Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

This is a non-issue.

You can try to make the state the owner of a woman's body but you will never succeed. Abortion is no one's business except the woman.

Mind your own business and get government out of our private lives and out of our bedrooms.
Yes, human rights violations are funny. Rape, abortion, and domestic abuse are hilarious. So is human trafficking.

You're a stellar dude.

No, what's hilarious is that you want to blame men for decisions women make.

We don't have the uterus, we don't get to make the decision. That was the whole point of Roe and every decision that followed.

Which I'm personally fine with. I'm even fine with the fact that if she keeps the baby, the guy has to pay for it. But heck, my patron saint was the guy who fell for the original "It came from God" story.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtEBPjfwpRM]Who's your daddy in Robot chicken - YouTube[/ame]
A large precent on women who seek abortion say they do so in part because of pressure, family/boyfriend/society etc.

That actually IS an issue that should be addressed.


I go back to my earlier story about the lady I knew who had two abortions trying to trap her boyfriend in marriage.

Her main reason for having an abortion was she didn't want her parents knowing she was having sex. Yup, they really thought she was still a virgin at 22. Can't blame them, they didn't even know what was going on.

And Jesus, "Society"? Seriously? Does "Society" really care that much anymore?

Maybe we just need to repeal the 19th Amendment. If we can't hold women responsible, we shouldn't be giving them any rights, just protections... from themselves apparently.

BTW, this was originally the purpose of anti-abortion laws. Not to protect fetuses, but to remind women they were property.

Or as Kosher probably thinks of them, "The Good Old Days".
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Shut up, you puke. Nobody wants to be subjected to your lying, anti-female, baby killing garbage. You are scum.
Misogynist. I've no doubt you've abused (or worse) your fair share. Your obsession with abortion is fixated, and evidence that you're a sociopath.
Misogynist. I've no doubt you've abused (or worse) your fair share. Your obsession with abortion is fixated, and evidence that you're a sociopath.

Pot, kettle, black. You rant on every abortion thread about those poor children, but then you say that the baby, once it's born is the woman's responsibility. Your interest in the child, ceases with it's birth.

And no one in these threads is more of a hater of women than you.
I'm sorry you don't see the difference between trying to protect women and children from exploitation, butchery, abuse, and murder...and advocating to exploit, murder, and abuse them.

But that's part and parcel of the mental illness that allows progressives to view baby killing and violating women as "women's health".
Shut up, you puke. Nobody wants to be subjected to your lying, anti-female, baby killing garbage. You are scum.

fetuses aren't babies, and we'll need abortion as long as people are stupid.

I just don't let myself get worked up about it like you do... the benefit of getting Imaginary Sky Pixies out of your life.
Fetuses are fully human beings. You developed from being one, and you are alive today thanks to a mother who decided she would give birth to the life inside her body that you were. What beautiful persons mothers who make that decision are. ;)
A large precent on women who seek abortion say they do so in part because of pressure, family/boyfriend/society etc.

That actually IS an issue that should be addressed.

Only 14% of women seeking abortions were doing so because their husband/partner wanted them to have an abortion. This was in the 2004 study. In the 1987 study, this figure was 24% so that number has come down.

There are a further 6% of women seeking abortions because their parents wanted them to end the pregnancy and yet underage women generally require their parent's consent to the procedure.
Those studies are lies. And you're a liar for perpetuating them.

The most recent study shows that more than 60 percent are coerced. Personal testimony of women coerced into abortio puts the lie to your 14 percent...no doubt put out there by the PP/Guttmachers/CDC abortion monopoly.

BTW, the largest population centers where most of the abortions take place...DC, NYC, LA...don't report any stats.
This is a non-issue.

You can try to make the state the owner of a woman's body but you will never succeed. Abortion is no one's business except the woman.

Mind your own business and get government out of our private lives and out of our bedrooms.

Nobody cares about what a woman does with her own body - it's the baby that's being murdered that we care about. And that baby is a SEPARATE body which is NOT hers. Nice try attempting to "frame" the issue as something else because dealing with the issue as it is puts you in the wrong side - but you failed.
Misogynist. I've no doubt you've abused (or worse) your fair share. Your obsession with abortion is fixated, and evidence that you're a sociopath.

Pot, kettle, black. You rant on every abortion thread about those poor children, but then you say that the baby, once it's born is the woman's responsibility. Your interest in the child, ceases with it's birth.

And no one in these threads is more of a hater of women than you.

A baby IS the responsibility of those who created it you fuck'n moron....
Shut up, you puke. Nobody wants to be subjected to your lying, anti-female, baby killing garbage. You are scum.

fetuses aren't babies, and we'll need abortion as long as people are stupid.

I just don't let myself get worked up about it like you do... the benefit of getting Imaginary Sky Pixies out of your life.
Fetuses are fully human beings. You developed from being one, and you are alive today thanks to a mother who decided she would give birth to the life inside her body that you were. What beautiful persons mothers who make that decision are. ;)

I agree, life starts at conception. any abortion is taking a life no matter how someone tries to redefine life to make abortions acceptable.
This is a non-issue.

You can try to make the state the owner of a woman's body but you will never succeed. Abortion is no one's business except the woman.

Mind your own business and get government out of our private lives and out of our bedrooms.

Nobody cares about what a woman does with her own body - it's the baby that's being murdered that we care about. And that baby is a SEPARATE body which is NOT hers. Nice try attempting to "frame" the issue as something else because dealing with the issue as it is puts you in the wrong side - but you failed.

Progressives are all about justifying murder, genocide, and the general decay of the human race. They view humans as worthless parasites on the face of the earth. They think that they, personally, have more value than others...but that the lives of others are negligible and not worthy of life.

Sometimes they have it in for a race; sometimes for an age group; sometimes it's the "unproductive" members of our society....but it's always about killing off other humans. For very good reasons, of course. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

They're a cancer. The bible tells us about them, and advises us that God judges them harshly, and that the saints will be tasked with meting out judgement, and that then they will receive exactly what they deserve.
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"Should women be 'allowed'"?

It's not a question of allowed.

It's a question of you can't stop us.

Sorry, guys. The debate is over and you lost. We do what we want.

Go clean the garage; it needs it and that's your business.
They're a cancer. The bible tells us about them, and advises us that God judges them harshly, and that the saints will be tasked with meting out judgement, and that then they will receive exactly what they deserve.

Then let GOD punish them and give them what they deserve. YOU stay out of it because it really is none of YOUR business. You just want to punish women for having sex.

You talk about living breathing people as a "cancer". Judge not lest you be judged.
God will punish them.

And I will continue to defend women and children who are exploited, killed, maimed, and abused by the people who support abortion with the blood of others. People like you, and joe.

Joe is an admitted porn freak. He is proud of the fact that when he thought he had knocked up a girl he would NEVER enter into a long-term relationship with, he was prepared to *drag her ass* to the abortion clinic.

The company you keep defines you. Now fuck off.
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"Should women be 'allowed'"?

It's not a question of allowed.

It's a question of you can't stop us.

Sorry, guys. The debate is over and you lost. We do what we want.

Go clean the garage; it needs it and that's your business.

"We do what we want"... :cuckoo:

So did Adam Lanza and Jarrod Loughner - how did that work out for them? Anybody can be a criminal - that's not the issue here.

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