Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

"Should women be 'allowed'"?

It's not a question of allowed.

It's a question of you can't stop us.

Sorry, guys. The debate is over and you lost. We do what we want.

Go clean the garage; it needs it and that's your business.
Sadly, you ghouls obviously think that ripping innocent life screaming from the womb (yes, they do scream), simply because it's an inconvenience to you ghouls, is nothing more than "cleaning your garage."....After all, it's nothing more than sweeping up the trash for you types.

Only further proving, that there are some seriously sick people in this country.....It's really no different than terrorism.....Sadly, there are over 50 million innocent children who have been terrorized, and then killed by you ghouls....Al qaeda would be proud...Proud enough to invite you to join their Jihad, no doubt.

A fetus does not fucking 'scream'. Most abortions take place before 9 weeks, and the fetus doesn't have the facial features to even FORM a scream, and it doesn't have developed lungs with which to scream.

A baby born at 24 weeks won't even scream when its born, so how the fuck do you think an 8 week old fetus can?

Wicked Jester does have a tendency for hysteria.
Sadly, you ghouls obviously think that ripping innocent life screaming from the womb (yes, they do scream), simply because it's an inconvenience to you ghouls, is nothing more than "cleaning your garage."....After all, it's nothing more than sweeping up the trash for you types.

Only further proving, that there are some seriously sick people in this country.....It's really no different than terrorism.....Sadly, there are over 50 million innocent children who have been terrorized, and then killed by you ghouls....Al qaeda would be proud...Proud enough to invite you to join their Jihad, no doubt.

A fetus does not fucking 'scream'. Most abortions take place before 9 weeks, and the fetus doesn't have the facial features to even FORM a scream, and it doesn't have developed lungs with which to scream.

A baby born at 24 weeks won't even scream when its born, so how the fuck do you think an 8 week old fetus can?

wow you sound like a Nazi....

Gosnell Trial Witness: Baby Abortion Survivor Was 'Swimming' in Toilet 'Trying to Get Out' | CNS News

If you back this guy, you have no heart, hate children and humans and are just plain sick...this guy should be executed.......I can post more articles as well.

The baby wasn't trying to get out. A newborn baby has no sense of fear, it wouldn't have understood it was drowning, and therefore couldn't have felt fear.

Why do you think toddlers will touch a hot stove, or reach for a sharp knife? Because they have no fear that it is harmful.
Sadly, you ghouls obviously think that ripping innocent life screaming from the womb (yes, they do scream), simply because it's an inconvenience to you ghouls, is nothing more than "cleaning your garage."....After all, it's nothing more than sweeping up the trash for you types.

Only further proving, that there are some seriously sick people in this country.....It's really no different than terrorism.....Sadly, there are over 50 million innocent children who have been terrorized, and then killed by you ghouls....Al qaeda would be proud...Proud enough to invite you to join their Jihad, no doubt.

A fetus does not fucking 'scream'. Most abortions take place before 9 weeks, and the fetus doesn't have the facial features to even FORM a scream, and it doesn't have developed lungs with which to scream.

A baby born at 24 weeks won't even scream when its born, so how the fuck do you think an 8 week old fetus can?
Yes, they do fuckin' scream,...and hopefully it haunts you ghouls for the rest of your sick, twisted lives.

A baby born at 24 weeks will NOT scream because the lungs are not developed. It will squeak, but will NOT scream, it is physically unable to.

A fetus cannot scream - you stick your head underwater and try and scream - tell me how that works out for you.
A fetus does not fucking 'scream'. Most abortions take place before 9 weeks, and the fetus doesn't have the facial features to even FORM a scream, and it doesn't have developed lungs with which to scream.

A baby born at 24 weeks won't even scream when its born, so how the fuck do you think an 8 week old fetus can?
Yes, they do fuckin' scream,...and hopefully it haunts you ghouls for the rest of your sick, twisted lives.

A baby born at 24 weeks will NOT scream because the lungs are not developed. It will squeak, but will NOT scream, it is physically unable to.

A fetus cannot scream - you stick your head underwater and try and scream - tell me how that works out for you.
That sqeak is their scream, you fuckin' ghoulish asshat.
A scream is not a squeak, you idiot.

Tell me how an 8 week old fetus can scream. I am still waiting.
A scream is not a squeak, you idiot.

