Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

Gods first law to us, "I shall not kill".

Actually, God's first law was "Don't have any other Gods".

In fact the first four commandments were all about how your "insecure" god didn't want us worshipping other gods, making graven images, using his name in vain, or working on the Sabbath.

"I'm God, and I'm Insecure!"

Oh, oh, and although he says, "Thou Shall not Murder", he lists a whole bunch of laws that requier the death penalty. Homosexuality, adultery, bestiality, working on the Sabbath. So he was totally down with the whole killing thing.

An offense that wouldn't get you killed? Causing a miscarriage. That only got you a fine. (Exodus 21:22-25)

Sorry, carrying out the death penalty is by definition not murder.

Try again, ghoul.

Just like abortion.
Actually, God's first law was "Don't have any other Gods".

In fact the first four commandments were all about how your "insecure" god didn't want us worshipping other gods, making graven images, using his name in vain, or working on the Sabbath.

"I'm God, and I'm Insecure!"

Oh, oh, and although he says, "Thou Shall not Murder", he lists a whole bunch of laws that requier the death penalty. Homosexuality, adultery, bestiality, working on the Sabbath. So he was totally down with the whole killing thing.

An offense that wouldn't get you killed? Causing a miscarriage. That only got you a fine. (Exodus 21:22-25)

Sorry, carrying out the death penalty is by definition not murder.

Try again, ghoul.

Just like abortion.

Sure, we can play God and redefine what death is. Death is the cessation of existence; murder and abortion are two forms of the same thing. Death. Let's try to keep up, CJ.
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A woman aborts (kills) a fetus. It's not considered murder. A person murders a woman that is carrying a child (fetus), at the same age as the woman that aborts. But the woman that kills the fetus has broken now law. She gets away with murder. WHAT THE HELL IS THE DIFFERENCE? If you can't see how crazy this is, i don't know what else to think. I'm worried for this world.....

Republicans want to let them starve. Seems cruel.

That's a lie and you know it....you just want to keep spreading those lies because there's someone out there stupid enough to believe you.

Yes it is a lie.

It’s also a lie that abortion is ‘murder,’ or ‘killing children.’
Republicans want to let them starve. Seems cruel.

That's a lie and you know it....you just want to keep spreading those lies because there's someone out there stupid enough to believe you.

Yes it is a lie.

It’s also a lie that abortion is ‘murder,’ or ‘killing children.’

It's a lie to say that isn't a human life forming inside either. So what is it? A clump of cells? Yaright. Technically, we are all "clumps of cells" by definition. We clumps of cells call ourselves human beings, just as we should bestow that title to developing fetus. I fail to understand why people on the pro-choice side give in to such rudimentary thinking.
Actually, God's first law was "Don't have any other Gods".

In fact the first four commandments were all about how your "insecure" god didn't want us worshipping other gods, making graven images, using his name in vain, or working on the Sabbath.

"I'm God, and I'm Insecure!"

Oh, oh, and although he says, "Thou Shall not Murder", he lists a whole bunch of laws that requier the death penalty. Homosexuality, adultery, bestiality, working on the Sabbath. So he was totally down with the whole killing thing.

An offense that wouldn't get you killed? Causing a miscarriage. That only got you a fine. (Exodus 21:22-25)

Sorry, carrying out the death penalty is by definition not murder.

Try again, ghoul.

I'm sorry. How is the state or society killing you for no good reason better than an individual killing you for no good reason.

the bible had a whole list of things people should be killed for doing. Incidently, we don't kill people for these reasons today.

Homosexuality, sex outside marriage, witchcraft, fortune telling, believing in the wrong religion, working on the Sabbath, hitting your dad, talking back to your parents, not crying out while being raped,

What the Bible says about capital punishemnt

Oh, something the bible doesn't call for capital punishment for?


Nope. You only get a fine for that.
No good reason?......LMAO!

Get back to us when you find even ONE fetus who has been brutally killed in the womb, that commited pre-meditated murder, or murders.

Ya' think ya' can do it, ghoul?
Nothing ghoulish about it.

I am still waiting to see what you Anti-Choice types are willing to give up to reduce the number of abortions.

Are you willing to have universal health care, without any whining that "those people" don't deserve it?

Are you willing to have family and medical leave, where a woman can have a baby without fear of losing her job and income? Because conservatives fought tooth and nail against that one.
Healthcare is not a right, it's ones own personal responsibility, your health is not my problem, or anybody elses, it's your problem,.....just as it the responsibility of those to understand the possible ramifications of intercourse, whether you use a form BC or not.....If ya' can't handle what might come along, then make better decisions, as opposed to using abortion as back up birth control, which is what you ghouls obviously support.....And don't even try and deny it, 'cause you would be abjectly lying in doing so.

And, it's not up to the government to force business to provide family leave, seeing as though many businesesses cannot afford to absorb the cost of paying one employee to not be there, while having to pay a replacement to do the absent employees job....And then of course, we have commies such as yourself who continually demonize corporations, even though many of those corporations provide family leave to their employees, because they can afford to do so.......So, what happens when those corporations who you demonize, are forced to cut back when you clowns go after them....What happens is, jobs are cut, benefits are cut, and family leave policies go away.

