Abortion: Why Men Don't Get A Say

The power of consent isn't enough for ya ? If you don't want to risk gestation, don't consent to sex. Gets a little tiring hearing all this whining simply because a woman is pissed because her anatomy doesn't come with an automatic sperm eject mechanism. Masturbate until you are ready to risk the consequences of adult sex. and yes---men too.

Same goes for you whining men, feel free to jack off the rest of your lives or drool all over a screen to some pics.

If men don't want to pay for a child, keep your sperm to your selves. If women don't want to pay for a baby abort it. Simple.

Let's apply your standards equally: if women don't want to have babies, they need to keep their legs shut. No abortions, no Plan B. Own up and carry the baby. Oh wait, holding you to your own standards would be sexist and misogynistic...

I dun get why depriving women of elective medical care is somehow "morally superior"?
Same goes for you whining men, feel free to jack off the rest of your lives or drool all over a screen to some pics.

If men don't want to pay for a child, keep your sperm to your selves. If women don't want to pay for a baby abort it. Simple.

Let's apply your standards equally: if women don't want to have babies, they need to keep their legs shut. No abortions, no Plan B. Own up and carry the baby. Oh wait, holding you to your own standards would be sexist and misogynistic...

I dun get why depriving women of elective medical care is somehow "morally superior"?

Because they have taken it upon themselves to make a choice that involved 2 people..erg..I mean 3

Let's apply your standards equally: if women don't want to have babies, they need to keep their legs shut. No abortions, no Plan B. Own up and carry the baby. Oh wait, holding you to your own standards would be sexist and misogynistic...

I dun get why depriving women of elective medical care is somehow "morally superior"?

Because they have taken it upon themselves to make a choice that involved 2 people..erg..I mean 3

Well, first of all, if you feel that-a-way and others like myself do not, why should your POV dictate my conduct? Why is it not enough that your POV dictates your conduct?

Then, why, if you oppose abortion, would you even consider supporting a "man's right to choose"?

And lastly, I just cannot understand how it is you do not see that investing the zygote with the status of "person" is a value judgment and not a medical fact?

It is the sole choice of a woman to have or not to carry a pregnancy.

If it is her sole responsibility to have a child, it is her sole responsibility.

If a woman still chooses to use the plan b, or abortion that is her choice...her body.
The baby is not your body.

In your opinion. In my opinion it is not a woman's responsibility to carry any child unless she wishes to do so.

Which is why i support Cesarean Section for the cells some call life. If it is life sit it on a table and let it have its life.

It is the sole choice of a woman to have or not to carry a pregnancy.

If it is her sole responsibility to have a child, it is her sole responsibility.

If a woman still chooses to use the plan b, or abortion that is her choice...her body.
The baby is not your body.

In your opinion. In my opinion it is not a woman's responsibility to carry any child unless she wishes to do so.

Which is why i support Cesarean Section for the cells some call life. If it is life sit it on a table and let it have its life.

Hate, hate, hate JB. U-g-l-y.
If it is her sole responsibility to have a child, it is her sole responsibility.

The baby is not your body.

In your opinion. In my opinion it is not a woman's responsibility to carry any child unless she wishes to do so.

Which is why i support Cesarean Section for the cells some call life. If it is life sit it on a table and let it have its life.

Hate, hate, hate JB. U-g-l-y.

No i don't think he hates, he is pro life. He is entitled to his opinion.
In your opinion. In my opinion it is not a woman's responsibility to carry any child unless she wishes to do so.

Which is why i support Cesarean Section for the cells some call life. If it is life sit it on a table and let it have its life.

Hate, hate, hate JB. U-g-l-y.

No i don't think he hates, he is pro life. He is entitled to his opinion.

I see real anger in men who posit the average woman with an unwanted pregnancy as a slut who pulled a train for cash.

But hey, I'm sensitive that-a-way.

BTW, I fail to see how JB qualifies as "pro life". He wants men to have the power to decide whether the pregnancy proceeds, does he not?
Hate, hate, hate JB. U-g-l-y.

No i don't think he hates, he is pro life. He is entitled to his opinion.

I see real anger in men who posit the average woman with an unwanted pregnancy as a slut who pulled a train for cash.

But hey, I'm sensitive that-a-way.

