Abortion: Why Men Don't Get A Say

If she keeps the baby she AND the father are legally bound to care for it. If she aborts it or gives it up for adoption then BOTH are off the hook.

And that's all you feminazis want: for women to have all the power. You don't carea bout the children; they're simply tools for you to use to achieve your own aims.

First off children should NEVER be use as weapons. Period.

I have maintained all along, the men hold all the cards in this one and all of the power. All they have to do is keep their sperm to themselves.
What power are you suggesting women have?
How are the children being used as tools?
First off children should NEVER be use as weapons. Period.

That's all you've treated them as or shown any interest in using them as.
I have maintained all along, the men hold all the cards in this one and all of the power

Yes... 'the man' is keeping you down...it's all 'the man's fault. You have no options and you can't possibly be expected to think or be repsonsible for yourself...

What power are you suggesting women have?

Really? You've never heard of female condoms, IUDs, spermicidal foam, plan b, birth control pills, the rods, adoption, Safe place for newborns (linked several times in this thread), or adoption?
You don't want both parents to be responsible. You, Sy, and Mad have attacked women like Pixie who do. You want to woman to have all the power and say. You want the woman to be able to opt out at any time while the man is punished for penetrating her by surrendering his liberty and rights for the next 18-22 years if the woman chooses to use the child as a weapon against him and deny him the opportunity which she has, to go on with his life. That it is the difference between real feminism and this neofeminst crap you settle. You're the Al Sharptons of feminism; you want to invert, not abolish historical inequalities. You want revenge, not justice.
I have not attacked Pixie.

I also believe that either party can opt out at some point before birth...in fact I think everyone should carry around contracts and sign the fucking things before any sex takes place spelling out what is what.

As usual, you are full of shit. Syrenn and Madeline think that both parents are responsible for the living child. Male AND female. There is nothing anti-feminist about that viewpoint. There is a lot pro-child about that viewpoint.
You don't want both parents to be responsible. You, Sy, and Mad have attacked women like Pixie who do. You want to woman to have all the power and say. You want the woman to be able to opt out at any time while the man is punished for penetrating her by surrendering his liberty and rights for the next 18-22 years if the woman chooses to use the child as a weapon against him and deny him the opportunity which she has, to go on with his life. That it is the difference between real feminism and this neofeminst crap you settle. You're the Al Sharptons of feminism; you want to invert, not abolish historical inequalities. You want revenge, not justice.

I am pro choice where no one can tell a woman what to do with her body.

If a man gives up his sperm to a woman...he is giving over his rights to any child that may result...not the woman.

So long as gestation is the sole problem of a woman, then it is her choice alone to carry or not to carry a baby.

Both share in having sex, both have the options of birth control. Once a baby is born then both share in the finical responsibility of its care and upkeep.

Again if men kept their sperm to themselves there would be no question of who has the "power". Men hold all of the cards and all power to begin with.

and JB, ive never attacked pix.
That's all you've treated them as or shown any interest in using them as.

You need to read my posts then. No ive not.

Yes... 'the man' is keeping you down...it's all 'the man's fault. You have no options and you can't possibly be expected to think or be repsonsible for yourself...

That is not what i am saying at all. BOTH parties need to be responsible. BOTH need to use birth control. Both must deal with the responsibility if a baby is born.

It is the sole choice of a woman to have or not to carry a pregnancy.

Really? You've never heard of female condoms, IUDs, spermicidal foam, plan b, birth control pills, the rods, adoption, Safe place for newborns (linked several times in this thread), or adoption?

Sure i have heard of all of these methods. . HOWEVER none would be necessary if the man had used a MALE condom in tandem along with the female condom, IUD, foam, and pill and rods. You know, men keeping their sperm to themselves.

If a woman still chooses to use the plan b, or abortion that is her choice...her body.

If she chooses to keep the baby BOTH are responisible for their reckless behaivor.

If the woman choose to give up the baby for adoption the man can adopt it. If he doesn't want it either the someone else can adopt it. If no one wants it then that is just one more sad baby in the system.
If she keeps the baby she AND the father are legally bound to care for it. If she aborts it or gives it up for adoption then BOTH are off the hook.

And that's all you feminazis want: for women to have all the power. You don't carea bout the children; they're simply tools for you to use to achieve your own aims.

First off children should NEVER be use as weapons. Period.

I have maintained all along, the men hold all the cards in this one and all of the power. All they have to do is keep their sperm to themselves.
What power are you suggesting women have?
How are the children being used as tools?

The power of consent isn't enough for ya ? If you don't want to risk gestation, don't consent to sex. Gets a little tiring hearing all this whining simply because a woman is pissed because her anatomy doesn't come with an automatic sperm eject mechanism. Masturbate until you are ready to risk the consequences of adult sex. and yes---men too.
I also believe that either party can opt out at some point before birth...

So you oppose child support laws as they currently exist?

Child support laws are for the CHILD. Courts order parents to pay for the support of THEIR child.

Child support is not punitive towards either of the parents. Though some paying parentsthink of it that way.
And that's all you feminazis want: for women to have all the power. You don't carea bout the children; they're simply tools for you to use to achieve your own aims.

First off children should NEVER be use as weapons. Period.

