CDZ Abortion

I can understand that a woman has a right to control her own body; however, there is also an issue of responsibility. If a woman were to choose not to use her body to feed her new born baby and allow the baby to simply to starve to death she would most likely be charged with murder based on neglect. The woman is expected to use that body of her's (not necessarily breastfeeding ) and take care of that baby or find someone else that will.

So... bottle feeding is illegal?
The woman would still have to use her body to prepare the bottle and feed the baby. It doesn't happen by magic.

Could someone else use their body to do this?
Yes. You might want to reread my original post because this is the second thing you missed.

"The woman is expected to use that body of her's (not necessarily breastfeeding ) and take care of that baby or find someone else that will."

Not necessarily breastfeeding -- Use of her body can mean other things than breastfeeding. Holding a bottle, changing diapers, keeping the baby warm are examples.

Or find someone that will -- This responsibility can be transfer to someone else such as another relative. In some states, the parents may drop a newborn baby off at a police department, fire department, or hospital and give up a baby without being arrested for neglect. That being said, if an infant is in the custody of a woman (the mother), she is expected to use her body to care for that baby. She can't simply leave the infant to fend for itself and use the right to control her own body and her right to privacy to justify allowing the baby to die.

Then the comparison fails. Unless you can point to the medical procedure which allows a fetus to be transplanted.

This in not widely used. do you know why? expense?
Thinking on your own, if you know that at 5 weeks or later that if you have an abortion, you are killing a human life, how can you not feel inside of you that is wrong?

Aside from the fact that you are killing a human life, think of the emotional and psychological damage it has done to millions of women (and men, don't think just because the men don't carry the life, they are not affected).

There are special cases which I won't get into here, but, the vast majority of abortions are done due to irresponsible behavior, and, the legalization of abortion has only enabled more irresponsible behavior.
So... bottle feeding is illegal?
The woman would still have to use her body to prepare the bottle and feed the baby. It doesn't happen by magic.

Could someone else use their body to do this?
Yes. You might want to reread my original post because this is the second thing you missed.

"The woman is expected to use that body of her's (not necessarily breastfeeding ) and take care of that baby or find someone else that will."

Not necessarily breastfeeding -- Use of her body can mean other things than breastfeeding. Holding a bottle, changing diapers, keeping the baby warm are examples.

Or find someone that will -- This responsibility can be transfer to someone else such as another relative. In some states, the parents may drop a newborn baby off at a police department, fire department, or hospital and give up a baby without being arrested for neglect. That being said, if an infant is in the custody of a woman (the mother), she is expected to use her body to care for that baby. She can't simply leave the infant to fend for itself and use the right to control her own body and her right to privacy to justify allowing the baby to die.

Then the comparison fails. Unless you can point to the medical procedure which allows a fetus to be transplanted.
The commonality in the comparisons is the avoidance of responsibility in both cases which does not depend on that being possible.

Not really. If there is a job to be done and you have the option between doing it or not doing it, that is completely different than if you are not given the option. In the case of the pregnant woman, she can't let someone else do the job. Taking away her ability to say no to the job is not about avoidance of responsibility, it's about slavery. And that is my objection to anti-abortion laws. Forcing someone to place their body in the service of another against their will is involuntary servitude. I have no claim to your body regardless of my need, and neither does a fetus have a claim to the mother's body. This is also where the hypocrisy of the anti-abortion movement comes out. You deny rights to the mother you insist upon for yourself. You have all kinds of excuses for it, but it all comes down to the same thing.
So... bottle feeding is illegal?
The woman would still have to use her body to prepare the bottle and feed the baby. It doesn't happen by magic.

Could someone else use their body to do this?
Yes. You might want to reread my original post because this is the second thing you missed.

"The woman is expected to use that body of her's (not necessarily breastfeeding ) and take care of that baby or find someone else that will."

Not necessarily breastfeeding -- Use of her body can mean other things than breastfeeding. Holding a bottle, changing diapers, keeping the baby warm are examples.

Or find someone that will -- This responsibility can be transfer to someone else such as another relative. In some states, the parents may drop a newborn baby off at a police department, fire department, or hospital and give up a baby without being arrested for neglect. That being said, if an infant is in the custody of a woman (the mother), she is expected to use her body to care for that baby. She can't simply leave the infant to fend for itself and use the right to control her own body and her right to privacy to justify allowing the baby to die.

Then the comparison fails. Unless you can point to the medical procedure which allows a fetus to be transplanted.

This in not widely used. do you know why? expense?

I don't believe such a procedure exists. If so, then it should be paid for by the state as an alternative to abortion. So expense should not be an issue.
Where is the rights for the other body inside her?

those rights take a back seat to mom's rights.... at least til later in the pregnancy... as set forth in Roe v Wade.

if you have a problem with that, then exercise your right to not avail yourself of the right.

other than that, it's not government's place to butt in... or yours

I'm not trying to change laws.

I just want people to admit that at 5 weeks (or after), when a baby (or fetus) has is developing a heart, organs, features etc. that if you willingly get an abortion, it's murder. That is a living human being inside you.

no. it isn't.

and you are trying to change laws. how about you believe what you want and stay out of other people's business?

ultimately, it isn't about your personal belief system, it's about what government can regulate.

funny how the small gubmint types who cry the minute we actually try to feed one of these children is all about big gubmint when it comes to shoving your personal version of morality up people's butts.

