Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?


fetuses only aren't children because some liberal turds had to redefine life so they could feel good about legislation they passed. face it, it's life. it's growing, cells are dividing. do you really believe life is defined by a point in time rather than a physiological event? stupidity of your rationale never ceases to amaze me. it's like you sit there with a little stopwatch. ok, now its a life :cuckoo:

Hey, I'm sensible.

It's a baby if the woman thinks it's a baby. Otherwise, it's "that problem I need to take care of."

Sorry, and as long as it's in her body- THAT'S HOW IT IS!
If you find a woman has a right to choose, at what age should the child be when that right is taken from her? We know that it's not post birth. How long post birth?

fetuses only aren't children because some liberal turds had to redefine life so they could feel good about legislation they passed. face it, it's life. it's growing, cells are dividing. do you really believe life is defined by a point in time rather than a physiological event? stupidity of your rationale never ceases to amaze me. it's like you sit there with a little stopwatch. ok, now its a life :cuckoo:

Hey, I'm sensible.

It's a baby if the woman thinks it's a baby. Otherwise, it's "that problem I need to take care of."

Sorry, and as long as it's in her body- THAT'S HOW IT IS!

yea, if that was the case there should be no such thing as child support

fetuses only aren't children because some liberal turds had to redefine life so they could feel good about legislation they passed. face it, it's life. it's growing, cells are dividing. do you really believe life is defined by a point in time rather than a physiological event? stupidity of your rationale never ceases to amaze me. it's like you sit there with a little stopwatch. ok, now its a life :cuckoo:

Hey, I'm sensible.

It's a baby if the woman thinks it's a baby. Otherwise, it's "that problem I need to take care of."

Sorry, and as long as it's in her body- THAT'S HOW IT IS!

yea, if that was the case there should be no such thing as child support

Deflect much?
joe thinks that if the man wants the woman to abort at any stage of pregnancy, and can't drag her ass to the good doctor, then he should be absolved of all financial responsibility.

True story. He's a stellar dude.
fetuses only aren't children because some liberal turds had to redefine life so they could feel good about legislation they passed. face it, it's life. it's growing, cells are dividing. do you really believe life is defined by a point in time rather than a physiological event? stupidity of your rationale never ceases to amaze me. it's like you sit there with a little stopwatch. ok, now its a life :cuckoo:

You have it backwards. It is right wingers who redefined what "babies" are so that killing a fetus was equivalent to murdering a breathing, living baby. Even the Bible doesn't consider a child to be living until after it's born, and yet right wingers consistently say that they object to abortion on religious grounds.

Throughout history, abortion before quickening has been legal. It wasn't until right wingers started redefining when life begins, that we had these ridiculous arguments about murdering babies.
Actually, God does address the fact, more than once, that children in the womb are already complete humans. So not only do you lie about abortion, but now you're lying about the contents of the bible as well.

Meanwhile, the reality:

But the grand jury--which described its members as covering "a spectrum of personal beliefs about the morality of abortion"--directly blamed "pro-choice" politics for the regulatory failure that allowed the clinic to remain open for decades. The Pennsylvania Department of Health had conducted occasional inspections of the clinic starting in 1979, although it failed to act on the violations it found:
After 1993, even that pro forma effort came to an end. Not because of administrative ennui, although there had been plenty. Instead, the Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all."
Best of the Web Today: From Roe to Gosnell - WSJ.com
So...objecting to the butchery of women is a *religious* issue.

You're a loon. Using that logic, murder is always a *religious* issue, and to make it illegal is to *force* you to follow someone's religious belief.

Which is, of course, crazy. So you are dismissed.

Women are NOT being butchered, except in countries where abortion is illegal. Women stopped being butchered when doctors started performing illegal abortions to prevent deaths. Opposing legal, safe abortions, is condemning women to being butchered.

National Abortion Federation: Safety of Abortion

When they couldn't come up with intelligent arguments to oppose abortion, the right wingers declared it an "unsafe" procedure and insisted that women be advised of the risks.
Anything to try to stop women from having a legal medical procedure.
Actually, God does address the fact, more than once, that children in the womb are already complete humans. So not only do you lie about abortion, but now you're lying about the contents of the bible as well.

Give me the quotes. I have a whole bunch wherein God talks about stoning a pregnant woman, paying a fine to a husband if another man strikes his pregnant wife causing her to deliver prematurely, so long as there is no other injury. Since children born prematurely died in those days, there is God saying the loss of the baby is a small matter. There are even instructions in the Bible on how to prepare the herbal concoction which causes miscarriage.

You have the quote of Elizabeth's baby leaping the womb when the pregnant Mary visited, but neither woman was having a "normal" pregnancy, and both had been told by God that the children they were carrying were special. And one quote where God says that he loved someone in the womb.

There isi NOTHING that says that the fetus is a "complete human". In fact, people believed that the soul didn't enter the body until the moment of birth.

Epic fail, on your part.
"Should women be 'allowed'"?

It's not a question of allowed.

It's a question of you can't stop us.

