Abortion = Social JUSTICE?

P.S. If you can't deal with a baby inside of you, don't have sex. Problem solved.
Why is it that stupid people use 'eugenics' like it's a bad word? :confused:

Oh wait, they do that with lots of good ideas, like 'socialism' that threaten to upset the status quo...

Socialism and eugenics is the status quo sadly.

What the hell country do you live in? :confused:

Are children only instrument of punishment for whores in your book?

remind me which one of you two keeps calling a child a punishment, again...

What the fuck happened to you as a kid that you came to view your very existence as a punishment your mother had to suffer? You really should ge4t some therapy to help you deal with that....
You aren't pro life, You are anti choice which is anti life.

That's the dumbest sophistry Ive heard in the last two hours. How are you anti choice by protecting an innocent childs right to live and choose? No one is stopping people from having sex. At least, no man is stopping people from having sex.

Are you honestly saying there is not a single choice in the world except abortion? Abortion is the only choice you have to choose from in order to determine whether you have a child? Are you that ignorant of how children are created to sit there and honestly try to claim that?

Are you honestly trying to claim that saving a childs life is pro death???

It's difficult to concieve of such ridiculous idea being serious.

Forced pregnancy is psychological and physical trauma as well as what abortion sometimes is for women. And not only for the unfortunate woman.

Yeah, poor women who has a new born child in her life. Boo hoo. Those evil children. How dare they make women feel such trauma! They should be stopped before all women suffer at the hands of these horrible creatures nature has forced upon their poor little soul. The poor victims. Woe is me! Woe is me! I may actually have to grow up. Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Any future persons possibly resulting from that forced pregnancy may learn of the conditions of his bis/her birth.

Yeah Im sure they are going to be horrible upset that they exist. If they are that upset about it, there is a way to fix the problem. But why give them a choice?

Imagine how it must feel to know that you came into this world because your mother was forced to carry a fetus she didn't want?

I cant imagine the gratitude I would have for a person who cared enough about me to let me live.

Why do you creeps want to cause that sort of psychological damage to an innocent child?

do you even listen to what your saying? You are telling us its better to kill someone than allow them to suffer psychological damage? You have no problem with having them killed. but you expect us to accept that you care about them because you are worried about "possible psychological damage". How does it feel to be one of the biggest hypocrites in the entire history of humanity?

Anything to ease your guilty conscience, eh? Blood on your hands will never come off by rationalizing it away. It will simply destroy yourself until you take the proper steps by accepting the Truth. The pain will always be there eating at you until you stop pretending it's not there.

I have no doubt that you know it's not right to kill your offspring. But you don't have to live with the guilt. You don't have to live with the self hate.
As is why pro-lifers will always insist that life begins at conception.

No. The reason we insist that life begins at conception is because thats when a new and unique life is formed and begins to grow. That "fetus" is neither part of the mother nor part of the father. It's a unique life.

I am aware of that insistence (and I won't debate that - what you believe is what you believe). I was responding to a slightly different point.
I love how, unlike most posters who can't answer a question put to them and who just slink away hoping to be unnoticed, JBeuk instead, posts some lameass retort. Thus bringing even more attention to his failure.

You're complaining of "lameass retorts"? Seriously? The prolife is anti life because its anti choice bullcrap? The "Im going to donate more money" responses to serious points?

This is like the pot calling the kettle black.
Why is it that stupid people use 'eugenics' like it's a bad word? :confused:

Oh wait, they do that with lots of good ideas, like 'socialism' that threaten to upset the status quo...

Socialism and eugenics is the status quo sadly.

What the hell country do you live in? :confused:

Are children only instrument of punishment for whores in your book?

remind me which one of you two keeps calling a child a punishment, again...

What the fuck happened to you as a kid that you came to view your very existence as a punishment your mother had to suffer? You really should ge4t some therapy to help you deal with that....
Reading skills at a low again? My mother chose to have me.
sigh...it's not really worth talking to people that hate women so much, is it, my friend. I swear I'm going to stay out of these threads and really I'm going to try my best.

On what planet does protecting life mean you hate women? I oppose men killing their children as well. Does that mean I hate men?

I don't hate men or women. I hate selfish people who are willing to take the lives and rights of others away from them simply for more ease. Life isnt easy. Get used to it. Its not meant to be. Stop pretending as though you have a right to murder for your own comfort.