Funny how leftist have no problem believing a man who cuts off his penis and dresses like a women is a "women" but they do have a problem accepting the fact that an unborn baby is actually a human being :uhoh3:

which has nothing to do with the discussion.

but nice troll post from the rightwingnut brigade.

It absolutely does, It points out the backwards thinking of you leftist. If not for us"right wingers" you'd still be sucking out the brains of partially born babies. you're sick people:cuckoo:
those rights take a back seat to mom's rights.... at least til later in the pregnancy... as set forth in Roe v Wade.

if you have a problem with that, then exercise your right to not avail yourself of the right.

other than that, it's not government's place to butt in... or yours

I'm not trying to change laws.

I just want people to admit that at 5 weeks (or after), when a baby (or fetus) has is developing a heart, organs, features etc. that if you willingly get an abortion, it's murder. That is a living human being inside you.

no. it isn't.

and you are trying to change laws. how about you believe what you want and stay out of other people's business?

ultimately, it isn't about your personal belief system, it's about what government can regulate.

funny how the small gubmint types who cry the minute we actually try to feed one of these children is all about big gubmint when it comes to shoving your personal version of morality up people's butts.

Funny how leftist have no problem believing a man who cuts off his penis and dresses like a women is a "women" but they do have a problem accepting the fact that an unborn baby is actually a human being :uhoh3:

which has nothing to do with the discussion.

but nice troll post from the rightwingnut brigade.

It absolutely does, It points out the backwards thinking of you leftist. If not for us"right wingers" you'd still be sucking out the brains of partially born babies. you're sick people:cuckoo:

What is sick is people who know nothing about a situation, are willing to accept absolutely no responsibility for a situation, think they have a right to make the decisions for the people involved. Words can not express the contempt I have for those people.
I'm not trying to change laws.

I just want people to admit that at 5 weeks (or after), when a baby (or fetus) has is developing a heart, organs, features etc. that if you willingly get an abortion, it's murder. That is a living human being inside you.

no. it isn't.

and you are trying to change laws. how about you believe what you want and stay out of other people's business?

ultimately, it isn't about your personal belief system, it's about what government can regulate.

funny how the small gubmint types who cry the minute we actually try to feed one of these children is all about big gubmint when it comes to shoving your personal version of morality up people's butts.

Funny how leftist have no problem believing a man who cuts off his penis and dresses like a women is a "women" but they do have a problem accepting the fact that an unborn baby is actually a human being :uhoh3:

which has nothing to do with the discussion.

but nice troll post from the rightwingnut brigade.

It absolutely does, It points out the backwards thinking of you leftist. If not for us"right wingers" you'd still be sucking out the brains of partially born babies. you're sick people:cuckoo:

What is sick is people who know nothing about a situation, are willing to accept absolutely no responsibility for a situation, think they have a right to make the decisions for the people involved. Words can not express the contempt I have for those people.

Society is involved with making laws protecting human life..take your contempt and shuv it baby killer.:thup:
No need to dress it up -

At 5 weeks a living human being in the womb has a heart.

Do you admit abortion is murder?
Can you defend that it is not?

Having a heart doesn't mean much. Can keep a human heart alive on your desk absent most everything else. :)

Brain, and brain activity is how we should think about humanity and what it means to "be alive."

"Murder" is a legal term describing an unlawful slaying of a human being. As abortion is legal, it is by definition not "murder."

Abortion is killing a human being however. At worst, the deliberate killing/slaying of a living breathing, thinking, and feeling human baby. At best, the deliberate killing/slaying of a living potential human being.

Most pro-baby killing (let's call it what it is,) arguements are temporal. That is, they argue that what's being done isn't being done to a human baby, but some pre-human thing. Yet we allow legal exemptions to murder charges if in defense of another human being. If someone tries to murder someone elese, and I kill them first, while they didn't commit the crime of murder, they were trying to in which case my defense of a third party protects me from being charged with murder myself. Yet strangely, we don't use this same logic for human beings still in the womb. We completely ignore the "potential" human being and allow the absolute worst child abuse imaginable, child killing. If someone merely trying to murder someone can be killed legally in a preventative act of defense of a third party, why can't we forbid someone killing babies even before they are in fact "babies?"
No need to dress it up -

At 5 weeks a living human being in the womb has a heart.

Do you admit abortion is murder?
Can you defend that it is not?

Having a heart doesn't mean much. Can keep a human heart alive on your desk absent most everything else. :)

Brain, and brain activity is how we should think about humanity and what it means to "be alive."

"Murder" is a legal term describing an unlawful slaying of a human being. As abortion is legal, it is by definition not "murder."

Abortion is killing a human being however. At worst, the deliberate killing/slaying of a living breathing, thinking, and feeling human baby. At best, the deliberate killing/slaying of a living potential human being.