Sorry, guys. The debate is over and you lost. We do what we want.

Go clean the garage; it needs it and that's your business.
Sadly, you ghouls obviously think that ripping innocent life screaming from the womb (yes, they do scream), simply because it's an inconvenience to you ghouls, is nothing more than "cleaning your garage."....After all, it's nothing more than sweeping up the trash for you types.

Only further proving, that there are some seriously sick people in this country.....It's really no different than terrorism.....Sadly, there are over 50 million innocent children who have been terrorized, and then killed by you ghouls....Al qaeda would be proud...Proud enough to invite you to join their Jihad, no doubt.

A fetus does not fucking 'scream'. Most abortions take place before 9 weeks, and the fetus doesn't have the facial features to even FORM a scream, and it doesn't have developed lungs with which to scream.

A baby born at 24 weeks won't even scream when its born, so how the fuck do you think an 8 week old fetus can?
"Should women be 'allowed'"?

It's not a question of allowed.

It's a question of you can't stop us.

Sorry, guys. The debate is over and you lost. We do what we want.

Go clean the garage; it needs it and that's your business.
Sadly, you ghouls obviously think that ripping innocent life screaming from the womb (yes, they do scream), simply because it's an inconvenience to you ghouls, is nothing more than "cleaning your garage."....After all, it's nothing more than sweeping up the trash for you types.

Only further proving, that there are some seriously sick people in this country.....It's really no different than terrorism.....Sadly, there are over 50 million innocent children who have been terrorized, and then killed by you ghouls....Al qaeda would be proud...Proud enough to invite you to join their Jihad, no doubt.

A fetus does not fucking 'scream'. Most abortions take place before 9 weeks, and the fetus doesn't have the facial features to even FORM a scream, and it doesn't have developed lungs with which to scream.

A baby born at 24 weeks won't even scream when its born, so how the fuck do you think an 8 week old fetus can?
Yes, they do fuckin' scream,...and hopefully it haunts you ghouls for the rest of your sick, twisted lives.

And, those conjoined twins, referenced in that other thread, that you stated you would have killed, AFTER THEY WERE BORN, because you considered them nothing more than "monstrocities", damn sure would have screamed while you were brutally murdering them....But then, i'm sure a ghoulish freak like you would record those screams, so you could go back and ponder your deed that glorious day, eh, lunatic?

Do the children a favor, STAY AWAY FROM THEM, you sick fuck.:cuckoo:
"Should women be 'allowed'"?

It's not a question of allowed.

It's a question of you can't stop us.

Sorry, guys. The debate is over and you lost. We do what we want.

Go clean the garage; it needs it and that's your business.
Sadly, you ghouls obviously think that ripping innocent life screaming from the womb (yes, they do scream), simply because it's an inconvenience to you ghouls, is nothing more than "cleaning your garage."....After all, it's nothing more than sweeping up the trash for you types.

Only further proving, that there are some seriously sick people in this country.....It's really no different than terrorism.....Sadly, there are over 50 million innocent children who have been terrorized, and then killed by you ghouls....Al qaeda would be proud...Proud enough to invite you to join their Jihad, no doubt.

A fetus does not fucking 'scream'. Most abortions take place before 9 weeks, and the fetus doesn't have the facial features to even FORM a scream, and it doesn't have developed lungs with which to scream.

A baby born at 24 weeks won't even scream when its born, so how the fuck do you think an 8 week old fetus can?

wow you sound like a Nazi....

Gosnell Trial Witness: Baby Abortion Survivor Was 'Swimming' in Toilet 'Trying to Get Out' | CNS News

If you back this guy, you have no heart, hate children and humans and are just plain sick...this guy should be executed.......I can post more articles as well.
Noomi was of the opinion that a woman who taped her child to the wall and beat it into a coma should get *help*, not jail time.
Noomi was of the opinion that a woman who taped her child to the wall and beat it into a coma should get *help*, not jail time.

yep liberals want to ban the crazies weapons, not the crazies.....so I wonder how many things they will have to ban before those morons get the message.
Noomi was of the opinion that a woman who taped her child to the wall and beat it into a coma should get *help*, not jail time.
Can we get a link to that?

I have no doubt it's true, seeing as though, besides being an abject ghoul, she's not exactly the brightest light on the ol' Xmas tree o' life....I would like to read what the ghoulish freak had to say on that disgusting incident.
Do liberals really think that punishment and justice are bad and that anyone can be redeemed? And why would you try and "fix" people like the Boston bomber of the Aurora shooter...just kill them and be done with it.....after their trials of course...which may be in 10 years at the crappy pace of our justice system.
If you find a woman has a right to choose, at what age should the child be when that right is taken from her? We know that it's not post birth. How long post birth?

When the baby is born, she loses her choice.

so if the Klan went around punching preggo sisters in the stomach, you'd think, nah, they didnt kill anyone, just some mass goo?
It would take me forever to find it, it was a while ago. But it's in that thread..I think the thread title has the word "taped" in it.

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