BTW, I fail to see how JB qualifies as "pro life". He wants men to have the power to decide whether the pregnancy proceeds, does he not?

LOL what does it say about the men how participate in said train for cash? It all depends on how you look at things at times.

He posts like a pro lifer to me. I may be wrong.
The power of consent isn't enough for ya ? If you don't want to risk gestation, don't consent to sex. Gets a little tiring hearing all this whining simply because a woman is pissed because her anatomy doesn't come with an automatic sperm eject mechanism. Masturbate until you are ready to risk the consequences of adult sex. and yes---men too.

Same goes for you whining men, feel free to jack off the rest of your lives or drool all over a screen to some pics.

If men don't want to pay for a child, keep your sperm to your selves. If women don't want to pay for a baby abort it. Simple.

Let's apply your standards equally: if women don't want to have babies, they need to keep their legs shut. No abortions, no Plan B. Own up and carry the baby. Oh wait, holding you to your own standards would be sexist and misogynistic...
If THAT were the law would you still be opposed to men paying child support?
Child support laws are for the CHILD. Courts order parents to pay for the support of THEIR child.

Child support is not punitive towards either of the parents. Though some paying parentsthink of it that way.

Theoretically ---how about both parents put the same amount of money in a court monitored fund that is ONLY to be spent on the child? Any extra that the custodial parent recieves from the goverment is subtracted from the non-custodial parents debt.

Personally i don't believe that any government money, assistance or aid should be given to either parent. If you cant afford to take care of a child then neither parent has any business having one. I feel that if there was LESS government support for single parents the problem would be less of an issue.
I don't understand you on this point.

In the case of the parent paying child support, it is about the child and we agree.

But in the case of government assistance, it is about the parent? :confused:
Theoretically ---how about both parents put the same amount of money in a court monitored fund that is ONLY to be spent on the child? Any extra that the custodial parent recieves from the goverment is subtracted from the non-custodial parents debt.

Personally i don't believe that any government money, assistance or aid should be given to either parent. If you cant afford to take care of a child then neither parent has any business having one. I feel that if there was LESS government support for single parents the problem would be less of an issue.
I don't understand you on this point.

In the case of the parent paying child support, it is about the child and we agree.

But in the case of government assistance, it is about the parent? :confused:

I am sick of the government subsidizing personal choices. Having a child is a personal choice. As it stands now having children is a business. Its not a fail-safe anymore, the government is a source of guaranteed income if you have children.

In my opinion if you can not afford a child. That is to feed, clothe and house, care and love it then you have NO business having children. If however parents feel they still want children that is fine by me, i hope they work 5 jogs to pay for it. They should not feel they are owed anything from the government.

I believe that if it was a known fact that the government would not give money for welfare, food stamps, wic, aid to mothers with depend children, the problem we have with unwanted births would dramatically decrease.
I am sick of the government subsidizing personal choices. Having a child is a personal choice. As it stands now having children is a business. Its not a fail-safe anymore, the government is a source of guaranteed income if you have children.

In my opinion if you can not afford a child. That is to feed, clothe and house, care and love it then you have NO business having children. If however parents feel they still want children that is fine by me, i hope they work 5 jogs to pay for it. They should not feel they are owed anything from the government.

I believe that if it was a known fact that the government would not give money for welfare, food stamps, wic, aid to mothers with depend children, the problem we have with unwanted births would dramatically decrease.

While I don't pretend to be an expert on the welfare, food stamps, and wic system I highly doubt that women are having kids instead of abortions just because the government will provide some aid. Especially since I doubt what the government gives can even begin to fulfill the need. Contraception is the key.
Personally i don't believe that any government money, assistance or aid should be given to either parent. If you cant afford to take care of a child then neither parent has any business having one. I feel that if there was LESS government support for single parents the problem would be less of an issue.
I don't understand you on this point.

In the case of the parent paying child support, it is about the child and we agree.

But in the case of government assistance, it is about the parent? :confused:

I am sick of the government subsidizing personal choices. Having a child is a personal choice. As it stands now having children is a business. Its not a fail-safe anymore, the government is a source of guaranteed income if you have children.

In my opinion if you can not afford a child. That is to feed, clothe and house, care and love it then you have NO business having children. If however parents feel they still want children that is fine by me, i hope they work 5 jogs to pay for it. They should not feel they are owed anything from the government.

