Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

A fetus does not fucking 'scream'. Most abortions take place before 9 weeks, and the fetus doesn't have the facial features to even FORM a scream, and it doesn't have developed lungs with which to scream.

A baby born at 24 weeks won't even scream when its born, so how the fuck do you think an 8 week old fetus can?

wow you sound like a Nazi....

Gosnell Trial Witness: Baby Abortion Survivor Was 'Swimming' in Toilet 'Trying to Get Out' | CNS News

If you back this guy, you have no heart, hate children and humans and are just plain sick...this guy should be executed.......I can post more articles as well.

The baby wasn't trying to get out. A newborn baby has no sense of fear, it wouldn't have understood it was drowning, and therefore couldn't have felt fear.

Why do you think toddlers will touch a hot stove, or reach for a sharp knife? Because they have no fear that it is harmful.
Really, ghoul?

You might want to educate yourself, BEFORE trying to justify your ghoulishness.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbKwR5g6SCQ]Silent Scream - Excerpts from the Classic Film - Dr. Bernard Nathanson - YouTube[/ame]

But then, what the fuck would a ghoulish freak like you care, when it was YOU who stated you would have killed the conjoined twins referenced in that other thread, AFTER THEY WERE BORN, because you considered them nothing more than "monstrocities"?

I'm quite sure, that watching the baby in the above ultrasound of an actual abortion during the first tri-mester, struggling to get away from the instrument that was about to brutally kill it, just warmed your black heart, eh, freak?
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The woman already gets to choose. There are those who would like to take women's rights away but that won't be happening anytime soon.

How shameful that we want to "take away" your "right" (comical term) to commit MURDER.

By the way, tell me again what section in the Constitution that states you have any rights to killing a baby? :lmao:

It isn't killing a baby, KG.
That was Rottweiler.

And you can call it anything you like. It is a human being at a particular age of development; just as human as a child at birth, at a year, at 15. You don't change what it is by refusing to name it.
That was Rottweiler.

And you can call it anything you like. It is a human being at a particular age of development; just as human as a child at birth, at a year, at 15. You don't change what it is by refusing to name it.

Uh huh, you don't change things by lying about it either.

Nobody has said law will stop it entirely. In fact, nobody has ever argued that it should.

But the law should not condone it, and our government should not pay for it, and PP should be run out of town on a rail.

The law should condone it, because women should be able to control their own bodies.

The governmetn should pay for it, because frankly, the last thing we need are people who aren't good parent material becoming parents. The prisons are full of people who were the results of that kind of stupidity.

Planned Parenthood should get the medal of freedom. Birth control is the best anti-poverty program out there. "Every Child a Wanted Child!"
Amazing that all you legal scholars here never knew that before Roe EACH STATE INDIVIDUALLY had their INDIVIDUAL laws on abortion.
A thorough understanding of the law when this nation was founded which did not allow any religious influences in it, as indicated by the fact that abortion was LEGAL THEN, and the rise of the the religious right and their fear of the rise of the women wanting the right to own property, to hold public office, tosit on juries, to enter into legal contracts and TO VOTE. Dominant men could not have that and they used the system to enact anti abortion laws to add in the denial of a woman to have control over her own body.
Once the ball started rolling where women demanded the right to own property in this country the religious right, ALL MEN at that time mind you, started their anti abortion movement.
Anti abortion advocates have their roots in the oppression of women. Fact.
Amazing the total ignorance here as to what happened last month much less the history of this great nation.
But they can tell you what Rush said yesterday and where Ted Nugent is playing his next gig.
Dominant men now constitute the majority of the pro-abortion movement.

Why? Because it's a tool used to exploit, abuse and dominate women, and because men profit from it.
No law stops murder, robbery, and as we see, not mass bombings either. The problem isn't the law. We already know that the law will be violated when convenient. It's a cultural shift toward a preference for dead babies instead of live ones. Now that the shift has been made, the question goes beyond a woman's right to choose the inner workings of her own body. A woman has the right to choose to kill her baby. That's a given. Now the question is at what point does she lose that right and the child have a right to live. Kermit Gosnell is all about that line of demarcation. The child is born alive, how long after that birth can a woman and her abortionist kill that baby and it still be considered an abortion. Two minutes? Ten minutes? Two years? obama's Science Czar, John Holdren proposed legalized abortion up to two years. It should not surprise you that medical ethicists believe that born, functioning, alive children should retain the status of fetus until such time as they are no longer considered "newborn".

?Journal of Medical Ethics? Stands by Publication of ?After-Birth Abortions? Article | TheBlaze.com

That's what's wrong. Now make "laws" based on this insanity.

"He murdered the man for his health" the doctor proclaims.
And no charges are brought because of that.
Sure, right. Happens every day.
Abortion was legal when those fine Christian men that you claim this nation was founded on their religion lived. And not prosecuted when it was "illegal".
Why was abortion never prosecuted when it was illegal on the women?
Take a wild guess. Open up your wallet and take a look.
Again, for the uninformed, naive and gullible.
Abortion is a bad HEALTH CARE decision.
No law stops it and no law ever will.
And BTW, to further show the absurdity of your claims, which state has murder been legal WITHOUT EXCEPTION?
This ought to be rich.

Nobody has said law will stop it entirely. In fact, nobody has ever argued that it should.

