Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

That you bother spending that much time on such a bed wetter is a testament to your good character. The rest of us would allow him to starve to death in a Bangladeshi ditch since he's clearly to insipid to even clean dishes for a living.
How can they report a rapist if the woman refuses to say the name of her rapist - and most women don't even know the person who attacked them, anyway.

If a rape is committed, the woman should have to file a police report (since such is a crime). Then and only then might she be given the morning after medication in an effort to prevent a pregnancy. A woman should not be allowed to claim rape unless she is willing to file a police report. Rape should not be used as an illegitimate excuse (a lie) if one had not in fact occurred. Concensual sex is not rape but a choice.

Do you not understand how traumatized a woman can be after a rape? She may be willing to admit she was raped, but not willing to submit any details about what happened.
That is likely true; however, such a defense would never work for any other criminal case. Rape is a crime. One cannot allow criminals to run around. Personally, I feel that all rapists should either be executed or at the very least castrated where there are at least two witnesses to the act. If the woman is lying to hurt the "boyfriend," I feel that she should be executed (as she would have had done to the man or sterized). This would help end the abuse and the lying. We need stricter standards. No more he said/she said. The woman was raped or she was not. If she was, she needs community support to fight against such actions. If she wasn't, both she and the man involved need to be responsible. And if a woman has no idea which guy is the father, there are tests.
That report details all the horrors of abortion..and the worst of it isn't Gosnell's depraved indifference. It's the stacks of evidence that women were being treated regularly for complications from his butchery...sepsis, perforations, up to and including death...but the doctors and staff did not report even the deaths to the DOH. For 40 years.
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If making abortions harder to get doesn't reduce the incidence of abortion, then why are the rate of abortions in states with multiple restrictions on the procedure generally lower than states without the restrictions?

This is simply proof positive that leftists don't understand economics.

Because the women just drive to a neighboring state with less restrictions. Wow, are you like stupid or what?

Increasing the availability of abortion, in this case making them easier to access, increases the demand for abortion. For example, if abortions were free and there was an abortion clinic on every corner, more women would demand them if they became pregnant. In fact, this is precisely what you saw back before states started banning Medicaid coverage for abortion; that is, the abortion rate was higher when Medicaid covered them than when it didn't. Conversely, if you were to make abortions $1M per or reduce the number of abortion clinics around, the demand for them would plummet (either because women would be priced out of them, or because they would figure that it's simply better to go through with the pregnancy). Abortions are not price inelastic and are subject to the basic laws of supply and demand.

BTW> Someone has obviously missed the "I love abortion" t-shirts pro-choicers sometimes wear.

First, the Hyde Amendment (passed by liar, cheater and hypocrite Henry Hyde, who used to be my Congressman) was passed in 1976, only three years after Roe v. Wade. So you only had a three year period when Medicaid covered abortion nationally.

Secondly, there were just as many abortions happening before Roe v. Wade as after. This is demonstrated by the fact that the birth rate didn't drop in 1974. It flattened out.
"Patients were "treated" by unlicensed incompetents, including a young girl groomed from her teenage years. The late-term mothers' wombs and bowels were perforated with infected instruments. Government inspectors "literally licensed Gosnell's criminally dangerous behavior," the Philly grand jury found. The Pennsylvania Department of State was "repeatedly confronted with evidence about Gosnell" -- including the clinic's unclean, unsterile conditions, unlicensed workers, unsupervised sedation, underage abortion patients and over-prescribing of pain pills with high resale value on the street -- "and repeatedly chose to do nothing."
As I noted in 2011, []nearby hospital officials who treated some of the pregnant mothers who suffered grave complications from Gosnell's butchery did nothing. And an inspector for the National Abortion Federation, the leading association of abortion providers that is supposed to uphold strict health and legal standards, determined that Gosnell's chamber of horrors was "the worst abortion clinic she had ever inspected" -- but did nothing[/COLOR]."


Except the NAF doesn't have the authority to close down abortion clinics, and three weeks after their inspection, Gosnell's clinic was closed down.

