Abortion = Social JUSTICE?

The funny thing is, Babble, is that you are the one that supports eugenics since you've expressed over and over that women don't have a right to choose when to reproduce. I, on the other hand, support the exact opposite.

Talk about sophistry. No one has ever said that women don't have a right to choose when to reproduce.

Intellectually honest people simply realize that choice comes prior to engaging activity that creates life. It comes without psychological and physical consequences that come with destroying life.

If you don't want to get drunk, don't drink alcohol.
If you don't want to get fat, don't eat too much junk.
If you don't want to get taxed, don't vote for Democrats
And if you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex.

It's not like this is rocket science.

You act like you have absolutely no choice in whether you have sex with people. It may not be easy for you, but you don't have to screw every single guy you see. And guys dont have to screw every single woman they see.

Why is it the so called "pro-choice" crowd is so afraid to take responsibility for their lives and make the one real choice that stops their problem? You act irresponsibly and you think you can fix the problem by trying to eliminate the consequence, even if you hurt and destroy others. Irresponsibility does not fix irresponsibility.
How does having compassion for a child = hatred for women?

Another post that belongs in the dungheap.

If you could ever bring yourself to be honest enough to call a fetus a fetus and not a child, you might get an iota or two of respect around here. But so far, using blatantly misleading terms and spreading misinformation only demonstrates to the rest of us that you are not here for intelligent discussion.
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sigh...it's not really worth talking to people that hate women so much, is it, my friend. I swear I'm going to stay out of these threads and really I'm going to try my best.
I hear you! I have to be up to it and in the right mood to get involved in these threads. So often they turn out to be some kind of ritualized warfare with the misogynists heaping hatred on women and the fairminded among us patiently (or sometimes not so patiently) trying to show them how their arguments fall apart when presented with logic, the facts and respect for the rights of others..
And abortion isn't a "right". Rights end at murder. Abortion is murder.
The funny thing is, Babble, is that you are the one that supports eugenics since you've expressed over and over that women don't have a right to choose when to reproduce. I, on the other hand, support the exact opposite.

Talk about sophistry. No one has ever said that women don't have a right to choose when to reproduce.

Intellectually honest people simply realize that choice comes prior to engaging activity that creates life. It comes without psychological and physical consequences that come with destroying life.

If you don't want to get drunk, don't drink alcohol.
If you don't want to get fat, don't eat too much junk.
If you don't want to get taxed, don't vote for Democrats
And if you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex.

It's not like this is rocket science.

You act like you have absolutely no choice in whether you have sex with people. It may not be easy for you, but you don't have to screw every single guy you see. And guys dont have to screw every single woman they see.

Why is it the so called "pro-choice" crowd is so afraid to take responsibility for their lives and make the one real choice that stops their problem? You act irresponsibly and you think you can fix the problem by trying to eliminate the consequence, even if you hurt and destroy others. Irresponsibility does not fix irresponsibility.

No matter how irresponsible a woman might be do you really think the right thing to do is to punish her for it by forcing her to give birth? Are children only instrument of punishment for whores in your book?
Is abortion the only instrument of child torture in your book?

Fucking nitwit.
The reason children are abused and neglected in this world isn't because there aren't enough abortions...it's because there are too many.

You get a governmentally supported program which kills and de-values life, specifically INFANT life, and you will see crimes against children climb.

As they have been climbing ever since abortion became legal, the murder of children became MANSLAUGHTER, and teachers started telling kids to do whatever feels good at the moment...regardless of what their parents and pastors say.
This really should win an award for one of the most ludicrous and outlandish arguments for denying a woman her right to chose.
Well, if teaching about birth control is eugenetics as some claim, then Ambassador George H W Bush being sent to China by Nixon, with the goal of getting them to reduce their population growth and extending our birth control knowledge to them along with paying for the birth control pills they needed to start the program, which eventually lead to their program of today which forces abortion upon all women that already have one child....then....yeah, republicans had a major role in eugenetics, population control....primarily of unliked nations....

That is, if you think that birth control pills is support of eugenetics as some seem to, on this board?

I posted a link right after ravi's post on that showing that Prescott Bush, was the Treasurer for Margaret Sangers first fund raiser...

The thing is, after reading a little bit about her, I think that Prescott Bush supporting her movement was the right thing to do, if he did it for the reasons that she wanted to do it...but I am not so certain this is the case....?

why is it the Bush family is villified as people, yet you go and cite them as moral authorities on any issue you support? How does citing someone you think is pure evil, help you prove that your position is right?

It's like you have this faulty assumption that those who support preserving life worship at the feet of this family like the left worships Obama.
Clueless, aren't you.
Still waiting to hear how killing babies equals social justice.

Just admit it, Anguille. You think there are people out there less entitled to life than you and your friends.
Still waiting to hear how killing babies equals social justice.

Just admit it, Anguille. You think there are people out there less entitled to life than you and your friends.

It was explained to you several posts back.
If the rich can have abortions because they can afford afford them, to deny then to the poor because of economics is unjust.
It will be on the quiz, Alli Butthead, so make sure you study hard.
So if rich people can kill kids, everyone should be able to. Got ya.
A question for you, Baba.
How many times have you been kicked in the head by a horse?
*doubling the amount of my donation to PP due to increased awareness of crazy fanatics out there in the world.*

Course, cant engage in any sort of intellectual discussion with anyone so you label them crazy and pretend as though no one else exists. Great method when you know youve got nothing to argue.
Listen Avatardo, you show up late at night after I've been debating for a couple of hours and you think I'm going to stick around and do the 3 ring circus with you all over again?

I've debated this issue with you before, contributed to endless threads here on abortion. One thing I've learned is that some people aren't even worth responding to. They are not here to understand anything further or gain new insights. They just mindlessly spit out the same old slogans and propaganda. Why deprive myself of a good night's sleep just to provide these clowns with an audience?

You were already up debating it.

However, you are right. Some people arent worth responding to. However, for some reason I keep responding to you.

Why is it the only one sprouting propaganda is the person complaining about propaganda? Why is life so full of irony?
The same reason the ones who complain the loudest about racism are the ones most likely to engage in using racist epithets.
There is no room for anyone else's opinion; it is a human life by my definition. To not parrot me word for word is simply to lie.
You left out some text. I restored it for you.
Your pathetic red herrings about a woman's life will not fly here, so you can cease with those lies.

We all know women have no right to life in your book.

It's either human life or it's not. Semantic games dont change facts.

Nor do straw men win arguments.
As is why pro-lifers will always insist that life begins at conception.

No. The reason we insist that life begins at conception is because thats when a new and unique life is formed and begins to grow. That "fetus" is neither part of the mother nor part of the father. It's a unique life.
There is no room for anyone else's opinion; it is a human life by my definition. To not parrot me word for word is simply to lie.
You left out some text. I restored it for you.
Your pathetic red herrings about a woman's life will not fly here, so you can cease with those lies.

We all know women have no right to life in your book.

It's either human life or it's not. Semantic games dont change facts.

Nor do straw men win arguments.
To me it doesn't matter how human life is defined. If it isn't life, it's a part of a woman's body and she has every right to have it removed just as she would a tumor.
If it is life, it's a foreign entity occupying a woman's body and it can stay there only by her good graces. No one else has the right to force her to be a human incubator.
A "human" incubator.
She's incubating a human. She has no right to kill it. Nobody does.

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