Obviously, I need to work on my love my neighbor abilities.
Since we started allowing women to kill their babies, it's now only manslaughter when a man bashes a kid's brains in.
Notice it didn't say it's father wanted it, only its mother. Why did you have to be born and punish your father with your existence, Anguille? (let alone the rest of us)
You aren't pro life, You are anti choice which is anti life.

That's the dumbest sophistry Ive heard in the last two hours. How are you anti choice by protecting an innocent childs right to live and choose? No one is stopping people from having sex. At least, no man is stopping people from having sex.

Are you honestly saying there is not a single choice in the world except abortion? Abortion is the only choice you have to choose from in order to determine whether you have a child? Are you that ignorant of how children are created to sit there and honestly try to claim that?

Are you honestly trying to claim that saving a childs life is pro death???

It's difficult to concieve of such ridiculous idea being serious.

Forced pregnancy is psychological and physical trauma as well as what abortion sometimes is for women. And not only for the unfortunate woman.
Yeah, poor women who has a new born child in her life. Boo hoo. Those evil children. How dare they make women feel such trauma! They should be stopped before all women suffer at the hands of these horrible creatures nature has forced upon their poor little soul. The poor victims. Woe is me! Woe is me! I may actually have to grow up. Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Yeah Im sure they are going to be horrible upset that they exist. If they are that upset about it, there is a way to fix the problem. But why give them a choice?

Imagine how it must feel to know that you came into this world because your mother was forced to carry a fetus she didn't want?
I cant imagine the gratitude I would have for a person who cared enough about me to let me live.

Why do you creeps want to cause that sort of psychological damage to an innocent child?
do you even listen to what your saying? You are telling us its better to kill someone than allow them to suffer psychological damage? You have no problem with having them killed. but you expect us to accept that you care about them because you are worried about "possible psychological damage". How does it feel to be one of the biggest hypocrites in the entire history of humanity?

Anything to ease your guilty conscience, eh? Blood on your hands will never come off by rationalizing it away. It will simply destroy yourself until you take the proper steps by accepting the Truth. The pain will always be there eating at you until you stop pretending it's not there.

I have no doubt that you know it's not right to kill your offspring. But you don't have to live with the guilt. You don't have to live with the self hate.

To see the desperate and pathetic way you guys are grasping at straws tonight is almost making me feel pity for you. If it weren't that you were such fascist monsters I would.

Wait .... before I label you with that, tell me again if you think the government has a right to tell a woman if she can have an abortion or not. I get you guys mixed up and want to be sure I understand your positions. I have no beef with you if abortion is something you'd rather not do yourself. But if you think you have any business butting into another woman's private life and dictating to her what she can or cannot do about her pregnancy, then you' re a bunch of woman and child hating hypocrites.
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Notice it didn't say it's father wanted it, only its mother. Why did you have to be born and punish your father with your existence, Anguille? (let alone the rest of us)
lol! Projecting? I bet your father unbent the coathook and your mother kicked him in the ass later for not finding a longer one.
If you could ever bring yourself to be honest enough to call a fetus a fetus and not a child, you might get an iota or two of respect around here. But so far, using blatantly misleading terms and spreading misinformation only demonstrates to the rest of us that you are not here for intelligent discussion.

Why would she or I or anyone else want your respect?

You dont get to define when life begins. Nature does that.

And no one is taking any choose away from you by telling you you cant murder your child. You made your choice. You're just not mature, intelligent, or honest enough to accept it.

You advocate killing children your offspring and we are the stupid ones. Seriously?
I have no be4f (?!) with you if homicide is something you'd rather not do yourself. But if you think you have any business butting into another woman's private life and dictate to her what she can or cannot do about another human life being in the way of her happpy-go-lucky libertine lifestyle then you' re a bunch of honest people who value human life and the law and think that it should be illegal to kill another person for no reason other than not wanting to own up and show some fucking responsibility

Edited for correctness
How does having compassion for a child = hatred for women?

Another post that belongs in the dungheap.

If you could ever bring yourself to be honest enough to call a fetus a fetus and not a child, you might get an iota or two of respect around here. But so far, using blatantly misleading terms and spreading misinformation only demonstrates to the rest of us that you are not here for intelligent discussion.

^ PC bafoon defined

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