Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

Sooooo, since he should have that right, then he should have the right to say no to an abortion, seeing as though he's 100% just as responsible for creating that life, correct?

The man is not pregnant, so of course he has no say.
So a mans participation in the creation of that life, during mutually consented intercourse, with both knowing the possible consequences, is meaningless, as long as that life is an inconvenience to the woman?

What a crock of loony bullshit.:cuckoo:

You don't have the right to decide what a woman does with her body.

Are you circumcised? If not, I want you to have your foreskin chopped off. If you want to control my body, rightfully, I should control yours.
I have some nail scissors here waiting, nice and sharp, so be a good boy and drop your pants so I can get to work.
The man is not pregnant, so of course he has no say.
So a mans participation in the creation of that life, during mutually consented intercourse, with both knowing the possible consequences, is meaningless, as long as that life is an inconvenience to the woman?

What a crock of loony bullshit.:cuckoo:

You don't have the right to decide what a woman does with her body.

Are you circumcised? If not, I want you to have your foreskin chopped off. If you want to control my body, rightfully, I should control yours.
I have some nail scissors here waiting, nice and sharp, so be a good boy and drop your pants so I can get to work.
Sorry, ghoul, been there done that....And, you come at me with a pair of scissors, you'll only have two options available.....1) have them taken from you, to be used against you, or, 2) take a bullet center mass......But then, that would be for me to decide.

Also, seeing as though you fully admitted you would have killed those conjoined twins referenced in that other thread, AFTER THEY WERE BORN, because you disgustingly considered them as nothing more than "monstrcities,".....I have no doubt you have a sharp pair of scissors waiting in the wings, no doubt to commit brutal murder on some poor, innocent baby/ies.
I'm sorry, I just value the life of a innocent baby a little more then most of you people. What kind of a society do you want? I don't have a problem with birth control or if the mothers health is at risk.

Just why on earth do we have to kill millions of babies a year. Is the problem.
I'm sorry, I just value the life of a innocent baby a little more then most of you people. What kind of a society do you want? I don't have a problem with birth control or if the mothers health is at risk.

Just why on earth do we have to kill millions of babies a year. Is the problem.

Because if you didn't, your taxes would go through the roof in order to care for all the unwanted children.
I'm sorry, I just value the life of a innocent baby a little more then most of you people. What kind of a society do you want? I don't have a problem with birth control or if the mothers health is at risk.

Just why on earth do we have to kill millions of babies a year. Is the problem.

Because if you didn't, your taxes would go through the roof in order to care for all the unwanted children.

there are waiting list for adoption
So which is it, are you advocating placing women and their doctors in prison, or are you making a philosophical argument only.

As we know, the right to privacy prohibits the state from interfering with what a woman elects to do, as the Constitution makes paramount the woman’s liberty.

Assuming you accept the right to privacy with regard to abortion, what are your proposals to end the practice that don't involve a privacy rights violation?

Whoa, hold on there. Who said anything about prison?

I'm just against abortions. If a woman gets pregnant then she has the baby. It's as simple that.

If she doesn't want the baby she can give him or her up for adoption. She should have thought of that before she chose to have sex.

If a woman gets pregnant, she can do what she likes, because it is none of your damned business what she does with HER body, so kindly fuck off out of her uterus.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Jxw3Pw0yo0]Hands Off, Crazy (Enable Captions for Lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]
You just said it, and you were wrong.

It truly is entertaining listening to you ghouls desperately trying to justify your ghoulishness.

Nothing ghoulish about it.

I am still waiting to see what you Anti-Choice types are willing to give up to reduce the number of abortions.

Are you willing to have universal health care, without any whining that "those people" don't deserve it?

Are you willing to have family and medical leave, where a woman can have a baby without fear of losing her job and income? Because conservatives fought tooth and nail against that one.
Healthcare is not a right, it's ones own personal responsibility, your health is not my problem, or anybody elses, it's your problem,.....just as it the responsibility of those to understand the possible ramifications of intercourse, whether you use a form BC or not.....If ya' can't handle what might come along, then make better decisions, as opposed to using abortion as back up birth control, which is what you ghouls obviously support.....And don't even try and deny it, 'cause you would be abjectly lying in doing so.

And, it's not up to the government to force business to provide family leave, seeing as though many businesesses cannot afford to absorb the cost of paying one employee to not be there, while having to pay a replacement to do the absent employees job....And then of course, we have commies such as yourself who continually demonize corporations, even though many of those corporations provide family leave to their employees, because they can afford to do so.......So, what happens when those corporations who you demonize, are forced to cut back when you clowns go after them....What happens is, jobs are cut, benefits are cut, and family leave policies go away.