Most pro-baby killing (let's call it what it is,) arguements are temporal. That is, they argue that what's being done isn't being done to a human baby, but some pre-human thing. Yet we allow legal exemptions to murder charges if in defense of another human being. If someone tries to murder someone elese, and I kill them first, while they didn't commit the crime of murder, they were trying to in which case my defense of a third party protects me from being charged with murder myself. Yet strangely, we don't use this same logic for human beings still in the womb. We completely ignore the "potential" human being and allow the absolute worst child abuse imaginable, child killing. If someone merely trying to murder someone can be killed legally in a preventative act of defense of a third party, why can't we forbid someone killing babies even before they are in fact "babies?"

I get what you are saying from a law/logic perspective.

But, once it becomes life, it's human. I was just as human when the sperm and egg joined as I am right now. It was ME!
No need to dress it up -

At 5 weeks a living human being in the womb has a heart.

Do you admit abortion is murder?
Can you defend that it is not?

Having a heart doesn't mean much. Can keep a human heart alive on your desk absent most everything else. :)

Brain, and brain activity is how we should think about humanity and what it means to "be alive."

"Murder" is a legal term describing an unlawful slaying of a human being. As abortion is legal, it is by definition not "murder."

Abortion is killing a human being however. At worst, the deliberate killing/slaying of a living breathing, thinking, and feeling human baby. At best, the deliberate killing/slaying of a living potential human being.

Most pro-baby killing (let's call it what it is,) arguements are temporal. That is, they argue that what's being done isn't being done to a human baby, but some pre-human thing. Yet we allow legal exemptions to murder charges if in defense of another human being. If someone tries to murder someone elese, and I kill them first, while they didn't commit the crime of murder, they were trying to in which case my defense of a third party protects me from being charged with murder myself. Yet strangely, we don't use this same logic for human beings still in the womb. We completely ignore the "potential" human being and allow the absolute worst child abuse imaginable, child killing. If someone merely trying to murder someone can be killed legally in a preventative act of defense of a third party, why can't we forbid someone killing babies even before they are in fact "babies?"

I get what you are saying from a law/logic perspective.

But, once it becomes life, it's human. I was just as human when the sperm and egg joined as I am right now. It was ME!

I believe you.

Thinking on your own, if you know that at 5 weeks or later that if you have an abortion, you are killing a human life, how can you not feel inside of you that is wrong?

Aside from the fact that you are killing a human life, think of the emotional and psychological damage it has done to millions of women (and men, don't think just because the men don't carry the life, they are not affected).

There are special cases which I won't get into here, but, the vast majority of abortions are done due to irresponsible behavior, and, the legalization of abortion has only enabled more irresponsible behavior.

Assumes facts not in evidence.
no. it isn't.

and you are trying to change laws. how about you believe what you want and stay out of other people's business?

ultimately, it isn't about your personal belief system, it's about what government can regulate.

funny how the small gubmint types who cry the minute we actually try to feed one of these children is all about big gubmint when it comes to shoving your personal version of morality up people's butts.

Funny how leftist have no problem believing a man who cuts off his penis and dresses like a women is a "women" but they do have a problem accepting the fact that an unborn baby is actually a human being :uhoh3:

which has nothing to do with the discussion.

but nice troll post from the rightwingnut brigade.

It absolutely does, It points out the backwards thinking of you leftist. If not for us"right wingers" you'd still be sucking out the brains of partially born babies. you're sick people:cuckoo:

What is sick is people who know nothing about a situation, are willing to accept absolutely no responsibility for a situation, think they have a right to make the decisions for the people involved. Words can not express the contempt I have for those people.

Society is involved with making laws protecting human life..take your contempt and shuv it baby killer.:thup:

Society is involved in a lot of things and I expect you would scream to high heaven if I were to suggest that you are required to have your organs harvested after you die in order to save lives, regardless of how you might feel about it. You would believe that to be a violation of your rights. Because the only time people like you give a damn about protecting human life is when it's someone else having to do it. So shove your indignation, hypocrite and baby killer.
No need to dress it up -

At 5 weeks a living human being in the womb has a heart.

Do you admit abortion is murder?
Can you defend that it is not?

Having a heart doesn't mean much. Can keep a human heart alive on your desk absent most everything else. :)

Brain, and brain activity is how we should think about humanity and what it means to "be alive."

"Murder" is a legal term describing an unlawful slaying of a human being. As abortion is legal, it is by definition not "murder."

Abortion is killing a human being however. At worst, the deliberate killing/slaying of a living breathing, thinking, and feeling human baby. At best, the deliberate killing/slaying of a living potential human being.

Most pro-baby killing (let's call it what it is,) arguements are temporal. That is, they argue that what's being done isn't being done to a human baby, but some pre-human thing. Yet we allow legal exemptions to murder charges if in defense of another human being. If someone tries to murder someone elese, and I kill them first, while they didn't commit the crime of murder, they were trying to in which case my defense of a third party protects me from being charged with murder myself. Yet strangely, we don't use this same logic for human beings still in the womb. We completely ignore the "potential" human being and allow the absolute worst child abuse imaginable, child killing. If someone merely trying to murder someone can be killed legally in a preventative act of defense of a third party, why can't we forbid someone killing babies even before they are in fact "babies?"

Not all abortions are performed on a living fetus.

It is possible for the fetus to die within the uterus during the 3rd trimester. At that point you have a decomposing body that is deadly to the woman carrying it. A partial birth abortion is the safest procedure for removing the body of the fetus with the least risk of infection.