Gosnell is what happens when anti-choice zealots get their way. Abortion still happens because the police have real crimes to solve, and bad actors end up doing them.
"Patients were "treated" by unlicensed incompetents, including a young girl groomed from her teenage years. The late-term mothers' wombs and bowels were perforated with infected instruments. Government inspectors "literally licensed Gosnell's criminally dangerous behavior," the Philly grand jury found. The Pennsylvania Department of State was "repeatedly confronted with evidence about Gosnell" -- including the clinic's unclean, unsterile conditions, unlicensed workers, unsupervised sedation, underage abortion patients and over-prescribing of pain pills with high resale value on the street -- "and repeatedly chose to do nothing."
As I noted in 2011, []nearby hospital officials who treated some of the pregnant mothers who suffered grave complications from Gosnell's butchery did nothing. And an inspector for the National Abortion Federation, the leading association of abortion providers that is supposed to uphold strict health and legal standards, determined that Gosnell's chamber of horrors was "the worst abortion clinic she had ever inspected" -- but did nothing[/COLOR]."


Except the NAF doesn't have the authority to close down abortion clinics, and three weeks after their inspection, Gosnell's clinic was closed down.

Gosnell is what happens when anti-choice zealots get their way. Abortion still happens because the police have real crimes to solve, and bad actors end up doing them.

Killing someone smaller than yourself because you can is a hate crime. It's not the baby's fault one hates oneself for not using protection. ;)
With the current crop of Americans running around these days, there obviously haven't been enough abortions.

Yeah - you alone are evidence of that!

Ever notice that since we have kicked the fuck out of dumbocrats on the battle field of idea's, the only thing they have left for hope is abortion and eugenics?

You did? Then how do you explain the fact you keep losing elections?

Most of your ideas suck, and you don't even defend them.

You used to argue that rich people needed tax cuts because they provided jobs. But that didn't happen, so you scream "mine,mine,mine" like a little kid.
With the current crop of Americans running around these days, there obviously haven't been enough abortions.

Yeah - you alone are evidence of that!

Ever notice that since we have kicked the fuck out of dumbocrats on the battle field of idea's, the only thing they have left for hope is abortion and eugenics?

You did? Then how do you explain the fact you keep losing elections?

Most of your ideas suck, and you don't even defend them.

You used to argue that rich people needed tax cuts because they provided jobs. But that didn't happen, so you scream "mine,mine,mine" like a little kid.
Joe, it's one thing to be a believer, but believing in a House of Cards comes apart when the supporting card is removed. Sad, but true. If your rights end at the end of someone's nose, the woman's rights end there likewise. We cannot be sexist about new life. *sigh*
Killing someone smaller than yourself because you can is a hate crime. It's not the baby's fault one hates oneself for not using protection. ;)


Hey, tell me something. In the good old days before Roe v. Wade made abortion legal, how many women were charged with aborting their own fetuses?

I'll give you a hint. the last time a woman was arrested in this country was in 1922 in Oklahoma.

In fact, the only people who were charged with a crime when abortion was illegal were the abortionists, and they only got charged when they committed malpractice and injured or killed their patients (like Gosnell did.)

The misogynists (or self loathing women) can fantasize all day about murder trials for women who seek abortions, but it ain't gonna happen.
Yeah - you alone are evidence of that!

Ever notice that since we have kicked the fuck out of dumbocrats on the battle field of idea's, the only thing they have left for hope is abortion and eugenics?

You did? Then how do you explain the fact you keep losing elections?

Most of your ideas suck, and you don't even defend them.

You used to argue that rich people needed tax cuts because they provided jobs. But that didn't happen, so you scream "mine,mine,mine" like a little kid.
Joe, it's one thing to be a believer, but believing in a House of Cards comes apart when the supporting card is removed. Sad, but true. If your rights end at the end of someone's nose, the woman's rights end there likewise. We cannot be sexist about new life. *sigh*

What did that have to do with anything I said? Oh, never mind.

Practical matter. as long as that fetus is in her body, it's her choice.

That's all there is to it. Really, the end of the conversation.
You did? Then how do you explain the fact you keep losing elections?

Most of your ideas suck, and you don't even defend them.