Ya' see, that's the problem with you ghouls, and communists such as yourself.....You have no idea what the ramifications will be on small businesses, the heartbeat of this country, when you try and shove unaffordable BS down their throats.....And, we are already seeing that small businesses are planning on cutting back jobs, in order to abide by Obama's bullshit mandate, or planning on simply paying the fines imposed, as opposed to abiding by Obama's BS, because they simply cannot afford to abide by it......And then of course, you've got Obama unleashing the IRS dogs on our citizens who don't abide by the mandate.....Which is going to spell disaster for the dem's come '16, when the american people have had two years to witness the devastating effects of this albatross of a bill.

And thank you SOOOOO much for proving my point.

You think abortion is evil, but don't you DARE burden the poor small businessman with a requirement that might allow his employee to avoid abortion. Because we got to have our priorities.

Reality check. Most of the rest of the industrialized world has universal health care, mandetory PAID medical leave, and their small businesses are just fine.

Oh, yeah, and they have less abortions than we do.
Gods first law to us, "I shall not kill".

Actually, God's first law was "Don't have any other Gods".

In fact the first four commandments were all about how your "insecure" god didn't want us worshipping other gods, making graven images, using his name in vain, or working on the Sabbath.

"I'm God, and I'm Insecure!"

Oh, oh, and although he says, "Thou Shall not Murder", he lists a whole bunch of laws that requier the death penalty. Homosexuality, adultery, bestiality, working on the Sabbath. So he was totally down with the whole killing thing.

An offense that wouldn't get you killed? Causing a miscarriage. That only got you a fine. (Exodus 21:22-25)
Nothing ghoulish about it.

I am still waiting to see what you Anti-Choice types are willing to give up to reduce the number of abortions.

Are you willing to have universal health care, without any whining that "those people" don't deserve it?

Are you willing to have family and medical leave, where a woman can have a baby without fear of losing her job and income? Because conservatives fought tooth and nail against that one.
Healthcare is not a right, it's ones own personal responsibility, your health is not my problem, or anybody elses, it's your problem,.....just as it the responsibility of those to understand the possible ramifications of intercourse, whether you use a form BC or not.....If ya' can't handle what might come along, then make better decisions, as opposed to using abortion as back up birth control, which is what you ghouls obviously support.....And don't even try and deny it, 'cause you would be abjectly lying in doing so.

And, it's not up to the government to force business to provide family leave, seeing as though many businesesses cannot afford to absorb the cost of paying one employee to not be there, while having to pay a replacement to do the absent employees job....And then of course, we have commies such as yourself who continually demonize corporations, even though many of those corporations provide family leave to their employees, because they can afford to do so.......So, what happens when those corporations who you demonize, are forced to cut back when you clowns go after them....What happens is, jobs are cut, benefits are cut, and family leave policies go away.

Ya' see, that's the problem with you ghouls, and communists such as yourself.....You have no idea what the ramifications will be on small businesses, the heartbeat of this country, when you try and shove unaffordable BS down their throats.....And, we are already seeing that small businesses are planning on cutting back jobs, in order to abide by Obama's bullshit mandate, or planning on simply paying the fines imposed, as opposed to abiding by Obama's BS, because they simply cannot afford to abide by it......And then of course, you've got Obama unleashing the IRS dogs on our citizens who don't abide by the mandate.....Which is going to spell disaster for the dem's come '16, when the american people have had two years to witness the devastating effects of this albatross of a bill.

And thank you SOOOOO much for proving my point.

You think abortion is evil, but don't you DARE burden the poor small businessman with a requirement that might allow his employee to avoid abortion. Because we got to have our priorities.

Reality check. Most of the rest of the industrialized world has universal health care, mandetory PAID medical leave, and their small businesses are just fine.

Oh, yeah, and they have less abortions than we do.

Reality check...it's not the job of business owners to control the birth rate of their employees.

Reality check....women already have access to affordable (and free) contraception. Yet our abortion rate continues to climb. Any theories?
Gods first law to us, "I shall not kill".

Actually, God's first law was "Don't have any other Gods".

In fact the first four commandments were all about how your "insecure" god didn't want us worshipping other gods, making graven images, using his name in vain, or working on the Sabbath.

"I'm God, and I'm Insecure!"

Oh, oh, and although he says, "Thou Shall not Murder", he lists a whole bunch of laws that requier the death penalty. Homosexuality, adultery, bestiality, working on the Sabbath. So he was totally down with the whole killing thing.

An offense that wouldn't get you killed? Causing a miscarriage. That only got you a fine. (Exodus 21:22-25)

Sorry, carrying out the death penalty is by definition not murder.

Try again, ghoul.
Because the person committed murder. Abortion is not murder.

A woman aborts (kills) a fetus. It's not considered murder. A person murders a woman that is carrying a child (fetus), at the same age as the woman that aborts. But the woman that kills the fetus has broken now law. She gets away with murder. WHAT THE HELL IS THE DIFFERENCE? If you can't see how crazy this is, i don't know what else to think. I'm worried for this world.....