However there are those who want this procedure banned outright even though the alternative exposes the woman to a much greater and completely unnecessary risk to her life even though the fetus is dead at this stage.

This is why abortion is something that must always be a medical decision between a woman and her doctor.

Well meaning "do-gooders" who haven't a clue as to the needless risks that they are expecting women to run with their very lives on the line are not the people who should be making these decisions.

Essentially they should butt out of a medical situation where their ignorance will cause way more harm than good.
Thinking on your own, if you know that at 5 weeks or later that if you have an abortion, you are killing a human life, how can you not feel inside of you that is wrong?

Aside from the fact that you are killing a human life, think of the emotional and psychological damage it has done to millions of women (and men, don't think just because the men don't carry the life, they are not affected).

There are special cases which I won't get into here, but, the vast majority of abortions are done due to irresponsible behavior, and, the legalization of abortion has only enabled more irresponsible behavior.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Perhaps, but let's not be stupid - everyone knows it to be true.
Thinking on your own, if you know that at 5 weeks or later that if you have an abortion, you are killing a human life, how can you not feel inside of you that is wrong?

Aside from the fact that you are killing a human life, think of the emotional and psychological damage it has done to millions of women (and men, don't think just because the men don't carry the life, they are not affected).

There are special cases which I won't get into here, but, the vast majority of abortions are done due to irresponsible behavior, and, the legalization of abortion has only enabled more irresponsible behavior.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Perhaps, but let's not be stupid - everyone knows it to be true.

How about looking at the credible facts instead of baseless assumptions?

U.S. National Profile
    • In 2011, there were 5.9 million pregnancies to the 62.5 million women of reproductive age (15–44) in the United States. Sixty-seven percent of these pregnancies resulted in live births and 18% in induced abortions.
    • Nearly half of pregnancies among American women—more than three million each year—are unintended, and about four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion.
    • In 2008, the national unintended pregnancy rate increased to 54 per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years, up from 49 in 2001.
    • Unintended pregnancy rates are substantially higher among poor and low-income women, minority women, women aged 18–24 and cohabiting women than among other groups.
    • Disparities in unintended pregnancy rates among subgroups of women have persisted over time, and in some cases have increased. As of 2008, poor women with family incomes below 100% of the federal poverty level have rates more than five times the rate of higher income women and two to three times the national rate.
    • Sixty-nine percent of pregnancies among black women, 56% among Hispanic women and 42% among white women are unintended.
    • Unintended pregnancy rates are generally highest in the South and Southwest, and in states with large urban populations.
    • In 2008, 65% of births resulting from unintended pregnancies were publicly funded, compared with 48% of all births and 36% of births resulting from intended pregnancies.
    • Of the two million publicly funded births, 53% resulted from unintended pregnancies, accounting for $12.5 billion in costs—half of the total public expenditures on births.
    • In 2011, 1,058,500 women obtained abortions in the United States, producing a rate of 16.9 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age. This is a decline of 13% since 2008, when it was 19.4 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44.
    • Eighty-nine percent of abortions occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Eighteen percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are teenagers; those aged 15–17 obtain 6% of all abortions, teens aged 18–19 obtain 11% and teens younger than 15 obtain 0.4%.
    • Women in their 20s account for more than half of all abortions; women aged 20–24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and women aged 25–29 obtain 24%.
    • Non-Hispanic white women account for 36% of abortions, non-Hispanic black women for 30%, Hispanic women for 25% and women of other races for 9%.
    • Women who have never married and are not cohabiting obtain 45% of all abortions.
    • About 61% of abortions are obtained by women who have one or more children.
    • Forty-two percent of women obtaining abortions have incomes below 100% of the federal poverty level ($10,830 for a single woman with no children; $22,050 for a family of four). Twenty-seven percent of women obtaining abortions have incomes between 100–199% of the federal poverty level.
    • In 2011, there were 1,720 abortion providers in the United States. This is virtually unchanged from 2008, when there were 1,793 abortion providers.
    • In 2011, 89% of U.S. counties had no abortion clinic; 38% of women lived in these counties.

Abortion-Reasons Women Choose Abortion

Abortion - Reasons Women Choose Abortion

The decision to continue yourpregnancy or to end it is very personal.

Each year, nearly 1.2 million American women have an abortionto end a pregnancy.2

The most common reasons women consider abortion are:
    • Birth control (contraceptive) failure. Over half of all women who have an abortion used a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant.2
    • Inability to support or care for a child.
    • To end an unwanted pregnancy.
    • To prevent the birth of a child with birth defects or severe medical problems. Such defects are often unknown until routine second-trimester tests are done.
    • Pregnancy resulting from rape or incest.
    • Physical or mental conditions that endanger the woman's health if the pregnancy is continued.
In the United States, 9 out of 10 abortions are performed in the first 12 weeks (first trimester) of pregnancy. Most of these are done within the first 9 weeks of pregnancy.2

Very few abortions are done after 16 weeks of pregnancy. But some women have to delay abortions because they have trouble with paying for, finding, or traveling to an abortion specialist.

This information is produced and provided by the National CancerInstitute (NCI). The information in this topic may have changed since it was written. For the most current information, contact the NationalCancer Institute via the Internet web site at http:// cancer .gov or call 1-800-4-CANCER.