You used to argue that rich people needed tax cuts because they provided jobs. But that didn't happen, so you scream "mine,mine,mine" like a little kid.
Joe, it's one thing to be a believer, but believing in a House of Cards comes apart when the supporting card is removed. Sad, but true. If your rights end at the end of someone's nose, the woman's rights end there likewise. We cannot be sexist about new life. *sigh*

What did that have to do with anything I said? Oh, never mind.

Practical matter. as long as that fetus is in her body, it's her choice. That's all there is to it. Really, the end of the conversation.


Being anti-abortion is a religious issue. The countries that don't allow abortion do so for religious reasons. The US is a secular state and cannot impose religious beliefs on its people. For anyone to tell me I can't get an abortion is tantamount to saying I have to follow his religious beliefs. This is un-American.
"Should women be 'allowed'"?

It's not a question of allowed.

It's a question of you can't stop us.

Sorry, guys. The debate is over and you lost. We do what we want.

Go clean the garage; it needs it and that's your business.
Sadly, you ghouls obviously think that ripping innocent life screaming from the womb (yes, they do scream), simply because it's an inconvenience to you ghouls, is nothing more than "cleaning your garage."....After all, it's nothing more than sweeping up the trash for you types.

Only further proving, that there are some seriously sick people in this country.....It's really no different than terrorism.....Sadly, there are over 50 million innocent children who have been terrorized, and then killed by you ghouls....Al qaeda would be proud...Proud enough to invite you to join their Jihad, no doubt.
"Should women be 'allowed'"?

It's not a question of allowed.

It's a question of you can't stop us.

Sorry, guys. The debate is over and you lost. We do what we want.

Go clean the garage; it needs it and that's your business.
Sadly, you ghouls obviously think that ripping innocent life screaming from the womb (yes, they do scream), simply because it's an inconvenience to you ghouls, is nothing more than "cleaning your garage."....After all, it's nothing more than sweeping up the trash for you types.

Only further proving, that there are some seriously sick people in this country.....It's really no different than terrorism.....Sadly, there are over 50 million innocent children who have been terrorized, and then killed by you ghouls....Al qaeda would be proud...Proud enough to invite you to join their Jihad, no doubt.

Fetuses aren't children, and most abortion are performed when they are the size of a cocktail shrimp, so no, I don't get all upset like you do that women control their own bodies.

If you guys on the right cared about saving fetuses, you'd support universal health care, you'd support paid family leave, you'd support school lunches.

When you put your money where your mouth is, then you'll have skin in the game.
"Should women be 'allowed'"?

It's not a question of allowed.

It's a question of you can't stop us.

Sorry, guys. The debate is over and you lost. We do what we want.

Go clean the garage; it needs it and that's your business.
Sadly, you ghouls obviously think that ripping innocent life screaming from the womb (yes, they do scream), simply because it's an inconvenience to you ghouls, is nothing more than "cleaning your garage."....After all, it's nothing more than sweeping up the trash for you types.

Only further proving, that there are some seriously sick people in this country.....It's really no different than terrorism.....Sadly, there are over 50 million innocent children who have been terrorized, and then killed by you ghouls....Al qaeda would be proud...Proud enough to invite you to join their Jihad, no doubt.

Fetuses aren't children, and most abortion are performed when they are the size of a cocktail shrimp, so no, I don't get all upset like you do that women control their own bodies.

If you guys on the right cared about saving fetuses, you'd support universal health care, you'd support paid family leave, you'd support school lunches.

When you put your money where your mouth is, then you'll have skin in the game.

They would also support sex education in the schools and Planned Parenthood which helps young women to obtain low cost birth control as well as birth control information and counseling without questions. And they would be lining up to adopt unwanted children. None of those things is true.
Joe, it's one thing to be a believer, but believing in a House of Cards comes apart when the supporting card is removed. Sad, but true. If your rights end at the end of someone's nose, the woman's rights end there likewise. We cannot be sexist about new life. *sigh*

What did that have to do with anything I said? Oh, never mind.

Practical matter. as long as that fetus is in her body, it's her choice. That's all there is to it. Really, the end of the conversation.