Ya' see, that's the problem with you ghouls, and communists such as yourself.....You have no idea what the ramifications will be on small businesses, the heartbeat of this country, when you try and shove unaffordable BS down their throats.....And, we are already seeing that small businesses are planning on cutting back jobs, in order to abide by Obama's bullshit mandate, or planning on simply paying the fines imposed, as opposed to abiding by Obama's BS, because they simply cannot afford to abide by it......And then of course, you've got Obama unleashing the IRS dogs on our citizens who don't abide by the mandate.....Which is going to spell disaster for the dem's come '16, when the american people have had two years to witness the devastating effects of this albatross of a bill.

And thank you SOOOOO much for proving my point.

You think abortion is evil, but don't you DARE burden the poor small businessman with a requirement that might allow his employee to avoid abortion. Because we got to have our priorities.

Reality check. Most of the rest of the industrialized world has universal health care, mandetory PAID medical leave, and their small businesses are just fine.

Oh, yeah, and they have less abortions than we do.
You never had a point to begin with, ghoul.

Once again, it's not the employers responsibility to pay for the womans child, nor should small business owners be mandated to pay for an absent employee, while having to pay another employee to do the absent employees job, period!

If an employer can afford it, as I could, then they will offer it, as I did ......If they cannot afford it, they shouldn't be forced to offer it, period!
Sorry, carrying out the death penalty is by definition not murder.

Try again, ghoul.

Just like abortion.

Sure, we can play God and redefine what death is. Death is the cessation of existence; murder and abortion are two forms of the same thing. Death. Let's try to keep up, CJ.

Neither abortion or the death penalty is murder by definition.

You can't play god with one and not the other btw.
Just like abortion.

Sure, we can play God and redefine what death is. Death is the cessation of existence; murder and abortion are two forms of the same thing. Death. Let's try to keep up, CJ.

Neither abortion or the death penalty is murder by definition.

You can't play god with one and not the other btw.

No, it is the act of killing. Murder is killing, the death penalty is well.. killing. Therefore, so is sucking out a human fetus though tube an act of killing.

But then again, we get to define death based purely off of our political biases.

Right. I'll keep that in mind.
The best thing you can do to deal with a chicken killing hound is to tie a rotten chicken around his neck,then put him in the chicken coop on a short leash, near the chickens for three days,then beat him radomly with the dead chicken...I am sure some varation of these techniques could be utilized on baby killin woman
Sorry, carrying out the death penalty is by definition not murder.

Try again, ghoul.

Just like abortion.

Sure, we can play God and redefine what death is. Death is the cessation of existence; murder and abortion are two forms of the same thing. Death. Let's try to keep up, CJ.

We play God all the time, because there is no God and never was.

So back in the Bronze Age, they played God and killed Gays, adulterers, people who worked on the Sabbath, women who weren't virgins on their wedding nights, people who believed in different sky pixies, witches, fortune tellers, anyone with the bad luck to be on land they wanted and my personal favorite- women who were raped who did not cry out.

What they didn't execute people for? Causing Abortions. Nope. You just got a fine for that.
The best thing you can do to deal with a chicken killing hound is to tie a rotten chicken around his neck,then put him in the chicken coop on a short leash, near the chickens for three days,then beat him radomly with the dead chicken...I am sure some varation of these techniques could be utilized on baby killin woman

And once again, the misogyny of the anti-Choice nuts exposes itself.
Sorry, carrying out the death penalty is by definition not murder.

Try again, ghoul.

I'm sorry. How is the state or society killing you for no good reason better than an individual killing you for no good reason.

the bible had a whole list of things people should be killed for doing. Incidently, we don't kill people for these reasons today.

Homosexuality, sex outside marriage, witchcraft, fortune telling, believing in the wrong religion, working on the Sabbath, hitting your dad, talking back to your parents, not crying out while being raped,

What the Bible says about capital punishemnt

Oh, something the bible doesn't call for capital punishment for?


Nope. You only get a fine for that.
No good reason?......LMAO!

Get back to us when you find even ONE fetus who has been brutally killed in the womb, that commited pre-meditated murder, or murders.

Ya' think ya' can do it, ghoul?

Except the Bible just doesn't call for capital punishment for murderers of the premeditated sort. They call for executing people for all sorts of shit most of us do every day. We'd be executing a whole shitload of people if we still followed bible law.

If you guys cared more about the poor children who were already here, then I'd take your whining about fetuses more seriously.
[You never had a point to begin with, ghoul.

Once again, it's not the employers responsibility to pay for the womans child, nor should small business owners be mandated to pay for an absent employee, while having to pay another employee to do the absent employees job, period!

If an employer can afford it, as I could, then they will offer it, as I did ......If they cannot afford it, they shouldn't be forced to offer it, period!

And it's not the woman's responsibility to have babies they don't want to follow your silly religious beliefs.

If you want a world where women have less abortions, you'd better be ready to pony up. Or learn to deal.

I don't really care which.
Sorry, carrying out the death penalty is by definition not murder.

Try again, ghoul.

Just like abortion.

