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Sky Dancer said:
I did not call YOU an idiot. Intense called ME an idiot. Nice trick though. Editing the post to make it look like I said that to you. Shame on you.

For you to blame me for doing that on purpose shows that you are far too assuming about my thoughts and actions.

You apologized. I accepted. You made an honest mistake. I'm not a mind reader. I can only respond to what you say.

You assumed that I called you an idiot. I didn't.

No, I didn't even assume. I mistook the post for yours.

You don't have to apologize for mistaking and assuming my intent.

That's fine. It was my mistake. I accept and apologized for it regardless of any part you have played.

I would like others to note that Sky Dancer is more than willing to accept an apology for my error but is completely unwilling to look at her assuming of my intent and indicting me for my assumed intent.

Such are philosophers. Unwilling to stand to the acts on the ground 'even when they are their own acts.'

But willing to discuss the acts in the mind and discharge onus of personal acts.
When you're able to post civilly, without name calling, I will respond to your ideas.

After 5 Pages of mindless babbling, what else could you possibly have to add??? Face it, your premise was flawed. You will eventually come to terms with that.Funny, my approach was subtle compared to yours. Life is strange, huh.....

When you can post to me without insult I will respond to your ideas. One way to silence the opposition is to label the argument as 'mindless babble'.

Why is it no one ever mentions the religions of the terrorists of Northern Ireland, of Sri Lanka, of Japan, of Germany and of many other countries or people. When Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina were being slaughtered by the Serbs, there was no mention of Christian Orthodox terrorists. These Christian Orthodox terrorists killed far more people than were killed on September 11. The world did not mobilise to fight Christian Orthodox terrorists.

OMG!!! You are still here Talking to me while appearing to not be talking to me. I am so touched. We are talking about Islam here in this Specific Thread, in answer to a question Posed by Sunni in another Thread, specifically in response to a question Sunni asked of me. This Thread was started, to try to avoid the other Thread, which is about helping the People of Bahrain get the Current News out about the Nonviolent Protest, and to bring Light and awareness, in the hope of saving lives.

Feel free to start a Thread on the Serbs, or the Abuses of Christians, be careful not to step on one of the many currently going on right now, that is so easy to do.
This Thread is not about Condemning Islam, but, separating the Wheat from the Chaff within it. Let's distinguish between an Individual's Right of Freedom of Religion, and the Will to Impose that Religion on Others through Force.

Think of Islam today as Christianity was 500 or 1000 years ago.

Yes and the backwards acts are happening today.
This Thread is not about Condemning Islam, but, separating the Wheat from the Chaff within it. Let's distinguish between an Individual's Right of Freedom of Religion, and the Will to Impose that Religion on Others through Force.

Think of Islam today as Christianity was 500 or 1000 years ago.

Yes and the backwards acts are happening today.

Look at the changes in Christianity in our life time. Monumental.
The thread started off pretty good. But...not all good things last I guess.
Look at the changes in Christianity in our life time. Monumental.

Yes, I don't see swift changes in the Muslim psyche. :eusa_shhh:

It could happen. :eusa_pray:
I have no problem with Muslims. I have a problem with those Muslims who murder innocent people in the name of a deity that is ashamed of their actions. I feel sorry for those Muslims who are ignorant of acceptance of other people. They are to be pitied. Ignorance is not a good thing and to choose to be ignorant instead of educating yourself is very sad.

Not sure where you come up with the bold part, Islamic scripture leaves no doubt only muslims are innocent . None muslims are wrongdoers commiting a sin against allah.
You keep repeating the definition of peace in Islam that is translated as submission or surrender to God.

There is nothing wrong with that definition of peace. 'Surrender yourself to Jesus', says Billy Graham.

Surrender the ego, and find awareness itself, says the Buddhist.

But they mean different things. Submission in Islam is interpreted differently as is surrender.

But of course, you like the philosophy of the words in Western definitions.

Then you blame me for a view that is arguably held?


And blaming me for the difference in interpretations is a major fail.

If you wanted to discuss what's wrong with Sharia Law as it's practiced in Islamic theocracies in the Middle East, we would find lots of common ground.

Instead, you assert that Islam is inherently violent and evil. I disagree. We're at an impasse.
If by inherently violent , inherently violent do to scripture and evil from the standard of from a western POV .
(Free speech freedom of conscience personal liberty non violent )

Then yes Islam is inherently violent and evil.
The impasse is cuased by you alone
because you are unwilling to examine the facts on your own you have made up your mind and will not be swayed.
After 5 Pages of mindless babbling, what else could you possibly have to add??? Face it, your premise was flawed. You will eventually come to terms with that.Funny, my approach was subtle compared to yours. Life is strange, huh.....

When you can post to me without insult I will respond to your ideas. One way to silence the opposition is to label the argument as 'mindless babble'.