List the facts above that support your claim that " the vast majority of abortions are done due to irresponsible behavior".
I'm not trying to change laws.

I just want people to admit that at 5 weeks (or after), when a baby (or fetus) has is developing a heart, organs, features etc. that if you willingly get an abortion, it's murder. That is a living human being inside you.

no. it isn't.

and you are trying to change laws. how about you believe what you want and stay out of other people's business?

ultimately, it isn't about your personal belief system, it's about what government can regulate.

funny how the small gubmint types who cry the minute we actually try to feed one of these children is all about big gubmint when it comes to shoving your personal version of morality up people's butts.

Funny how leftist have no problem believing a man who cuts off his penis and dresses like a women is a "women" but they do have a problem accepting the fact that an unborn baby is actually a human being :uhoh3:

which has nothing to do with the discussion.

but nice troll post from the rightwingnut brigade.

It absolutely does, It points out the backwards thinking of you leftist. If not for us"right wingers" you'd still be sucking out the brains of partially born babies. you're sick people:cuckoo:

What is sick is people who know nothing about a situation, are willing to accept absolutely no responsibility for a situation, think they have a right to make the decisions for the people involved. Words can not express the contempt I have for those people.

What is sick is rightwingnut bigotry hatred and ignorance.

But we can talk about the contempt I have for those people. *ahem*

But I like the attempt at trolling. It's because you wingers have nothing of value to add
Thinking on your own, if you know that at 5 weeks or later that if you have an abortion, you are killing a human life, how can you not feel inside of you that is wrong?

Aside from the fact that you are killing a human life, think of the emotional and psychological damage it has done to millions of women (and men, don't think just because the men don't carry the life, they are not affected).

There are special cases which I won't get into here, but, the vast majority of abortions are done due to irresponsible behavior, and, the legalization of abortion has only enabled more irresponsible behavior.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Perhaps, but let's not be stupid - everyone knows it to be true.

How about looking at the credible facts instead of baseless assumptions?

U.S. National Profile
    • In 2011, there were 5.9 million pregnancies to the 62.5 million women of reproductive age (15–44) in the United States. Sixty-seven percent of these pregnancies resulted in live births and 18% in induced abortions.
    • Nearly half of pregnancies among American women—more than three million each year—are unintended, and about four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion.
    • In 2008, the national unintended pregnancy rate increased to 54 per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years, up from 49 in 2001.
    • Unintended pregnancy rates are substantially higher among poor and low-income women, minority women, women aged 18–24 and cohabiting women than among other groups.
    • Disparities in unintended pregnancy rates among subgroups of women have persisted over time, and in some cases have increased. As of 2008, poor women with family incomes below 100% of the federal poverty level have rates more than five times the rate of higher income women and two to three times the national rate.
    • Sixty-nine percent of pregnancies among black women, 56% among Hispanic women and 42% among white women are unintended.
    • Unintended pregnancy rates are generally highest in the South and Southwest, and in states with large urban populations.
    • In 2008, 65% of births resulting from unintended pregnancies were publicly funded, compared with 48% of all births and 36% of births resulting from intended pregnancies.
    • Of the two million publicly funded births, 53% resulted from unintended pregnancies, accounting for $12.5 billion in costs—half of the total public expenditures on births.
    • In 2011, 1,058,500 women obtained abortions in the United States, producing a rate of 16.9 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age. This is a decline of 13% since 2008, when it was 19.4 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44.
    • Eighty-nine percent of abortions occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Eighteen percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are teenagers; those aged 15–17 obtain 6% of all abortions, teens aged 18–19 obtain 11% and teens younger than 15 obtain 0.4%.
    • Women in their 20s account for more than half of all abortions; women aged 20–24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and women aged 25–29 obtain 24%.
    • Non-Hispanic white women account for 36% of abortions, non-Hispanic black women for 30%, Hispanic women for 25% and women of other races for 9%.
    • Women who have never married and are not cohabiting obtain 45% of all abortions.
    • About 61% of abortions are obtained by women who have one or more children.
    • Forty-two percent of women obtaining abortions have incomes below 100% of the federal poverty level ($10,830 for a single woman with no children; $22,050 for a family of four). Twenty-seven percent of women obtaining abortions have incomes between 100–199% of the federal poverty level.
    • In 2011, there were 1,720 abortion providers in the United States. This is virtually unchanged from 2008, when there were 1,793 abortion providers.
    • In 2011, 89% of U.S. counties had no abortion clinic; 38% of women lived in these counties.
Abortion-Reasons Women Choose Abortion

Abortion - Reasons Women Choose Abortion

The decision to continue yourpregnancy or to end it is very personal.

Each year, nearly 1.2 million American women have an abortionto end a pregnancy.2

The most common reasons women consider abortion are:
    • Birth control (contraceptive) failure. Over half of all women who have an abortion used a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant.2
    • Inability to support or care for a child.
    • To end an unwanted pregnancy.
    • To prevent the birth of a child with birth defects or severe medical problems. Such defects are often unknown until routine second-trimester tests are done.
    • Pregnancy resulting from rape or incest.
    • Physical or mental conditions that endanger the woman's health if the pregnancy is continued.
In the United States, 9 out of 10 abortions are performed in the first 12 weeks (first trimester) of pregnancy. Most of these are done within the first 9 weeks of pregnancy.2

Very few abortions are done after 16 weeks of pregnancy. But some women have to delay abortions because they have trouble with paying for, finding, or traveling to an abortion specialist.

