Absolutely disgusting! US cluster munitions targets civilians in Sevastopol

Your tax dollars at work

As feared, US drone directs terrorist cluster munitions strike on residential section of Sevastopol

WWIII as October surprise to keep Biden and democrat Party competitive?

Putin once again offered a peace deal, then we do this

Putin started this and can go home anytime he wants...

He does need apologists like you.

Ukraine was attacked, this is there home, they can't retreat...

How bout Russians fuck off back home..

Your tax dollars at work

As feared, US drone directs terrorist cluster munitions strike on residential section of Sevastopol

WWIII as October surprise to keep Biden and democrat Party competitive?

Putin once again offered a peace deal, then we do this


This is MTG instagram account, same place we heard about Jewish Space Lazers...

Your tax dollars at work

As feared, US drone directs terrorist cluster munitions strike on residential section of Sevastopol

WWIII as October surprise to keep Biden and democrat Party competitive?

Putin once again offered a peace deal, then we do this

US supplied the weapons, so what... That is a commercial sale...

Ukraine is defending itself with those weapons...

Could the Russian Traitors here please stop supporting the enemy, you just make us pity you... You are been led around by a dictator who wishes harm on the US... You look like gulible fools, you are Fredo...
Russia didn't do anything we wouldn't have done.

There was an agreement. No eastward expansion of NATO. If NATO expands into Ukraine that allows arms to be placed on Russia's borders.

We would start a war if someone decided to place arms on our borders. We nearly did in Cuba.

If we don't agree to arm Ukraine and go back on our earlier agreements, there is no war.
In all fairness, Russia can fuck off...

Ukraine has been dealing with Russian interference in there country for decades... They came to EU and NATO for help to stop this type of corruption and undermining of their country.

Russia wanted proxy control..

Well they can fuck off... Ukraine wants to be part of EU and the advantages it brings to their people. That upsets Russia because they won't live under a defacto dictator with corruption and stealing off the people.

Ukraine will be came a part of EU and NATO, they will have the protections of both organisations. Russia will be told to fuck off and mind their own country...

By the Way... Belarus will fall after them... Why live in poverty when all around you is prosperous and happy..
In all fairness, Russia can fuck off...

Ukraine has been dealing with Russian interference in there country for decades... They came to EU and NATO for help to stop this type of corruption and undermining of their country.

Ukraine needs no help in the corruption department.

Russia wanted proxy control..

Well they can fuck off... Ukraine wants to be part of EU and the advantages it brings to their people. That upsets Russia because they won't live under a defacto dictator with corruption and stealing off the people.

Ukraine will be came a part of EU and NATO, they will have the protections of both organisations. Russia will be told to fuck off and mind their own country...

By the Way... Belarus will fall after them... Why live in poverty when all around you is prosperous and happy..

Let NATO deal with it then.
If you can even admit to yourself that we have been in the business of interfering with sovereign nations, assassinating our perceived enemies, fomenting revolutions and regime changes non stop to achieve a preconceived goal, do you for one minute think that the people doing this would draw the line at manipulating our own people and government if it was contrary to their plans? Just think or one minute. Then it will start to make real sense, not that we are surrounded by danger from everyone.
Read you own list...

A lot of those attacked US first...
So what happened the last time a dictator invaded countries in Europe and went unchecked?

Invaded "A" country and I've already explained how and why we would have done the same.

Noted, we have invaded, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Iraq, etc, etc, etc.

Seems patriotic when we do it.
Pay wall...

Try some thing without it...

First, it’s necessary to be precise about the scale of the problem. Because corruption is hidden, estimating its scale is always problematic. According to the most widely cited source—the annual ranking of corruption by Transparency International (TI)—Ukraine has scored poorly for decades. As late as 2016, amid major anti-corruption reforms, TI’s survey still judged Ukraine to be as corrupt as Russia. The most recent TI index suggests that Ukraine has made some strides since then, but it still ranks 104th among 180 countries. Denmark is ranked first—meaning that it is perceived as cleanest—while Russia ranks 141st.

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