Abortion was meant to be Extermination of a people

""Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are they being targeted? Isn't that genocide? We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population. If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant. Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?"

BlackGenocide.org | Planned Parenthood
Right, because a blog title blackgenocide is honest. Your quote doesn't even try to pretend that she supported abortion. I guess they are slightly more honest than you.
Sanger’s obsession with eugenics and racism was clearly presented in her involvement of planning the First World Population Conference which took place in Geneva in 1926. She was not mentioned on the actual program, but instead worked behind the scenes and initiated the “Negro Project” in 1939.

The objective of the “project” was toinfiltrate [FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]the black community by presenting birth control as a health option for women to kill off the black race.Kill them off by limiting the growth of the population by abortion and sterilization. [/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]http://www.nationalblackprolifeunion.com/Margaret-Sanger-and-The-Negro-Project.html[/FONT]

"On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization.

"Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech.

"The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923)
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BTW, Sanger's quote isn't out of context, if you are implying that in context it meant something else.

She was famously racist, and threw her lot in with the Nazis early on.

She grew up in an era where many folk were racist.
The bottom line is that Sanger, like many liberals of her time, favored racial control and many famous people supported the Nazi cause.

What is interesting is, that if you bother to check on 'em - they all identified themselves with the Democrat party!!!!!
BTW, Sanger's quote isn't out of context, if you are implying that in context it meant something else.

She was famously racist, and threw her lot in with the Nazis early on.

She grew up in an era where many folk were racist.

She is the mother of Planned Parenthood, which is still pursing the goal..Hence their outreach to Africa.
In fact, early birth control clinics didn’t welcome black women with open arms, Hajo writes: “In the 1920s and early 1930s, African Americans had far more limited access to birth control than did white women. Not only did many clinics discriminate against black women, but the regions with the largest black populations had fewer clinics.”

Sanger opened a clinic in Harlem in 1930, and, as mentioned, the “Negro Project” began in the late 1930s.

That doesn’t support Cain’s implication that Sanger’s “objective was to put these centers in primarily black communities,” or that “75 percent” of clinics were in such neighborhoods.

It should also be noted that these early clinics were focused on providing birth control,

and Sanger herself warned of the dangers of abortion. “While there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization,” she wrote in her 1920 book “Woman and the New Race

FactCheck.org : Cain’s False Attack on Planned Parenthood
That was in the 20s. Her only issue with abortion was the health aspect of it. They are dangerous, so she preferred women use contraceptives. She was fine with forced sterilization as well.
Don't HAVE to care. It is a legal procedure. If a woman aged 18 or above and her doctor arrange it there is no one to stop it. RW futile ravings aside.

I know beyond any doubt that my nose does not belong in any woman's reproductive business.

Always remember, gentlemen: give the gift of vasectomy to prevent abortion.

Regards from Rosie

It's pretty sad when your political opponents care more about your children than you do.

Talk about an out of context quote.

Ah, the abortion grand poobah speaks.
I'm kind of surprised you aren't a fan of hers. She was a racist that was anti-abortion, just like you.

She was anti-abortion??? You are seriously going to try to claim the Founder of Planned Parenthood and one of the leaders in the 20th century abortion/eugenics movement in American was anti-abortion?

I know you like to throw the term racist around, but who is it here that has a problem in this thread with "minority" children being killed for progressive public policy?
BTW, Sanger's quote isn't out of context, if you are implying that in context it meant something else.

She was famously racist, and threw her lot in with the Nazis early on.

She grew up in an era where many folk were racist.

True. But unlike her, most people didn't develop plans to eliminate other races from society.
Ah, the abortion grand poobah speaks.
I'm kind of surprised you aren't a fan of hers. She was a racist that was anti-abortion, just like you.

She was anti-abortion??? You are seriously going to try to claim the Founder of Planned Parenthood and one of the leaders in the 20th century abortion/eugenics movement in American was anti-abortion?

I know you like to throw the term racist around, but who is it here that has a problem in this thread with "minority" children being killed for progressive public policy?
Yep she was anti-abortion but pro contraception, pro planning your pregnancy, and she was long dead and decomposed before roe v wade was decided.

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