ACA: Repeal and Delay?

Perhaps it's time to just cut through all the bullshit and institute Nationalized Healthcare for everybody?

Zero cost to the Citizen-Consumer, at point-of-service; 100% coverage; no deductibles, no co-pays.

Everybody goes into the same National Pool.

Citizens, military, government employees, elected officials, etc.


We can begin to pay for it by (metaphorically, financially) raping Corporatists, as a "Thank You" for the way they've been raping America for decades.

Increase-the-shit out of taxes on the rich, and on corporations - while making it so painful for them to leave the country, that they'd rather stay and pay the taxes.

Phukk 'em.

And, for those who say "The government should not be in the business of providing or regulating healthcare"... well... enjoy your last little 'hurrah' with 45...

Because, after he's gone, your day is done... quite probably, forevermore.

But, seriously...

We will not move on Nationalized Healthcare while the present Republican control over all three branches of government, remains in-place; however...

The next time a window of opportunity opens, it may be time to bite the bullet, push way-the-phukk beyond ObamaCare, take the best from several of the European healthcare systems, and roll our own better hybrid; putting several healthcare-centric insurance companies out of business along the way.

And, if we start running short of funds to pay for Nationalized Healthcare, we can trim some more fat from Congress and Corporations, to shore-up the scheme; over and above whatever we'd charge each Citizen (through taxes) for his/her/its Universal Coverage.

If the Pubs screw the pooch on this one... tweaking healthcare in 2017... and they will... the retards can't help themselves... they love shooting themselves in the foot...

The Next-Gen LibProg administration will roll out a national healthcare system that will make Conservatives wail and gnash their teeth and tear their hair-shirts and pour earth over their heads in mourning over an irreversible healthcare program - too popular and too deeply entrenched to ever un-do it; dug-in far deeper than ObamaCare ever was.

Next time, the LibProgs are going to cook-up something EuroCare-ish that the Pubs will never be able to un-do without fomenting insurrection.

In the words of that old cajun TV chef Justin Wilson... "I gare-ronnnnn-teeee"

It will take a few years before the (equally retarded) Dem-Lib-Progs regain substantive political power, but, when they do...

This will be one of their primary platform planks, and they'll not only get elected (in part) on that plank, but they'll go through with it, next time, and get away with it...

Given that they'll have Landslide -proportion backing in both chambers of Congress, as well as the White House... the inevitable aftermath of the nightmare that is Forty Five.


< puts away crystal ball and chuckles >

Authoritarian's wet dream.

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