Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

Margaret Sanger, for all her totalitarianism and her belief that people should be tricked into/forcibly sterilized based on their income, color or social status, recognized that abortion is an attack on women's health, and sought out and facilitated by those who abuse women.
Some things never change.

I hadn't heard, but saw it today:

Amid new concerns about the brutality of illegal forms of abortions, President Obama plans to deliver the keynote address at Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s annual fundraising dinner Thursday.

Read more: Obama to keynote Planned Parenthood fundraiser - Washington Times

That's quite a change from his 2008 rhetoric.

Consider this..he's keynote speaker at their fundraiser WHILE THE GOSNELL TRIAL IS GOING ON. The Gosnell trial, in which the grand jury's testimony specifically criticizes Planned Parenthood and NARAL for their failure to report (or stop referring clients to) Gosnell.

It shows what this president is all about. The people who think he, or any other progressive, is about what is best for them are so blind. And lost.
Shut up, wacko.

Abortion laws were initiated so that women could be as promiscuous as progressives told them they should want to be, and so that men could shrug off parental responsibility, and not have to worry about being forced into marriage just to get a little.

It's all about accomodating a society structured on depravity, death and exploitation. I.e., a progressive society.

yep, it was how do we address a problem. what was becoming a growing problem. the sexual revolution of the 60's made for a lot of unwanted babies. faced with giving up the newly found free love or getting rid of the resulting babies was the problem at hand. abortion was their answer to the problem.
P.s., abortion did not give women the right to vote and hold property.

THOSE rights were brought about by the sustained and devoted campaigning of Christian women and men, who abhorred abortion and valued all human life.

"Christian" women? I thought they were supposed to be "submissive" like Bachmann (R) said? I'll need a link for that post of yours as well.
You're not well-acquainted with the Christian religion, Dot Com. In Christ, there is not East or West, in Him no North or south. IOW, all are the same in God's sight. What is it about sexual equality which began with Christ's disciples and followers do you not understand?
Shut up, wacko.

Abortion laws were initiated so that women could be as promiscuous as progressives told them they should want to be, and so that men could shrug off parental responsibility, and not have to worry about being forced into marriage just to get a little.

It's all about accomodating a society structured on depravity, death and exploitation. I.e., a progressive society.

You and your followers are dumb as a box of rocks.
You folks claim that abortion was legal in colonial times because the Founders wanted it that so "women could be as promiscuous as progressives told them they should want to be".

You and your followers are damn fools. Abortion was legal when the country was founded and you kooks believe the founders believed in that.
Nothing worse than someone knowing they are wrong and not owning up to it.
Abortion was made illegal in the mid 1800s because men wanted to make sure they could continue to deny women ANY rights.
You support a 150 year history of denying women their rights.
Shut up, wacko.

Abortion laws were initiated so that women could be as promiscuous as progressives told them they should want to be, and so that men could shrug off parental responsibility, and not have to worry about being forced into marriage just to get a little.

It's all about accomodating a society structured on depravity, death and exploitation. I.e., a progressive society.

yep, it was how do we address a problem. what was becoming a growing problem. the sexual revolution of the 60's made for a lot of unwanted babies. faced with giving up the newly found free love or getting rid of the resulting babies was the problem at hand. abortion was their answer to the problem.

So that was the reason abortion was legal for 100 years after the founding of this nation?
The sexual revolution of the 1770s!
No, actually. None of that garbled spew is true.

Carry on. How many women have you coerced into abortion clinics, btw?
I think the world, and the U.S. particularly, is overpopulated. Thats one reason I give $500/yr to PP. The other reason is i can't stand "Thumpers" who, on the one hand, demand women give birth to children they neither want (rape & incest) or can afford (impoverished, single-mothers) and on the other hand say gov't is too big YET say the mother is on her own UNLESS she wants to go groveling to a local church :rolleyes:
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Ah, so you think other people should kill their babies and you pay to make sure it takes place.

Got it. Because what you just stated has nothing to do with women's rights. It has to do with removing the rights of people so they can be eliminated from the earth.
whateva' you need to tell yourself allie. :up: :boohoo:If it needles meddlesome thumpers like you then i'm happy.
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Should women be allowed to choose what they do with their bodies? Absolutely.

And they have plenty of options to choose from. Birth control pills, condoms, abstinence and natural sex.

Those are all choices.

Pregnancy isn't a choice; it's the outcome of a decision that had a choice.

And abortions aren't about a woman's body; they're about another body, very much alive, forming within the woman's body. So a woman's "right-to-choose" should be about what the woman does with her body; not the body of an infant she chose to have.

And if we can all agree that every human being is born with the inherent right to live, then abortions are clear violations of this right. As the baby is never consulted with when abortions are decided.

You're such a '60s kinda guy. You and Santorum. Just a few decades behind the times. I'm surprised you even have a computer much less know what it is for.
Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 93 S. Ct. 705, 35 L. Ed. 2d 147 (1973).
I think the world, and the U.S. particularly, is overpopulated. Thats one reason I give $500/yr to PP. The other reason is i can't stand "Thumpers" who, on the one hand, demand women give birth to children they neither want (rape & incest) or can afford (impoverished, single-mothers) and on the other hand say gov't is too big YET say the mother is on her own UNLESS she wants to go groveling to a local church :rolleyes:

Indeed. Let these so-called Right to Lifers be the first to start donating money to the hundreds of thousands of unwanted children that will start arriving after these morons have shredded the abortion laws.

Please you stupid mo'fos, put your money where your mouth is or STFU.
Do you have any idea how many times a day some loon comes along with the exact same slogan?

Abortion does not eliminate unwanted children. In fact, to all intents and purposes, it appears to increase the incidence of child abuse, poverty, and depraved indifference towards children.
So kindly please give up on the mob slogan that has no basis in fact or reality. Abortion has nothing to do with the plight of neglected, abused, and poor children, or legalizing it would have reduced the incidence of all of those things. State sanctioned abortion is and a mindset that children are better off dead than alive is the hallmark of a depraved and dying nation.
I think the world, and the U.S. particularly, is overpopulated. Thats one reason I give $500/yr to PP. The other reason is i can't stand "Thumpers" who, on the one hand, demand women give birth to children they neither want (rape & incest) or can afford (impoverished, single-mothers) and on the other hand say gov't is too big YET say the mother is on her own UNLESS she wants to go groveling to a local church :rolleyes:

"If they would rather die," said Scrooge, "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. Besides -- excuse me -- I don't know that."

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