This information is produced and provided by the National CancerInstitute (NCI). The information in this topic may have changed since it was written. For the most current information, contact the NationalCancer Institute via the Internet web site at http:// cancer .gov or call 1-800-4-CANCER.

List the facts above that support your claim that " the vast majority of abortions are done due to irresponsible behavior".

They aren't interested in reality. A bunch of misogynist males who think the harlots should be punished.

Where are they when it comes to daycare, education/job training and everything else that people really need to take care of a child?

They're nowhere because it isn't about "the children". It's about them putting their feet on women's necks. You take away choice, you take away contraception and you end up with women they can batter because they control them economically like they used to
Thinking on your own, if you know that at 5 weeks or later that if you have an abortion, you are killing a human life, how can you not feel inside of you that is wrong?

Aside from the fact that you are killing a human life, think of the emotional and psychological damage it has done to millions of women (and men, don't think just because the men don't carry the life, they are not affected).

There are special cases which I won't get into here, but, the vast majority of abortions are done due to irresponsible behavior, and, the legalization of abortion has only enabled more irresponsible behavior.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Perhaps, but let's not be stupid - everyone knows it to be true.

How about looking at the credible facts instead of baseless assumptions?

U.S. National Profile
    • In 2011, there were 5.9 million pregnancies to the 62.5 million women of reproductive age (15–44) in the United States. Sixty-seven percent of these pregnancies resulted in live births and 18% in induced abortions.
    • Nearly half of pregnancies among American women—more than three million each year—are unintended, and about four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion.
    • In 2008, the national unintended pregnancy rate increased to 54 per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years, up from 49 in 2001.
    • Unintended pregnancy rates are substantially higher among poor and low-income women, minority women, women aged 18–24 and cohabiting women than among other groups.
    • Disparities in unintended pregnancy rates among subgroups of women have persisted over time, and in some cases have increased. As of 2008, poor women with family incomes below 100% of the federal poverty level have rates more than five times the rate of higher income women and two to three times the national rate.
    • Sixty-nine percent of pregnancies among black women, 56% among Hispanic women and 42% among white women are unintended.
    • Unintended pregnancy rates are generally highest in the South and Southwest, and in states with large urban populations.
    • In 2008, 65% of births resulting from unintended pregnancies were publicly funded, compared with 48% of all births and 36% of births resulting from intended pregnancies.
    • Of the two million publicly funded births, 53% resulted from unintended pregnancies, accounting for $12.5 billion in costs—half of the total public expenditures on births.
    • In 2011, 1,058,500 women obtained abortions in the United States, producing a rate of 16.9 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age. This is a decline of 13% since 2008, when it was 19.4 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44.
    • Eighty-nine percent of abortions occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Eighteen percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are teenagers; those aged 15–17 obtain 6% of all abortions, teens aged 18–19 obtain 11% and teens younger than 15 obtain 0.4%.
    • Women in their 20s account for more than half of all abortions; women aged 20–24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and women aged 25–29 obtain 24%.
    • Non-Hispanic white women account for 36% of abortions, non-Hispanic black women for 30%, Hispanic women for 25% and women of other races for 9%.
    • Women who have never married and are not cohabiting obtain 45% of all abortions.
    • About 61% of abortions are obtained by women who have one or more children.
    • Forty-two percent of women obtaining abortions have incomes below 100% of the federal poverty level ($10,830 for a single woman with no children; $22,050 for a family of four). Twenty-seven percent of women obtaining abortions have incomes between 100–199% of the federal poverty level.
    • In 2011, there were 1,720 abortion providers in the United States. This is virtually unchanged from 2008, when there were 1,793 abortion providers.
    • In 2011, 89% of U.S. counties had no abortion clinic; 38% of women lived in these counties.
Abortion-Reasons Women Choose Abortion

Abortion - Reasons Women Choose Abortion

The decision to continue yourpregnancy or to end it is very personal.

Each year, nearly 1.2 million American women have an abortionto end a pregnancy.2

The most common reasons women consider abortion are:
    • Birth control (contraceptive) failure. Over half of all women who have an abortion used a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant.2
    • Inability to support or care for a child.
    • To end an unwanted pregnancy.
    • To prevent the birth of a child with birth defects or severe medical problems. Such defects are often unknown until routine second-trimester tests are done.
    • Pregnancy resulting from rape or incest.
    • Physical or mental conditions that endanger the woman's health if the pregnancy is continued.
In the United States, 9 out of 10 abortions are performed in the first 12 weeks (first trimester) of pregnancy. Most of these are done within the first 9 weeks of pregnancy.2

Very few abortions are done after 16 weeks of pregnancy. But some women have to delay abortions because they have trouble with paying for, finding, or traveling to an abortion specialist.

This information is produced and provided by the National CancerInstitute (NCI). The information in this topic may have changed since it was written. For the most current information, contact the NationalCancer Institute via the Internet web site at http:// cancer .gov or call 1-800-4-CANCER.

