Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

Why are anti-choicers, like allie, so concerned about other women? I'm sure allie has enough of her own problems that she needs to take care of. That is fairly obvious. Whats that biblical quote? Oh yeah- Matthew 7:5 :wink_2:

Why are pro-murders like Dot Cock so aroused by the thought of killing a baby?
Abortion providers like to help the rapists by not reporting them.

Cuz that would violate the victim's privacy.
Why are anti-choicers, like allie, so concerned about other women? I'm sure allie has enough of her own problems that she needs to take care of. That is fairly obvious. Whats that biblical quote? Oh yeah- Matthew 7:5 :wink_2:

Why are pro-murders like Dot Cock so aroused by the thought of killing a baby?

When men are into abortion, it's an issue of perversion, and control.

Without exception.
With the current crop of Americans running around these days, there obviously haven't been enough abortions.

Yeah - you alone are evidence of that!

Ever notice that since we have kicked the fuck out of dumbocrats on the battle field of idea's, the only thing they have left for hope is abortion and eugenics?
what about in the case of rape or incest allie?

That's every bit as fuck'n stupid as saying we should legalize murder because we allow for the exception of capital punishment now... :cuckoo:

A woman who is raped did not make a bad choice - she was FORCED against her will. The situation of rape in no way justifies libtard whores killing babies because they can't keep their legs together...
Abortion providers like to help the rapists by not reporting them.

Cuz that would violate the victim's privacy.

How can they report a rapist if the woman refuses to say the name of her rapist - and most women don't even know the person who attacked them, anyway.
With the current crop of Americans running around these days, there obviously haven't been enough abortions.

Yeah - you alone are evidence of that!

Ever notice that since we have kicked the fuck out of dumbocrats on the battle field of idea's, the only thing they have left for hope is abortion and eugenics?

you're funny :lol: No wonder you people lost the last two elections :rofl:
what about in the case of rape or incest allie?

That's every bit as fuck'n stupid as saying we should legalize murder because we allow for the exception of capital punishment now... :cuckoo:

A woman who is raped did not make a bad choice - she was FORCED against her will. The situation of rape in no way justifies libtard whores killing babies because they can't keep their legs together...

can you repeat that in English tardboi? :eusa_eh: Are you against abortion even in the case of rape or incest?
Abortion providers like to help the rapists by not reporting them.

Cuz that would violate the victim's privacy.

How can they report a rapist if the woman refuses to say the name of her rapist - and most women don't even know the person who attacked them, anyway.

You're an idiot. Educate yourself about these topics because what you say is offensive.

And stupid.

Mandatory reporting. Look it up. They don't have to know who did it, they just have to report that there's been a crime and let the social workers and courts work it out with the victim. Who are often not WOMEN but UNDERAGE GIRLS.

Because the real business of the “Women
’s Medical Society” was not health; it
was profit. There were two
primary parts to the operation.
By day it was a prescription
mill; by night an abortion mill. A constant
stream of “patients” came through during
business hours and, for the proper payment, le
ft with scripts for Oxycontin and other
controlled substances, for themselves and
their friends."

From the grand jury pdf.
Abortion providers like to help the rapists by not reporting them.

Cuz that would violate the victim's privacy.

How can they report a rapist if the woman refuses to say the name of her rapist - and most women don't even know the person who attacked them, anyway.

If a rape is committed, the woman should have to file a police report (since such is a crime). Then and only then might she be given the morning after medication in an effort to prevent a pregnancy. A woman should not be allowed to claim rape unless she is willing to file a police report. Rape should not be used as a legitimate excuse (a lie) if one had not in fact occurred. Concensual sex is not rape but a choice.
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Abortion providers like to help the rapists by not reporting them.

Cuz that would violate the victim's privacy.

How can they report a rapist if the woman refuses to say the name of her rapist - and most women don't even know the person who attacked them, anyway.