Tell me how an 8 week old fetus can scream. I am still waiting.
That sqeak is their scream, you ghoulish fucking moron.....Deal with it....It is an innocent human being, who is being summarily tortured and killed.....And that's a fact, you cannot deny, you twisted, heartless ghoul.

Ya' know, it's not surprising that you stated in that other thread, that a 99 year sentence was too much for a **** who GLUED HER CHILD TO A WALL, and then proceeded to beat her, kick her, and bite her, until that child was covered from head to toe in bruises, while being rendered comatose in the process.

You are a seriously disturbed individual,.....make no mistake about that.
joe thinks that if the man wants the woman to abort at any stage of pregnancy, and can't drag her ass to the good doctor, then he should be absolved of all financial responsibility.

True story. He's a stellar dude.

Never said that, either. In fact, I've clearly said that the man should be held responsible.. because that's the law.

But I know your argument is weak and you are trying your best to pretend that women don't decide this issue whether you want them to or not.
Hey, it looks like a baby, why is it still a fetus? That's right. It has to be born to be called a baby. Let's go ahead and kill it. How ghoulish and appalling.

Can you answer my question? Because the troll above refuses to.

Seeing as how at 8 weeks the fetus is merely a centimeter and a half long, I doubt you could hear it scream or squeak. Regardless, I still disapprove of abortion past the fetal stage of development.
joe thinks that if the man wants the woman to abort at any stage of pregnancy, and can't drag her ass to the good doctor, then he should be absolved of all financial responsibility.

True story. He's a stellar dude.

Never said that, either. In fact, I've clearly said that the man should be held responsible.. because that's the law.

But I know your argument is weak and you are trying your best to pretend that women don't decide this issue whether you want them to or not.

Weren't you telling me a while back that a man should stay out of it? Sure thing boss, soon as you can explain to me this double standard of yours.
joe thinks that if the man wants the woman to abort at any stage of pregnancy, and can't drag her ass to the good doctor, then he should be absolved of all financial responsibility.

True story. He's a stellar dude.

Never said that, either. In fact, I've clearly said that the man should be held responsible.. because that's the law.

But I know your argument is weak and you are trying your best to pretend that women don't decide this issue whether you want them to or not.

Weren't you telling me a while back that a man should stay out of it? Sure thing boss, soon as you can explain to me this double standard of yours.

Not a double standard at all.

the only one who gets to decide the abortion issue is the one with the womb.

If she doesn't want to be pregnant, she should be allowed an abortion, no questions asked.

If she decides she wants to carry the baby to term, the dumbass who knocked her up should pay.

It's actually a pretty sensible position. The unfortunate thing is, we have too many men who do walk away from their responsiblities, and a government that lets them.
For the 10,001th time to the uninformed dumb masses:
I know of NO ONE that is pro abortion.
Abortion was legal when this great nation was founded. However, slaves were subject to the rules of their owners and the owners refused to allow their slaves to terminate their pregnancies.
When abortion was "illegal" doctors were never arrested unless a woman died and the women were never arrersted.
So much for abortion being illegal. All it did was raise the price by multiples to obtain a "legal" or any abortion.
"I performed the abortion for the health and safety of the mother" was the cry of the doctor as he pocketed the cash. WELL DUH! And no other doctor would ever testify against that diagnosis EVER so no district attorney could EVER prosecute an abortionist.
Silly facts always get in the way of dumb ass ideology.
And so what are we left with if Roe was over turned YESTERDAY sports fans:
Now listen up real good all you jabronies as I tell you for the 10,001st time:
The abortion laws will go back to the states.
Some states will ban it OUTRIGHT, no exceptions.
Some states will ban it with few exceptions.
Some states will ban it with many exceptions.
Some states will allow it with many rules and guidelines.
Some states will allow it with few rules and guidelines.
Some states will allow it with outright with NO rules or guidelines.
So what we would be left with is if a woman with $$$ lives in a state that bans abortion outright with no exceptions all she does is drive or get on a plane and travel to a state that allows it with NO rules or guidelines and obtains her abortion.
And poor women that live in a state that bans it outright are FORCED to have the baby that in most cases they DO NOT WANT and DO NOT KNOW HOW TO CARE FOR.
NOTHING changes except back to slavery once again.
Americans are dumb asses. NO LAW stops stupid. Doctors ARE ALWAYS going to perform abortions FOR CASH and NO LAW stops them, ever.
The Founders were SMART MEN. Current right wing KOOK politicians pander to the dumb masses as there is no shortage of them.

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