Why is it no one ever mentions the religions of the terrorists of Northern Ireland, of Sri Lanka, of Japan, of Germany and of many other countries or people. When Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina were being slaughtered by the Serbs, there was no mention of Christian Orthodox terrorists. These Christian Orthodox terrorists killed far more people than were killed on September 11. The world did not mobilise to fight Christian Orthodox terrorists.

OMG!!! You are still here Talking to me while appearing to not be talking to me. I am so touched. We are talking about Islam here in this Specific Thread, in answer to a question Posed by Sunni in another Thread, specifically in response to a question Sunni asked of me. This Thread was started, to try to avoid the other Thread, which is about helping the People of Bahrain get the Current News out about the Nonviolent Protest, and to bring Light and awareness, in the hope of saving lives.

Feel free to start a Thread on the Serbs, or the Abuses of Christians, be careful not to step on one of the many currently going on right now, that is so easy to do.

My mistake. Next time you start a thread just be clear that no opposing views are welcome and I won't waste my time.

See ya.
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The quality of most polemicist websites in terms of accuracy and bias tends to be pretty dreadful; these websites are generally operated by people with no background in Islamic studies and they exist merely to capitalize on anti-Muslim sentiment and make people feel justified in their bigotry by furnishing them with half-truths and laughably inaccurate scriptural interpretations. The only criticism of Islam that I've found the least bit thought-provoking comes from books written by people who exhibit a degree of familiarity with the religion beyond what a person might learn by flipping through an English translation of the Qur'an or reading the myopic musings of certain excessively legalistic 'scholars'. Lewis, Watt, and certain others criticize from positions of knowledge; pseudo-scholars like Spencer and most internet resources criticize from ignorance and are useless to anyone in pursuit of well-grounded criticism.
Philosophy matters not to the acts on the ground.

That's the proof of reality.
When you can post to me without insult I will respond to your ideas. One way to silence the opposition is to label the argument as 'mindless babble'.

Why is it no one ever mentions the religions of the terrorists of Northern Ireland, of Sri Lanka, of Japan, of Germany and of many other countries or people. When Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina were being slaughtered by the Serbs, there was no mention of Christian Orthodox terrorists. These Christian Orthodox terrorists killed far more people than were killed on September 11. The world did not mobilise to fight Christian Orthodox terrorists.

OMG!!! You are still here Talking to me while appearing to not be talking to me. I am so touched. We are talking about Islam here in this Specific Thread, in answer to a question Posed by Sunni in another Thread, specifically in response to a question Sunni asked of me. This Thread was started, to try to avoid the other Thread, which is about helping the People of Bahrain get the Current News out about the Nonviolent Protest, and to bring Light and awareness, in the hope of saving lives.

Feel free to start a Thread on the Serbs, or the Abuses of Christians, be careful not to step on one of the many currently going on right now, that is so easy to do.

My mistake. Next time you start a thread just be clear that no opposing views are welcome and I won't waste my time.

See ya.

It's not about your opposing views, it is about your lack of comprehension and your form.
The quality of most polemicist websites in terms of accuracy and bias tends to be pretty dreadful; these websites are generally operated by people with no background in Islamic studies and they exist merely to capitalize on anti-Muslim sentiment and make people feel justified in their bigotry by furnishing them with half-truths and laughably inaccurate scriptural interpretations. The only criticism of Islam that I've found the least bit thought-provoking comes from books written by people who exhibit a degree of familiarity with the religion beyond what a person might learn by flipping through an English translation of the Qur'an or reading the myopic musings of certain excessively legalistic 'scholars'. Lewis, Watt, and certain others criticize from positions of knowledge; pseudo-scholars like Spencer and most internet resources criticize from ignorance and are useless to anyone in pursuit of well-grounded criticism.

.... Said the Spider to the fly...... ;)

You need Reform Kalam, desperately. The Predatory characteristics need to go.
Philosophy matters not to the acts on the ground.
It does as soon as you attempt to ascribe 'acts' to a 'philosophy.' I think you overestimate the extent of your knowledge concerning both the religion and the events you associate with it, albeit not to the extent that others here do so.
I see. You're committed to bringing down Islam all over the world. Are you an apocalyse guy?

Words are going to do what? Discussion on a political forum with many dissenters is going to bring Islam down?

Come on, chill. These are words on a forum. What will happen, will happen regardless of our views.

Much ado...

Calm down yourself. Some folks promote war with Islamic countries because they believe in the end times.

I see. You're committed to bringing down Islam all over the world. Are you an apocalypse kind of guy? Not enough warfare in the world for you?

This Thread is not about Condemning Islam, but, separating the Wheat from the Chaff within it. Let's distinguish between an Individual's Right of Freedom of Religion, and the Will to Impose that Religion on Others through Force.

Bullshit. This thread is a complete condemnation of Muslims all over the world.

Great Ice Breakers. You could easily work for the State Department.
Kalam meet Sky Dancer.

Enjoy your philosophies.

I look at the works on the ground and tie them to the words in the book. :)

But let me be clear. I believe that no books created to fight evil are created by evil. I have never said otherwise.

Interpretation is the issue. (IMHO)

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