I have maintained all along, the men hold all the cards in this one and all of the power. All they have to do is keep their sperm to themselves.
What power are you suggesting women have?
How are the children being used as tools?

The power of consent isn't enough for ya ? If you don't want to risk gestation, don't consent to sex. Gets a little tiring hearing all this whining simply because a woman is pissed because her anatomy doesn't come with an automatic sperm eject mechanism. Masturbate until you are ready to risk the consequences of adult sex. and yes---men too.

Same goes for you whining men, feel free to jack off the rest of your lives or drool all over a screen to some pics.

If men don't want to pay for a child, keep your sperm to your selves. If women don't want to pay for a baby abort it. Simple.
First off children should NEVER be use as weapons. Period.

I have maintained all along, the men hold all the cards in this one and all of the power. All they have to do is keep their sperm to themselves.
What power are you suggesting women have?
How are the children being used as tools?

The power of consent isn't enough for ya ? If you don't want to risk gestation, don't consent to sex. Gets a little tiring hearing all this whining simply because a woman is pissed because her anatomy doesn't come with an automatic sperm eject mechanism. Masturbate until you are ready to risk the consequences of adult sex. and yes---men too.

Same goes for you whining men, feel free to jack off the rest of your lives or drool all over a screen to some pics.

If men don't want to pay for a child, keep your sperm to your selves. If women don't want to pay for a baby abort it. Simple.

Let's apply your standards equally: if women don't want to have babies, they need to keep their legs shut. No abortions, no Plan B. Own up and carry the baby. Oh wait, holding you to your own standards would be sexist and misogynistic...
I also believe that either party can opt out at some point before birth...

So you oppose child support laws as they currently exist?

Child support laws are for the CHILD. Courts order parents to pay for the support of THEIR child.

Child support is not punitive towards either of the parents. Though some paying parentsthink of it that way.

Theoretically ---how about both parents put the same amount of money in a court monitored fund that is ONLY to be spent on the child? Any extra that the custodial parent recieves from the goverment is subtracted from the non-custodial parents debt.
The power of consent isn't enough for ya ? If you don't want to risk gestation, don't consent to sex. Gets a little tiring hearing all this whining simply because a woman is pissed because her anatomy doesn't come with an automatic sperm eject mechanism. Masturbate until you are ready to risk the consequences of adult sex. and yes---men too.

Same goes for you whining men, feel free to jack off the rest of your lives or drool all over a screen to some pics.

If men don't want to pay for a child, keep your sperm to your selves. If women don't want to pay for a baby abort it. Simple.

Let's apply your standards equally: if women don't want to have babies, they need to keep their legs shut. No abortions, no Plan B. Own up and carry the baby. Oh wait, holding you to your own standards would be sexist and misogynistic...

Now where do i ever say men cant have sex? Where do i say women cant have sex? I say men should keep their sperm to themselves. You know inside a condom...or better yet having a vasectomy. I also say that women need to use birth control as well.

If you are going to apply my standards equally, then apply them equally. Don't misrepresent what i am saying.

IF an accident happens then the only one to make the decisions of what happens to that woman's body...is that woman.
Same goes for you whining men, feel free to jack off the rest of your lives or drool all over a screen to some pics.

If men don't want to pay for a child, keep your sperm to your selves. If women don't want to pay for a baby abort it. Simple.

Let's apply your standards equally: if women don't want to have babies, they need to keep their legs shut. No abortions, no Plan B. Own up and carry the baby. Oh wait, holding you to your own standards would be sexist and misogynistic...

Now where do i ever say men cant have sex? Where do i say women cant have sex? I say men should keep their sperm to themselves. You know inside a condom...or better yet having a vasectomy. I also say that women need to use birth control as well.

If you are going to apply my standards equally, then apply them equally. Don't misrepresent what i am saying.

IF an accident happens then the only one to make the decisions of what happens to that woman's body...is that woman.

No sex---no accidents. Keep em closed til you're ready for real risks consequences of sex.
So you oppose child support laws as they currently exist?

Child support laws are for the CHILD. Courts order parents to pay for the support of THEIR child.

Child support is not punitive towards either of the parents. Though some paying parentsthink of it that way.

Theoretically ---how about both parents put the same amount of money in a court monitored fund that is ONLY to be spent on the child? Any extra that the custodial parent recieves from the goverment is subtracted from the non-custodial parents debt.

Personally i don't believe that any government money, assistance or aid should be given to either parent. If you cant afford to take care of a child then neither parent has any business having one. I feel that if there was LESS government support for single parents the problem would be less of an issue.

Let's apply your standards equally: if women don't want to have babies, they need to keep their legs shut. No abortions, no Plan B. Own up and carry the baby. Oh wait, holding you to your own standards would be sexist and misogynistic...

Now where do i ever say men cant have sex? Where do i say women cant have sex? I say men should keep their sperm to themselves. You know inside a condom...or better yet having a vasectomy. I also say that women need to use birth control as well.

If you are going to apply my standards equally, then apply them equally. Don't misrepresent what i am saying.

IF an accident happens then the only one to make the decisions of what happens to that woman's body...is that woman.

No sex---no accidents. Keep em closed til you're ready for real risks consequences of sex.

Which is why so many are into cyber. No risk of anything.

In the real world men and woman have sex. Those who are having sex need to deal with the real world actions and consequences.

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