So you believe that murdering an innocent baby, guilty of absolutely nothing, is the same thing as killing someone who deserved it?

Carrying out justice - decided in a court of law by a jury of their peers - is nothing like murdering a baby :cuckoo:
Healthcare is not a right, it's ones own personal responsibility, your health is not my problem, or anybody elses, it's your problem,.....just as it the responsibility of those to understand the possible ramifications of intercourse, whether you use a form BC or not.....If ya' can't handle what might come along, then make better decisions, as opposed to using abortion as back up birth control, which is what you ghouls obviously support.....And don't even try and deny it, 'cause you would be abjectly lying in doing so.

And, it's not up to the government to force business to provide family leave, seeing as though many businesesses cannot afford to absorb the cost of paying one employee to not be there, while having to pay a replacement to do the absent employees job....And then of course, we have commies such as yourself who continually demonize corporations, even though many of those corporations provide family leave to their employees, because they can afford to do so.......So, what happens when those corporations who you demonize, are forced to cut back when you clowns go after them....What happens is, jobs are cut, benefits are cut, and family leave policies go away.

Ya' see, that's the problem with you ghouls, and communists such as yourself.....You have no idea what the ramifications will be on small businesses, the heartbeat of this country, when you try and shove unaffordable BS down their throats.....And, we are already seeing that small businesses are planning on cutting back jobs, in order to abide by Obama's bullshit mandate, or planning on simply paying the fines imposed, as opposed to abiding by Obama's BS, because they simply cannot afford to abide by it......And then of course, you've got Obama unleashing the IRS dogs on our citizens who don't abide by the mandate.....Which is going to spell disaster for the dem's come '16, when the american people have had two years to witness the devastating effects of this albatross of a bill.

And thank you SOOOOO much for proving my point.

You think abortion is evil, but don't you DARE burden the poor small businessman with a requirement that might allow his employee to avoid abortion. Because we got to have our priorities.

Reality check. Most of the rest of the industrialized world has universal health care, mandetory PAID medical leave, and their small businesses are just fine.

Oh, yeah, and they have less abortions than we do.
You never had a point to begin with, ghoul.

Once again, it's not the employers responsibility to pay for the womans child, nor should small business owners be mandated to pay for an absent employee, while having to pay another employee to do the absent employees job, period!

If an employer can afford it, as I could, then they will offer it, as I did ......If they cannot afford it, they shouldn't be forced to offer it, period!

JoeBiden there believes the world owes him everything. He's a typical hateful, miserable, communist (and just like your post here, he gets his ass handed to him in every weak argument he makes).

He hates capitalism. He hates women. He hates freedom. He hates (and is extremely jealous of) wealthy people. He hates successful people. He hates his own income and his own job but he's too lazy to start his own business. He hates God.

He doesn't part from the official communist platform on anything. Nobody should have a choice about their own life, everyone should be forced to "row in the same direction", and the fruits of labor should be given to him while he sits on his fat, miserable, lazy ass.

He likes to tell a sob story about his healthcare bills - and I never get tired of hearing about it. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving asshole. :lol:

By the way, ask him why he won't move to Cuba since they have everything he advocates for, plus he'd be song the uber wealthy with his American dollars and they have nice weather (he never has a good answer - so it's always entertaining :) )

JoeBiden there believes the world owes him everything. He's a typical hateful, miserable, communist (and just like your post here, he gets his ass handed to him in every weak argument he makes).

He hates capitalism. He hates women. He hates freedom. He hates (and is extremely jealous of) wealthy people. He hates successful people. He hates his own income and his own job but he's too lazy to start his own business. He hates God.

For the record. Have no problem with capitalism. It's corporatism that sucks. I love women. I'm not the one who wants to put them on chain gangs to teach them a lesson like you do.

I do dislike the bad behavior of the wealthy... as most people should.

I actually HAVE my own business.

There is no God. No point in hating him. I have no use for superstitious derpa-derps who think there is one.

By the way, ask him why he won't move to Cuba since they have everything he advocates for, plus he'd be song the uber wealthy with his American dollars and they have nice weather (he never has a good answer - so it's always entertaining :) )

Again, Cuba isn't the issue. I'm about fixing this country, and running roughshod over you religious assholes is icing on the cake.
The best thing you can do to deal with a chicken killing hound is to tie a rotten chicken around his neck,then put him in the chicken coop on a short leash, near the chickens for three days,then beat him radomly with the dead chicken...I am sure some varation of these techniques could be utilized on baby killin woman

Or the men who get them pregnant, then makes them get the abortions...
The best thing you can do to deal with a chicken killing hound is to tie a rotten chicken around his neck,then put him in the chicken coop on a short leash, near the chickens for three days,then beat him radomly with the dead chicken...I am sure some varation of these techniques could be utilized on baby killin woman

Or the men who get them pregnant, then makes them get the abortions...

Those wicked nasty men. Those evil man. Making those women get abortions. Because the poor silly things just can't make up their minds without a man!

Take THAT Mr. Man!!!

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Yes, human rights violations are funny. Rape, abortion, and domestic abuse are hilarious. So is human trafficking.

You're a stellar dude.

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