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About that "strikingly anti-Semitic" Trump ad the Jews are freaking out over...

So, by your argument, allowing Jews to live among us, then, is knowingly to embrace our own destruction and self-preservation would require the expulsion or elimination of Jews.
No i wouldn't especially since you cant tell me what NAFTA TPP or the WTO even are... much less why they are "destroying your community" considering every statistical analysis says they're are a benefit to americans. Except TPP which really isn't even in effect yet so it couldn't have destroyed anything but I'll let that one slide. Either way, I imagine you have just a handful of moral platitudes like "its taking er jerbs" or "its hurting the middle class" that your parroting from some conspiracy website your to embarrassed to list as a source, devoid of any numbers facts or statistics whatsoever.
So, what you are saying now, then, is that it is possible to debate the merits of open trade independently of one's love or hate for Jews?
of course
I guess I don't understand. For YOU it's ok to debate the merits of free trade, but if Trump does it, it's a dog whistle that proves he hates Jews?

You know what? That sounds like a vicious and dishonest tactic to poison the public debate, to me, not honest dialogue.

If you are a Jew, I submit this might qualify as an example of how you and all the other Jews out there this morning attacking Trump for his anti-Semitism are, in fact, making the case for actual anti-Semitism. Do you get it?

How about a little self-reflection on the part of the Jews, if they are capable? Unfortunately, I don't expect you will have the character--either for that self-reflection, or for admitting that I just owned your ass.
When the fuck has Trump ever "debated the merits of free trade" what are you a fucking moron?
Its obviously anti semetic

Point out specific points of anti-Semitism contained in the ad.
why? trump could grow a tiny mustache and start demanding jews be sent to the gas chambers and you would still defend him

Nope, doesn't count as answering "Point out specific points of anti-Semitism contained in the ad."
i did
No you didn't.
One thing you learn if you spend any time debating Jews is that Jews are never blameworthy as Jews. Ever. Not even a little bit.

As portrayed in The Holocaust, The Holocaust II, The Holocaust III...The Holocaust CCXLVII, Germans and Jews were living together harmoniously in 1930s Germany when one Thursday afternoon, without warning, a blast of "anti-Semitism" bombarded Germany from outer space instantly transforming Germans, an educated, intelligent, civilized people, into snarling, evil, blood-thirsty, irredeemable, genocidal, Satanic, subhuman monsters who suddenly hated Jews.

The Jews were only being more wonderful and more successful and more, you know, superior than the Germans and it was for this wonderfulness they were so hated. No other reason.

I just watched the "strikingly anti-Semitic" Trump ad that the Jews are now freaking out about. What makes it "anti-Semitic"? As the Daily Kos imbeciliat put it, the ad's four most recognizable villains are Hillary Clinton, Goldman-Sachs chairman Les Blankenfein, George Soros, and Janet Yellen. Three of those four, Soros, Blankenfein, and Yellen, are Jews! So the ad is anti-Semitic. See? Never mind the ad doesn't mention they are Jews. Never mind these three are in a montage of (less recognizable?) non-Jewish villains including Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and President Xi of China. Never mind that these three are, in fact, villains. The ad is "anti-Semitic". Like Germans. Which is why Trump is the new Hitler and why Jake Starkey's avatar is a Teuton. See? It all makes perfect sense. Now go back to your football game you were watching. Soros isn't done flooding your country with the Third World masses you need to cure you of your anti-Semitism.

The ad is great.

C'mon cnelsen. . . . .

If the Rothschild's love the Clintons. . . Why can't you?


Its obviously anti semetic

Point out specific points of anti-Semitism contained in the ad.
why? trump could grow a tiny mustache and start demanding jews be sent to the gas chambers and you would still defend him

Nope, doesn't count as answering "Point out specific points of anti-Semitism contained in the ad."
i did
No you didn't.
sure i did in the first post i made
Point out specific points of anti-Semitism contained in the ad.
why? trump could grow a tiny mustache and start demanding jews be sent to the gas chambers and you would still defend him

Nope, doesn't count as answering "Point out specific points of anti-Semitism contained in the ad."
i did
No you didn't.
sure i did in the first post i made
Nope, none of it had to do with anti-semitism.
One thing you learn if you spend any time debating Jews is that Jews are never blameworthy as Jews. Ever. Not even a little bit.

As portrayed in The Holocaust, The Holocaust II, The Holocaust III...The Holocaust CCXLVII, Germans and Jews were living together harmoniously in 1930s Germany when one Thursday afternoon, without warning, a blast of "anti-Semitism" bombarded Germany from outer space instantly transforming Germans, an educated, intelligent, civilized people, into snarling, evil, blood-thirsty, irredeemable, genocidal, Satanic, subhuman monsters who suddenly hated Jews.

The Jews were only being more wonderful and more successful and more, you know, superior than the Germans and it was for this wonderfulness they were so hated. No other reason.