But the law should not condone it, and our government should not pay for it, and PP should be run out of town on a rail.

That is the right of EACH INDIVIDUAL STATE. How come you do not know that?
That is the foundation of this great nation.
And the Constitutionality of Roe, what can you tell us about that?
I suggest folks look there for their fight against abortion. WHY?
Because if you really do want a fight, are up to a fight and have THE BALLS TO FIGHT, that is your best weapon.
Respectfully, few if any of the anti abortion leaders have the balls for any fight.
They are in it for the publicity only and they leave you good folks hanging out to dry with false hopes based on nothing of substance to fight with.
People have looked there. The law is unconstitutional.

It doesn't matter. PP, the CDC and Guttmacher are big money machines. The President is a keynote speaker at a PP fundraiser this week.
For the OP.

Should muslim terrorists be allowed to kill people that they don't want to deal with?

now, replace "muslim terrorists" with "pregnant women"
People have looked there. The law is unconstitutional.

It doesn't matter. PP, the CDC and Guttmacher are big money machines. The President is a keynote speaker at a PP fundraiser this week.

OK, then FIGHT IT on that.
I see no one but milk weak hot air bufoons.
Easier to run thy mouth and line thy pockets with anti abortion fund raising than to fight the powers that be.
Talk is cheap these days.
Dominant men now constitute the majority of the pro-abortion movement.

Why? Because it's a tool used to exploit, abuse and dominate women, and because men profit from it.

BS and you know it, if not you are a damn fool.
The leaders of the legal abortion movement are women and specifically the feminist movement.
Been that way since the mid 1800s.
Did you even know that when the abortion laws started women:

And you are naive enough to believe that was a coincidence?
Abortion laws were initiated TO FIGHT THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN.
And they continue today and you are a supporter of that.
Amazing for a woman to want to go back to those days.
Shut up, wacko.

Abortion laws were initiated so that women could be as promiscuous as progressives told them they should want to be, and so that men could shrug off parental responsibility, and not have to worry about being forced into marriage just to get a little.

It's all about accomodating a society structured on depravity, death and exploitation. I.e., a progressive society.
P.s., abortion did not give women the right to vote and hold property.

THOSE rights were brought about by the sustained and devoted campaigning of Christian women and men, who abhorred abortion and valued all human life.
yeah the Now gang are crazy
She was strongly critical of the Stupak-Pitts Amendment, which places limits on taxpayer-funding of abortions (except in the cases of rape, incest, and life of the mother) in the context of the November 2009 Affordable Health Care for America Act.[8]

So she does want us to pay for abortions, pro choicers keep telling us taxpayer dollars arent used for it, while their side continues to fight for it......stop being hypocritical and sick......

I dont care what century the abortion movement started....

Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sanger is a frequent target of criticism by opponents of birth control and has also been criticized for supporting eugenics, but remains an iconic figure in the American reproductive rights movement.

Sanger was opposed to abortions, both because they were dangerous for the mother in the early 20th century and because she believed that life should not be terminated after conception

So you have the icon of the birth control movement, who was for EUGENICS, but was appalled by abortion....Look up eugenics and see that it's pretty bad, but even abortion was and is worse.....
Margaret Sanger, for all her totalitarianism and her belief that people should be tricked into/forcibly sterilized based on their income, color or social status, recognized that abortion is an attack on women's health, and sought out and facilitated by those who abuse women.
Margaret Sanger, for all her totalitarianism and her belief that people should be tricked into/forcibly sterilized based on their income, color or social status, recognized that abortion is an attack on women's health, and sought out and facilitated by those who abuse women.
Some things never change.

I hadn't heard, but saw it today:

Amid new concerns about the brutality of illegal forms of abortions, President Obama plans to deliver the keynote address at Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s annual fundraising dinner Thursday.

Read more: Obama to keynote Planned Parenthood fundraiser - Washington Times

That's quite a change from his 2008 rhetoric.
Shut up, wacko.

Abortion laws were initiated so that women could be as promiscuous as progressives told them they should want to be, and so that men could shrug off parental responsibility, and not have to worry about being forced into marriage just to get a little.

It's all about accomodating a society structured on depravity, death and exploitation. I.e., a progressive society.

link? thats what i thought :eusa_liar: :eusa_hand: :eusa_whistle: :lol:
Margaret Sanger, for all her totalitarianism and her belief that people should be tricked into/forcibly sterilized based on their income, color or social status, recognized that abortion is an attack on women's health, and sought out and facilitated by those who abuse women.
Some things never change.

I hadn't heard, but saw it today:

Amid new concerns about the brutality of illegal forms of abortions, President Obama plans to deliver the keynote address at Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s annual fundraising dinner Thursday.

Read more: Obama to keynote Planned Parenthood fundraiser - Washington Times

That's quite a change from his 2008 rhetoric.

Sanger's goal was for PP to control the black population through abortion. And you idiots on the left make her out to be some kind of saint. YOU ARE IDIOTS
P.s., abortion did not give women the right to vote and hold property.

THOSE rights were brought about by the sustained and devoted campaigning of Christian women and men, who abhorred abortion and valued all human life.

"Christian" women? I thought they were supposed to be "submissive" like Bachmann (R) said? I'll need a link for that post of yours as well.

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