Republicans want to let them starve. Seems cruel.

That's a lie and you know it....you just want to keep spreading those lies because there's someone out there stupid enough to believe you.
A woman aborts (kills) a fetus. It's not considered murder. A person murders a woman that is carrying a child (fetus), at the same age as the woman that aborts. But the woman that kills the fetus has broken now law. She gets away with murder. WHAT THE HELL IS THE DIFFERENCE? If you can't see how crazy this is, i don't know what else to think. I'm worried for this world.....

Republicans want to let them starve. Seems cruel.

That's a lie and you know it....you just want to keep spreading those lies because there's someone out there stupid enough to believe you.

Progressive peons gladly spout mob slogans, without realizing they're the first to get offed when their heroes move into full power. They will be their masters' scapegoats. Yes, they really are that stupid.
GOD gave women and men the right to choose and it is up to them to make the right choice and suffer the consequences if it is the wrong choice. No women enjoys an abortion but it is her choice and no amount of laws will stop her from making those choices.
So you are saying women will behave criminally if it were a crime to murder their babies?

Wow, you think a lot of women. I imagine you're one of those who also claims women just aren't capable of keeping their legs together, so we should start them on contraceptives when they're VERY young.

Reality check...it's not the job of business owners to control the birth rate of their employees.

Reality check....women already have access to affordable (and free) contraception. Yet our abortion rate continues to climb. Any theories?

Well, I've pointed out to you many times that the Abortion rate in this country has actually DECLINED since the 1980's, when it reached its height.


But I'll give you a pass. You believe in the Bible, where insects have four legs and Pi is only 3.

Math is not your strong suit.... It probalby confuses you horribly.

No, employers aren't able to control the birth rate, but policies have effects.

The Douchebag I used to work for fired employees when they got pregnant. Against the law, he still did it. Pregnancy is a career killer. Women have to make the choice between motherhood and career all the time.

And oddly, career usually wins, which is what happens when you put profit before people.
So you are saying women will behave criminally if it were a crime to murder their babies?

Wow, you think a lot of women. I imagine you're one of those who also claims women just aren't capable of keeping their legs together, so we should start them on contraceptives when they're VERY young.

Yes- they will.

Just like people who liked to drink acted "Criminally" when they kept drinking during prohibition.

Women had abortions before Roe v. Wade. Women have abortions in countries like the Philippines where abortion is illegal.

Reality check...it's not the job of business owners to control the birth rate of their employees.

Reality check....women already have access to affordable (and free) contraception. Yet our abortion rate continues to climb. Any theories?

Well, I've pointed out to you many times that the Abortion rate in this country has actually DECLINED since the 1980's, when it reached its height.


But I'll give you a pass. You believe in the Bible, where insects have four legs and Pi is only 3.

Math is not your strong suit.... It probalby confuses you horribly.

No, employers aren't able to control the birth rate, but policies have effects.

The Douchebag I used to work for fired employees when they got pregnant. Against the law, he still did it. Pregnancy is a career killer. Women have to make the choice between motherhood and career all the time.

And oddly, career usually wins, which is what happens when you put profit before people.

Notice the spike around 1975-80.. a few years after Roe v. Wade was handed down. Weren't you a few days ago blaming Republican policies for the amount of abortions in this country?
Gods first law to us, "I shall not kill".

Actually, God's first law was "Don't have any other Gods".

In fact the first four commandments were all about how your "insecure" god didn't want us worshipping other gods, making graven images, using his name in vain, or working on the Sabbath.

"I'm God, and I'm Insecure!"

Oh, oh, and although he says, "Thou Shall not Murder", he lists a whole bunch of laws that requier the death penalty. Homosexuality, adultery, bestiality, working on the Sabbath. So he was totally down with the whole killing thing.

An offense that wouldn't get you killed? Causing a miscarriage. That only got you a fine. (Exodus 21:22-25)

Sorry, carrying out the death penalty is by definition not murder.

Try again, ghoul.

I'm sorry. How is the state or society killing you for no good reason better than an individual killing you for no good reason.

the bible had a whole list of things people should be killed for doing. Incidently, we don't kill people for these reasons today.

Homosexuality, sex outside marriage, witchcraft, fortune telling, believing in the wrong religion, working on the Sabbath, hitting your dad, talking back to your parents, not crying out while being raped,

What the Bible says about capital punishemnt

Oh, something the bible doesn't call for capital punishment for?


Nope. You only get a fine for that.
Notice the spike around 1975-80.. a few years after Roe v. Wade was handed down. Weren't you a few days ago blaming Republican policies for the amount of abortions in this country?

Ummm... yeah, we still have too many.

1975, we didn't have as much sex education or effective birth control as we do now.

It should also be pointed out a lot of the "Spike" in the 1970's is more effective reporting. There were probalby just as many abortions going on before Roe as after. Just no one talked about them.

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