About Stormy Daniels...

Stephanie Clifford aka "Stormy Daniels" is smokin' hot. I have sampled the wares of many a lovely lass in my day....but DAMN!

She's man faced and fake titted. I guess if you're into that sort of thing...

If I was going to spend $130,000 to fuck a woman - it sure as hell wouldn't be Stormy Daniels.

It sure as hell wouldn't be a porn star with 200,000 miles on the old odometer either, if you know what I mean.
WSJ publishing information that alleges Trump had an "encounter" with a porn star named Stormy Daniels in 2006. CNN is trying to push the story and baffled (again) by why Trump supporters don't seem to care about it. (The Stormy Daniels story should be a bigger deal - CNNPolitics). Another CNN article charged hypocrisy that conservatives attacked Bill Clinton but seem to be giving Trump a pass.

As a conservative (but not a die-hard Trump supporter) here is why (roughly in order of importance):

1. Did not happen in the Oval Office (hallways) with a young intern
2. Did not perjure himself under oath
3. Happened 10 years ago
4. Trump supporters already know he has character flaws...he was elected anyway (Side note: Liberals would be much better off thinking hard about WHY Trump was elected and understanding how conservatives in this country feel about globalism, identity politics, national pride, and the "swamp")
5. Stormy Daniels isn't upset about it (consensual)
6. A private issue between DJT and Melania

All this adds up to...who cares? Let's hash out immigration and appoint some more judges.
I agree with everything you said- as a liberal.

It is really a non-issue to me unless Conservatives want to start talking about morality.
If I were going to have an affair with a pornstar, it sure as fuck wouldn't be Stormy Daniels.

Thing is, I'm cool with it. I don't really care about the president's personal life. It's just funny how all the same people who crucified Bill are dead silent when it comes to Trump and his sluttiness.
We are well aware that you’d rather do Janet Reno or Chelsea Manning.


If I were going to have an affair with a pornstar, it sure as fuck wouldn't be Stormy Daniels.

Thing is, I'm cool with it. I don't really care about the president's personal life. It's just funny how all the same people who crucified Bill are dead silent when it comes to Trump and his sluttiness.
WSJ publishing information that alleges Trump had an "encounter" with a porn star named Stormy Daniels in 2006. CNN is trying to push the story and baffled (again) by why Trump supporters don't seem to care about it. (The Stormy Daniels story should be a bigger deal - CNNPolitics). Another CNN article charged hypocrisy that conservatives attacked Bill Clinton but seem to be giving Trump a pass.

As a conservative (but not a die-hard Trump supporter) here is why (roughly in order of importance):

1. Did not happen in the Oval Office (hallways) with a young intern
2. Did not perjure himself under oath
3. Happened 10 years ago
4. Trump supporters already know he has character flaws...he was elected anyway (Side note: Liberals would be much better off thinking hard about WHY Trump was elected and understanding how conservatives in this country feel about globalism, identity politics, national pride, and the "swamp")
5. Stormy Daniels isn't upset about it (consensual)
6. A private issue between DJT and Melania

All this adds up to...who cares? Let's hash out immigration and appoint some more judges.
I agree with everything you said- as a liberal.

It is really a non-issue to me unless Conservatives want to start talking about morality.

When did NaziCons ever stop talking about morality and their family values hypocrisy?
I mean, if you want me to tell you the names of porn stars that are actually hot, I can, though I'd rather you enjoy the process of finding out for yourself.
Stephanie Clifford aka "Stormy Daniels" is smokin' hot. I have sampled the wares of many a lovely lass in my day....but DAMN!

She's man faced and fake titted. I guess if you're into that sort of thing...

If I was going to spend $130,000 to fuck a woman - it sure as hell wouldn't be Stormy Daniels.

Amen! Who wants to spend $130,000 to have sex with a porn star who has had all her orifices reamed out thousands of times?
Stephanie Clifford aka "Stormy Daniels" is smokin' hot. I have sampled the wares of many a lovely lass in my day....but DAMN!

She's man faced and fake titted. I guess if you're into that sort of thing...

If I was going to spend $130,000 to fuck a woman - it sure as hell wouldn't be Stormy Daniels.

Amen! Who wants to spend $130,000 to have sex with a woman who has had all her orifices reamed out thousands of times?

Why don't you chill out on the slut-shaming? Or else I'll have to collect your sky-screaming liberal card.
Even Porn Stars want to sleep with him.
Uh....hey genius....porn stars will sleep with people who pay them money. You know , just in case you werent aware of what a "porn star" is....

I wouldn't call it "sleeping with". More like performing an extremely uncomfortable (often painful) naked dance routine with a bunch of cameras and slobs staring at you. Then having to stop and readjust and do everything over again 100 times.

I'm sure it's enjoyable sometimes, but there's a reason so many of them abuse drugs.

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