Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

So it's okay for women to kill so long as they do it on their own time?

Got it.

How about that woman who killed all those people in Texas? That was on her own time. Nobody's business?
None of what KG posts makes any sort of logical sense. The whole idea that anyone who supports choice actually wants women to have abortions is beyond idiotic, but that's KG for you. She thinks that giving people the choice of when to have a family is the same thing as not ever wanting a family or hating children. One would have to really hate children to force someone who didn't want a child to have one.

She had made up outrageous lies about everyone who posts in favour of choice, because the truth isn't on her side.

Pretty much.

She's accused me of being a porn addict, of having a criminal record and dragging women down to abortion clinics because.... oh, wait, because I don't accept her idea on how to reduce abortion.

For the record, I'd like to see there be less abortion. But you don't get there by banning them or making them harder to get.

Simple economics. You reduce the Supply of something, the supply becomes more valuable.

What you need to do is reduce the Demand.

More lies.

You also maintain that women enjoy abortions.

Do you just have poor English comprehension skills.

What I said was that most women are relieved when they've had the procedure done.

They aren't the weepy messes you an JZionazi claim they are.
Lol. You're making a good showing today. Thank you for illuminating how sick you are.
He said what women do in private is their own business.

We're talking about abortion, so obviously he means killing is okay as long as nobody else knows. Right?
More lies.

You also maintain that women enjoy abortions.

No he hasn't. No one has done or said any of the outrageous things you claim. You don't use facts because there are none to support your positions.

All you have on your side is lies and abuse. You claim to be a Christian woman and yet you lie about other people, you post shit that is completely untrue - like the large percentage of women you claim are coerced.

The best argument in favour of choice is that it makes people like you show your true colours.
None of what KG posts makes any sort of logical sense. The whole idea that anyone who supports choice actually wants women to have abortions is beyond idiotic, but that's KG for you. She thinks that giving people the choice of when to have a family is the same thing as not ever wanting a family or hating children. One would have to really hate children to force someone who didn't want a child to have one.

She had made up outrageous lies about everyone who posts in favour of choice, because the truth isn't on her side.

Pretty much.

She's accused me of being a porn addict, of having a criminal record and dragging women down to abortion clinics because.... oh, wait, because I don't accept her idea on how to reduce abortion.

For the record, I'd like to see there be less abortion. But you don't get there by banning them or making them harder to get.

Simple economics. You reduce the Supply of something, the supply becomes more valuable.

What you need to do is reduce the Demand.

If making abortions harder to get doesn't reduce the incidence of abortion, then why are the rate of abortions in states with multiple restrictions on the procedure generally lower than states without the restrictions?

This is simply proof positive that leftists don't understand economics.

Increasing the availability of abortion, in this case making them easier to access, increases the demand for abortion. For example, if abortions were free and there was an abortion clinic on every corner, more women would demand them if they became pregnant. In fact, this is precisely what you saw back before states started banning Medicaid coverage for abortion; that is, the abortion rate was higher when Medicaid covered them than when it didn't. Conversely, if you were to make abortions $1M per or reduce the number of abortion clinics around, the demand for them would plummet (either because women would be priced out of them, or because they would figure that it's simply better to go through with the pregnancy). Abortions are not price inelastic and are subject to the basic laws of supply and demand.

BTW> Someone has obviously missed the "I love abortion" t-shirts pro-choicers sometimes wear.
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So it's okay for women to kill so long as they do it on their own time?

Got it.

How about that woman who killed all those people in Texas? That was on her own time. Nobody's business?

Seriously, are you deranged and off your meds. Your hatefulness in these threads is beyond disturbing. You need help.

Abortion zealots??? - That would be you. You post your filth and your lies in these threads and when all else fails you resort to the most obscene sorts of insults, all the while claiming to do God's work.

You are an obscenity.
No, I'm not. The obscenities are the hags like you who sell women out, while telling them it's for their own good.

You're disgusting. You fight to kill babies, and to demean, torture and kill women.
You set the women up who go to monsters like Gosnell. You are the reason that butcher shop, and many, many more like it, exists.
So it's okay for women to kill so long as they do it on their own time?

Got it.

How about that woman who killed all those people in Texas? That was on her own time. Nobody's business?

Seriously, are you deranged and off your meds. Your hatefulness in these threads is beyond disturbing. You need help.

Abortion zealots??? - That would be you. You post your filth and your lies in these threads and when all else fails you resort to the most obscene sorts of insults, all the while claiming to do God's work.

You are an obscenity.

shes prolly mainstream as far as religio zeolots go

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