About Russia and the Crimea : they were right to take it, in my opinion.


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
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From: Peacefan Netherlands <[email protected]>
Date: 10 June 2018 at 19:09
Subject: About Russia and the Crimea : they were right to take it, in my opinion.
To: {US Gov}, {Israeli Gov}, {Dutch political parties}, {CNN}, {Dutch media}


Another thing i see western mass media mis-reporting on : Russia and the Crimea.

3 important facts that go under-reported, are :
- The West and Ukraine, as well as several other nations on the very west-side of Russia's border, have been growing closer politically and militarily for at least the past decade. Combined with an attitude in western media and politics that says we can expand and strengthen our overseas military bases whenever we deem fit, but that Russia somehow shouldn't be allowed to, has the Russians genuinely so worried that they are now embarking on new arms-races to offset the upsetting of the M.A.D. principle by NATO in eastern Europe with our plans to expand anti-ICBM deployments. And Putin has made several public calls to resolve such differences diplomatically, but all i see the western media do (even CNN) is to semi-demonize the Russians.

- Russia has had the base of their Black Sea fleet in the Crimea since 1783 (Black Sea Fleet - Wikipedia), and you can't expect them to give that up. Do look at the map and zoom out on the Crimea until you see the Mediterranean Sea.

- Russia has the support of the people in Eastern Ukraine.

Based on this logic, i expand into the following friendly advice :

*** When the M.A.D. principle is upset into either world powers that are militarily nearly equal in strength, *or* too unequal in strength, major problems can erupt. In the first case, war, in the second case : serious morality problems.

- The Russians have a small naval base in Syria now, which i recommend we let them continue to have. We can't trap them completely in the Black Sea using Turkey. And seriously : what is one small naval base in Syria going to do against the roaming power of the NATO fleet and airpower? Not much.

- The North-Koreans are backed by both the Russians and the Chinese as a buffer against western power in Asia. I also predict North-Korea will stay a nuclear weapons power, by doing the same as they have done during the Clinton administration (make promises that years later prove to be broken by them), but *without* being an actual threat to Japan, South-Korea, or the West.
The Kim family is clearly not suicidal. Evil to their own people perhaps, but not geopolitically suicidal. They have proven that over their entire careers as rulers of North-Korea, ever since having lost the Korean war.
And frankly we can not regime-change North-Korea due to the long-term effects that that has on the relationship between the West and Russia and China.

- The Chinese should not be allowed to dominate the South China Sea, but they *should* be allowed to have bases there, much like the Russians need to be allowed a measure of military expansion with that Syrian naval base of theirs, as well.
Weird thing is...it looks like the Crimeans agree as well.
Actually he is right . Ukraine fell apart when the West help run out the democratic elected president who was more pro russia.

Crimea jumped ship after that mess ruined the country .
Putin is a Slavic warrior straight from the pages of Russian history books. he would rule the world if it weren't for America stopping him!
Actually he is right . Ukraine fell apart when the West help run out the democratic elected president who was more pro russia.

Crimea jumped ship after that mess ruined the country .
Ukraine did not become a mess after the people chased out a corrupt leader who they thought betrayed them by becoming a Putin stooge. It was when he attempted to implement his treasonous betrayal that citizens flooded into the capital for months protesting that betrayal. The "mess" was created when both Russian troops and paid mercenaries invaded Ukraine, later to be supported by Russian military hardware, including tanks and anti-aircraft missiles, one of which would eventually shoot down a civilian passenger jet murdering all onboard.
Actually he is right . Ukraine fell apart when the West help run out the democratic elected president who was more pro russia.

Crimea jumped ship after that mess ruined the country .
Ukraine did not become a mess after the people chased out a corrupt leader who they thought betrayed them by becoming a Putin stooge. It was when he attempted to implement his treasonous betrayal that citizens flooded into the capital for months protesting that betrayal. The "mess" was created when both Russian troops and paid mercenaries invaded Ukraine, later to be supported by Russian military hardware, including tanks and anti-aircraft missiles, one of which would eventually shoot down a civilian passenger jet murdering all onboard.

The Ukrainian leader who got pushed forward by the west, is no angel either. He promised to let go of his commercial enterprises, then held onto them after the election.

And one man's stooge is another man's ally.

The west has promised the states on Russia's western border freedom and wealth, but all they really are is a bufferzone against Russia. And the peoples of those countries hardly realize it.

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