Being anti-abortion is a religious issue. The countries that don't allow abortion do so for religious reasons. The US is a secular state and cannot impose religious beliefs on its people. For anyone to tell me I can't get an abortion is tantamount to saying I have to follow his religious beliefs. This is un-American.

So...objecting to the butchery of women is a *religious* issue.

You're a loon. Using that logic, murder is always a *religious* issue, and to make it illegal is to *force* you to follow someone's religious belief.

Which is, of course, crazy. So you are dismissed.
What did that have to do with anything I said? Oh, never mind.

Practical matter. as long as that fetus is in her body, it's her choice. That's all there is to it. Really, the end of the conversation.


Being anti-abortion is a religious issue. The countries that don't allow abortion do so for religious reasons. The US is a secular state and cannot impose religious beliefs on its people. For anyone to tell me I can't get an abortion is tantamount to saying I have to follow his religious beliefs. This is un-American.

So...objecting to the butchery of women is a *religious* issue.

You're a loon. Using that logic, murder is always a *religious* issue, and to make it illegal is to *force* you to follow someone's religious belief.

Which is, of course, crazy. So you are dismissed.

There is widespread agreement that murder is murder.

You Christians can't even agree amongst yourselves that Abortion is wrong.
"Should women be 'allowed'"?

It's not a question of allowed.

It's a question of you can't stop us.

Sorry, guys. The debate is over and you lost. We do what we want.

Go clean the garage; it needs it and that's your business.
Sadly, you ghouls obviously think that ripping innocent life screaming from the womb (yes, they do scream), simply because it's an inconvenience to you ghouls, is nothing more than "cleaning your garage."....After all, it's nothing more than sweeping up the trash for you types.

Only further proving, that there are some seriously sick people in this country.....It's really no different than terrorism.....Sadly, there are over 50 million innocent children who have been terrorized, and then killed by you ghouls....Al qaeda would be proud...Proud enough to invite you to join their Jihad, no doubt.

Fetuses aren't children, and most abortion are performed when they are the size of a cocktail shrimp, so no, I don't get all upset like you do that women control their own bodies.

If you guys on the right cared about saving fetuses, you'd support universal health care, you'd support paid family leave, you'd support school lunches.

When you put your money where your mouth is, then you'll have skin in the game.

fetuses only aren't children because some liberal turds had to redefine life so they could feel good about legislation they passed. face it, it's life. it's growing, cells are dividing. do you really believe life is defined by a point in time rather than a physiological event? stupidity of your rationale never ceases to amaze me. it's like you sit there with a little stopwatch. ok, now its a life :cuckoo:
Sadly, you ghouls obviously think that ripping innocent life screaming from the womb (yes, they do scream), simply because it's an inconvenience to you ghouls, is nothing more than "cleaning your garage."....After all, it's nothing more than sweeping up the trash for you types.

Only further proving, that there are some seriously sick people in this country.....It's really no different than terrorism.....Sadly, there are over 50 million innocent children who have been terrorized, and then killed by you ghouls....Al qaeda would be proud...Proud enough to invite you to join their Jihad, no doubt.

Fetuses aren't children, and most abortion are performed when they are the size of a cocktail shrimp, so no, I don't get all upset like you do that women control their own bodies.

If you guys on the right cared about saving fetuses, you'd support universal health care, you'd support paid family leave, you'd support school lunches.

When you put your money where your mouth is, then you'll have skin in the game.

They would also support sex education in the schools and Planned Parenthood which helps young women to obtain low cost birth control as well as birth control information and counseling without questions. And they would be lining up to adopt unwanted children. None of those things is true.

where do they get their funding from?
You know why you're so angry? Because Kosh just destroyed you and exposed you're completely irrational and inconsistent ideology. You got owned, bitch. Don't get all pissy with her because you're the fuck'n idiot who contradicts their own beliefs...

No she didn't. She hasn't posted a single link to support her supposed facts. She just rants about baby killers and flings insults. It was her insults and lies posted about another poster which pissed me off.

Since she's getting her ass handed to her on a plate in this thread, she's turned particularly vicious, which is her standard method of operation.

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