List the facts above that support your claim that " the vast majority of abortions are done due to irresponsible behavior".

They aren't interested in reality. A bunch of misogynist males who think the harlots should be punished.

Where are they when it comes to daycare, education/job training and everything else that people really need to take care of a child?

They're nowhere because it isn't about "the children". It's about them putting their feet on women's necks. You take away choice, you take away contraception and you end up with women they can batter because they control them economically like they used to


If men could get pregnant contraception and abortion would be enshrined as constitutional rights and they would be defending those rights with their 2nd amendment firearms.
Thinking on your own, if you know that at 5 weeks or later that if you have an abortion, you are killing a human life, how can you not feel inside of you that is wrong?

Aside from the fact that you are killing a human life, think of the emotional and psychological damage it has done to millions of women (and men, don't think just because the men don't carry the life, they are not affected).

There are special cases which I won't get into here, but, the vast majority of abortions are done due to irresponsible behavior, and, the legalization of abortion has only enabled more irresponsible behavior.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Perhaps, but let's not be stupid - everyone knows it to be true.

How about looking at the credible facts instead of baseless assumptions?

U.S. National Profile
    • In 2011, there were 5.9 million pregnancies to the 62.5 million women of reproductive age (15–44) in the United States. Sixty-seven percent of these pregnancies resulted in live births and 18% in induced abortions.
    • Nearly half of pregnancies among American women—more than three million each year—are unintended, and about four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion.
    • In 2008, the national unintended pregnancy rate increased to 54 per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years, up from 49 in 2001.
    • Unintended pregnancy rates are substantially higher among poor and low-income women, minority women, women aged 18–24 and cohabiting women than among other groups.
    • Disparities in unintended pregnancy rates among subgroups of women have persisted over time, and in some cases have increased. As of 2008, poor women with family incomes below 100% of the federal poverty level have rates more than five times the rate of higher income women and two to three times the national rate.
    • Sixty-nine percent of pregnancies among black women, 56% among Hispanic women and 42% among white women are unintended.
    • Unintended pregnancy rates are generally highest in the South and Southwest, and in states with large urban populations.
    • In 2008, 65% of births resulting from unintended pregnancies were publicly funded, compared with 48% of all births and 36% of births resulting from intended pregnancies.
    • Of the two million publicly funded births, 53% resulted from unintended pregnancies, accounting for $12.5 billion in costs—half of the total public expenditures on births.
    • In 2011, 1,058,500 women obtained abortions in the United States, producing a rate of 16.9 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age. This is a decline of 13% since 2008, when it was 19.4 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44.
    • Eighty-nine percent of abortions occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Eighteen percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are teenagers; those aged 15–17 obtain 6% of all abortions, teens aged 18–19 obtain 11% and teens younger than 15 obtain 0.4%.
    • Women in their 20s account for more than half of all abortions; women aged 20–24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and women aged 25–29 obtain 24%.
    • Non-Hispanic white women account for 36% of abortions, non-Hispanic black women for 30%, Hispanic women for 25% and women of other races for 9%.
    • Women who have never married and are not cohabiting obtain 45% of all abortions.
    • About 61% of abortions are obtained by women who have one or more children.
    • Forty-two percent of women obtaining abortions have incomes below 100% of the federal poverty level ($10,830 for a single woman with no children; $22,050 for a family of four). Twenty-seven percent of women obtaining abortions have incomes between 100–199% of the federal poverty level.
    • In 2011, there were 1,720 abortion providers in the United States. This is virtually unchanged from 2008, when there were 1,793 abortion providers.
    • In 2011, 89% of U.S. counties had no abortion clinic; 38% of women lived in these counties.
Abortion-Reasons Women Choose Abortion

Abortion - Reasons Women Choose Abortion

The decision to continue yourpregnancy or to end it is very personal.

Each year, nearly 1.2 million American women have an abortionto end a pregnancy.2

The most common reasons women consider abortion are:
    • Birth control (contraceptive) failure. Over half of all women who have an abortion used a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant.2
    • Inability to support or care for a child.
    • To end an unwanted pregnancy.
    • To prevent the birth of a child with birth defects or severe medical problems. Such defects are often unknown until routine second-trimester tests are done.
    • Pregnancy resulting from rape or incest.
    • Physical or mental conditions that endanger the woman's health if the pregnancy is continued.
In the United States, 9 out of 10 abortions are performed in the first 12 weeks (first trimester) of pregnancy. Most of these are done within the first 9 weeks of pregnancy.2

Very few abortions are done after 16 weeks of pregnancy. But some women have to delay abortions because they have trouble with paying for, finding, or traveling to an abortion specialist.

This information is produced and provided by the National CancerInstitute (NCI). The information in this topic may have changed since it was written. For the most current information, contact the NationalCancer Institute via the Internet web site at http:// cancer .gov or call 1-800-4-CANCER.

List the facts above that support your claim that " the vast majority of abortions are done due to irresponsible behavior".

They aren't interested in reality. A bunch of misogynist males who think the harlots should be punished.

Where are they when it comes to daycare, education/job training and everything else that people really need to take care of a child?