I just watched the "strikingly anti-Semitic" Trump ad that the Jews are now freaking out about. What makes it "anti-Semitic"? As the Daily Kos imbeciliat put it, the ad's four most recognizable villains are Hillary Clinton, Goldman-Sachs chairman Les Blankenfein, George Soros, and Janet Yellen. Three of those four, Soros, Blankenfein, and Yellen, are Jews! So the ad is anti-Semitic. See? Never mind the ad doesn't mention they are Jews. Never mind these three are in a montage of (less recognizable?) non-Jewish villains including Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and President Xi of China. Never mind that these three are, in fact, villains. The ad is "anti-Semitic". Like Germans. Which is why Trump is the new Hitler and why Jake Starkey's avatar is a Teuton. See? It all makes perfect sense. Now go back to your football game you were watching. Soros isn't done flooding your country with the Third World masses you need to cure you of your anti-Semitism.

The ad is great.

C'mon cnelsen. . . . .

If the Rothschild's love the Clintons. . . Why can't you?



rothschilds? lol so we have gone from denying that trump is a neonazi to "maybe hitler had some good ideas, yeah get those jew rothschids out of the federal reserve".... no antisemitism here lol
Its obviously anti semetic

Point out specific points of anti-Semitism contained in the ad.
why? trump could grow a tiny mustache and start demanding jews be sent to the gas chambers and you would still defend him
Trump will start the for earnest complaint tomorrow night that the election was rigged, and cnelsen and you, billy, will support him.

The truth is that Trump and his minions do not accept our electoral process because the majority reject Trump and you and the values you espouse.

It's rigged regardless. The question is whether Trump can muster enough voters to beat the rigging.
Its obviously anti semetic

Point out specific points of anti-Semitism contained in the ad.
why? trump could grow a tiny mustache and start demanding jews be sent to the gas chambers and you would still defend him
Trump will start the for earnest complaint tomorrow night that the election was rigged, and cnelsen and you, billy, will support him.

The truth is that Trump and his minions do not accept our electoral process because the majority reject Trump and you and the values you espouse.

It's rigged regardless. The question is whether Trump can muster enough voters to beat the rigging.
Trump is the one trying to do the rigging.
One thing you learn if you spend any time debating Jews is that Jews are never blameworthy as Jews. Ever. Not even a little bit.

As portrayed in The Holocaust, The Holocaust II, The Holocaust III...The Holocaust CCXLVII, Germans and Jews were living together harmoniously in 1930s Germany when one Thursday afternoon, without warning, a blast of "anti-Semitism" bombarded Germany from outer space instantly transforming Germans, an educated, intelligent, civilized people, into snarling, evil, blood-thirsty, irredeemable, genocidal, Satanic, subhuman monsters who suddenly hated Jews.

The Jews were only being more wonderful and more successful and more, you know, superior than the Germans and it was for this wonderfulness they were so hated. No other reason.

I just watched the "strikingly anti-Semitic" Trump ad that the Jews are now freaking out about. What makes it "anti-Semitic"? As the Daily Kos imbeciliat put it, the ad's four most recognizable villains are Hillary Clinton, Goldman-Sachs chairman Les Blankenfein, George Soros, and Janet Yellen. Three of those four, Soros, Blankenfein, and Yellen, are Jews! So the ad is anti-Semitic. See? Never mind the ad doesn't mention they are Jews. Never mind these three are in a montage of (less recognizable?) non-Jewish villains including Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and President Xi of China. Never mind that these three are, in fact, villains. The ad is "anti-Semitic". Like Germans. Which is why Trump is the new Hitler and why Jake Starkey's avatar is a Teuton. See? It all makes perfect sense. Now go back to your football game you were watching. Soros isn't done flooding your country with the Third World masses you need to cure you of your anti-Semitism.

The ad is great.

C'mon cnelsen. . . . .

If the Rothschild's love the Clintons. . . Why can't you?



rothschilds? lol so we have gone from denying that trump is a neonazi to "maybe hitler had some good ideas, yeah get those jew rothschids out of the federal reserve".... no antisemitism here lol

You're a certified idiot, you know that? Just because you stand against someone's internationalist political leanings does not make one an anti-semite. I stand against Rockefeller's internationalist ideals as well the Clinton's globalist leanings, and they are not Jews. Am I anti-semetic against the Rockefellers and Clintons?


Stop being such an idiot. Learn what antisemitism is, and stop using it as a victimization card.

Here are examples of REAL antisemitism. Now go sit down.

Global Anti-Semitism: Selected Incidents Around the World in 2012
December 31, 2012
Global Anti-Semitism: Selected Incidents Around the World in 2012

Having discussions about whether local populations will have political autonomy from internationalist institutions is not antisemitic. If you think it does, go fuck yourself.

And I don't even know if you are a Jew. If you happen to be, I guess that makes me antisemitic, doesn't it? :lmao:
Point out specific points of anti-Semitism contained in the ad.
why? trump could grow a tiny mustache and start demanding jews be sent to the gas chambers and you would still defend him
Trump will start the for earnest complaint tomorrow night that the election was rigged, and cnelsen and you, billy, will support him.

