parenthood website) rather than address my arguments. Considering she is the one paying for my sources, this is both pathetic and hilarious.

I'll re-post the argument...

The most fundamental premise of negative eugenics is that you can decide what lives should and should not be allowed to continue for the 'greater good'; (esp. that of the collective). In supporting the ending of human life for personal convenience and a 'social good', you are resting upon the exact same foundation.
Why do you presume that everyone choosing to abort thinks a fetus is human life?
Those in the business of killing often dehumanize their victims. It lessens the psychological impact of the act. This is why pro-choice advocates will never admit that fetuses are human...it is core to their psychological defense mechanisms.

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Can't you fucking click a link and read a website? It's all there. Stop being an purposefully obtuse bitch and open your goddamned eyes.

I have no patience for your games.
What are you all cranky about now? Did I mention something you are particularly sensitive about? The lies you told last night, maybe?
My "claims" are completely supported by the Planned Parenthood website, and I have supplied all the necessary links.

You ignore these links, playing the fool. Or, at least I assumed you were acting stupid to annoy me.

But, maybe you are just a natural fool. Somehow, you think the information on the Planned Parenthood website would not be on their fliers?
You think I've never looked at a PP website? Why would I donate to an organization without checking them out first? There is nothing unethical that I can see about what they are doing to inform women of ALL their choices and to warn them of phony pregnancy advice centers where women are often taken advantage of. Those places exist. I've seen one in my sister's town. They should be more highly regulated. They are quasi-criminal outfits, IMO.
IMO, the Republican party has, in recent years, been heavily influenced by the pro life lobby, which I think is a shame. It seems rather absurd to me that a person who believes in small government, capitalism, and "hand up rather than hand out" has little realistic choice but to vote for a party that endorses the pro life agenda.

When The Democratic Party came out in support of civil rights for blacks they lost a lot of the Southern vote. The Republicans saw the opportunity and swooped in offering to endorse anti choice and racist agendas in return for votes. Before that, religious Southern anti choicers mostly kept their motivations unpoliticized.

I don't doubt that some Republican politicians saw an opportunity - they would hardly be politicians if they weren't prepared trade principles for votes. However, the implication of your post could be that Republicans are all happy to endorse racist agendas, which I don't think is true or even close to the truth.
Can't you fucking click a link and read a website? It's all there. Stop being an purposefully obtuse bitch and open your goddamned eyes.

I have no patience for your games.
What are you all cranky about now? Did I mention something you are particularly sensitive about? The lies you told last night, maybe?
My "claims" are completely supported by the Planned Parenthood website, and I have supplied all the necessary links.

You ignore these links, playing the fool. Or, at least I assumed you were acting stupid to annoy me.

But, maybe you are just a natural fool. Somehow, you think the information on the Planned Parenthood website would not be on their fliers?
And BTW, the website does not back up your ridiculous claims in any way.
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What are you all cranky about now? Did I mention something you are particularly sensitive about? The lies you told last night, maybe?
My "claims" are completely supported by the Planned Parenthood website, and I have supplied all the necessary links.

You ignore these links, playing the fool. Or, at least I assumed you were acting stupid to annoy me.

But, maybe you are just a natural fool. Somehow, you think the information on the Planned Parenthood website would not be on their fliers?
You think I've never looked at a PP website? Why would I donate to an organization without checking them out first? There is nothing unethical that I can see about what they are doing to inform women of ALL their choices and to warn them of phony pregnancy advice centers where women are often taken advantage of. Those places exist. I've seen one in my sister's town. They should be more highly regulated. They are quasi-criminal outfits, IMO.
Of course, I assumed that you knew all about PP.

Which is why I thought you were playing stupid to avoid my arguments, which annoyed me. And I was correct.
IMO, the Republican party has, in recent years, been heavily influenced by the pro life lobby, which I think is a shame. It seems rather absurd to me that a person who believes in small government, capitalism, and "hand up rather than hand out" has little realistic choice but to vote for a party that endorses the pro life agenda.

When The Democratic Party came out in support of civil rights for blacks they lost a lot of the Southern vote. The Republicans saw the opportunity and swooped in offering to endorse anti choice and racist agendas in return for votes. Before that, religious Southern anti choicers mostly kept their motivations unpoliticized.

I don't doubt that some Republican politicians saw an opportunity - they would hardly be politicians if they weren't prepared trade principles for votes. However, the implication of your post could be that Republicans are all happy to endorse racist agendas, which I don't think is true or even close to the truth.
Yes, I should have specified Republican leaders not implied all Republicans are inethical and unprincipled. A few good ones pop up here and there.
The most fundamental premise of negative eugenics is that you can decide what lives should and should not be allowed to continue for the 'greater good'; (esp. that of the collective). In supporting the ending of human life for personal convenience and a 'social good', you are resting upon the exact same foundation.
Why do you presume that everyone choosing to abort thinks a fetus is human life?

There is no room for opinion; it is a human life by definition. To say otherwise is simply to lie.

Your pathetic red herrings about a woman's life will not fly here, so you can cease with those lies.

In your opinion.
The most fundamental premise of negative eugenics is that you can decide what lives should and should not be allowed to continue for the 'greater good'; (esp. that of the collective). In supporting the ending of human life for personal convenience and a 'social good', you are resting upon the exact same foundation.
Why do you presume that everyone choosing to abort thinks a fetus is human life?
Those in the business of killing often dehumanize their victims. It lessens the psychological impact of the act. This is why pro-choice advocates will never admit that fetuses are human...it is core to their psychological defense mechanisms.


As is why pro-lifers will always insist that life begins at conception.
many Christians find abortion to be entirely compatible with Christ's message.


No, it's compatible with their custom religion they've built by excluding anything from the bible they dislike.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

I like how JBeuk likes to tell Christians how to run their religion much the same way he likes to tell women how to handle their pregnancies. Is there nothing he is not the world's greatest expert on?

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