About Private Citizen Hunter Biden.....

Tony Bobolinski explained the corruption of the entire Biden family in great detail. Hunter was the front man for the organized pay for play schemes that enriched his Dad and the Biden family to the tune of many, many millions of foreign dollars. Did you get that Marc or do I need to repost it with every other word in bold?
Has Bobolinksi provided solid proof of this?

I don't know either way. Is there some proof?
We need an investigation. He got millions from Burisma alone. Expose the Biden laptop and put Tony Bobolinsky under oath.
We need an investigation?! are you shitting me?? you are out here making all these accusations and you don't even have evidence of anything specific?! Give me a break.
I never expected a dumb primate like you to understand the RICO statutes and terms like extortion.

Carry on my wayward chimp!!
Well explain them then genius and how they apply to the Bidens
We need an investigation?! are you shitting me?? you are out here making all these accusations and you don't even have evidence of anything specific?! Give me a break.
There is certainly evidence of crimes, including possession of child pornography. See how far it goes.
He's a member of the elite, a celebrity.

That makes him newsworthy.

Just like a hollywood star, a sports icon, etc.

IF he has done anything, the newspapers and new programs have every right to dig up any dirt they can find, or make up.
I don’t see Congress investigating the Kardashians..
Which interests of the USA did Hunter sell? How much did he get for them?
$83,333/month. A cool $1 million/year from Mykola Zlochevsky, a corrupt Ukranian government official and natural gas oligarch who was wanted because while he was the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources in Ukraine he illegally handed out drilling permits to Burisma Holdings, a company that he secretly owned.
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Answering the question as to why this is not a big deal, here's a succinct answer....


To date no Biden-basher can give a clear reason as to what crime was committed, but here's the facts....
  1. Hunter benefited from his father's name. Not a crime, and all politician's children benefit from this. All of them.
  2. Companies put people w/familiar names on the Boards or as mastheads all the time. Not a crime.
  3. Americans do business overseas. Not a crime.
Hunter's done illegal drugs and slept w/hookers. Okay, so what?

What's the actual "Hunter Biden Story" can anyone explain it? Anyone?!??
I still don't know what crime Trump committed.

As for the Biden's, 150+ red flags about financial transactions.

Lets go look.
Joe used Hunter as the go-between to facilitate his corruption, money-laundering, and influence peddling with foreign countries, some of which are enemies of the United States. Simple enough for your dumb ass?
OK, so what year did this occur?

Laundered money huh? Who did, Ole Crazy Joe Biden did?

What influence was peddled? For what cause?

Which countries?

Details, ya know, they are important.
I still don't know what crime Trump committed.

As for the Biden's, 150+ red flags about financial transactions.

Lets go look.
Were you this interested when umteen members of Trump's Administration were involved w/Russia, and LIED about it?
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I don't play your stupid game. I know you think you're clever but you really aren't.
What, exactly, is my game? Simply asking relevant questions?

If that's what you call a game, your more mental than I originally thought.

Answering the question as to why this is not a big deal, here's a succinct answer....


To date no Biden-basher can give a clear reason as to what crime was committed, but here's the facts....
  1. Hunter benefited from his father's name. Not a crime, and all politician's children benefit from this. All of them.
  2. Companies put people w/familiar names on the Boards or as mastheads all the time. Not a crime.
  3. Americans do business overseas. Not a crime.
Hunter's done illegal drugs and slept w/hookers. Okay, so what?

What's the actual "Hunter Biden Story" can anyone explain it? Anyone?!??
You seem panicked.
Just the most glaring
Influence Peddling | The Estonian Patent Office

Influence peddling is a form of bribery where the beneficiary is not necessarily an official. What matters is the social or professional position: although the beneficiary cannot make the decision, he or she can use his or her position to influence the decision-maker.

Hunter Biden has been selling his father's ass since Pops was Vice President. This is selling off the interests of the United States for personal gain.

It is distinctly different from Ivanka Trump selling shoes in China since the United States gives nothing and has no interest in the shoes Chinese women wear.
How much did Ivanka get for them shoes from China?
OK, so what year did this occur?

At least as far back as 2008, when Joe was elected VP. But, his corruption in the senate is legendary, so probably back to 1972.

Laundered money huh? Who did, Ole Crazy Joe Biden did?

Yes, Joe Biden laundered money (and continues to do so), mostly in Ukraine, but also in China, Russia, and the US. Hunter is the bagman.

What influence was peddled? For what cause?

Joe Biden's influence, first as VP, then as president, was brokered by Hunter, for the personal enrichment of the Biden crime family.

Which countries?

Ukraine, Russia, China, and the United States is where the bulk of the crimes took place. I'm sure there are more, but the investigations will determine that.

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