Abortion: Why Men Don't Get A Say

So answer the question. Where did she say any of that?

I've had this debate with Syrenn several times, Her attitude is obvious. If you weren't so busy sucking up to her maybe you would notice that she actually finds you to be nothing but a contemptible animal who needs to be beaten down.

You accuse me of hating women, when it is in fact Syrenn who hates men. What other explanation is there for someone who says the things she says.
Sy hates that she's a woman. She loathes the fact that sex involves penetration and demonizes men for the nature of the act. She loathes the fact that women carry children, can't grasp that not all women hate their children, and hates babies because they're an evil parasite infesting her and causing stretch marks. The only reason she can imagine for not killing a baby is to use it to as a means to control, dominate, and punish a the man who penetrated her.

In short: Sy = JD_2B

We're just waiting for her to claim her dog got her pregnant; then we'll have clone of the 'What should Abortion Laws Be?' thread. All the bullshit she's been posting was debunked over there. It's standard feminazi rhetoric.

All true, there was another thread she was in in which she pointedly said SEVERAL times that all men are dogs unless and until they can prove that they can take no for an answer from her. She hates men
I love how people presume to know all about other people, merely because they have a difference of opinion. Quite shallow.

I love how people presume to know all about other people, merely because they have a difference of opinion. Quite shallow.


When you've had MULTIPLE conversations with a woman and heard her scream that men are animals and such and that a man should just shut up and either have a kid or not totally dependent on the woman's issues and pay his child support or else; it's pretty easy to ascertain that she hates men.
I love how people presume to know all about other people, merely because they have a difference of opinion. Quite shallow.


When you've had MULTIPLE conversations with a woman and heard her scream that men are animals and such and that a man should just shut up and either have a kid or not totally dependent on the woman's issues and pay his child support or else; it's pretty easy to ascertain that she hates men.

I shouldn't think it's difficult for ANY woman to hate a man like you! Especially the sort that pisses over women and post links to hard porn on a message board!
I love how people presume to know all about other people, merely because they have a difference of opinion. Quite shallow.


When you've had MULTIPLE conversations with a woman and heard her scream that men are animals and such and that a man should just shut up and either have a kid or not totally dependent on the woman's issues and pay his child support or else; it's pretty easy to ascertain that she hates men.

I shouldn't think it's difficult for ANY woman to hate a man like you! Especially the sort that pisses over women and post links to hard porn on a message board!

The incident with the stripper was 18 years ago, and the link was an accident. Do you get browny points from Sy for obsessing over me?
When you've had MULTIPLE conversations with a woman and heard her scream that men are animals and such and that a man should just shut up and either have a kid or not totally dependent on the woman's issues and pay his child support or else; it's pretty easy to ascertain that she hates men.

I shouldn't think it's difficult for ANY woman to hate a man like you! Especially the sort that pisses over women and post links to hard porn on a message board!

The incident with the stripper was 18 years ago, and the link was an accident. Do you get browny points from Sy for obsessing over me?

Excuses, excuses. Obsess over a slimeball? Lol! Just handing out some of your own medicine.
I shouldn't think it's difficult for ANY woman to hate a man like you! Especially the sort that pisses over women and post links to hard porn on a message board!

The incident with the stripper was 18 years ago, and the link was an accident. Do you get browny points from Sy for obsessing over me?

Excuses, excuses. Obsess over a slimeball? Lol! Just handing out some of your own medicine.

No, you're obsessing, trying to score some points with Syrenn. You must resort to this tactic because you have nothing to offer to the discussion.

Please tell me why you believe a man should not have ANY say in whether he becomes a father or not. Prove you have ANYTHING to offer this thread other than some lame half insults.
Colin seems to be the only man here who can acknowledge that it is nature that has discriminated against men by only giving women the physicality to bear a child.

There is no denying that is precisely what naturally gives women the ultimate final say...Acknowledging that fact does not translate as if women think men should have no say whatsoever or men don't care or any of that other personal projection that has been going on for pages now in this thread... :cuckoo:
Yep...and it is always sad to see women that agree with this idiocy that people like Buttemia push. It is almost as if they feel guilt for being women.


I'd like to think it's just inherent confusion over mixing the discussion with the issue of child support, since both men and women are able to bear that responsibility, but the courts don't take body parts into account once there is a live child who needs to be financially supported.

Many men resent having to pay for a child they would rather have aborted, and other men resent the woman who refuses to bear a child he wishes to keep...So that type of resentment causes confusion and emotional people feel the need to project when searching for a sense of fairness, but the fact remains only a woman can bear a child, so these are really two distinct circumstances.

Mother nature is such a femi-nazi! :razz:

I agree with your idea that men should be given the option to abort their financial responsibility and thus relinquish all parental rights.
Colin seems to be the only man here who can acknowledge that it is nature that has discriminated against men by only giving women the physicality to bear a child.

There is no denying that is precisely what naturally gives women the ultimate final say...Acknowledging that fact does not translate as if women think men should have no say whatsoever or men don't care or any of that other personal projection that has been going on for pages now in this thread... :cuckoo:
Yep...and it is always sad to see women that agree with this idiocy that people like Buttemia push. It is almost as if they feel guilt for being women.


I'd like to think it's just inherent confusion over mixing the discussion with the issue of child support, since both men and women are able to bear that responsibility, but the courts don't take body parts into account once there is a live child who needs to be financially supported.

Many men resent having to pay for a child they would rather have aborted, and other men resent the woman who refuses to bear a child he wishes to keep...So that type of resentment causes confusion and emotional people feel the need to project when searching for a sense of fairness, but the fact remains only a woman can bear a child, so these are really two distinct circumstances.

Mother nature is such a femi-nazi! :razz:

I agree with your idea that men should be given the option to abort their financial responsibility and thus relinquish all parental rights.
Good points. Still, I find it interesting to watch some women bend over backwards to enable these overly emotional men.
Yup. So true and so fair. Equal rights should know no gender.
Agreed. That's not fair, either.

Well, if the woman does not want her body used for gestation, the man is SOL on that front. The woman is the only one of the two who conceived who can provide gestation, so that is totally the woman's choice. Her body, her choice.

The only reason I bring up men not having the option to keep a baby the woman doesn't want is to point out that IS an option a woman has. Under current law a man can beg and plead all he wants but if the woman wants to keep his child, he's going to be a father against his wishes. I don't know that I think a woman should be required to carry the baby to term should the man want it, BUT it truly isn't as if doing so would ruin a woman's life; and how often is that going to be the case anyway?

I'm not saying I think this should be the case, but I've always wondered why these "staunch defenders of freedom" who will parrot "her body, her choice" at the drop of a hat never seem interested in the reciprocal freedom: "his wallet, his choice". They're horrified at the idea of a man being able to "force" a woman to have a child she doesn't want and be "enslaved" for eighteen years by the child's existence, but they're totally indifferent to a woman being able to "force" a man to have a child he doesn't want and be "enslaved" for eighteen years by the child's existence.

But they love to use the phrase "equal rights". Curious.

Odd that you would say that about my post. I suggest you actually grasp my view on that.

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