I believe that if it was a known fact that the government would not give money for welfare, food stamps, wic, aid to mothers with depend children, the problem we have with unwanted births would dramatically decrease.
:doubt: If you really believe that I find your insistence that fathers pay child support insupportable (pun intended). Simply substitute "father" for "government" and you can make a case that without mandatory child support unwanted pregnancies would cease to exist.
I am sick of the government subsidizing personal choices. Having a child is a personal choice. As it stands now having children is a business. Its not a fail-safe anymore, the government is a source of guaranteed income if you have children.

In my opinion if you can not afford a child. That is to feed, clothe and house, care and love it then you have NO business having children. If however parents feel they still want children that is fine by me, i hope they work 5 jogs to pay for it. They should not feel they are owed anything from the government.

I believe that if it was a known fact that the government would not give money for welfare, food stamps, wic, aid to mothers with depend children, the problem we have with unwanted births would dramatically decrease.

While I don't pretend to be an expert on the welfare, food stamps, and wic system I highly doubt that women are having kids instead of abortions just because the government will provide some aid. Especially since I doubt what the government gives can even begin to fulfill the need. Contraception is the key.

I agree, contraception for BOTH parties is the key.
I don't understand you on this point.

In the case of the parent paying child support, it is about the child and we agree.

But in the case of government assistance, it is about the parent? :confused:

I am sick of the government subsidizing personal choices. Having a child is a personal choice. As it stands now having children is a business. Its not a fail-safe anymore, the government is a source of guaranteed income if you have children.

In my opinion if you can not afford a child. That is to feed, clothe and house, care and love it then you have NO business having children. If however parents feel they still want children that is fine by me, i hope they work 5 jogs to pay for it. They should not feel they are owed anything from the government.

I believe that if it was a known fact that the government would not give money for welfare, food stamps, wic, aid to mothers with depend children, the problem we have with unwanted births would dramatically decrease.
:doubt: If you really believe that I find your insistence that fathers pay child support insupportable (pun intended). Simply substitute "father" for "government" and you can make a case that without mandatory child support unwanted pregnancies would cease to exist.

You need to take into account personal responsibility. The government is not the father or mother of the baby. I am not saying unwanted babies would cease to exist. I think the numbers would decrease if mothers knew before hand there would be no governmental aid and it was up to she and the father alone to support the baby.

I don't know it that would make the men or women more responsible in terms of contraception, but i do believe it would make women think twice before carrying a baby to term.
I am sick of the government subsidizing personal choices. Having a child is a personal choice. As it stands now having children is a business. Its not a fail-safe anymore, the government is a source of guaranteed income if you have children.

In my opinion if you can not afford a child. That is to feed, clothe and house, care and love it then you have NO business having children. If however parents feel they still want children that is fine by me, i hope they work 5 jogs to pay for it. They should not feel they are owed anything from the government.

I believe that if it was a known fact that the government would not give money for welfare, food stamps, wic, aid to mothers with depend children, the problem we have with unwanted births would dramatically decrease.
:doubt: If you really believe that I find your insistence that fathers pay child support insupportable (pun intended). Simply substitute "father" for "government" and you can make a case that without mandatory child support unwanted pregnancies would cease to exist.

You need to take into account personal responsibility. The government is not the father or mother of the baby. I am not saying unwanted babies would cease to exist. I think the numbers would decrease if mothers knew before hand there would be no governmental aid and it was up to she and the father alone to support the baby.

I don't know it that would make the men or women more responsible in terms of contraception, but i do believe it would make women think twice before carrying a baby to term.
As long as we, as a society, don't give underage children total equal rights...we are responsible for them.
:doubt: If you really believe that I find your insistence that fathers pay child support insupportable (pun intended). Simply substitute "father" for "government" and you can make a case that without mandatory child support unwanted pregnancies would cease to exist.

You need to take into account personal responsibility. The government is not the father or mother of the baby. I am not saying unwanted babies would cease to exist. I think the numbers would decrease if mothers knew before hand there would be no governmental aid and it was up to she and the father alone to support the baby.

I don't know it that would make the men or women more responsible in terms of contraception, but i do believe it would make women think twice before carrying a baby to term.
As long as we, as a society, don't give underage children total equal rights...we are responsible for them.

I agree, the parents are responsible for their children.

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