The truth is that Trump and his minions do not accept our electoral process because the majority reject Trump and you and the values you espouse.

It's rigged regardless. The question is whether Trump can muster enough voters to beat the rigging.
Trump is the one trying to do the rigging.

Feel free to detail your statement.
Point out specific points of anti-Semitism contained in the ad.
why? trump could grow a tiny mustache and start demanding jews be sent to the gas chambers and you would still defend him
Trump will start the for earnest complaint tomorrow night that the election was rigged, and cnelsen and you, billy, will support him.

The truth is that Trump and his minions do not accept our electoral process because the majority reject Trump and you and the values you espouse.

It's rigged regardless. The question is whether Trump can muster enough voters to beat the rigging.
Trump is the one trying to do the rigging.
So, what you are saying now, then, is that it is possible to debate the merits of open trade independently of one's love or hate for Jews?
So you are saying that you love conspiracy propaganda mills.
LOL, yes, that's what I'm saying.
Exactly. The fascist far right and their alt right supports love Russia because it is anti-democratic.
Ow, that hurt. Great insight.
Sarcasm aside, you agree that you are anti-democratic.
Neither for nor against it, and it certainly has nothing to do with how I feel about Russia (which is only that we shouldn't let ourselves be buffaloed into war with her like we allowed Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith and AIPAC dupe us into war with Iraq). Democracy--majority rule--is fine, depending on whether the majority is responsible, capable, and benign. If the majority is irresponsible, incapable, and hostile then democracy is bad.
why? trump could grow a tiny mustache and start demanding jews be sent to the gas chambers and you would still defend him
Trump will start the for earnest complaint tomorrow night that the election was rigged, and cnelsen and you, billy, will support him.

The truth is that Trump and his minions do not accept our electoral process because the majority reject Trump and you and the values you espouse.

It's rigged regardless. The question is whether Trump can muster enough voters to beat the rigging.
Trump is the one trying to do the rigging.

Feel free to detail your statement.
When you give absolute evidence of your premise, I will do the same. In the meantime, the far and alt right failed no matter how hard it tried to rig the election.
Its obviously anti semetic but his entire campaign is driven by anti semetic conspiracy theories, some of them couldve been written by Goebells himself, his constant media and press bashing always with the dogwhiste term "liberal media", the targeting of george soros who is maybe 10% as involved in US elections as just one of the Koch bros, but that doesn't stop him from being the constant target of various white supremacist groups and conspiracy theories. His attacks on anonymous:"globalists" another dogwhistle for jews and their influencing the banks and the elections bringing in immigrants to purposely kill off white people, something the twitter user "whitegenocide" talks about endlessly and trump loves to retweet from him. There's really no attack or criticism on any wealthy people from Trump that is not directed towards conspiracy theories about jews.

"GLOBALIST" does not equal "JEW" even in the islamo Nazi literature. ----you are confused. You are alluding to the islamo Nazi concept that "wealthy" means "jew" I understand you very well. I read the islamo Nazi propaganda as a child. I grew up a bit and encountered hardcore islamo Nazis educated in PAKISTAN. They learned to parrot islamo Nazi propaganda even before they
could parrot the Koran. For them "wealthy" means "jew" too. Long long ago one of Pakistanis I knew well-----a surgeon ---intern---told me that the then governor of New
York----Nelson Rockefellar "is a jew". I said "no---he is a
protestant---what makes you think he is a jew"?----the answer
from the young Pakistani surgeon was----"of course he is a jew----he has all that money" Then I got older and did some time in the Navy------the most moronic recruits from
the deep south knew the same stuff. Are you in Alabama or
See Godwin's law.
Calling fascists on the American far right what they are is not Godwin's law in action.

It is a fact. They are anti-democracy, authoritarian, burdened with white supremacism and sexism rooted in cultural and social taboos.

Live it, own it.
not anti-semitic. -----
You are sure? I mean, are you really really sure?

I am a jew-----I am in contact with lots of jews. I have not SPECIFICALLY discussed the Trump ad with anyone except
for hubby who reads the Israeli papers every day. No comments on HYSTERICAL jews so far. You got a citation?
Google this: trump ad anti-Semitic

google this: Hillary as communist or globalist
I am not impressed by this kind of stupid stuff
not anti-semitic. -----
You are sure? I mean, are you really really sure?

I am a jew-----I am in contact with lots of jews. I have not SPECIFICALLY discussed the Trump ad with anyone except
for hubby who reads the Israeli papers every day. No comments on HYSTERICAL jews so far. You got a citation?
At first lets face the fact that the media determine if the Jews are upset, not the Jews themselves. So all the Jews you know could have seen the ad without noticing anything anti-semitic - the media still could. In the end the ad is critical towards persons that are Jews. And criticism towards Jews is always anti-semitism in disguise, you know? Always! No exceptions! Your Clinton News Network...

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