They're nowhere because it isn't about "the children". It's about them putting their feet on women's necks. You take away choice, you take away contraception and you end up with women they can batter because they control them economically like they used to


If men could get pregnant contraception and abortion would be enshrined as constitutional rights and they would be defending those rights with their 2nd amendment firearms.

Oh sure this information is pure. What women is going to say they just didn't us birth control or missed a few days of the pill. most women are going to say they didn't use it and it didn't work to save face.
Thinking on your own, if you know that at 5 weeks or later that if you have an abortion, you are killing a human life, how can you not feel inside of you that is wrong?

Aside from the fact that you are killing a human life, think of the emotional and psychological damage it has done to millions of women (and men, don't think just because the men don't carry the life, they are not affected).

There are special cases which I won't get into here, but, the vast majority of abortions are done due to irresponsible behavior, and, the legalization of abortion has only enabled more irresponsible behavior.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Perhaps, but let's not be stupid - everyone knows it to be true.

How about looking at the credible facts instead of baseless assumptions?

U.S. National Profile
    • In 2011, there were 5.9 million pregnancies to the 62.5 million women of reproductive age (15–44) in the United States. Sixty-seven percent of these pregnancies resulted in live births and 18% in induced abortions.
    • Nearly half of pregnancies among American women—more than three million each year—are unintended, and about four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion.
    • In 2008, the national unintended pregnancy rate increased to 54 per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years, up from 49 in 2001.
    • Unintended pregnancy rates are substantially higher among poor and low-income women, minority women, women aged 18–24 and cohabiting women than among other groups.
    • Disparities in unintended pregnancy rates among subgroups of women have persisted over time, and in some cases have increased. As of 2008, poor women with family incomes below 100% of the federal poverty level have rates more than five times the rate of higher income women and two to three times the national rate.
    • Sixty-nine percent of pregnancies among black women, 56% among Hispanic women and 42% among white women are unintended.
    • Unintended pregnancy rates are generally highest in the South and Southwest, and in states with large urban populations.
    • In 2008, 65% of births resulting from unintended pregnancies were publicly funded, compared with 48% of all births and 36% of births resulting from intended pregnancies.
    • Of the two million publicly funded births, 53% resulted from unintended pregnancies, accounting for $12.5 billion in costs—half of the total public expenditures on births.
    • In 2011, 1,058,500 women obtained abortions in the United States, producing a rate of 16.9 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age. This is a decline of 13% since 2008, when it was 19.4 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44.
    • Eighty-nine percent of abortions occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Eighteen percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are teenagers; those aged 15–17 obtain 6% of all abortions, teens aged 18–19 obtain 11% and teens younger than 15 obtain 0.4%.
    • Women in their 20s account for more than half of all abortions; women aged 20–24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and women aged 25–29 obtain 24%.
    • Non-Hispanic white women account for 36% of abortions, non-Hispanic black women for 30%, Hispanic women for 25% and women of other races for 9%.
    • Women who have never married and are not cohabiting obtain 45% of all abortions.
    • About 61% of abortions are obtained by women who have one or more children.
    • Forty-two percent of women obtaining abortions have incomes below 100% of the federal poverty level ($10,830 for a single woman with no children; $22,050 for a family of four). Twenty-seven percent of women obtaining abortions have incomes between 100–199% of the federal poverty level.
    • In 2011, there were 1,720 abortion providers in the United States. This is virtually unchanged from 2008, when there were 1,793 abortion providers.
    • In 2011, 89% of U.S. counties had no abortion clinic; 38% of women lived in these counties.
Abortion-Reasons Women Choose Abortion

Abortion - Reasons Women Choose Abortion

The decision to continue yourpregnancy or to end it is very personal.

Each year, nearly 1.2 million American women have an abortionto end a pregnancy.2

The most common reasons women consider abortion are:
    • Birth control (contraceptive) failure. Over half of all women who have an abortion used a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant.2
    • Inability to support or care for a child.
    • To end an unwanted pregnancy.
    • To prevent the birth of a child with birth defects or severe medical problems. Such defects are often unknown until routine second-trimester tests are done.
    • Pregnancy resulting from rape or incest.
    • Physical or mental conditions that endanger the woman's health if the pregnancy is continued.
In the United States, 9 out of 10 abortions are performed in the first 12 weeks (first trimester) of pregnancy. Most of these are done within the first 9 weeks of pregnancy.2

Very few abortions are done after 16 weeks of pregnancy. But some women have to delay abortions because they have trouble with paying for, finding, or traveling to an abortion specialist.

This information is produced and provided by the National CancerInstitute (NCI). The information in this topic may have changed since it was written. For the most current information, contact the NationalCancer Institute via the Internet web site at http:// cancer .gov or call 1-800-4-CANCER.

List the facts above that support your claim that " the vast majority of abortions are done due to irresponsible behavior".

They aren't interested in reality. A bunch of misogynist males who think the harlots should be punished.

Where are they when it comes to daycare, education/job training and everything else that people really need to take care of a child?

They're nowhere because it isn't about "the children". It's about them putting their feet on women's necks. You take away choice, you take away contraception and you end up with women they can batter because they control them economically like they used to

I'm a woman. Women are mistreated in the country about as much as any other group. Not at all!

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