If a rape is committed, the woman should have to file a police report (since such is a crime). Then and only then might she be given the morning after medication in an effort to prevent a pregnancy. A woman should not be allowed to claim rape unless she is willing to file a police report. Rape should not be used as an illegitimate excuse (a lie) if one had not in fact occurred. Concensual sex is not rape but a choice.

Do you not understand how traumatized a woman can be after a rape? She may be willing to admit she was raped, but not willing to submit any details about what happened.
Noomi, I've worked with women in crisis. I've taken them to get their abortions after being raped, and counseled them as well. I've helped them access the funding that paid for their abortions. I've listened to the stories of their rape. Kindly don't lecture me about this subject, when it's obvious to me and everybody else that you haven't a fucking clue what you're talking about.

Your ignorance isn't what I find appalling, though. It's your determined refusal to educate yourself.

Anyway, back to the grand jury findings:

The Grand Jury toured the facility at 3801
Lancaster Avenue. It is unbelievable to
us that the Pennsylvania Department of H
ealth approved this building as an abortion
facility. We were stunned to learn th
at, between 1978 and 1993, the department
sporadically inspected and a
pproved the clinic, and then ne
ver inspected it
again until
February 2010, when health department employ
ees entered the facility at the request of
law enforcement officials who were investigatin
g allegations of the illegal sale of drugs
and prescriptions."

Abortion providers like to help the rapists by not reporting them.

Cuz that would violate the victim's privacy.

How can they report a rapist if the woman refuses to say the name of her rapist - and most women don't even know the person who attacked them, anyway.

Errr, no. That's false.

She just bounces from one ignorant cliche to the next.

The woman has a computer, she's using it to post here...and yet apparently she doesn't know how to google, and has managed to miss all the information about rape and child sexual abuse that is out there. And she has no clue about mandatory reporting. None at all.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
With the current crop of Americans running around these days, there obviously haven't been enough abortions.

Yeah - you alone are evidence of that!

Ever notice that since we have kicked the fuck out of dumbocrats on the battle field of idea's, the only thing they have left for hope is abortion and eugenics?

you're funny :lol: No wonder you people lost the last two elections :rofl:

We did? Really? Funny - I seem to recall the November 2010 election being such an epic ass-kicking of the dumbocrat party, it was literally one of the biggest ass-kickings in US election history.

The GOP (and more specifically, the Tea Party) sent the dumbocrats home in record numbers, with their tail between their legs. You do realize that Nancy Pelosi is no longer speaker of the house, don't you? What am I talking about, you're so fuck'n stupid and uninformed about what's going on, you actually thought that conservatives "lost" the "last 2 elections" :lmao:
"Rather than call an ambulance, Gosnell kept Ms. Haynes waiting for hours after the uns
uccessful procedure because he wanted to
try to fix it himself. By the time Ms. Hayne
s’s cousins rescued her from the recovery
room, Gosnell had tried at
least twice, unsuccessfully,
to complete the abortion.
Ms. Haynes was transported to the Hospita
l of the University of Pennsylvania.
There, doctors discovered that Gosnell had left
most of the fetus inside her uterus and had

perforated her cervix and bowel. Ms. Haynes re
quired surgery to remove five inches of
bowel, needed a large blood tr
ansfusion, and remained hospitalized for five days."

what about in the case of rape or incest allie?

That's every bit as fuck'n stupid as saying we should legalize murder because we allow for the exception of capital punishment now... :cuckoo:

A woman who is raped did not make a bad choice - she was FORCED against her will. The situation of rape in no way justifies libtard whores killing babies because they can't keep their legs together...

can you repeat that in English tardboi? :eusa_eh: Are you against abortion even in the case of rape or incest?

LMAO! Wow.... just, wow.... I used proper spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation. The fact that you could read that and request that it is repeated "in english" is fucking hysterical! :lmao:

Who is the "tardboi" here, stupid? :lmao:

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